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Disney Getaway Blast
Disney Getaway Blast
7.0 (1 Ratings)
App Rating
Designs (0 more)
Nothing new loses points (0 more)
Well balanced puzzle game
This is a really well balanced, fun, entertaining and colourful puzzle game you would expect from Disney. There is nothing new on show however but the unlocking of new characters and abilities with it limited story keeps you coming back for more
1984 | Game Show
7.9 (16 Ratings)
TV Show Rating
Alex trebeck (0 more)
Love this game show watch it all the time on netflix and sometimes when I'm visiting my dad in america. The show is easy Alex trebeck gives u the answer so what is the question. I surprise myself sometimes when I know the answers on the board and sometimes final jeopardy
Game Of Thrones  - Season 4
Game Of Thrones - Season 4
2014 | Sci-Fi
The show has the blood and gore that a show set during the medieval period would expect to have. There are also some new wrinkles sprinkled into some of these battles, particularly the one at the Wall
Critic- Ryan Keefer
Original Score: 4.5 out of 5

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Game Of Thrones  - Season 3
Game Of Thrones - Season 3
2013 | Sci-Fi
The quality of acting, story, and set-production has not dropped at all since Game of Thrones aired. It is rising up the ranks to receiving the title of 'Greatest Show of all Time.'
Critic- Ben Russell
Original Score: 4.5 out of 5

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The Red Dragon Inn 5
The Red Dragon Inn 5
2015 | Card Game, Fantasy, Humor, Medieval, Party Game
Now drink!
This is a fun game to play with a mixed group of people. We all get to drink each other under the table, and everyone he’s a little magic up their sleeve. I played as the Bard and I really got to show my creativity to some of my professors while playing this game.

Kevin Phillipson (9958 KP) rated the PlayStation 3 version of South Park: The Stick of Truth in Video Games

May 8, 2019  
South Park: The Stick of Truth
South Park: The Stick of Truth
Eric cartman (1 more)
South park
This game may not to be to everyones taste but it's kinda fun game u get to play as new character who gets to enteract with characters from the show including Eric cartman my favourite south park character. Definitely gonna play this to the end on my PS4 and see where we go from here

Sarah (7798 KP) rated Game Of Thrones in TV

Jul 25, 2017  
Game Of Thrones
Game Of Thrones
2011 | Adventure, Drama, Fantasy
Possibly the best TV show ever created
It isn't a small claim to say something is the best show ever created, but I reckon Game of Thrones is the only show to really deserve that title.
It's epic in every respect. The effects, the characters, the plot in general real. It keeps you watching every episode and with the constant twists and shocks, you never can be sure what will happen, even to your favourite characters.
I've even managed to forgive the show for slightly deviating from the books, it's that good. The only negative is that one day the show will end, although we can guarantee there it will be a spectacular ending.
If you're into fantasy or anything similar, you have to watch this show.
Skull King
Skull King
2013 | Card Game, Pirates
Love this trick taking game. Fairly simple to learn and quick to play. Something we break out while waiting for players to show. If you like spades Skull King adds a fun twist. Scoring is the most difficult part to learn.
Between Two Cities
Between Two Cities
2015 | City Building, Civilization
Easy Quick Turns (3 more)
Interesting with working together, but still a high scoring winner
Partnerships and working together with you neighbor
Great filler game for between games or starting the night waiting for people to show up.
not much depth in base game (0 more)
Great Quick Game for more people than most games.
I really like this game, it's a great light game with just enough decisions to be interesting, but it doesn't hold up for multiple plays in a row, each game lasts 15 - 20 minutes depending on the speed of the players. I love this game as a game to play when you start game night and people are still showing up. I also like this one a lot as a game to end the night and peoples brains aren't working as well based on alcohol or just exhuastion. It's also great with newbies and non gamers. The drafting mechanism is easily taught and doesn't take long, usually newbies want to play another one immediately afterwards once they understand what they are doing.

Akward (448 KP) Jul 30, 2018

The short games are a huge selling point. Honestly, I'll end up buying this just because it's made by Stonemaier games. Even if it's one of their earlier games before they really found their stride, I still really love who they are and what they've done.


The Marinated Meeple (1848 KP) Jul 31, 2018

The also have an expansion for it which adds a little, and makes it more fun. I've not bought it yet, but I will.

