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2018 | Action, Animation, Drama
7.2 (9 Ratings)
TV Show Rating
Ridiculously Crazy Yet Insanely Hardcore
Baki is the third season of an anime series based on manga series titled Grappled Baki or Baki The Grappled. It is directed by Toshiki Hirano, written by Tatsuhiko Urahata and produced by Kei Watahiki, Yuki Yokoi, and Executive Producer Tetsu Kohima. Baki is made by TMS Entertainment and licensed by Netflix.

Baki is anything but a normal teenage high school student. After becoming one of the greatest martial artists in the world by winning a legendary underground fighting tournament, Baki continues to train with intense focus to become strong enough to surpass his father, Yujiro Hanma, the strongest fighter in the world. He is warned by Mitsunari Tokugawa, ruler of the underground fight arena, that five of the world's most dangerous, violent and brutal death row inmates have escaped and they are all converging on Tokyo. Their unmatched skill and strength have made them bored and their objective is to taste defeat. Tokugawa warns Baki that they are seeking him in hopes of being overwhelmed and utterly crushed. Other underground martial art warriors gather to fight by Baki's side after being summoned by Tokugawa.

This anime is pretty freaking crazy. Whether it's the ridiculous amount of muscles the characters have or the amount of damage they can handle, this anime is over the top. From the beginning they hype up these individuals with the stories of why they're in prison and the impossible ways that they escape. But when they start fighting it really picks up. This series was a guilty pleasure of mine for a bit, I totally binge watched the first season and eagerly awaited the second. That being said it is far from perfect. There is a lot of talking sometimes (a bit too much exposition) and waiting for action but when it happens it rarely disappoints. I mean the fight scenes are really graphic with blood, broken bones, teeth breaking, eye stabbing etc. I really hate that it has CGI at all but it's far and in between. At first I didn't like the art style at all but it kinda grew on me. Also to me the second season didn't live up to the hype of the first one but that's just my opinion. If you're looking for straight up action then this is the anime you're looking for. I give it a 7/10.
Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band by The Beatles
Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band by The Beatles
1967 | Pop, Psychedelic, Rock

"I originally chose the White Album, but then I thought, no, the White Album probably is my favourite Beatles record, but Sergeant Pepper is one of those records that everybody had and you heard it so many times that I didn't imagine I could ever possibly come back to it. But I have a librarian in me; some of the Wire things I've done I've made out of sources, to recreate something, and because EMI were so diligent about keeping all of the original material they were able to go back to the original 4-track tapes, put them all into Pro Tools sessions, get them all lined up and then start playing it back in a way that it was never played back. Because of the methodology of bouncing tracks- you'd record to a 4-track machine, then bounce it to another 4-track machine and whatever- by the time you'd gone seven or eight generations you're losing all of the top end on the original recordings. There isn't that kind of clarity there. There's clarity to Revolver that isn't in Sergeant Pepper because of all the layers of recording. And one of the remarkable things about the remaster of Sergeant Pepper is that clarity comes back with a vengeance. So the first thing that you can say about it is it actually sounds a lot more like Revolver than you ever imagined it did. And the second thing is they're right there in the room with you. It's completely present. The original recording was obviously really good. They were recording in Abbey Road with high end engineers. So what had sounded a bit mushy and indistinct is very clear. There are some things that I don't agree with. I don't like any of the tracks so much where they put the drums on one side because I hate that stereo picture, but they had their reasons for doing it. They tried to be as true as possible to the original mixes; that's the other thing, so you don't have a sense that this is a redo. You just have a sense that here's an ancient artefact that had been covered in grime and somebody's just cleaned all the grime off, and there you see the shiny thing in front of you."

The Marriage of Innis Wilkinson
The Marriage of Innis Wilkinson
Lauren H Brandenburg | 2020 | Mystery, Romance
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
The protagonists of this story would be Margarette and Roy, but this novel is told from multiple perspectives, including Innis herself. Margarette and Roy belong to the families, that hate each other. Both of the families trying to outdo each other with better events and showing off, and Margarette has to endure all that competing behaviour. Innis is a character, who’s story is running in the background. Innis is an incredibly strange woman. Her story is revealed little by little, but it is very sweet and heartbreaking. I really liked all the main characters, they are very kind, sensitive and pleasant people. Margarette has patience made of steel, she does so much for both of the families, scared to offend them, I know I would have lost my patience in no time. 😀 😀

The book is set in a very small town called Coraloo, during a festival, and the whole vibe feels like Bruge (Belgium) for some reason. I imagine little shops down the little alleys, cobblestone everywhere… It just seems cosy, small and inviting. The narrative is quite slow and steady, the characters are sharing their thoughts about family, love, relationships, but it is quite funny at times when crazy family members join in. The topics discussed in this novel are family relationships, marriage preparations and stress, abandoned dreams, wish to be accepted and many more. This novel has some mystery elements, but the whole novel is more oriented towards romance and wedding.

