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    Jean (18 KP)

    Definite book-worm!

    Mad-keen reader, film-watcher, binge watcher of Amazon Prime, food-lover, arty-farty knitter,...

    Last Active: Jul 3, 2020

    Danye Clinch (2 KP)

    Book worm

    I'm an observer, a keep to my selfer and a thinker

    Last Active: Jan 28, 2019
In the Skin of a Lion
In the Skin of a Lion
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
The Tempers of Historic Toronto is the title of my latest #bookreview for Michael Ondaatje's historical fiction novel "In the Skin of a Lion". With this, I have finally read ALL of Ondaatje's novels! You can find my review on my blog here.
The Other Boleyn Girl
The Other Boleyn Girl
Philippa Gregory | 2003 | Fiction & Poetry, Romance
7.6 (23 Ratings)
Book Rating
Even though there are elements of fiction, it all feels like it rings true (2 more)
Allows you to step back into that world and experience it for yourself
Engaging and well written
Great adaptation of a historic event
One Came Home
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
[One Came Home] by [Amy Timberlake] is a highly acclaimed book. I really liked the historic aspects. I did not know people hunted pigeons. Also the character of Georgie is a strong, headed individual. I just felt the first half of the book was like a soap opera. I wanted more details about events and less about the relationship muddle of her sister. I like my historic fiction to have more history.
Across the Rift
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
[Across the Rift]by[H Ann Ackroyd] started out slow for me and the format was difficult. The plot,characters, and setting was excellent though. I wonder if the formatting issue was with the eBook download if not it could use some editing. It was an enjoyable historic fiction.