Castle: The Detective Card Game
Castle: The Detective Card Game
2013 | Card Game, Murder & Mystery
Let’s talk about TV for a second.What would be your all-time favorite TV show? For me, that answer is Castle. I had never heard of it until college, when it was already in its 5th season, but I instantly loved it. I may or may not have gone out and bought all of the seasons to binge watch, and now own all 8 seasons of the show. If you ask me, the series ended too soon, but that’s a conversation for another forum. Anyway, where was I? Oh yeah, games. One wonderful Christmas morning, I opened up a present under the tree and found myself face to face with a Castle card game! I didn’t even know that one existed, but I was so eager to play! Does this game based around my favorite TV show actually play well, or does the attempt to turn this show into a game fall flat?

In Castle: The Detective Card Game (referred to as just Castle for the rest of this review) is a murder-mystery card game in which players assume the role of a character from the show, and work to gather evidence and conduct investigations in order to solve the murder at hand! To set up a game, give every player a Character card that represents one of the main characters from the show. Each Character card has a unique Special Ability to be used during play. Shuffle the Suspect cards, and randomly draw five to be placed face-up in the middle of the table. Select one Guilty token and four Not Guilty tokens – shuffle them together face-down and then place one token on each of the Suspect cards. Shuffle the deck of Investigation cards, deal 3 to each player, place the remaining cards into a Draw deck, and the game is ready to begin!

Moving in clockwise order, players will take turns performing one of the following actions: Draw a card, Discard one card to draw two cards, Play a Special Text card, Use your Special Ability, or Confront a Suspect. The first two actions regarding drawing cards are pretty self-explanatory. Throughout the game, you might draw into your hand an Investigation card with Special Text. You may play a Special Text card, and perform the specified action on your turn. Each Character has a Special Ability that can be used once per game, so plan wisely and use it appropriately! The last action, Confront a Suspect, is what the entire game is leading to. In order to Confront a Suspect, you must have the three Investigation cards listed on the bottom of the Suspect card in hand. When performing this action, you will reveal the three requisite Investigation cards, and then you flip the token on that Suspect card. If the token reads Guilty, then you have won the game! If the token reads Not Guilty, perform the action listed on the token, remove that Suspect and token from the game, discard your used Investigation cards, and play continue with a narrowed Suspect pool! The goal is to be the first player to find the Guilty party before the Draw deck runs out of cards.
Pretty straight-forward, right? I think so, and that’s one of the things I really like about this game. The gameplay is fast and simple, and makes for a quick little set collection game. Another neat element of this game is that although it is based around the Castle TV show, you do not need to have watched any of the show to play. Anyone can play and not feel like they are missing any vital information if they haven’t seen the show, and that makes it accessible to all players, not just fans of the show.

Even though I love the show, I have to admit that the gameplay, although fast and simple, is heavily dependent on the luck of the draw. Throughout the game, you are working to collect sets of the necessary Investigation cards for individual suspects, but the only way in which cards are distributed is through drawing them from the deck. There isn’t an offering that you ‘pay’ certain resources for coveted cards, there’s no real way to know in advance what card you are going to draw, etc. It really depends on how the deck was shuffled whether you will be successful or not. There are no real opportunities to strategize, and that keeps the overall gameplay kind of stagnant. Yes, there are Special Text cards and each Character has a unique ability, but deciding when to use them is kind of a shot in the dark due to the dependence on luck.

Let’s talk components for a minute. All of the Investigation and Character cards use photos or stills from the actual TV show. Again, you need not have watched it to play, but the use of the stills makes the game more immersive and nostalgic for those that have seen it. I love looking at the cards and trying to remember from which episode each still is, and if I remember who the killer was in that specific scenario. It’s just a fun little thing. The cards are all of good sturdy quality and will hold up decently in the long run. The Guilty/Not Guilty tokens in this game are some thick and heavy poker chips and they are AWESOME. They are so high quality, I just love to manipulate them, and they add some cool ‘bling’ to the game.
All in all, is Castle a great card game? No, not necessarily. It is a fun little murder mystery game, but not one that requires and real strategy or brain power to successfully play. Do I like it though? Absolutely, because it is based on my favorite show! If you’re looking for a nice filler game, or a game that doesn’t require too much focus, give Castle: The Detective Card Game a shot. That being said, I feel like only fans of the show will be trying this game, but I guess you can prove me wrong! Purple Phoenix Games give this a mischievous 6 / 12.