I really liked the writing style of this book. It was very creative, and even though some of the things kept repeating, I could feel the love for everything through the characters. I am very happy that the author used her experience as a teacher in this novel, I think it was very well utilised. The chapters are medium length, and some of the information was a little repetitive, but I was quite curious to find out more about Innis, so the chapters didn’t feel draggy to me. The ending was very unexpected but left me very satisfied with the outcome.

So, to conclude, I really enjoyed this funny, heart-warming book, that is filled with unique and entertaining characters, as well as very soothing and “cuddly” plot. I think this book is perfect for these long and cold evenings, it feels like a hug.
The Thing (2011)
The Thing (2011)
2011 | Drama, Horror, Mystery
This one is pretty straightforward - The Thing (2011) is an ok film that is completely dwarfed by The Thing (1982) - honestly, fuck knows why it doesn't have a different title.

This prequel to the iconic John Carpenter movie does have some decent aspects to it - it has a mostly agreeable cast and a good screenplay that's engaging, although a vast majority of the characters are hugely forgettable, and not a patch on the crew of protagonists from the 82 film. Mary Elizabeth Winstead is a perfectly likable leading lady, but everyone else is just kind of there. Even Joel Edgerton blends in with the furniture.
I also think it has good pacing for the most part - the opening third builds things up nicely, and when things finally kick off, it feels earned.
The attention to detail is admirable as well, with various objects and hints of past chaos found by Kurt Russell and co in the 82 film being placed perfectly.

Unfortunately, the end project suffers from a couple of things. Most infamously, the CGI is ropey, and is an ill advised addition considering the 82 film boasts some of the best practical effects in cinema history. This is made even worse by the fact that practical effects and animatronics were initially used before being smothered in digital effects to the point where it actively makes the whole movie less enjoyable. The narrative also apes the Carpenter classic a little too often for my taste, and serves more of a reminder of that film, rather than feeling like a homage.
The final act is just silly as well. After a strong build up, the climax snowballs into uninteresting bad-Predator-sequel-esque nonsense, and even saves the most laughable digital effects for last, just for good measure.
I did like the very last scene though, which genuinely ties nicely into the start of the 82 film.

Messing with such an iconic horror heavyweight comes with huge risks, and ultimately, The Thing (still really hate that they didn't use a different title) isn't the car crash that it easily could have been, but it does fall flat on really important aspects, resulting in a film that is average to the casual movie goer, and is thoroughly underwhelming for fans of its far superior predecessor.
Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle (2017)
Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle (2017)
2017 | Action, Adventure, Comedy
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, I do not know what The Rock is for? He’s certainly not for me! I’m sure he is a lovely man in real life, but how…? Why…? is he a movie star? It baffles me. Look, there is some fun to be had with this remake, and the themes it raises are actually reasonably smart and relevant to the world of teenagers in 2020, but it is just so second rate and lazy in so many ways. I am also not a fan of Kevin Hart’s schtick. I mean, he has made me laugh maybe twice in everything I’ve ever seen him do in the last ten years. Irritating sums it up better for me. Jack Black isn’t a whole lot better; his best films are good despite him, not because of him, in the main, and when he is bad he is very very poor indeed. That leaves Karen Gillan, and yes, she saves the show here, leaving the boys look awkward, forced and quite a bit dated.

It’s basically a body swap movie, a tried and tested recipe for Japes and easy gags in a kids movie. And as so it shamelessly borrows, adapts and full on steals every previous joke, observation and trick used in every body swap film ever made. Does it do anything new? Or better? Not as far as I could see. But, then again, I am no longer ten years old, and that is very much where this is pitched. Except it annoyed me most in the patronising choices it made for the ten year old of 2020 – are they all really that dumb? Because I remember the original Jumanji managing to be fun and intelligent at the same time. It’s very possible I have it wrong because it’s me that is getting further away from what kids identify with and enjoy these days, however.

Basically, I allowed it to wash over me whilst pining for the screen presence, comedic skill and empathy of Robin Williams. Therefore I was bound to hate it. Maybe one day I’ll see it in a better mood and accept that it is perfectly fine family fare. I have certainly witnessed worse over the years – at least the sense of adventure is mostly there, the production design is competent and it is ultimately harmless. It’s just not my bag.
Granite Grit (Fighting's in the Blood #1)
Granite Grit (Fighting's in the Blood #1)
Lee Cooper | 2016 | Crime, Fiction & Poetry
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
"When your toughest opponent is you."

Your not kidding! A very true statement in more ways than one throughout the novel, for the main character Joe and the reader's themselves. What a fantastic debut novel.

