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Under the Skin (2014)
Under the Skin (2014)
2014 | Sci-Fi
Hoped For More
Under the Skin was doing just fine...until it took a strange direction that I really couldn't get behind. I can't explain it without ruining the movie so I won't. I'm not saying it's not worth watching at least once. However, even if you end up liking it, your appreciation for the film may not be immediate.

I say that because it took me awhile to digest some of the messages sprinkled throughout the film because I was too busy trying to focus on what was actually happening plot-wise. The film preaches that we are victims of our own desires, the things we should probably stay away from but can't. When we don't get the things that we want, we would rather destroy those things than treat them as a loss and move on. How many times have you heard, "I didn't want that job anyway" or "I hate that team. They win too much"? If we can't have the good thing, then no one should have it.

With strong messages like these, It's a wonder the film wasn't better. Overall, it just felt like a puzzle with missing pieces. You're guessing continuously, expecting things to fall into place at some point, but they never do. Again, not a bad just could have been so much more. I expected more excitement and intrigue from a film about an alien female roaming Scotland streets luring men into her van.

For what it's worth, the film does a great job of grabbing your attention and curiosity immediately, setting a tone that demands your attention. Scarlett Johansson was great in her role as Laura the alien life form. You can't help but relate to her struggle of trying to blend in while trying to complete her mission at the same time. Perhaps that was another message: We shouldn't try and change who we are to fit in with social norms. A few tweaks could have made this film a lot better. Overall I give Under the Skin a 75.

Andy K (10821 KP) Feb 9, 2018

Love this movie!

Total Recall (1990)
Total Recall (1990)
1990 | Action, Sci-Fi
Just Great Sci-Fi
Total Recall is pure 90's action at its best. Cool fight scenes and gun battles are littered throughout, but never forced or never at the sacrifice of pacing. It definitely made up for some of my smaller gripes like having a lame villain. Seriously, Richter (Michael Ironside) was about as terrifying as my obese beagle. And what was up with the cheesy girl fight? Just not needed.

As a whole, though, Total Recall succeeds in a number of ways, some expected, some surprising. The film centers around Arnold Schwarzenegger's character Douglas Quaid who is bored with his life and needs an escape. After visiting a place called Recall where your dreams become reality, Quaid becomes mixed up in the center of a crazy mystery where he is a secret agent.

The film provides a solid mystery that keeps you entertained. The puzzle unravels in layers as you figure out a little bit more with every minute that passes. I appreciated the nice twists that kept things interesting. Director Paul Verhoeven wasn't just satisfied with getting by with swanky visuals and a big budget action star. The story's substance ultimately makes it better than what it could have been.

The twists and turns of the story are set against the backdrop of a creative future world. I liked the small touches like the lady changing her nail color with the touch of a pen and the bland driving robots. One of my favorite scenes, both in this movie and in film period, involves Quaid outsmarting the bad guys with a number of holograms. It was a cool trick that had I been watching in a theater in 1990: Mind blown.

Fun film that hits you with more substance than your run-of-the-mill action-sci-fi flick. I give Total Recall an 83. The film's quality made me hate the 2012 version even more.
Desperately Seeking Susan (1985)
Desperately Seeking Susan (1985)
1985 | Comedy, Drama, Romance
6.7 (6 Ratings)
Movie Rating
80's Classic
It's back to the 80's again with Desperately Seeking Susan, a fun film fit for its time. The movie isn't perfect. In fact it breaks one of my Cardinal Sins of Film: Inserting parts for the sake of advancing the plot. In all thing's 80's, however, you have to remember the one rule of thumb: Fun is the word. It can be cheesy, it can be unbelievable, but the audience must have fun. It's hard to hate a film that makes fun its primary goal. Probably a good reason why the 80's and I have gotten along really well so far in my Movie-a-Day quest for 2018.

Roberta Glass (Rosanna Arquette), bored with her life, starts to get obsessive over the personal ads (remember those?) and begins to follow Susan (Madonna) around to live through her. After a bump on the head, Roberta thinks she is Susan and reinvigorates herself with a new life. Roberta is the source of a number of my favorite films throughout the film. She's trying to find her way without being too crazy in the process. One of my favorite scenes involves her hilarious magic act she gets throw into as a stand-in. This, for me, turned the tides from the film being "just ok" to "memorable 80's classic".

I say that because the film gets off to a very slow start. I spent the first fifteen minutes trying to understand what the connection was going to be between Roberta and Susan. I imagine a trailer would have told me everything I needed to know, but I'm judging the film purely off of what happened from start to finish.

Desperately Seeking Susan is a pretty fun comedy-mystery film despite there being a lack of real stakes. You never really worry about the characters' safety and that's fine. If you can give in to the ridiculousness of the movie as a whole, it's really quite fun. I'm giving it an 82.

Dana (24 KP) rated Gilead in Books

Mar 23, 2018  
Marilynne Robinson | 2013 | Fiction & Poetry
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This book had an interesting insight into the mind of a dying old man. It is quite a religious text, the main character being a preacher and all. It is set up by this man writing letters to his seven-year-old son to read after he has died. I thought this was a pretty cool way to set up the novel.

