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Her Every Fear
Her Every Fear
Peter Swanson | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
6.8 (5 Ratings)
Book Rating
Suspenseful with a hateful villain!
I love these kinds of stories where there’s a twist with a horrible villain that’s rotten to the core. There’s plenty of mystery and the creep factor is definitely there throughout the book.

What I liked about the book was the mood and the way it’s written. The element of mystery is excellent. You’re even doubting Kate and questioning her sanity because of certain events in the book. When you realize it’s all real the creep factor greatly increases.

The characters in this book are well done. You do feel for Corbin but at the same time, he brought it upon himself. (Doesn’t anyone just TALK about it anymore? It’s all about just lashing out and getting revenge???!!) And Henry, he’s just a special character all in his own group. I’ve read some pretty hateful characters...but Henry’s pretty high up on the list. He’s got some pretty serious issues and he’s overall a pretty unlikable character. But, to his credit he’s devious. Devious to the point where he could be a runner for villain of the year. His planning and methods were crafty and calculating. Imagining having someone like Henry in your vicinity is enough to get the hairs on your arms rise.

The plot was well done and flowing nicely. There is also a good amount of backstory throughout the novel so it helps you understand the actions and behavior of the characters, and that’s what I really enjoyed the most of this book. The climax of the novel was also very well done and everything comes to a perfect closing towards the end.

Two things that irked me in this book; Kate and Alan. Alan’s creepy in his own way (harmless creep) but a creep nevertheless. He’s awkward and not that likable but then again, Kate’s choices aren’t really that stellar anyway (not her fault).

Another thing; I have no idea why the author had to be so descriptive to the point as to describe *exactly* what novel Kate’s reading, what type of music Alan is listening to, etc. Are you trying to name drop? To advertise? It was to the point where it got annoying - perhaps it’s because I’ve had bad experiences with this type of writing so I’m thinking that’s why it stands out and irked me. Next time, no need to advertise? Please?

Greatly recommended for thriller lovers! You got a good villain to hate here!

Dana (24 KP) rated The Great Gatsby in Books

Mar 23, 2018  
The Great Gatsby
The Great Gatsby
F. Scott Fitzgerald | 1925 | Fiction & Poetry
7.3 (126 Ratings)
Book Rating
I had to reread this book for one of my classes in college, so this, I believe, is the second or third time I have had to read this book.

I understand why it is a lot of people's favorite book, it is very good, especially with all of the hidden meanings and themes throughout the novel. The only thing is that I feel like it is kind of overrated. Don't hate me, I have reasons.

So many students in the United States have to read this book in high school, most in their Junior year, but I don't know if they are fully able to grasp all of the hidden depths to it. People will go around quoting the book over an over and not stop to question or analyze what they are saying. I understand that not everyone is an English major and that they don't all want to analyze everything they are saying, but at least thinking about it should be done a bit more.

That being said, I really do enjoy this book. Each sentence is so complex in its own way and I love it when books are like that. It would be so easy to be able to write a whole paper on just a small portion of this book in this review, but I promise I'm not going to do that.

So for the class I am reading this for, we are studying it less in the context of what is going on in the novel and more on the period it was written in: the Modernist period. In looking at the style and the cultural and historical influences on F Scott Fitzgerald, I feel like I am able to get more out of the book and the reasons behind each plot point and character. This is a book that is studying people's deficiencies and culture's issues in a not so subtle way.

The characters are really fun to study because they are all not so great people. They all have flaws that are so noticeable to the readers, but it is trying to understand why they are the way they are that is the most fun, at least for me.

If you ever get a chance to study this in a class that is not your high school English course, I would highly recommend it because it almost starts to feel like a whole new book!
An Ember in the Ashes (An Ember in the Ashes #1)
An Ember in the Ashes (An Ember in the Ashes #1)
Sabaa Tahir | 2015 | Young Adult (YA)
8.4 (19 Ratings)
Book Rating
I had been listening to this audiobook for about a week during my commute to and from work, and when it ended on my way home, I couldn't believe it. It couldn't end there. It just couldn't. I wasn't ready. I wanted to know, no, needed to know what happened next! While not a cliff-hanger, there are so many things left unresolved at the end of this story, so many things left to be done, that I really hope Ms. Tahir has at least another 2 or 3 books up her sleeve. (NOTE: Since writing this review I have scoured her Goodreads page and found that yes, book #2 is in the works. I can breathe a little easier now...)