The storyline is brilliant, easy to follow and written in quite a unique style jumping from past to present in the space of a couple lines with ease. It is truly fascinating, coming from someone who is clueless when it comes to boxing of any kind I managed to understand everything, it all made sense. I loved the twists and turns the story itself took, unwinding the spiral of destruction the main character created for himself, it's powerful yet sad and overall really moving creating the important hook.

The themes of the story are simple and conveyed with the utmost professionalism, the love between man and women, between parents and children, between man and the art of boxing. The relationships between the characters throughout the novel are wonderfully portrayed whether they come to a complete halt or blossom in times of tragedy. I think the theme of abuse is conveyed beautifully considering the sensitive, powerful and hard-hitting nature of the theme as a whole tying in well with a further theme of family which seems to be one of Joe's fatal flaws. Which leads me on to the character Joe whom I love, hate and support, the character development of Joe is remarkably controlled and really well done. At first, I really loved and sympathised with the man trying to keep his family afloat, then his downwards spiral left me hating him yet supporting him, wanting him to do well and wanting him to win the fight with not only himself but his opponents.

Personally, the fight scenes were my favourite due to the descriptive manner of which they were told, I felt like I was in the crowd onlooking the entire scene feeling the tension and fear in the atmosphere. Although it may not seem like it due to the boxing element the novel is very relatable considering family loyalty, the struggle for money and even the determination Joe has to prove himself. I even found myself laughing out loud at some of the comments Joe made.

Overall, this is truly an amazing book and I couldn't recommend it more.
Citizen Kane (1941)
Citizen Kane (1941)
1941 | Classics, Drama, Mystery
Beautiful Cinematic Treat
Citizen Kane follows the life of a newspaper tycoon. I saw this movie months ago, but have been dreading the review due to my scoring. Granted, I LOVED this movie, I just know there will be those that say I should have scored the movie higher and I’m ok with that. Here goes nothing…

Acting: 10
Orson Welles delivers a powerful performance as Charles Foster Kane. In my eyes, I see him as the original Tony Stark: Powerful, suave, and undeniably lovable. His presence takes over making it hard for me to remember the impact of other performances. There is no doubt that this is a classic, iconic role.

Beginning: 10

Characters: 10
Again, I could watch a movie made up of just Charles Foster Kane and no one else and still enjoy it. Yes, there were other characters that contributed to the film’s overall impactfulness, but the character of Kane is one you remember for a long time. He is a well-layered powerful man that has a lot brewing beneath the surface. He is compensating for something missing in his life and it doesn’t take us long to see this. His journey is definitely one worth watching.

Cinematography/Visuals: 10

Conflict: 8

Entertainment Value: 10
The entire movie revolves around a mystery: What exactly is rosebud? It takes us all the way to the end to truly find out what that means. I don’t know about you, but I spent much of my time while watching the film trying to find hints to what the mystery could mean. This made the movie all the more interesting and it was a clever way to keep me engaged. This movie doesn’t need a full two hours to pack a powerful punch.

Memorability: 10

Pace: 8

Plot: 10

Resolution: 6
Here’s where i get crucified: I think the ending to Citizen Kane is a bit overrated. When I found out what it all meant, I kind of rolled my eyes a bit. I didn’t hate it, but also didn’t see what the big deal was.

Overall: 92
Citizen Kane definitely deserves its classic status and I agree that, even to this day, it is still one of the best movies ever made. I won’t go as far as to say the greatest movie of all time (as of today it sits at 87 on my list), but it is truly a movie to remember.
David Winship | 2020 | Fiction & Poetry, Humor & Comedy
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
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Multiverse is a collection of poems as well as short paragraphs that take on interesting topics and thought-provoking scenarios of our life. 

After reading Multiverse, I cannot say for certain whether he is being arrogant or brave. I am still undecided as to whether I love or hate his style of writing. There is something very intriguing about his writing; sometimes he makes me smirk, and sometimes his words trigger me. 

<b><i>"In a democracy, shouldn't there be room for those who don't want a fair society?"</i></b>

Even though I appreciate the style this book was written in, and the way the topics are being expressed, I am not in awe of how bombshells are dropped and then he proceeds to move on to a different subject. 

Following up on this, I would also like to note the poem "Forsaking the Poppy", where the author opens us the suggestion of declining to wear a poppy. The thought process behind it is that this could be seen as synonymous with racism and chauvinism. 

<b><i>One thing is certain though. </i></b>

This book will definitely leave an impact on you, whether good or bad. And it will prompt a discussion, or at least spark a bit of curiosity on various topics that are relevant in today's world. 

I recommend it to all curious minds out there. It may not be your cup of tea, but you never know. As for me, I like books that either make me feel good or learn something, so i will end this review with something I learnt from this book: 

<b><i>"According to ancient Japanese culture, the Sakura tree represents the beauty and fragility of life, reminding us that things in life are incredibly precious but also tragically ephemeral." </i></b>

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