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The Favorite Daughter
The Favorite Daughter
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
A year ago, Jane Harris' daughter, Mary, died tragically. Ever since, Jane has been lost in a cloud of grief and anti-depressants. But with a ceremony celebrating Mary's life coming up, Jane feels it's time for her to reemerge and reengage with her family: husband David and daughter, Betsy, who is about to graduate from high school. The family lives in a gorgeous house in Orange County, California. But Jane quickly realizes that David is always busy--with work or the gym he claims--and Betsy is distant and angry. Jane adored Mary, her eldest, who had finished her first year of college before she died. But at the ceremony for Mary, she receives a note, claiming Mary's death wasn't an accident. Does someone know what happened to her daughter--and are they right? Was Mary's death not an accident?

"After a year of grieving, it's time to step back into my family, or what remains of it and that's precisely my plan."

So this review is going to be a little unpopular, perhaps, based on others I've seen. I'd like to point out that it's not a negative review, per se, just not a gushing review as so many others seem to be. I just felt a little let down by this one; it left me a little flat. I found a lot of the twists predictable and while I found the book a very compelling read, there was just something "off" that didn't make it a "wow" read.

Still, as mentioned, this is a very readable book, and it will keep you engaged. Jane is an interesting character, to say the least, even if I sometimes found her more clueless than diabolical. She is, of course, an unreliable narrator, and we are only allowed to learn things as Jane reveals them to us. As a result, we're left a little confused, never quite sure where we stand. One of the things I liked most about this book was how easy it is to get sucked into Jane's delusional world as the novel is told in a very conversational style, with her sometimes speaking directly to the reader. She's also a pretty terrible person and yet oddly fascinating.

"Without Mary to place my biggest hopes and dreams on, I'm left with Betsy."

Her relationship with her daughters is pretty messed up, to say the least, and as a result, the book can be pretty creepy and bizarre. It's definitely quite a wild ride. Still, I was a little disappointed at how much I figured out ahead of time; I would have liked to have been more surprised.

Overall, this is a quick read and it's pretty intriguing. You'll get caught up in Jane's delusions pretty easily, even if some of them are fairly easily telegraphed. Others really rave about this one, so hopefully you'll enjoy it even more than me. I still recommend it; it's an interesting read. 3 stars.
Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close (2012)
Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close (2012)
2012 | Drama
Oskar Schell (Horn) and his father Thomas (Hanks) share a special bond, the pair seem inseparable. They spend most nights together reading books and solving puzzles with Thomas regaling stories of a mysterious sixth borough once part of New York.

When the 9/11 attacks tear the city apart it also rips apart the the Schell family as they come to terms with the loss of Thomas. Sandra Bullock supports as a grieving wife and a mother that has seemingly lost all control over her son. Oskar is himself a unique individual blessed with high intelligence he struggles to fill the void left by his father, but when he gains the courage to venture into his parents bedroom and his father’s closet he finds a key which leads him on a journey of self discovery and ultimate closure.

I have a bit of a gripe when it comes to child actors, their talents are almost so good it is beyond their own age and their performances can be over elaborated. Horn delivers a performance with gusto and it’s a credit to him. If occasionally annoying at times. Oskar’s journey takes him all over New York city, through its boroughs and interacting with its inhabitants all of whom have been affected by the terrible tragedy in someway.

Oskar links the key to the name Black, believing this to be a person he creates himself a map and intricate catalogue of every individual in New York by this name.He sets himself the goal of speaking to every last person, no matter how long it is going to take and records everything in a journal with photographs to accompany his experiences with them. Bullock gives an assured performance as a grief stricken and desperate mother

Max von Sydow joins him on his quest as a mysterious old man who doesn’t speak and only communicates through a notepad and pen. He himself has his own set of personal problems and its obvious from the outset just who he is. Von Sydow gives a typically brilliant performance even without the use of dialogue. The film is drawn out, too long for its own good. We’re desperate to understand just where this key fits and when the pieces of the jigsaw are finally complete we feel about the same disappointment as Oskar does.

