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Balloons for Tiger
Balloons for Tiger
Lori Orlinsky | 2021 | Children
I am sure most, if not everyone as lost a pet or two in their lifetime. Whether you were a child yourself or you are a parent of one. I am sure it has been hard to tell your child or children about pet loss. Well, this book is called "Balloons for Tiger" is a book about pet loss.

It can show you how to deal with pet loss with your child or children. It is a good one for children to understand a pet's death, but that their pet's love is continual with them; It may help open your child or children to talk about their loss of their favorite pet.

You never know, maybe your child will want to send balloons to their lovely pet in haven. They will show it back in another way. You may find another way to show your child grief for their precious pet. It is suitable for adults as well.

This book reminded me of my loving cat that has passed away. I loved Pumpkin dearly, and I still miss him today, And it has been two or three years since the cat passed. I keep him and his brother. We couldn't own one and let the other one go. His name is Pumpkin, and I still love him, and his brother Patches is still around somewhere in the neighborhood.

I miss my little boy. He was just so cuddly and my reading buddy. This book reminded me to keep those memories alive, and I will send my love for him. I hope to see him on the rainbow bridge when coming home to be with him.

Children will love this book. Parents will like it as well. It got some good tips in the back of the book to help guide or guide children with talking about pet loss or ideas to deal with the loss of a pet. The book is good even if you lose a pet that is not a cat. You can change the pet to a fish if you so wish. Or even a dog. The pet can signify adjusted to whatever pet you want it to be for your family. Pets are family members too.

Dave Eggers recommended Local Hero (1983) in Movies (curated)

Local Hero (1983)
Local Hero (1983)
1983 | Comedy, Drama
7.5 (2 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"If I had to have one favorite movie that I’ve seen a hundred times, it’s probably that. I’m not really sure why I first liked it; I must have been fourteen or something like that when I first saw it. It’s always meant so much to me. Peter Riegert plays a maybe 40-year-old businessman who’s in the oil business and is called and sent up to the coast of Scotland to look into buying some land where they found some oil and he has to negotiate with the local village. [He] thinks it’s going to be a very tough thing to sort of uproot all these people, [and] the comedy is that they’re only too happy to sell out. They’re just trying to negotiate the price up as much as possible. It unfolds at its own pace, and he falls in love with this town and with the sea and cares less and less about the deal. He more and more wants to trade places with the local innkeeper and move to this town and stay there. A beautifully made film and I feel like there was a rash of movies right afterward that sort of tried to capture what he achieved. These people sort of coming to some little town and being transformed. It’s so touching and so funny and warm, and has so many moments of grief and elegance and delicacy. It’s got beautiful music by Mark Knopfler. That might have been the first movie that I felt that strongly about at that sort of formative time. But it’s very strange to feel like that’s the movie, you know? It doesn’t have some young protagonist. [But] from then on I was obsessed with Scotland and Ireland. Wanting desperately to go up there, and then when I did, it was very similar to that feeling. I went [on] a Bill Forsyth binge and watched all of his movies, like Gregory’s Two Girls, and Comfort and Joy, and Breaking In, even, with Burt Reynolds of all people. I wish he were still making movies."

The Beauty of Your Face
The Beauty of Your Face
Sahar Mustafah | 2020 | Fiction & Poetry, History & Politics, Mind, Body & Spiritual, Religion
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
You can also read my review at my blog -" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">

The Beauty of Your Face by Sahar Mustafah is a poignantly written story of a Muslim Palestinian family living in America which challenges stereotypes and prejudice through rich characterisation and a moving plotline.

The novel follows the life of Afaf Rahman, beginning at the nail-biting attack of a white extremist at the Muslim high-school of which Afaf is principal. The story then begins to intersperse these dramatic present day events with flashbacks of Afaf’s past, telling us of how an equally devastating event has destructive repercussions upon her family affecting profoundly the woman Afaf has become.

When Afaf was a girl her sister disappears. Each member of the family is impacted by this differently and we see how the different emotions they experience sadly divides the home, leading each of the characters to become more and more isolated in their private, emotional turmoil, unable to share this pain with anyone else.

The emotional level of this book is deep and Mustafah skillfully draws the reader to understand the emotions of each member of the Rahman family, and we become empathetic observers of their descent to a fragmented family torn apart by their grief.

Yet the present day Afaf we meet at the beginning of the book is a strong woman of faith, who appears to be far removed from the young girl of her past. As we journey alongside her we see how her tragic life experiences are not merely deeply painful, but formative and how her Muslim faith becomes the pillar to which she is able to cling and withstand the most horrific of circumstances.

The Beauty of Your Face explores what it means to be a Muslim living in a Western country developing a narrative pursuing themes of assimilation, xenophobia, racism, identity and forgiveness. It is harrowing and shocking at times and does not balk from describing the ugliness of prejudice and racial hatred. Yet, Mustafah ultimately tells a tale of redemption and hope, showing that we can transcend these attitudes and grow instead peace, forgiveness and love.
The Lion and the Cobra by Sinead O'Connor
The Lion and the Cobra by Sinead O'Connor
1987 | Pop, Rock, Singer-Songwriter
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"She's one of my all-time favourite artists, all-time favourite spirits and one of my all-time favourite voices. I think she's incredibly fragile and I continue to worry for her because I don't think she's being very well taken care of as an artist. There's certain artists need everybody's help to continue to be creative and she's one of them. 

