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Kaz (232 KP) rated Library of Souls: The Third Novel of Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children in Books
May 15, 2019
The Best Book So Far in the Series
The 'Blurb':
'The Peculiar Children are back in the third installment in the bestselling series of YA novels by Ransom Riggs. Time is running out for the Peculiar Children. With a dangerous madman on the loose, and their beloved Miss Peregrine still in danger, it's up to Jacob Portman to channel his newfound abilities and defeat Caul before he loses his friends--and their world--forever. This action-packed adventure features all-new Peculiar photographs from times and places all over the world.'
I've recently finished reading 'Library of Souls' by Ransom Riggs and I thought that this was the best book in the series. I'm not sure if this book was the last in a trilogy or the new book due to come out, follows on from what happened in 'Library of Souls', but I liked the plot of this novel.
Whilst I enjoyed the other two books, I think with 'Library of Souls', the story really gets going and this book was really well-paced and exciting.
I liked the development of the characters and I also thought that the themes running through the book, about how power use others to gain power for themselves, was thought provoking and mature. The teen romance is the only thing that lets this down slightly throughout the other books, but that element was dealt with well in 'Library of Souls'.
Also I think that the writing style is better in this novel. In the first novel, there were a few times where the writing seemed a bit awkward, but I think 'Library of Souls' is well written and at times, funny. At times, the story mirrored 'Harry Potter', but I still thought that it was still quite original.
I hope the new book continues Jacob's story, but even if that's the last thing we hear of this set of characters, this was a fitting end to their adventures.
My Rating **** 1/2 Stars
'The Peculiar Children are back in the third installment in the bestselling series of YA novels by Ransom Riggs. Time is running out for the Peculiar Children. With a dangerous madman on the loose, and their beloved Miss Peregrine still in danger, it's up to Jacob Portman to channel his newfound abilities and defeat Caul before he loses his friends--and their world--forever. This action-packed adventure features all-new Peculiar photographs from times and places all over the world.'
I've recently finished reading 'Library of Souls' by Ransom Riggs and I thought that this was the best book in the series. I'm not sure if this book was the last in a trilogy or the new book due to come out, follows on from what happened in 'Library of Souls', but I liked the plot of this novel.
Whilst I enjoyed the other two books, I think with 'Library of Souls', the story really gets going and this book was really well-paced and exciting.
I liked the development of the characters and I also thought that the themes running through the book, about how power use others to gain power for themselves, was thought provoking and mature. The teen romance is the only thing that lets this down slightly throughout the other books, but that element was dealt with well in 'Library of Souls'.
Also I think that the writing style is better in this novel. In the first novel, there were a few times where the writing seemed a bit awkward, but I think 'Library of Souls' is well written and at times, funny. At times, the story mirrored 'Harry Potter', but I still thought that it was still quite original.
I hope the new book continues Jacob's story, but even if that's the last thing we hear of this set of characters, this was a fitting end to their adventures.
My Rating **** 1/2 Stars

