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    Slayaway Camp

    Slayaway Camp


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    No. 1 IPHONE MUSIC GAME in Japan, Netherlands, Korea, Taiwan, Thailand, Hong Kong, Macau, Singapore ...

    Veggie Samurai HD

    Veggie Samurai HD

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Zall's Captain (Planetary Submissives #3)
Zall's Captain (Planetary Submissives #3)
Amber Kell | 2015 | Erotica, LGBTQ+, Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This is the third and, so far, final book in the Planetary Submissives series and speaking of the series as a whole, I have loved how each story has gone. With only a touch or hint of BDSM and a storyline designed to tease and titillate whilst giving the reader the HEA, these books have been wonderful. Perfect for those coffee breaks when you want something steamy to read without being the equivalent of War & Peace.

In this story, we meet again with Zall, who is still on the ship that Chalice put him on. He has found his own niche amongst the crew - sort of - but wishes he had something more. Everyone just sort of puts up with him because of his connection to the Emperor. When the new Captain arrives on the ship, the lust is instantaneous but Zall is determined to never put himself in the thrall of anyone else again. Mixed in with this is a smuggling plot, abduction and attempted murder. Will Danner and Zall be able to come to a mutually agreeable arrangement and stay alive long enough to enjoy it?

Full of fun, frolics and yearning, this was a wonderful read from the start. Zall makes an observation about Prince Chalice that runs true for the series - the Pet may be the one wearing the collar, but he is also the one holding the leash. It doesn't matter who is called what, if the role they have is changeable or fixed, so long as the couple is happy and content with that, that's good enough for me.

Whilst these books may not be suited to everyone as they are not 'hardcore', I have personally loved each and every one and would love to read more in this series. Definitely recommended.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book; the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Dec 17, 2015
Deadpool 2 (2018)
Deadpool 2 (2018)
2018 | Action, Comedy
Dead waste
#deadpool2 has a bad case of 'bigger doesn't always mean better', its not a bad #film its just a very safe one & the formula is already starting to wear thin. I liked the first #deadpool, it wasn't anything ground breaking but I found it nailed the character & delivered something #superhero films haven't dared do in a while (it also balanced cool action & #fun #comedy well). With deadpool 2 we get more of the same & while the scale, budget & ideas seem to have been upped the films itself feels a tad flat, lifeless & overstuffed. First the good the fight choreography is very well done its fast, brutal & filmed well. #Music & the score is great & compliments the film perfect. #Popculture references & cameos are fun & extremely fun & well done. Sets, costumes & props all look great & have clearly had alot of care, time & detail put into them. #joshbrolin as #cable is tremendous completely stealing the show with his scenes being by far the most entertaining. The bad - with no real unique stand out scenes or anything new to bring to the table I found myself getting bored quite quickly. Story wise its bland/basic too & we are introduced to so many uninteresting characters with uninspiring motives that I just couldn't invest in them at all. Jokes & dialog both come across as forced this time & after a while became tierd & repetitive. Cgi wise its a mess going from good to damn right embarrassing at times (I just dont get some of the decisions to keep some scenes/characters in when they look this bad, it just made the film feel cheap & pulled me out of the experience constantly). Overall its not a bad film its just a very very average & unnecessary one. Id say its not a patch on the first one & that wasnt that amazing either. #Kids will #love it for its crude humour & gratuitous violence & hardcore #marvel fans probably wont have a bad word to say about it but for me I was disappointed & was hoping for a new direction not more of the same old. Definitely watchable but sadly forgettable. #odeonlimitless #odeon #avengers #ryanreynolds #mcu #comic #cinifile #tuesdaythoughts #spiderman #hughjackman #xmen #review #comicon #domino #deadpoolmovie
Lords of Chaos (2018)
Lords of Chaos (2018)
2018 | Drama
This Was a Miss For Me
Lords of Chaos is the tragic story of a teenager trying to bring Black Metal to Norway. Let’s get this out of the way now: The movie is a mess. I didn’t feel enriched after watching it in any shape, form, or fashion. Instead, I left with a very bad taste in my mouth and a desire to cut on a comedy after watching something so morbidly depressing.

Acting: 10

Beginning: 2
”What are you watching?” my wife asked from the other room. “Sounds awful!” She wasn’t wrong as the beginning attempts to explain all the W’s to the backdrop of hardcore, in-your-face metal. The music isn’t the problem, but I feel like they should have chosen one or the other: Either jump right into the metal music and set the tone or narrate the backstory first. Both made for a horrible mix.

Characters: 10

Cinematography/Visuals: 4

Conflict: 5

Genre: 3

Memorability: 4

Pace: 1
Show a gruesome suicide. Burn 100 churches. Stab a man in the woods. There was nothing that could be done to really get me interested in this movie. A lot of the film felt like shock value which diminished my interest in what was happening. My eyes spent more time running from what was happening than being engrossed in it. Pacing is one of the most important parts of a movie. You screw that up and it spells doom for the rest of the movie.

Plot: 7

Resolution: 3
One of the worst endings I’ve seen in movies. The worst part is you absolutely know it’s coming, but director Jonas Akerlund decides to make you sit through it anyway. After it was over, I felt like I had been skunked.

Overall: 49
There are some things that this movie did well. As you watch these characters go off the deep end, it definitely feels genuine and real. Unfortunately, for every one good thing I can name about Lords of Chaos, I can think of ten bad. This was a miss for me.
Godzilla: King of the Monsters (2019)
Godzilla: King of the Monsters (2019)
2019 | Action, Adventure, Fantasy
Picking up after the events of the previous film; “Godzilla: King of the Monsters” deals with a world trying to assess what to do with the presence of the giant Titans. The Monarch Corporation wants the creatures studied and has established locales to study the ones they have found currently hibernating. The U.S. Government wants them destroyed as they do not want repeats of the destruction that was previously caused by Godzilla.

Dr. Emma Russell (Vera Farmiga) and her daughter Madison (Millie Bobbie Brown) have developed a device known as Orca that will allow them to communicate with the creatures using specific sonic frequencies.

After a successful test under duress; the duo are captured by a ruthless Eco Terrorist group who want to use the giant creatures for their own objectives.

This leads to a chase around the world with Monarch attempting to stop them and with Emma’s ex-husband Mark (Kyle Chandler) deeply involved though he is deeply divided as he blames Godzilla for the loss of their son.

When a gigantic creature is freed; Godzilla faces his greatest challenge as there is a race against time to save the world.

While the film has some very impressive visual effects, the film drags as aside from a couple of brief encounters; the audience is required to sit through roughly 90 minutes of plodding story to get to the action which is roughly only the last 15-20 minutes of the film.

The human characters were very disinteresting and many of the international cast looked at times like they were sleepwalking though their lines as they seemed to have a real lack of passion for what they were given to work with.

The human characters were also very annoying and I found myself hoping that they would be taken out by the creatures as I had no connection to them and they did not inspire any sympathy.

While it may possibly appeal to hardcore fans, this was a miss for me as there simply was not enough creature action to counter-balance having to sit through the human characters and plodding plot to get to the good stuff.