That’s not to say the film is without its merits, and director Stephen Daldry and writer Eric Roth deal with the implications of Oskar and his problems extremely well, using flashbacks you can really begin to unravel the complexities of the 11-year olds inner psyche. I enjoyed the film but wouldn’t say I was completely comfortable with it for some parts, the ending, while closing the narrative, left me feeling somewhat annoyed and that’s a feeling that sticks with me long after the credits go up.


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    Two years after his wife's death, oceanographer and former navy SEAL, Atticus Young, attempts to...

War for the Planet of the Apes (2017)
War for the Planet of the Apes (2017)
2017 | Action, Sci-Fi
The Apes. So good, you'll forget they're not real (0 more)
If you're expecting all out war throughout, you might be disappointed (0 more)
Strong ending to a fantastic trilogy
Finally, after a recent lengthy spell of average or just plain disappointing blockbusters, along comes War for the Planet of the Apes to show them how it's done. The first two movies in this new trilogy have been consistently strong and enjoyable and War continues to deliver on that high quality, proving itself to be the best of the trilogy.

Despite it's name, there's not really a huge amount of war on show here. Unless of course we're referring to the inner conflict and turmoil experienced by Caesar. The movie begins with some human soldiers sneaking through the woods to try and take out the apes. They get their asses kicked and Caesar lets a few of them go in the hope that their crazed colonel (Woody Harrelson) will see just how merciful the apes are and understand that they just want to live their lives in peace and harmony. Unfortunately, things don't quite go to plan and the colonel returns later that night with a surprise attack on the apes home while they're sleeping. Some heavy ape casualties are sustained, and Caesar is pissed. Grief stricken, and out for revenge, he wants to go in search of the colonel while the rest of the apes head off to a potential new home out in the desert.

From there our story shifts down a gear, as Caesar and a small number of his trusted allies set off on horseback to track down the colonel. By this point though, you've already forgotten that these are not real apes, such is the exceptional quality of the effects on display here. The emotions are all there and the detail is perfect, totally believable. To all intents and purposes, these are real apes, and what they're experiencing feels real.

Along the way they manage pick up a young orphan mute girl and a former zoo ape called 'Bad Ape', who manages to provide much of the scarce humour found throughout the movie. When they do find the colonel and his base, the movie becomes more a prisoner of war, great escape style story rather than all out war. Yet it still manages to be extremely intense, highly emotional and hugely enjoyable.

By now, Andy Serkis and his team of performers are experts at bringing these apes to life and Caesar has now developed further than any other character in the trilogy. Serkis portrays equal amounts of rage and compassion beautifully, aided by the pixel perfect rendering of Caesar. Harrelson is the only human of any real note here, despite the large number of human soldiers under his command, and he manages to bring just the right amount of intense crazy and depth to the role.

