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Bloodlaced (Youkai Bloodlines #1)
Bloodlaced (Youkai Bloodlines #1)
Courtney Maguire | 2020 | LGBTQ+, Science Fiction/Fantasy
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
BLOODLACED is the first book in the Youkai Bloodlines series, and I have to say I was blown away by this story. It is sad, it is hopeful; it is heart-warming, it is heart-breaking.

Asagi is neither man or woman, and their name reflects that. Sold as a child into a world of slavery, Asagi has been broken so many times. They will do what they need to, to protect those they claim. And when they take Tsukito as their own, they love him completely. Unfortunately, it isn't enough, and Asagi is sold once again, leaving his heart behind, and he can only fear for what will happen to Tsukito.

If you are looking for a light, fluffy book, then I implore you to look elsewhere. However, if you want a high-angst, incredibly sad story with highlights of happiness, then I can suggest you give this one a go.

There is so much character development for Asagi. They really do learn so much about themselves. Their love never falters but does change. Mahiro is constant and I can't help but wish for a happy ending for him.

One small thing - the ending. It about broke me! It really did. The only reason it didn't is because it almost felt over too soon. I know that doesn't make much sense, but if you read it, then you'll understand. There was no real build-up, just BOOM!! There is a snippet of hope left though, that a happy ending might be in sight... but not within the pages of this book. The author leaves that to the reader's imagination, and that is the perfect way to finish the story.

This book came as a surprise, and I am thrilled to have read it. I really can't wait for book 2. I definitely recommend this book if you are looking for something a bit different to the usual vampire genre.

** same worded review will appear elsewhere **

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
The Fault in Our Stars
The Fault in Our Stars
John Green | 2012 | Children
8.2 (185 Ratings)
Book Rating
Made me cry! Beautiful story.
The Fault in our Stars is an international bestseller by an award winning author John Green. This is John Green’s most loved and heartbreaking story yet which will be hard to beat! If you have not heard about The Fault in our Stars, where have you been hiding? Age does not matter with this five star beautifully written, heart warming, must read story! Do not wait to read this book, bump it up your pile or BUY IT NOW! I will forever praise and highly recommend this book to you all.

I could not put this book down until I had finished it (I was in another world while reading this book). As most of you will know this story has been adapted into a film and if you are a book worm like me, the book has to be read first! I cannot compare this book to the film as I have STILL not managed to watch the film yet! This is the perfect book for you all but specifically for those who enjoy the young adult, drama, death, romance and contemporary genre’s. This has to be on of my favourite books ever by John Green which led me to reading all his other books, I did find The Fault in our Stars a very emotional read so be warned!

This is Hazel’s story, Hazel has terminal cancer and will not expect what is about to happen… When Augustus walks into her life Hazel’s story will be completely re-written. Will they fall in love? Will Augustus show Hazel how beautiful life really is? That is for you to find out not if, but WHEN you read this outstanding story, trust me it will not let you down and will stick in your heart and mind forever! Enjoy, try not to cry!
Little Monsters (2019)
Little Monsters (2019)
2019 | Comedy, Horror
The most wholesome zombie film you will ever see
The biggest takeaway from Little Monsters is just how damn heart warming it is. Seriously.

The plot revolves around a group of young school children and their teacher becoming trapped at a petting farm whilst on a school trip, due to a zombie outbreak at an absurdly close military facility.
The conflicting styles of lighthearted family comedy, and typical zombie violence work pretty well, and offer up a solidly entertaining and genuinely funny movie, in a market that runs the risk of becoming increasingly saturated.

Lupita Nyong'o and Alexander England are two fantastic leads with great chemistry. The character growth attributed to both of their characters isbl great and is a huge part of why I enjoyed Little Monsters so much.
Josh Gad also stars and offers up a lot of humour with his character.
The cast is rounded out by a group of stupidly adorable kids, and combined with a witty and tight script, ensured I was smiling for the whole run time.

There's some decent zombie gore littered throughout, with some respectable practical effect, but please know, that Little Monsters is absolutely intended as a comedy, so don't watch it expecting to be scared!

Overall, if you like zombie comedy, then you could do a lot worse. Little Monsters is genuinely funny and extremely wholesome. Give it a go!
Bait (2019)
Bait (2019)
2019 | Drama
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Blow the man down
Bait is a beautiful disorientating gem of a movie about how we failure to understand and communicate with each other on a daily basis. Set in an old fishing village that's having to change with the times while leaving its locals struggling to make a living. bait is loaded with conflict and tension as tourists and locals cross paths and confront each other on a daily basis. Watching bait is a constant visual treat it's scratchy, jumpy, weathered and seemingly missing vital scenes giving it not only a sense of nostalgia but great authenticity too. Dialog is stiff, seemingly mismatched and layered in an almost hazy dream like way adding brilliantly to the overall atmosphere, harsh themes and knife point tension. Acting is tip top too with every single character seething with realistic portrayals of frustration, jealousy, anger and #hatred these along with close up shots of clenched fists and faces showing eyes of sheer boredom add superbly to a film that feels so relatable and incredibly British. Bait is by no means a happy watch with its intense close up imagery, pulsing scratchy film reel and defining silence that accompanies all the constant drama and conflict but theres something so pure, heart warming and nostalgic in all it's damn fine riveting hopelessness that rewards all that stay till it's haunting and mezmerising conclusion.