An Ember in the Ashes is the story of Laia, a Scholar girl, and Elias, a soldier in training for the Empire's army. The Scholars are the lowest class citizens in the Empire, and many of Laia's people have been killed or enslaved. Her own parents and older sister were killed for being rebels. Elias is just finishing his training as a Mask, one of the Empire's elite soldiers. When Laia's remaining family is raided one night, she goes undercover as a slave at the military academy to try to gain information she can trade to the Scholar resistance, so that they will help her find and free her brother who was captured during the raid.

There was a bit of a love triangle, which I usually hate, but each individual seemed so real, each with his own flaws and redeeming qualities, that it was easy to understand Laia's feelings. And I loved Laia herself. She was no super-woman, just a frightened girl determined to do whatever she had to in order to save the only family she had left. She was scared, she second guessed herself, but she never gave up. I admired her determination, and it's been a long time since I read a book that made me care so much about what happened to its characters.

I have to mention the narrators as well. I thought both of them did a great job, and having both a male and female narrator helped distinguish the point of view for each chapter. I hope they will be available to read again when the next book in this series is ready!
Look to the Stars
Look to the Stars
Catherine Wilson | 2016 | Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
“Look to the stars, little bird.”

It isn’t often I take quotes directly from the book, but I feel as if this one explains a lot, or it would once you read it.

I’m a sucker for secrets and books with lots of fantasy adventure travel, and this book had both. Brave, a spoiled yet adventurous girl makes the almost perfect main character for the book. Aras, an annoying yet somehow intriguing man that Brave finds in the forest, made just as much as a good main character. They have flaws just like any good character, but some of the time they seemed to forgive each other to easily. It seems like in their weird love/hate friendship almost anything can go without repercussions. Some of it just seemed a little fake and forced by the author.

While I do like these two characters, the others become confusing. Maybe it’s just my brain, but the characters, the more minor ones, started to get mushed and jumbled in my head. They lacked distinctive character traits. Luckily, much of the book doesn’t involve the confusing characters, so it didn’t last long or affect much of the plot.

The middle and end of the book kept my attention. That’s not saying that the beginning didn’t, just that it was much more interesting. When I was almost done with the book, I stopped reading it for a reason even I don’t know, and over time I felt obligated to finish it. So I decided I would at least skim the last few chapters, because the book deserved to be finished. It was silly of me really, the end was good too, I just somehow forgot why I wanted to read it in the first place.

My point is, don’t do what I did and just randomly stop reading this book six chapters from the end.

This book was good, and the ending, while surprising in a predictable sort of way, was a little anti-climatic. It felt like an ending, but the umph factor just wasn’t there.

I’m giving this book 4 stars for a great plot and main characters. The lack of a climatic ending kind of made me uninterested, I thought the book would have been better if the ending was the second to the last chapter. It left more to the imagination until the next book. Also, some of the mild characters were confusing and unreal.

Lauren (6 KP) rated Supergirl - Season 2 in TV

Jul 9, 2018 (Updated Jul 9, 2018)  
Supergirl  - Season 2
Supergirl - Season 2
2016 | Sci-Fi
Chyler Leigh!! (4 more)
Floriana Lima
Melissa Benoist
Jeremy Jordan
The addition oaf a Luthor
Character development (2 more)
Network switch
Lovesick Kara took away from the supposed theme
Contains spoilers, click to show
This season had some absolutely great aspects and some that were not so stellar.
I think that the show did an amazing job with Alex's coming out storyline. It was so real and raw. This storyline was looked upon so highly by the LGBTQ community as it seemed to really speak to so many people. It was also a great example of a healthy relationship, with both women being so supportive of one another and helping each other grow. I read an article that praised it as being one of the healthiest on TV. I also think that Katie McGrath as Lena Luthor was a great addition. She brought a bit of conflict and mixed emotions. Can a Luthor get along with a Super? Is she bad or is she good? I think the moral dilemma was actually a nice addition. It was super fun seeing all the guest stars from the old Superman and super hero shows/movies making an appearance. I also liked seeing Superman a bit. I didn't like the prospect of him taking away from her and swooping in to save the day, and was happy that it didn't really seem to happen that way.
Generally speaking I thought that the move to the CW hurt the show, despite opening some doors for things that may not have been included had the show remained on CBS. I noticed a lack of character development in this season. Characters that I thought grew a to last season seemed to stay the same. There was no character growth at all. Characters that were introduced this season didn't seem to have much back story and remained 1 dimensional. There seemed to be a lot of missed opportunity. I also think that Kara falling for and pining after Mon-El so much seemed to take away from the empowerment that she had so much of in the first season. She focused so much on him that it seemed to make her forget so much of what she stood for. Not to mention that he didn't respect her at all and she continued pining after him. She so quickly jumped from loving James to immediately chasing a guy with qualities and from a planet she claimed to hate. It didn't make much sense.
If I Die Before I Wake
If I Die Before I Wake
Emily Koch | 2018 | Mystery, Thriller
7.7 (6 Ratings)
Book Rating
This book is part whodunit and part thriller– but not in equal measures.

