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Black Sails  - Season 1
Black Sails - Season 1
2014 | Adventure, Drama
Great Cast (3 more)
Brilliant Action
Great Drama
Very Accurate (thought not 100%)
Game of Thrones with Pirates
I was unawares during my first initial viewing of this show that this was in fact a prequel of sorts to the famous classic novel by Robert Louis Stevenson, Treasure Island. Though I knew that I had heard the names Flint and John Silver among others. However, I must admit, I have never seen, nor read any adaptation of the classic (I know shameful) but I intend to as it is in my collection of books and has been for years. I collected the 'Golden Library' collection which contains nearly all of the most classic books that are must reads for any book worm, and though I do not claim to be a book worm nor a large reader of any kind, I take interest in anything to do with Pirates, Vikings, and most historical fiction.

This show is a great representation of the life and time of Piracy however, and I can review it from a point of view of someone who knows quite a bit about the golden age of piracy in actual historical facts. Unlike the previous pirate content I reviewed, Blackbeard, this show portrays pirates as scarred, dirty, bloody, and frightening in their own way. However, similar to the Blackbeard short series, the pirates and other characters all have near perfect teeth. It seems to be that only (in what I have seen anyways) the Pirate's of the Caribbean franchise has managed to nail the full historical accuracy of the look of a pirate from clothing, to makeup, to the teeth.

On the other hand, this does not cause much of a disturbance to the viewing of this show, because the drama is brilliant, if you can bare the somewhat slow plot lines unfold as there are many characters in this show, and each have a ship full of issues that all need resolving with very few of them actually being resolved. From love interests, to thievery, betrayal and all round general opposition between old allies and acquaintances. There is a lot of 'business' to deal with on the side of Eleanor Guthrie and her dealings with our main protagonists, among other important characters, some of which are based upon historical figures such as Captain Benjamin Hornigold, Charles Vane, Anne Bonny and Jack Rackham (known throughout history as Calico Jack). All portrayed as tough, cunning and sometimes (most times for Rackham) as humerous.

The production of this show is great, with beautiful sets, great looking props and special effects that make this a believable series to get lost in. It's one of the better pirate themed mediums that I have seen, and I personally really enjoy the drama and suspense of the episodes, as well as the twists and turns of certain scenario's which leave you wanting more.

The cast deliver great performances and make you believe that they are truly men or women to be feared, and not to be double crossed. From Charles Vane's tough exterior, to Eleanor Guthrie's power over trade in Nassau, and even Captain Flint's fear inducing presence, as we watch his secrets spill out into the hands of the wrong people.

This is a show I would recommend to anyone who enjoys the theme of pirates, with some fantasy and a lot of drama, but I should warn you, that it doesn't hold back with neither the nudity or the actions performed, during the state in which someone would be naked. Whether it's the whores in the brothel, or the few short term relationships between characters.

Minor Spoilers - nothing too important.

The first example you see of this extent of mature content, as well as some of the humour of this show, is when John Silver is taken into a whore house, and is told that 'Blackbeard' wishes to see him. When he enters, he finds a woman standing there, and as John Silver points out "You are not Blackbeard" only to discover that the beard, is revealed to be between her legs.

As I said, watch at your own risk but I would recommend it to anyone interested in the theme of Pirates during the Golden Age.
Song Of The Sparrow
Song Of The Sparrow
Lisa Ann Sandell | 2019 | Fiction & Poetry
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Genre: Historical Fiction, Young Adult, Fantasy, Poetry, Romance.

Type: Stand-alone

Audience/ Reading Level: 12+

Interests: King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table, Historical Reads, Lyricism, Poetry, Retellings.

Point of View: Third person

Promise: A tale of love, betrayal, and war.

Insights: I have no idea where or when I received/ got this novel. But ever since that day, Song of the Sparrow has been one of my favorite retellings of King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table. My copy is very beaten up, so it’s gotten it’s many of read-throughs in. It also makes me think that I use to be pretty rough with my books. (what in the heck is wrong with you Becca! smh) I remember reading through SotS and thinking of myself as Elaine, the MC. Does anybody else do that? Because it hasn’t gone away with me.