The characters and their experiences were heavily mediated through the main character's mind. His likes and dislikes for certain people were very apparent while reading it. There were a few points that were really cool to read where he finds out that what he thought he knew about people turned out to be very wrong. In that moment, he allowed himself to really ask himself why he felt that certain way and how it changed.

The characters themselves were pretty interesting as well. Even though they were kind of biased against, they all had their mysteries about them. And some were even able to change throughout the course of the book.

Since it was written in the form of letters, it was harder to get the other characters' thoughts about what happened in the plot. It was just all John Ames all the time, but that is how the book is meant to be.

I gave this a three out of five because, even though I did not hate the book, I didn't love it either. Since I had to read this for class, it is not one I would have picked out for myself. Personally, I don't really enjoy reading heavily religious texts, that is why I didn't overly enjoy reading this one. But, the plot moved at a relatively quick pace (even though there were a few moments where the interior reflection did get a little repetitive). I recommend this to anyone who wants to just read something different and out of their normal wheelhouse.
Night's Edge
8.0 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
"Dancers in the Dark" by Charlaine Harris is set in the same universe as the Southern Vampire/Sookie Stackhouse stories, but with none of the incredibly annoying characters. How refreshing! It does go back to the same stuff Harris explored in her Shakespeare series and one of her standalone books (<i>Sweet and Deadly</i>? I can't remember if it was that one of the other, as they don't stand out in my memory too much anyway). The story wasn't terribly, though, and I was engaged. I kept thinking while reading, "Didn't I read another short story or novella in this universe about dancers?" Anybody else remember? I hate it when my memory goes wonky like that.

"Her Best Enemy" was too hackneyed, bringing in too many old standbyes. There's a tough girl reporter who is really a sweet woman who just needs a good man after a bad one took everything she had, a sexy man who is tougher than he looks and better able to protect her than even he knew, etc. I don't remember reading anything really strong by Maggie Shayne yet, but she's definitely on the romance side of the paranormal romance street, so that may explain my lack of enthusiasm.

Barbara Hambly's contribution, "Someone Else's Shadow," has us back in the world of dance. I wouldn't be surprised to see this one and the first story in a dance-themed anthology (they probably are, already, and I just don't realize it yet). It was the strongest story of the three (with reason, as Hambly is certainly the most experienced and IMNSHO best writer of the three). Sound plotting, good reasoning, likable characters who are well-rounded and believable, neither perfect saints nor disgusting sinners.

I kept thinking of Hope while reading the last story because the main character dances and teaches belly dance, and there's a lovely quote from the first time she dances in front of her love interest, <i>"It's all dancing. Skill infused with joy. Weaving jewelry out of dreams."</i>
Midnight In Berlin
Midnight In Berlin
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Not really one for me :-(
Independent reviewer for Divine Magazine, I was gifted my copy of this book.

Covered in feathers, Leon hitchhikes back to his hostel. But Christoph mistakes Leon for a rogue werewolf, and bites him, making Leon like Christoph. Waking up in a house full of others, Leon is more worried about Christoph than his own fate. After Leon frees Christoph, and the truth about their history becomes clear, Leon and Christoph want to leave the pack. But not everyone will let them.

I'm rally not sure how I feel about this book! I did not love it, at all but I didn't hate it either. This is going to be one of those short reviews, and I apologise for that!

It's almost clean, which surprised me, don't know WHY it surprised me, but it did. Also surprised by the fact that I rather liked that it was!

It is, however, quite violent in places. Graphically so, and I did find it a bit too much for me. Someone else might not find it as bad, but me? I didn't like that.

It's told entirely from Leon's point of view and of course I wanted to hear from Christoph. He makes some spur of the moment, life changing decisions here and I needed to know what was going through his mind at those key points in the story.

What Leon does say, is in the first person, past tense, His voice is well written, and well delivered and he gets all the important emotions across in all the right places. I saw no spelling or editing errors to spoil my reading.

I jst don't know if this book was for me, that's all! And Lord knows, I say it often enough, but it pains me when I can't word why I do or do not love a book.

So I'll leave it at that.

3 solid stars.

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
Big Little Lies
Big Little Lies
Liane Moriarty | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
8.6 (97 Ratings)
Book Rating
So much more than I expected
This was my first read by Liane Moriarty and I'm fairly blown away by this book. BIG LITTLE LIES takes the ridiculousness of a bunch of mainly elitist mums surrounding their kids' kindergarten class. Oh and there's husbands too. It was a witty painting of cliques, bitchiness, friendships strong and true and tragedy.

"Jane, nice to meet you! I'm Amabella's mum, and I have Jackson in Year 2. That's Amabella by the way, not Annabella. It's French. We didn't make it up."

"We're a bit too white bread here in the peninsula. We like to think we're terribly diverse but it's only our bank accounts that vary."

There are three friends in this book, each carrying secrets but these three really did care for one another. I liked each flawed woman in this threesome, Madeline, Celeste and Jane. There were characters to love, like, hate and those that redeemed themselves.

Bullying and more is a thread in this book and I felt sick, heart-sick, at times in terms of the nature of these issues. There is also some gut wrenching heart ache and I felt each emotion in full technicolor.