The central character, Alex, wakes up to find he has been in coma for over a year – but everyone still thinks he is in the coma – he cannot move a finger. He gathers from his visitors that he had an accident while rock climbing but he has no recollection of what happened. Half way through the book Alex finds out that he was a victim of attempted murder, and tries his utmost to work out who would want to do it and how it could have happened. Simultaneously he tries desperately to show everyone that he’s awake.

I found the author’s storytelling a little jumpy. The book is written as a stream of consciousness from the protagonist. A protagonist who is often sleepy at vital times, often delirious, and although he is often looking back at his personal life, he also manages to block out important memories.
It was a long wait before Alex found out about the attempted murder, but I knew it was coming from the book description I had read. And the author did have plenty to write about up to that point, and this was deliberately void of focus. One minute Alex is describing how he met his girlfriend, and soon after it swings to overhearing discussions about stopping his food. The author paints a good picture of Alex and his life before the accident.

Telling a story where the main character can’t so much as chew his own food must be no mean feat, but the author pulls it off expertly. There are several characters and sub plots, with past mistakes, an aggravated police officer, moody relatives, a hidden crush, a strange threatening letter, a possible pregnancy, and a proposal that never went ahead. Koch draws you in to Alex’s world, with characters you love to hate and hidden agendas to question.

Of course we do find out whodunit (no spoilers!) but this is done with more of the story to come.

That said I would have preferred more overheard dialogue at this part, though I did find the ending particularly fitting for the character.

You can check out more of my book reviews on Wordpress or Facebook:
Precious Blood (The Blessed, #1)
Precious Blood (The Blessed, #1)
Tonya Hurley | 2013 | Paranormal, Young Adult (YA)
Not for everyone, but I enjoyed it
What I liked about this book is it was able to draw you in slowly to the plot and it unfolds gradually by introducing you to the main characters and their backgrounds. You can’t help but keep reading to see what will happen next. Your curiosity is piqued and it’s worth reading through. There is a chapter here and there that lets you think ‘Gee what the heck am I reading here’ but it makes up for it wholeheartedly towards the ending of the book.

The plot and the pace is slow but steady. You’re taken through each girl’s perspective and when they finally come together, if you can bypass the pettiness and mean girl attitude (some parts were quite fun to read, the comebacks are something to be filed away for future use should need arise) they actually do make a solid team. Each girl has their own story and their own pain to deal with. Of the three, I’d taken a liking to Cecilia. She’s a tough one and although all three have gone through a substantial amount of pain, Cecilia seems to be the most likable and the most independent (plus she’s a Rocker girl. Who doesn’t think Rocker Girls are cool?)

As the story unfolds, it gets chaotic towards the last third of the novel. Pretty good action - brutal at times so might not be for the faint of heart, and of course it leaves room for more things to come (two books follow after this one). Understandably this book might not be for everyone. Gratuitous swearing, references to Catholicism which may be offensive to some, some serious what the F chapters that make you wonder what kind of shrooms they’re on, and references to rape are mentioned in the book.

So while it may not be for everyone, I was surprised that I enjoyed reading this one so much. Although it took awhile for the book to gain momentum and this thing with Sebastian being a somewhat Charles Manson wannabe without the murders is a bit tedious, it was actually pretty good. However it comes across as a book that either you’ll really like, or you’ll really hate. So, when in doubt, just take it out of the library and save your money for other things.

Emma @ The Movies (1786 KP) rated Eighth Grade (2018) in Movies

Jun 22, 2019 (Updated Sep 25, 2019)  
Eighth Grade (2018)
Eighth Grade (2018)
2018 | Comedy
Eighth Grade was quite difficult for me to watch. I absolutely hate watching things that are awkward, and if one word sums up this film it's "awkward". I'm throwing it in the pool with talk shows and reality TV in all their cringy glory. Between those awkward moments we do thankfully see some nicer moments.

Kayla is trying to navigate the move from eighth grade to high school, the perils of friends and enemies, and how to get noticed by the right people. Like many of us have done she tries stepping out of her comfort zone with varying degrees of success. But every one of those steps helps her learn something about herself and life, things that she hopes future Kayla will remember when life seems tough.

I'm just going to skip over the things I didn't like about the movie because honestly, it's all mainly issues to do with the awkwardness I've already mentioned.