I loved every aspect of this little novel. My favorite part was not only the retelling of King Arthur and the Knights but also how the novel was written in a sort of lyricism way, a lot like poetry. Novels written this way have always drawn my attention and I find them quite refreshing to read when in a slump or trying to get out of one.

Favorite Quotes: “I am Elaine daughter of Barnard of Ascolat. Motherless. Sisterless. I sing these words to you now, because the point of light grows smaller, ever smaller now, even more distant now. And with this song, I pray I may push back the tides of war and death. So, I sing these words that this light, this tiny ray of light and hope may live on. I dare not hope that I may live on too.”

“So long ago now. But you remind me of her, you know. Sometimes I forget that you are not she. Sometimes I forget that I should not blame you for leaving me. It was her. I was her.”

What will you gain?: A new telling of what life back in the olden days was like for a female in an all men village.

Aesthetics: Everytime I read-through Song of the Sparrow, I always stare at the cover. Something about it is just very appealing, not only to the eyes but also with the mind. Another aesthetic I found that I loved was how the story was written like lyricism/poetry.

“And at that moment, a lilting melody lifts to the moon as a single sparrow sings.”
Vikings  - Season 1
Vikings - Season 1
2013 | Action, Drama, History
Historically Accurate in terms of culture (2 more)
Doesn't hold back on the gore and grim nature of Vikings
Great Character development
Doesn't hold back on the gore and grim nature of Vikings (not for the light hearted) (0 more)
A Historically accurate fantasy series
Vikings was a show that I didn't begin watching until it was already 3 seasons in. However it is a show that I instantly fell in love with because it was very different from any show like it.

Many shows these days such as Game Of Thrones and Vikings, etc. are becoming more daring with reaching a specific audience rather than the wider audience gained through less graphically violent shows. These shows are not afraid to show us a blade slicing through someones flesh or the blood pouring out of the wounds.

Vikings, as known throughout history, have been recorded as violent and brutish warriors who slaughtered hundreds of men and women during their travels to England and other European lands. The show does not hold back when it comes to portraying their brutality in battle. It is not all brutality and war though, as the drama aspect of this show, is shown through the main cast in their homeland of Scandinavia.

Ragnar is definitely a great character to follow as we watch him rise to become Jarl of his home town. Portrayed by Travis Fimmel (Warcraft: The Beginning / The Baytown Outlaws), the character of Ragnar Lothbrok is one we see develop in many different ways. Based upon the legend of a man of the same name, who, though recorded throughout history, is a character that some historians are unsure existed, thought his sons are definitely recorded to have existed. The only way I can explain this is that his legend is so incredible that there are some who chose to believe it and others who chose to believe it is simply stories made up by travelers and poets.

Either way, this show is a brilliant fantasy drama that combines fiction with historical accuracy. This first season follows Ragnar as he begins his journey to defy the Jarl of Kattegat and sail towards England to raid, pillage and bring back treasure unlike anything the north had ever seen.

The soundtrack to the series is also brilliant and really brings the scenes of the films to life, and give them a beautiful atmosphere that sucks you into the moment, and leaves you on the edge of your seat.

With a great cast, excellent writers and great directing and cinematography, Vikings is beautiful, thrilling and horrifying and certainly, in my opinion, one of the greatest shows I have ever watched.
Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides (2011)
Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides (2011)
2011 | Action, Comedy, Sci-Fi
6.3 (30 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Blackbeard (Ian McShane) (2 more)
New cast members relieve us of the same old faces
It's not the usual PotC film, but still recognizable
Not quite as good as the first film (0 more)
New lore and a Great cast
This is actually one of my favourite installments of the franchise. I loved the first film for its humour and charm, the second was awesome with good action and a sense of fantasy, the third had great action but not enough charm in my opinion, and this fourth installment is able to mix all three of those films, but not quite to the full extent as I'd hoped.