Jennifer Kirkland (1 KP) created a post
Jan 25, 2018

Phil Leader (619 KP) rated Adrianna's Surge in Books
Nov 8, 2019
Starting out as the story of Jayden, rescued from a life on the streets by a mysterious benefactor and enrolled into an advanced (and secretive) school, the Sanctum series has gone from strength to strength, and the fifth installment is no exception.
Following on directly from the end of the fourth book, Eric and the Black Axes, this follows the exploits of both The Sanctum and Ernest College as they try to stop the robot army. But Eric Showden is not the worse adversary they will face. Secrets will be revealed which will change things forever...
Once again this is a fantastic roller coaster ride of a book. By using the clever technique of having the children of both The Sanctum and Ernest College battling by means of controlling surrogate robots and computer hacking, infiltration and battles are fought at one remove. The fighting is also done without guns, but instead using martial arts skills. Combined with the high toughness and strength of the surrogates this allows for some thrilling fight scenes, often against seemingly insurmountable odds.
But there is a lot more to this book, with a lot of background of both Avando and Dr Ernest explored and explained. There are real shocks along the way with what happens and what is revealed, either through investigation or as a result of decisions made. The stakes are higher and everyone must dig deep to win through.
The ending is terrific and very dramatic and although it feels like it could be a permanent end, I really hope that there are more stories in the pipeline for Jayden and his friends. I would miss them a lot if this was all there was.
It's probably over-used but really this is a series that deserves to be filmed. Now we have seen the end of the Hunger Games and Harry Potter finished a while ago I can't think of a better concept to enthuse young adults (and a little younger).
Following on directly from the end of the fourth book, Eric and the Black Axes, this follows the exploits of both The Sanctum and Ernest College as they try to stop the robot army. But Eric Showden is not the worse adversary they will face. Secrets will be revealed which will change things forever...
Once again this is a fantastic roller coaster ride of a book. By using the clever technique of having the children of both The Sanctum and Ernest College battling by means of controlling surrogate robots and computer hacking, infiltration and battles are fought at one remove. The fighting is also done without guns, but instead using martial arts skills. Combined with the high toughness and strength of the surrogates this allows for some thrilling fight scenes, often against seemingly insurmountable odds.
But there is a lot more to this book, with a lot of background of both Avando and Dr Ernest explored and explained. There are real shocks along the way with what happens and what is revealed, either through investigation or as a result of decisions made. The stakes are higher and everyone must dig deep to win through.
The ending is terrific and very dramatic and although it feels like it could be a permanent end, I really hope that there are more stories in the pipeline for Jayden and his friends. I would miss them a lot if this was all there was.
It's probably over-used but really this is a series that deserves to be filmed. Now we have seen the end of the Hunger Games and Harry Potter finished a while ago I can't think of a better concept to enthuse young adults (and a little younger).
The Devil Wears Prada
A delightfully dishy novel about the all-time most impossible boss in the history of impossible...

The Jungle Book (Illustrated with Interactive Elements): (Illustrated with Interactive Elements)
Rudyard Kipling and Minalima Ltd.
For fans of all ages, legendary British writer Rudyard Kipling's complete collection of enchanting...

LoganCrews (2861 KP) rated If I Stay (2014) in Movies
Sep 21, 2020
Gross. My undying love for these disgustingly quirky YA slops renders me unable to rate this the easy one star it most definitely deserves - but make no mistake, this is the worst one since... maybe 𝘔𝘦 𝘉𝘦𝘧𝘰𝘳𝘦 𝘠𝘰𝘶? The type of movie that does everything wrong: sterile visually, stagnant structurally, humdrum narratively, and it doesn't help that Stacy Keach (so wonderful here) is the only one in the entire movie giving a good performance - watching the normally capable Moretz attempt to emote in this is downright hysterical, that supposedly emotional hallway screaming scene had me *cackling*. Also I'd be willing to put serious money down against anyone who can find a film with worse dialogue. "Guys play music for two reasons: to get laid, and because they got rage" is an actual piece of speech uttered in this. Much of the hilarious cringe (see: the aforementioned awful dialogue) and endearing oversentimentality I find a warm familiarity with in this genre is intact, but the sickening fetishization of death and child abuse (cardboard cutout love interest: "My parents were never there... everyone leaves me...", what the movie wants us to be like: "W O W … he's so deep and profound 😍😍") in this make it feel closer to some sick exploitation piece that also isn't good. Even if that weren't the case, this relationship and its characters are lifeless even before the death plot hits and the guy is a faceless asshole that the Moretz character is just expected to bend to the whim of - and his band is fucking *horrible*. Speaking of which, funny how cultured this thinks it is because it never shuts up about punk and classical music even though it doesn't have a precious clue about either. Should have been a slam dunk, don't know why they decided to play it so indifferently. Written by that outcast from your high school who growled at people and drew Harry Potter porn at lunch.