The trilogy comes to a pretty satisfying and emotional close, with potential for further Apes movies. Overall though this has proved to be one of the strongest trilogies I've seen in a long time.
Twilight's Dawn (The Black Jewels, #9)
Twilight's Dawn (The Black Jewels, #9)
Anne Bishop | 2011 | Fiction & Poetry
6.5 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
Anne Bishop's newest addition to the Black Jewels series is a collection of four novellas that fill in a few gaps in the growing storyline, as well as answering the question of what happens after certain central characters are gone from the series.
The first story, "Winsol Gifts", takes place a year after Daemon Sadi and Jaenelle Angelline have been married and after the events in Tangled Webs (Black Jewels, Book 6). It is a sweet story that explores Daemon's new roles as the Warlord Prince of Dhemlan, as well as Tersa's relationship with both Daemon and Lucivar. The question of whether Jaenelle can ever take back the Ebony - and if she will - is also answered, which was very satisfying for me.
The second story, "Shades of Honor", centers on Prince Falonar and the on-going damage he causes from his own prejudices. Surreal and Rainier's recoveries from injuries sustained from the evil haunted house are also central to the story. It also answers the question of how Rainier came to work for Daemon Sadi. Lucivar is also forced to learn how to better run Ebon Rih, which allows the reader to learn a bit more about Eyriens. This story also sparked my curiosity about the Dea al Mon, Surreal's heritage, since the story ended with her going to stay with them.
The third story, "Family", is about what happens to Sylvia, Saetan's lover and wife, and her sons. Through her story, the reader gets a clearer picture of what life is like for the demon-dead, as well as a glimpse of the kind of power that Tersa can wield. The reader also gets to find out if Jaenelle will ever take on the role of a Queen again, as well as how Daemon and Jaenelle deal with the issue of no children.
The final story, "The High Lord's Daughter", spans a period of decades in the telling. This story is both the most tragic and the most promising of the four novellas, as two main characters pass on, while the next generation of the SaDiablo family opens up brand-new story lines for Bishop to explore, should she decide to do so. While it was pretty obvious from the cover description that Jaenelle would die in this story, I was not satisfied with the explanation as to why she could not become demon-dead. I did find it both believable and realistic that Daemon would need to marry again, despite his own grief and stubbornness, and I was very happy that he married the woman he did, as I saw their unique bond long before this book came along. Their daughter also made me quite happy, as I can see how she could continue the magic of "dreams made flesh". I was also happy for Marian and Lucivar, as they finally got their daughter. Of course, now I have a new question that will drive me nuts until the next book - if a person's Birthright Jewel is Twilight's Dawn, then what stone does she descend to?
Unravelling Oliver
Unravelling Oliver
Liz Nugent | 2015 | Thriller
8.0 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
Dark plot and interesting characters. Brilliant pace and easy readability Leaves you wanting more at every chapter end. (0 more)
It's as if Richard Hillman came back from the dead, you will not put it down.
I picked this little gem up on a supermarket fundraising bookshelf.
I was abit a dubious to begin with as it was quite short for a standard crime novel that I am normally used too at just 230 pages. I did worry it would be a rushed cliche but boy, was I wrong.
I have grown up on Midsummer Murders and Agatha Christie and it felt like a fresh voice on a classic crime thriller rather than the standard norm from Liz Nugent.
To everyone they seemed a happy and successful couple until one night Oliver beats his loving wife into a coma.
We are then thrown into a sad and neglected past, tragic events and secrets that have now suddenly caught up with Oliver.
The pace of the book is exquisite. Right from the first page you are thrown in to quite a dark act being commited leaving you with only one question.
Why did he do it?
The story is told from numerous character voices and POV each sharing their experiences and opinions of Oliver including Oliver himself each recounting past events right up until after the attack on Alice.
Each account over laps and we are taken back to summer in the 1970s on a French vineyard, growing up during that time in Ireland and the views of the time.
I enjoyed the that the themes of having a baby out of wedlock, grief, race, mental health, expectations, promiscuity and homosexuality were all present which really added to you imagining what the views were at the varying time periods covered throughout the book.
Hauntingly, the only person we do not hear from is Alice which adds to the tension as the outcome of the attack isn't mentioned until quite a way through the book.
Aside from the fact that you are introduced to Oliver committing a heinous act and brutally admitting that he expected more of a reaction for the first time he beat his wife he is not a likable character. You are waiting for it all to come crashing down around him and his 'privileged life' even after you find out about his past and as the it is unravelled, so is he. Think Richard Hillman from Coronation Street villain, someone you cannot help but resent.
Clever, dark and unexpected I couldn't put this down and consumed the lot in a day or so. The pace and easy readability of the book left me wanting to keep reading to a point of keeping the kids busy with a snack and Netflix while I could consume multiple chapters in the corner of the room!
It's just want I want in a crime novel; a good villain, a clever plot and a few twists along the way and an even more surprising ending which leaves you thinking perhaps there was a little bit of good in there after all?!
Girls' Weekend
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Charlotte, Dani, and Meg have been friends for ages-- bonding over motherhood and the issues that accompany it. However, each woman has their own problems and are reluctant to bring them up with their friends. Charlotte, a busy and successful interior designer, has a dentist husband and a loving son, but she feels like her husband, Brett, doesn't even see her anymore. Dani's life appears great -- a caring husband and two kids, but she can't quite shake the empty feelings she has. And Meg is still reeling from losing her young son two years ago; her grief remains, but everyone around her seems to have moved on. When the three women get a chance to go away for a girls' weekend, they jump at the chance, even if involves a little rearranging of schedules. But once there, they make a fateful decision: they aren't coming back home.