When I heard Blackbeard was coming into the franchise I was happy but cautious. Then when I heard that Ian McShane was to portray the role, I was happier because he is a great actor! He did not disappoint either. His portrayal of Blackbeard was menacing, with the looks alone, you could believe that this was Blackbeard, the most feared pirate during his time. Then there was the fantasy element of his power to control ships with his sword, or his dabbling in voodoo magic as well as being able to capture ships and place them into bottles, which includes Jack's beloved Black Pearl.

Whilst Will (Orlando Bloom) and Elizabeth (Keira Knightley) do not make an appearance in this film (due to not being paid enough I believe) the film does not lack in replacing them with other great actors and characters. The character of Angelica replaces Elizabeth and honestly, I prefer Angelica. She's strong, keeps Jack on his toes, and is as fearsome as Blackbeard herself when she needs to be. It would have been nice to have seen her in Salazar's Revenge after what happens in this film's finale, which I won't spoil here.

Philip (Sam Claflin) seems to replace Will in this film, but as a more innocent character who falls in love with a mermaid.....did I mention this film has mermaids? This film has mermaids!

I should warn you though, these mermaid don't wish to sing jolly songs for pleasure, they sing to lure sailors to their death. These are the mermaids of legend, also known as sirens, who sing beautiful songs and lure sailors over the side of the ship, before dragging them to the depths for reasons often debated. Some say to mate with before eating them, others just say to eat them, but either way, being dragged to the bottom of the sea is not something you'd want either way. I loved this aspect as we had never seen mermaids in this franchise until now and it was great to see more and more historical lore being brought into the franchise with the fantasy aspect of the film.

The film doesn't quite make it to the top of my favourite films lists, but it's certainly in my top favourite pirate media lists. (I've not seen enough films to just make it a film list so I include film, TV, books and games). I would recommend this to any Pirate fan, and to anyone who has not yet seen it due to it's lesser reviews by critics.

Here's a tip for any film....don't listen to critics. If their is a film you want to see, but it's got a low rating by critics on Rotten Tomatoes or in the film magazines, then by all means read them, but do it after you see the film, because if you read it before, you're going to pick the film apart and it ruins the experience in my opinion.

Kyera (8 KP) rated The Night Circus in Books

Jan 31, 2018  
The Night Circus
The Night Circus
Erin Morgenstern | 2015 | Fiction & Poetry
8.1 (106 Ratings)
Book Rating
The Night Circus is set in the 19th Century although the Circus itself travels the globe. We don't see much of the world, rather the story is built and developed around this mysterious venture that only opens at night. Before we even get to know our two main characters they are placed in a competition that they know next to nothing about. As readers, we are not privy to much information that Celia or Marco do not know.

Both main characters are likable although we don't get to experience much of their personalities outside the use of their magic and the way they are shaped by the game. Celia is outspoken and witty when she chooses to be, unlike typical victorian heroines and it is wonderful. I wish we got to experience more of the interactions between Celia and Marco during the book but overall their time together is limited.

At times, we learn more about the Circus through the eyes and stories of its fans - the reveurs or as Bailey who dreamt of the circus since he was a little boy. As a reader, you are drawn to the magic and mystery of the Circus. Dreams of attending fill your mind and you become a reveur yourself. The story of the Night Circus fills you with its majesty and doesn't let go.

It's difficult to explain just what is so appealing about this book, but I fell in love with it almost immediately. The black and white striped tents, impossibly intricate clock, mouth-watering scents and tastes all come together in this enchanting novel - sure to spellbind teens and adults, whether fans of magic, fantasy, realistic or historical novels.
Treasure, Darkly
Treasure, Darkly
Jordan Elizabeth Mierek | 2019 | Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Jordan Elizabeth tackles steampunk fiction in her new young adult series Treasure Chronicles. In the first book of the series, Treasure, Darkly we are introduced to seventeen-year-old Clark Treasure who pinches a bottle of what he assumes is absinthe from a captain's pocket. After drinking it, however, Clark discovers he has ingested a liquid that gives him the power to awaken the dead. Wanted by the army to be experimented on, Clark goes into hiding and searches for the man he believes to be his father - one of the wealthiest men in the world, Garth Treasure.