 I'm a tank – I can take care of myself and I don't need anybody's help, but Sinéad O'Connor is a jewel and has a voice like no other – one of the great voices of this century. I worry that we're going to lose her. She has mental health problems and has spoken very openly about them and is really brave and courageous for doing so. She's a great rebellious spirit who was punished for being a rebel in ways that we can barely imagine or conceive of. I have nothing but great admiration for her. 

 She has this extraordinary voice that just does things to my insides. She's a complete iconic gem and touches me in ways that so few can; she's made so many beautiful records. I wish I could sort of throw myself at her feet, because I feel like she finds love, I think, difficult to absorb, and yet she's so deserving of it. This voice comes, again, from a different universe. Its spectacular ability to both emote and communicate. I'm so grateful to her for this record; I just love it and I love hearing her sing so much. She's one of my touchstones, someone I always can rely on to bring magic. 
 When greats die, like when David Bowie died, there's this great outpouring of grief as I know there will be if and when, god forbid, we lose, finally, an artist like Sinéad O'Connor. Yet she's alive now and is capable of producing these spectacular pieces of work, and yet she's treated so brutally by the music industry – an industry who would rather laude in applause an uncreative, stage-schooled kid who's got a great voice but no soul. They'll get more excited about that than they will the possibility of signing a great like Sinéad O'Connor. And therein lies the ludicrousness of the modern music business."

The Killing Choice
The Killing Choice
Will Shindler | 2021 | Crime, Mystery, Thriller
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This novel is told from multiple perspectives, sharing the thoughts of a very wide variety of characters. The detectives Finn and Paulsen are the ones tasked to solve murders that happened in a very strange circumstances. This crime story is very strongly driven by it’s characters. There are a lot of thoughts shared not only by police, but by the victims’ family as well. The characters are very different and all of them troubled, none of the character is happy in this book. 😀 Every character analise different topic and different feelings, and it does become a little overwhelming sometimes. I really enjoyed the diversity and inclusion of the characters in this book, I like wider representation of people.

As I mentioned before, this novel is more character driven than the plot, that is why, I think the investigation part was quite thin in this book. The surprising discoveries just kind of appear, missing the juicy surprises while investigating. I think all the thinking parts made this book seem quite slow, but on the other hand it allowed the reader to get to know the characters better. I liked that this book has different storylines, and it was interesting to see how all the stories get connected at the end. The topics discussed in this book were all possible aspects of grief, family relationships, drug dealing, guilt, council estate life, mental health issues, revenge, and many more.

The writing style of this book is enjoyable and easy to read. The setting of this book keeps changing, depending on the character, and I really enjoyed that. When the book has many perspectives, I find it difficult to know who is who, especially when their names and surnames are being used without one another. Personally, I prefer either names or surnames, otherwise I am wondering who that person is. 😀 The chapters are pretty short and the pages just flew by for me. I liked the ending of this novel, it rounded up the story very nicely.

So, to conclude, it is a very thought provoking crime story, filled with complex and deeply troubled characters as well as a layered plot. It is a slow burner, that allows the reader to delve deeply into the character’s world.
The 5th Wave: Book 1
The 5th Wave: Book 1
Rick Yancey | 2013 | Children
8.0 (42 Ratings)
Book Rating
This is the first book in the series. A teenage Cassie was living a normal life with her mom, dad and her little brother Sammy until the alien spaceship showed up above Earth. The waves start hitting the Earth and Cassie’s life turns upside down. She gets separated from her little brother Sammy and makes him a promise that she will find him. Along the way to find Sammy she meets this perfect man, Evan Walker but is he really so perfect, or is he hiding something? Will Cassie find Sammy? What else she will find along the way? Oh, You will have to read it to figure that out. :p

If you read “Divergent” or “Maze runner” you will definitely enjoy this book as well. The main character – Cassie is a very strong and ambitious teenager and hardly takes NO for an answer. Her main focus in this book was Sammy, which I found sometimes quite annoying. Yes, I understood that Sammy is your priority but why do you need to remind me that in every second page? :S Other characters are really strong and interesting as well. If there would be team Ben (another boy Cassie fancies) and team Evan I would definitely be in the second one. I found his character very mysterious, charming and would’ve liked to read more about things from his perspective.

