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Star Wars: Episode IX - The Rise of Skywalker (2019)
Star Wars: Episode IX - The Rise of Skywalker (2019)
2019 | Action, Adventure, Fantasy
One good twist! (0 more)
Acting (4 more)
A rushed ending to something special.
Well, this film has felt like a long time coming, but the disappointment took far less time.

Poor acting and poor CGI work make this film bad enough, but with a predictable plot and an awful script, it makes it in my opinion the worst Star Wars film ever made (so far), and made me wish I'd stayed at home and watched Attack of the Clones.

Daisy Ridley's acting was pretty poor in the more dramatic moments, and the CGI, particularly bad during large explosions, detracted from the feeling a Star Wars film usually brings. I'm talking Sharknado level CGI at some points, but at least that was supposed to be bad...

The characters, some of them turning out to be a completely pointless addition to the trilogy, learn absolutely nothing about themselves, with a couple of exceptions of course, but all of them with poorly written characteristics.

The ending is of course predictable, as it was always going to be realistically, but as for that, I'll let you guys judge for yourself!

The only redeeming feature is a nice little twist or two, but I'm obviously not going to tell you that!

Of course, some things are better the second time around, so maybe I'll watch again when the DVD is released and update my review...or not update it if that be the case.
Fantasy Island (2020)
Fantasy Island (2020)
2020 | Comedy, Horror, Mystery
Guilty pleasure...
399. Fantasy Island. It's pretty amazing, no not the movie. It's pretty amazing when you go into something with low expectations they are usually met. And this was no different. With that mindset, I enjoyed it. I remember watching the show as a kid, but it somehow gets meshed with The Love Boat, so I remember Tattoo saying 'de plane, de plane' and Mr Roarke saying 'Welcome to Fantasy Island' that's about it. Minus Tattoo, Mr Roarke welcomes this group of 5 people to the island and explains the rules. Live out your fantasy until it's natural conclusion. Natural conclusion heh? We get two brothers on the Island simply wanting to have it all. Another guy's big dream is to enlist in the military like his daddy. Another guest's fantasy is to get revenge on her high school bully, and the final guest wants to say yes, instead of no at her wedding proposal. And everything is pretty freakin sweet for awhile until they realize that the fantasies are a little too real. Whats wrong with that? Small example: The guys that simply wanted it all. When you have it all, other people usually want to take it from you, including armed masked men! Fantasies with consequences, whats up with that??? I'd want a refund! A movie so bad, it's good. Maybe, maybe not. Guilty pleasure, sure! Filmbufftim on FB
The Dream Defenders
The Dream Defenders
Neal Denhartog | 2019 | Young Adult (YA)
7.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Imaginative (3 more)
Good concept
Further development (1 more)
Lacking characters
The title "Dream Defenders" explains the content of the book. Basically the Dream Institute works to protect dreamers through powers they have learned/been taught. Dreamers are recruited when they show a particular acumen for managing their dreams.

The concept is very clever because it is something that could happen in real life, that we are not aware of. It's a very imaginative story with some quite funny bits in places. Love the Sandman name, very clever little note.

The characters and bad guys are well thought out but could have further development e.g. Marshall seems to only like books and that's all I can really say about him. Aeryn is supposedly trained in dream weaving but shows very limited skill. The story felt rushed and I definitely think the concept could do with some embellishment.

I'm not sure whether this is young adult, I felt like it was for children perhaps a similar age to goosebumps. Ocassionally the humour felt forced and in the wrong place. There often seemed to be unnecessary words for example, one sentence states "Nolan's stomach twisted, this time not from the Wispe travel". The events of the previous sentence clearly states what caused the stomach twisting.

Just a note, I think on Page 254 the word dream stream is used when it should be death stream.

I obtained a free copy from Voracious Readers Only!
Annie (2014)
Annie (2014)
2014 | Drama, Family, Musical
6.0 (6 Ratings)
Movie Rating
The 2014 re-make of Annie, starring Jamie Foxx as Will Stacks, Quvenzhané Wallis as
Annie, Rose Byrne as Grace, Bobby Cannavale as Guy and Cameron Diaz as Miss Hannigan
is a musical that is fun and caused me to sing along.

The story was cute, and obviously at least somewhat predictable if you are older
than 30-ish.

Parts of it were a very tiny bit scary for my son (6), mostly centered around Annie
being swept off by 'bad guys'.

Cameron Diaz does a pretty good job as Miss Hannigan and sings fairly well. She
doesn't 'copy' Carol Burnetts role as Miss Hannigan, but rather makes it her own,
modern version.

Jamie Foxx is great as Will Stacks and has a great voice. He portrays gruff and
unapproachable very well, and I liked him in the role.

The show stealer was Quvenzhané Wallis as Annie. Her performance was great and she
sang her little heart out. I connected with her emotionally and found her to be very
believable as a kid trying to find her place in the world.

I liked the film, and feel it is a good re-make. It isn't one hundred percent like
the original, but a new, modern twist on it.

My son liked it, and my husband liked it more than he thought he would.

We would be happy to see it again in the theatre.

I would give this over 3.5 out of 5 stars.
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    AP Chemistry Exam Prep

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