Kaz (232 KP) rated Harry Potter: Wizards Unite in Apps
Jun 29, 2019
A Disappointing Game
Being a Harry Potter fan, I was really excited to finally be able to download and play this game. However, I have been left disappointed.
When I first started up this game, it took forever to load. So, thinking this was due to my phone (I don't have a fancy phone, just a bog standard one), I bought a new SD card, hoping that the extra memory would do the trick. It helped, but I found the game to still be really slow.
Also, it was a bit frustrating when you had to cast spells, you kept having to do them again and again, because your tracing of the patterns, wasn't quite right. Possibly I would have done better using a stylus to trace the patterns, but I think it shouldn't be so exacting, because not everyone has a stylus to hand when they are out and about.
I also found that I wasn't able to put the VR backgrounds on my phone and had to resort to having the computer generated ones, which kind of defeats the purpose of this game, as it's supposed to be fun to find 'foundables' within your home or town.
This leads me to another problem I had. During the game, you had to go to certain places within your area. However, when I got there, it said that I had to wait for players to do a battle or some kind of challenge with. I don't know whether I chose the wrong time of day, where other players were elsewhere or there aren't many players within my area, but I didn't fancy standing around on a hot day, eating up my Internet MBs.
The concept of this game is good, but due to the slowness and uninspiring context of the game, this didn't get me enthused to play it. Actually, I've deleted the app from my phone. Very Disappointing.
When I first started up this game, it took forever to load. So, thinking this was due to my phone (I don't have a fancy phone, just a bog standard one), I bought a new SD card, hoping that the extra memory would do the trick. It helped, but I found the game to still be really slow.
Also, it was a bit frustrating when you had to cast spells, you kept having to do them again and again, because your tracing of the patterns, wasn't quite right. Possibly I would have done better using a stylus to trace the patterns, but I think it shouldn't be so exacting, because not everyone has a stylus to hand when they are out and about.
I also found that I wasn't able to put the VR backgrounds on my phone and had to resort to having the computer generated ones, which kind of defeats the purpose of this game, as it's supposed to be fun to find 'foundables' within your home or town.
This leads me to another problem I had. During the game, you had to go to certain places within your area. However, when I got there, it said that I had to wait for players to do a battle or some kind of challenge with. I don't know whether I chose the wrong time of day, where other players were elsewhere or there aren't many players within my area, but I didn't fancy standing around on a hot day, eating up my Internet MBs.
The concept of this game is good, but due to the slowness and uninspiring context of the game, this didn't get me enthused to play it. Actually, I've deleted the app from my phone. Very Disappointing.

LEGO Batman: DC Super Heroes
Games and Entertainment
***Please ensure iCloud is enabled in advance in order for purchases to be restored. To enable...

BankofMarquis (1832 KP) rated Lake Placid (1999) in Movies
Jan 7, 2022
Betty White Steals This Film
I have to admit, I actually saw LAKE PLACID in the movie theaters when it came out in 1999. I am a huge JAWS fan and am a sucker for any film that takes the elements of Jaws (or some of them, anyway) and tries to rip-off that classic film.
And, that is what Lake Placid does (is). It’s “Jaws with a Crocodile”. The residents of Black Lake are being picked off one-by-one by a killer croc and a ragtag group of heroes put aside their differences to save the day.
The “ragtag group” features an a few “B-Listers” (at the time) and one “up-and-comer”. Bill Pullman (fresh off INDEPENDENCE DAY) scores a lead role while Bridget Fonda (beginning to fade from view) is the “femme-fatale” and character actor Oliver Platt (currently on CHICAGO MED) eats the screen as the “eccentric, philanthropist Croc hunter” (I can’t think of a philanthropist croc hunter that isn’t eccentric). It also features a then unknown Brendan Gleeson (a few years before his turn as Mad-Eye Moody in the Harry Potter series) as the Sherriff of the town - the Roy Scheider/Sherriff Brody role from Jaws.
But the character that steals this film is, of course, Betty White as a foul-mouthed resident of the community. Flipping the coin on her wholesome image garnered from her turns on THE GOLDEN GIRLS and THE MARY TYLER MOORE show, Ms. White is - as should be expected - hilarious in her raunchiness.
While this movie is the very definition of “B-Movie” (maybe even “C” flick), it’s worth watching just for Betty White’s turn.
Rest in Peace, Ms. White. And THANKS FOR THE MEMORIES.
Letter Grade on Lake Placid: B (and I’m being generous)
Letter Grade on Betty White: A+
And you can take that to the Bank(ofMarquis)
And, that is what Lake Placid does (is). It’s “Jaws with a Crocodile”. The residents of Black Lake are being picked off one-by-one by a killer croc and a ragtag group of heroes put aside their differences to save the day.
The “ragtag group” features an a few “B-Listers” (at the time) and one “up-and-comer”. Bill Pullman (fresh off INDEPENDENCE DAY) scores a lead role while Bridget Fonda (beginning to fade from view) is the “femme-fatale” and character actor Oliver Platt (currently on CHICAGO MED) eats the screen as the “eccentric, philanthropist Croc hunter” (I can’t think of a philanthropist croc hunter that isn’t eccentric). It also features a then unknown Brendan Gleeson (a few years before his turn as Mad-Eye Moody in the Harry Potter series) as the Sherriff of the town - the Roy Scheider/Sherriff Brody role from Jaws.
But the character that steals this film is, of course, Betty White as a foul-mouthed resident of the community. Flipping the coin on her wholesome image garnered from her turns on THE GOLDEN GIRLS and THE MARY TYLER MOORE show, Ms. White is - as should be expected - hilarious in her raunchiness.
While this movie is the very definition of “B-Movie” (maybe even “C” flick), it’s worth watching just for Betty White’s turn.
Rest in Peace, Ms. White. And THANKS FOR THE MEMORIES.
Letter Grade on Lake Placid: B (and I’m being generous)
Letter Grade on Betty White: A+
And you can take that to the Bank(ofMarquis)

