REVISE Edexcel GCSE Business Revision Guide: Units 1, 3 & 5
* This Revision Guide delivers hassle-free exam preparation, covering one topic per page and...

School of Booze: An Insider's Guide to Libations, Tipples and Brews
Humans were seeking out alcohol millions of years before the word 'keg' was invented. This book...

Where Chefs Eat: A Guide to Chefs' Favourite Restaurants
Joe Warwick, Hillary Armstrong, Oliver Thring and Clodagh Kinsella
Forget the restaurant guides compiled by a panel of mysterious experts, this guide is by the real...

Zenbelly Cookbook: An Epicurean's Guide to Paleo Cuisine
With a focus on quality ingredients, technique and balancing flavours, The Zenbelly Cookbook will...

Spark Joy: An Illustrated Guide to the Japanese Art of Tidying
The secret to Marie Kondo's unique and simple KonMari tidying method is to focus on what you want to...

The New Dad's Survival Guide: What to expect in the first year and beyond
You read the pregnancy books, the nine months flew by without a hitch, the birth was brilliant and...

Sex&Roll Sex Positions of Kamasutra Guide and Game Premium
Lifestyle and Entertainment
● The one and only app with position animation! ● One of the first position app on iTunes ● 5...

Tips for Mortal Kombat X - Mobile Guide with tips and tricks for MKX!
Reference and Games
Tips and Tricks for iOS Mortal Kombat X version! App Features: *Guide: find out our useful game...