The plot of this book is really catching. It is very fast-paced and has lots of action going on in there. I really enjoyed the way the book was written, giving the view of the story from different angles. One chapter talks about what Cassie is up to, another chapter tells you what’s going on in the camp. I really enjoyed that characters had their say in the book and it wasn’t just a one-way story. It is really easy to read this book, it sucks you in and keeps you in the world of aliens and doubt. To conclude, this is a great book if you are a Young Adult series fan, it is filled with action and teenage romance, surrounded with love for the family and grief.
The Silent Patient
The Silent Patient
Alex Michaelides | 2019 | Crime, Mystery, Thriller
8.3 (39 Ratings)
Book Rating
This complex story is told from two different perspectives, a story which was written down by Alicia, and another one, told by Theo, about his life. I really liked the characters in this book, they are very intriguing, some of them very charismatic, but at the same time very believable. I really liked Alicia’s story and her disturbed personality, but at the same time, I found her quite naive and sometimes annoying. Theo really surprised me, he is too messed up in his head to be a decent psychotherapist. His personality and thoughts were quite scary sometimes, but I absolutely loved the investigation he has done, to find out more about Alicia.

The narrative of this book is very layered, complex, and discusses many issues. The characters are sharing their thoughts about the relationships with their family and their spouses, and how that effected their present personalities. The author creatively incorporated his Greek heritage into this story, filled with Greek Gods and other bits and pieces. The story doesn’t stay still for long periods of time, there are plenty of surprising twists and turns throughout this book and it was a real page turner to me. The author discussed a very wide variety of topics, such as a difficult relationship with parents; blind love for their spouses; drugs; mental health issues etc.

The setting of this book feels very mysterious, and I liked that there are multiple locations used in this novel. The writing style is creative, well crafted, but easy and pleasant to read. The chapters are pretty short, and due to suspense, the pages just flew by for me. I really liked the ending of the book, it rounded the story well but there are many unanswered questions, which left me unsettled.

So, to conclude, this is a very amusing story, filled with complex and unique characters, and a plot, soaked in love, grief and betrayal. I strongly recommend to read this story and find out, whether Theo succeeds in his quest to make Alice speak again or not. I hope you will enjoy it as much as I did
The Little Grave (Detective Amanda Steele #1)
The Little Grave (Detective Amanda Steele #1)
Carolyn Arnold | 2021 | Crime, Thriller
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I admit I don't read a lot of American crime; I've nothing against it but I just happen to prefer my crime books to be set in the UK however, this one caught my eye and I thought I'd have a bit of a change and, overall, I was very satisfied.

The blurb, as you can see, is a long one and sets the scene very well for this solid start to a new series.

Amanda is a complex character and was difficult to get to like at first but this was understandable given what she has experienced; she did grow on me at the end as she started to work through her grief and the true Amanda came out however, I admit to nearly giving up on her but glad I didn't.

As the blurb says, Amanda is investigating the murder of the man who killed her husband and daughter but can she be objective and why is she getting threatening phone calls telling her to back off? She doesn't of course, otherwise there wouldn't be a book, but this is not a straightforward murder and does it have anything to do with the murder of the man's business partner and an exotic dancer or is it just a coincidence? The closer Amanda gets to finding out, the closer she gets to discovering the answers are closer to home than she could ever imagined.

The plot was great, the pace was good and the characters were explored just enough to wet your appetite to want to get to know them more, particularly Trent, but what I felt was really well explored was the grieving process that Amanda was experiencing. I really got a sense of her total desolation and how little things triggered memories of her dead loved ones and how this impacted on her every waking minute because, let's face it, if you had lost your entire reason for being, I'm sure you'd be the same.

Like I said at the beginning, this is a solid start to a new series and I am looking forward to seeing what comes next.

Many thanks to Bookoutre and NetGalley for my copy in return for an unbiased review.
Gunslinger: (Claire Whitcomb Westerns Book 2)
Gunslinger: (Claire Whitcomb Westerns Book 2)
D.V. Berkom | 2020 | Crime
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I am not one for reading westerns or much historical fiction however, I am a fan of D.V.Berkom's work so was persuaded to read the first of the series "Retribution" and I surprised myself by enjoying it so jumped at the chance to read "Gunslinger" as I was itching to find out what Claire gets up to next.

D.V. has a great ability to create characters that you quickly become invested in and Claire is definitely one of those. D.V. also creates strong, female characters that don't take any grief from the supposedly stronger gender and, again, Claire is most definitely one of these but her job is made even harder given the time and location in which this book is set.

I'm not going to go into the plot here, you will just have to read it, but what I will say is that you really get absorbed and transported to the Wild West and you are quickly captivated by the characters and drawn into this action packed story so much so that, before you know it, it's over and you are left wanting more and herein is the only gripe I have ... it's not long enough but maybe that's because I read too quickly!

As I said, I usually give Westerns a wide berth as they are not my thing but this series has definitely made me think twice about doing this in the future and if you are of a similar opinion, I would suggest you do the same by giving this series a try ... you never know, you might change your mind and fine another genre to get your teeth into.

I am lucky to be a member of D.V. Berkom's ARTeam and was sent a copy of Gunslinger before the official publication date of 28-December-2020 in return for an honest, unbiased and unedited review and for which I am extremely grateful and I don't have to wait long for book 3, "Legend", which is due to be published in January 2021 and which is already sat in my to-be-read pile just waiting for my hungry little eyes to be engrossed once again.