Whatchareadin (174 KP) rated The Cuckoo's Calling in Books
Apr 3, 2019
Cormoran Strike is a Private Investigator, who has just been hired by John Bristow to investigate the death of his sister Lula Landry. Lula is a model in England and she has had her share of issues, but no one expected her to commit suicide. Cormoran hasn't been very lucky in life himself as of late, and this case is exactly what he needs to get a jump start. The police have been all over the evidence and there is nothing to support any other outcome for this case, but Cormoran is determined to find out the truth. Will he be surprised by who the killer is or will he find out quickly? With the help of his temporary assistant Robin, the case with all it's secrets will reveal the true killer.
I was not a very big fan of Harry Potter so I was excited when J.K. Rowling decided to try other writing. I'm glad she chose a pseudonym, because I don't think I would have read the books as J.K. Rowling.
When I first started listening to this book, I got quite confused. Each section starts with a Latin phrase. I had to be sure I had the right book. But I will say I was drawn in from the very beginning.
Everyone knows who Lula Landry is and everyone was affected by her death. Her brother doesn't believe she would have committed suicide even though she has serious depression. Her friends don't think she would have done it either. But if she didn't jump from her balcony and no one saw anyone else with her, then what happened? Cormoran interviews everyone who was involved with Lula and some of them twice. He enlists the help of his temporary assistant Robin, who proves to be quite useful.
I think from the beginning Cormoran had an idea of who the killer was. There are little things that happen throughout the story that give you that idea when it's all said and done. I'm very interested to know what is going to happen next in Cormoran's life and what other adventures he and Robin will find themselves on.
I was not a very big fan of Harry Potter so I was excited when J.K. Rowling decided to try other writing. I'm glad she chose a pseudonym, because I don't think I would have read the books as J.K. Rowling.
When I first started listening to this book, I got quite confused. Each section starts with a Latin phrase. I had to be sure I had the right book. But I will say I was drawn in from the very beginning.
Everyone knows who Lula Landry is and everyone was affected by her death. Her brother doesn't believe she would have committed suicide even though she has serious depression. Her friends don't think she would have done it either. But if she didn't jump from her balcony and no one saw anyone else with her, then what happened? Cormoran interviews everyone who was involved with Lula and some of them twice. He enlists the help of his temporary assistant Robin, who proves to be quite useful.
I think from the beginning Cormoran had an idea of who the killer was. There are little things that happen throughout the story that give you that idea when it's all said and done. I'm very interested to know what is going to happen next in Cormoran's life and what other adventures he and Robin will find themselves on.