Kayla's dad is probably my favourite character in this, he is involved in some of the scenes I didn't like but overall he brings a lot of heart to the film. When he makes his speech at Kayla towards the end it's a genuinely moving moment and it brought a tear to my eye. One of the only things that I came away wondering was where was mum, she's mentioned but I don't think anything is specifically mentioned apart from "she left". Part of me thinks it's frustrating, but there was no real way to bring it up out of context.

There's nothing particularly wrong with the film, the acting was fine and although the script was frustrating it was accurate to what was trying to be achieved. This is definitely not for me though. Partly for the awkward reason and partly because I don't entirely enjoy watching films that involve things I could, or have, done myself.

What you should do

It's not one that' I'd recommend for the obvious reason above. It does seem to be liked by lots of people though so it's probably one that's worth checking out when it goes to streaming services.

Movie thing you wish you could take home

I not sure there's actually anything from this I'd like to take home with me... I don't need any more angsty teen in my life.
Velvet Buzzsaw (2019)
Velvet Buzzsaw (2019)
2019 | Drama, Horror, Mystery
Lacking In the Entertainment Realm
Netflix has some solid hits on their hands…but they can’t all be hits. Velvet Buzzsaw is proof (just like The Dead Don’t Die) that you can add all the starpower in the world and it won’t be enough to save a bad movie. This satirical movie tells the story of what happens when art becomes real and consumes our lives.

Acting: 10

Beginning: 1

Characters: 9
The story revolves around a solid group of characters. In their own way, they each play a part in contributing to the chaos of the story as a whole. Their individual lives are unique and come crashing together to keep the story somewhat afloat. They are a great foundation indeed. Unfortunately, it’s the rest of the house that sucks.

Cinematography/Visuals: 10

Conflict: 10
There is enough within the story to keep you intrigued for most of it. You don’t know what’s real and what’s not which helps to build the intrigue. Every new scene brings the possibility of something bad happening and it definitely made for a bumpy, fun ride.

Entertainment Value: 5
To counter the above, however, there were a number of times where I expected something to happen and I was left disappointed. I feel like the movie spent so much time trying to be artsy fartsy that it forgets to actually entertain in spots. I hate to say it, but I spent half the movie bored, hence the 5.

Memorability: 4

Pace: 7

Plot: 10
The premise is intriguing and unique. Despite the poor translation to the big screen, I can’t deny the daring it took to attempt something like this. The movie’s intent isn’t to wow you with big blockbuster moments, but to make you think. As our movie world continues to become more money-driven daily, this was a refreshing change.

Resolution: 2
Totally unnecessary. I’ll just leave it at that.

Overall: 68
To its credit, Velvet Buzzsaw does spin a great tune about the dangers of selling out and the downside of being willing to do anything to get ahead. What good is art if it’s never seen? Probably not very good at all, which is why I can tell you it’s safe to stay away from this movie.

Ross (3284 KP) rated Bird Box (2018) in Movies

Jan 14, 2019 (Updated Jan 14, 2019)  
Bird Box (2018)
Bird Box (2018)
2018 | Drama, Horror, Sci-Fi
Drama and acting (0 more)
Nobody bumps their head (0 more)
Slightly flawed premise for a film
Contains spoilers, click to show
The premise of the film, that there are mysterious beings that, once seen, will drive sane people to suicide and insane people to do their bidding is intriguing. That is, until you realise that this means a film where people are either stuck inside, afraid of those mad "helpers" knocking on their door, or people wandering blindfolded around looking for food, water and shelter. Neither of these for me make for a particularly compelling watch. This film is split between the two.
The former aspects of the film are by far the best, people locked in a house together, running out of food (but somehow with plenty of electricity and running water) and considering venturing outside. However, with only those insane helpers likely to come to the door, we don't have the same level of jeopardy as your normal zombie/apocalypse film.
The latter aspects, people wandering around blindfolder, are just a nonsense. People driving in a car with blacked out windows and barely bumping into anything and sat-nav somehow getting them right to the front door (and the people know they are at the front door) was just totally unbelievable. Sat-nav frequently tells me I am in the sea when driving anywhere near the coast, so the chances of it accurately delivering me to the front door of a shop I programmed it for are minimal. Similarly when people are wandering around, they rarely bump into anything at all, and when they do it is always a trip (which would be easily avoided).
And finally the premise - the mysterious beings were not explored at all. While I am happy to have some mystery around the likes of this and actually hate it when they attempt to explain circumstances and fail, I felt this was just omitted completely. There is no real rhyme or reason for what happens in the film and I didn't like that. Its really just 2 hours of people afraid of some leaves.
The rating of this was for the suspense of the film and the acting within the house section, and for the epic opening sequences where the cataclysm unfolds, despite the glaring flaws in the premise and people miraculously getting around without concussion.