"She'd always known that her reaction to this night had been too big, or perhaps too small. She hadn't ever cried. She hadn't told anyone. She'd swallowed it while and pretended it meant nothing, and therefore it had come to mean everything."

At the heart of BIG LITTLE LIES is a tale of suspense. The seeds are placed right at the beginning and I spent the whole book guessing, re-guessing and second-guessing all my suspicions. Liane Moriarty is a truly talented writer, I enjoyed the light, the witty quips and dialogue, alongside the dark and sad. I'm definitely eager to read more by her.

A copy of this book was provided by the publisher through netgalley in return for a honest review.
For You I Fall ( Angels &amp; Misfits #1)
For You I Fall ( Angels & Misfits #1)
Colette Davison, T.N. Nova | 2018 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Not really one for me :-(
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

As an angel sent to watch over his charges, Dante has many rules. Falling in ove with his charge is one of them. But Seth is such a beautiful person, has such a beautiful soul, Dante can't help himself. When Seth's time comes, Dante will do anything so they can spend eternity together. He never figured on being betrayed, or the strength of the love Seth has for Dante.

*insert sigh*
**insert another sigh**

I'm not really sure what I felt about this book, and I'm struggling to write a coherent review, that makes sense, so bear with me, okay??

I didn't love it, not t all, but I don't think I really LIKED it, either. I certainly did NOT hate it, because if I did, I would not have finished and there would be no review at all.

It's told from both Seth and Dante's point of view, in the third person. It's not overly explicit, just the right amount, I thought, for this book.

It does have some darker undertones and parts of the story are a little graphic in places, but again, I thought just the right level for THIS book.

I did see the betrayal coming at me, and I liked watching it play out the way I thought it would. I did not see how this would resolve itself for Seth and Dante to be together, so that was good to watch unfold. I did like that a certain someone got his just desserts and paid the highest price for his crimes.

I just can't figure out WHY I'm left feeling I don't know what about this book! And you know that pains me so!

Someone will love this book, someone will rant and rave about how awesome it is. Unfortunately, that someone is not me.


3 stars

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
Her Body and Other Parties: Stories
Her Body and Other Parties: Stories
Carmen Maria Machado | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry, LGBTQ+
6.0 (8 Ratings)
Book Rating
This is another book off my Wronged Women list - women who have been part of the #metoo movement. Specifically the ones that have come out against Junot Diaz and Sherman Alexie, but I hope to expand it to others as well. Her Body and Other Parties is a collection of eight surreal stories. Magical Realism is probably the best categorization for them, as they're not really fantasy. Real World stories with a touch of magic, or events that we're not sure whether they could be magic or are just in the narrator's head.

The Husband Stitch is the first story, and it's a retelling of an old children's story that I recently saw being discussed on Twitter - the one with the woman who had a green ribbon tied around her neck. Her husband always wanted to ask about it, but she refused to answer any questions about it, and wouldn't let him touch it until she was on her deathbed. In Machado's version, it isn't just the narrator that has one. Every woman does. It's different colors, in different places, but it's still never talked about. I think she means it as a metaphor for trauma. It works well.

Eight Bites is a particularly haunting piece about self-hate, body acceptance, and peer pressure. It's probably my second favorite story after The Husband Stitch.

The only one I didn't love was Especially Heinous. It was written as episode synopses of a television show, and it was interesting, but it just went on too long.

All of the stories are written well, though, and each one makes a different point. I think this would make an amazing Book Club book, because I'd love to discuss the meanings of the stories with other people. Other women, specifically. It would definitely be a great book for discussion.

You can find all my reviews at
Untamed (Thoughtless, #4)
Untamed (Thoughtless, #4)
SC Stephens | 2015 | Romance
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Oh, Griffin... (smh). First off, I am a HUGE fan of the Thoughtless series. This is one of my all-time TOP favorite series. SC Stephens has a way of writing that brings you so close to the characters that you feel as if you know them personally. I was completely caught up emotionally in this series from day one and I still carry it with me. It's almost scary his much this series affected me... I was so overly sensitive to their thoughts and feelings, it was as if I was experiencing it firsthand. This most recent addition was no exception. On a personal note, this was a very tough book for me to read as the overall theme hit very close to home for me. Watching the lies and deceit flow so easily from Griffin was very hard to stomach. His snowball of bad decisions was painful to watch, for him, Anna and the girls and for the rest of the band and family. I love the D-Bags but always saw Griffin as that annoying friend that you just can't help but love and hate. I found him incredibly annoying at times and hearing it all from his POV was interesting as you saw that he did truly justify his actions.. in his own Griffin kinda way. As frustrating as it was at times, making me want to smack the $hit out of him, he was easier to understand. In the end, he rectified himself in a way that I never thought Id seem, nor did anyone else!? We all got to finally see out Hulk grown up. He's still there, just in controlled doses.. ;-) His relationship with Anna and the girls was beautiful to witness.. we really got to see a whole other side to him. This book tore me up, left me hanging at moment, scared to death and made me bawl my eyes out... Yet another masterpiece form SC Stephens.. surely not to be missed!