When reading it, the premise seems a little farfetched, but the characters in this novel immediately seem very real and the book gives a lot of little details about motherhood that lend it realism (for instance, humming annoying intro music to a children's show at inappropriate times). Each woman is different, but you can relate to a piece of each of them. I found myself liking parts of each and being frustrated with other parts - just like your actual friends.

It's probably true that parts of the book are stereotypical toward men (and fathers) -- painting them as bumbling and clueless toward their wives and children, but sadly, there is some realism to it, too. Plus, as the storyline progresses, you fixate less on this fact and realize there's more to this story than black and white. Honestly, it speaks universally to many women, especially mothers: those seeking answers in life, those feeling guilty for not being happy when life seems perfect on paper, those wondering when life simply became a series of errands. I felt like Achterberg did an excellent job of dealing with and capturing some of the quintessential problems facing the modern mom.

The book is painful to read at times, but only because it's so well-written. Your heart breaks for Meg and all she has been through. The book lags a little in the middle, but really, the women do too, as they try to figure out exactly what they should do. It is fascinating because they are doing what you can't quite imagine pulling off. My mind was racing as I read: I mean, who would really watch your kids for that long? What spouse would be OK with this? Who could leave their kids for that long? And yet, you sort of dream for the time away, envy the women as you read the novel. It's easy to empathize with them, even as you may question some of their motives.

Overall, the book was easy to read and Charlotte, Meg, and Dani were interesting and relatable characters. The book made me think (and highlight many passages). It's a fun read, but also goes deeper, too. Really enjoyed it.

I received an ARC of this book from Netgalley (thank you!); it is available everywhere on 5/3.
Wanted (2009)
Wanted (2009)
2009 | Action, International, Romance
6.3 (4 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Wesley Gibson (James Mc Avoy) is a man with issues. He toils away in his office cubicle taking countless amounts of grief from his boss and lamenting the fact that he has gone nowhere with his life. As if this was not bad enough, his best friend is having an affair with his girlfriend, and he has a standing order for anti anxiety medication to deal with his frequent flare ups.
One day while waiting in line for his prescription, Wesley encounters a very attractive lady, and before long, is in a world gone mad as a violent gunfight has erupted all around him. As he attempts to flee the scene, the mysterious woman comes to his aid and whisks him away in dramatic style only to thrust Wesley into a frantic chase through the city streets as they attempt to escape from their mysterious attacker.
Eventually Wesley learns that the woman is named Fox (Angelina Jolie), and that he has been recruited to join a secret society known as The Fraternity.
At first awash in disbelief, Wesley is told that the man who tried to kill him also killed his father. Wesley had thought that his father had abandoned him at childhood and despite initial reservations, joins the group.
Under the leadership of Sloan (Morgan Freeman), Wesley begins to train and learns that he is part of an elite assassin’s guild and has abilities that go beyond the powers of normal men. As the training progresses, Wesley changes from the docile offer drone to an efficient and deadly adversary who is capable of killing with a variety of weapons.
Wesley will soon have to use all of his training and abilities to the fullest extent as the action switches into overdrive leaving a path of death and destruction as this bloody tale of revenge unfolds.
In the new movie “Wanted” Director Timur Bekmambetov, the guiding power behind the highly successful Russian Vampire “Day Watch” trilogy, has crafted a sleek action film that pulls no punches. From edge of your seat action and stunts to graphic violence, the film is a ballet of bullets and blood that mixes in equal amounts of humor with solid FX in a winning formula.
The leads work well with one another, and the story and characters are a cut above the standard genre staples. While the film does drag in the final third, it recovers nicely to conclude with an action filled finale as well as a few unexpected twists.
Angelina Jolie does well with a very physical role as does McAvoy who shows that he is a talent to be watched. The film is based on a graphic novel and as such has a distinctive style that mixes the real world with the unknown to help illustrate the transformation of Wesley from doormat to deadly weapon. The FX is solid, though at times the bullet time may seem a bit repetitive after you see it a few times. That being said, “Wanted” is a solid action film that is not afraid to take chances and step outside the box.