On the Treasure ranch, Clark receives a warm welcome from his supposed father and step-mother, however, his half-brothers are not so keen on his arrival. His half-sister Amethyst, on the other hand, is an entirely different battle. Romance blossoms between the two siblings, which Clark has to fight... or perhaps there is a chance he is not really her brother?

Being on a Wanted list and coping with an illicit relationship is only part of Clark's troubles. The liquid he stole also allows him to see the dead and some of them have unfinished business, with which only Clark can help them. Full of adventure, danger, love and science fiction, Treasure, Darkly is a story packed with twists and turns. The characters evoke emotion in readers, causing us to either love or hate them but, ultimately, wish for Clark's success and safety.

Treasure Chronicles promises to be an exciting, engaging series for those who love fantasy, science fiction, romance and historical stories. With never a dull moment, Clark Treasure's plight will attract new and old readers of Jordan Elizabeth.

Merissa (11935 KP) created a post

Apr 7, 2021  
Look it!
The cover for Blood Pact with City Owl Press is Revealed.
This is the latest in Courtney Maguire's Youkai Bloodlines Series, a.k.a., gay Japanese vampires. *wiggles eyebrows* You know you want it.
About the Book:
In Hiro’s world, youkai are a supernatural story used to scare children into obedience, and to keep men out of back alleys and brothels. Until Sakurai Hideyoshi walks through his door with a fantastical tale of a samurai who had killed a thousand men and drank the blood of his enemies, a man that lived in darkness but sought beauty to keep it at bay.

A story both terrifying and romantic…and completely ridiculous.

Unless it is true.

Convinced something softer lurks behind Hideyoshi’s hard mask, Hiro follows him home. And discovers the story is real.

Only instead of the blood of his enemies, it is innocent blood taken.

Hideyoshi tells him never to return. Yet after Hiro’s mother is mortally wounded, Hiro runs back to the one being he knows with the power to save her. When Hideyoshi can’t, Hiro begs him for the next best thing: the power to avenge her.

As Hiro becomes youkai, he faces a new threat, something darker, older, and far more dangerous. With Hideyoshi at his side, Hiro must decide what he’s willing to sacrifice--and what he’s willing to do--to protect this new life before he loses everything for a second time.

If you like Bella Forrest, P. C. Cast, AJ Tipton, or Anne Rice, you will love this beautiful dark paranormal fantasy romance.

Publisher: City Owl Press (May 4, 2021)
Releases on: May 4, 2021
Genre: LGBTQIA Dark Historical Paranormal Romance
Language: English
ISBN: 9781648980831

Buy Links:
City Owl:
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Born of Hatred (The Hellequin Chronicles #2)
Born of Hatred (The Hellequin Chronicles #2)
Steve McHugh | 2020 | Horror, Science Fiction/Fantasy
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Contains spoilers, click to show
Born of Hatred ( The Hellequin chronicles book 2)
By Steve McHugh

There was a time when Nathan Garrett was feared. When the mention of his name was enough to stop his enemies in their tracks. That time has long since passed.

When Nathan's friend asks for help investigating a pattern of horrific crimes, he reluctantly agrees. But his investigation leads to a serial killer who is something more, or less, than human, a creature of pure malevolence and hatred.

There are some things that even a 1600-year-old sorcerer hesitates to challenge. But when evil targets those Nathan cares about, his enemies will discover exactly who Nathan used to be. And why they will learn to fear him once more.

Born of Hatred is an action-packed, Urban Fantasy set in modern-day England with historical flashbacks to late nineteenth century Montana. It's the second book of the Hellequin Chronicles, following the widely praised Crimes Against Magic, which introduced sorcerer Nathan Garrett.

I did t think I could enjoy the second as much as the first, I was so wrong!
Loved it!! Written by a Brit the character is English it’s set in England and what’s not to love about Nate!! I love the bloke he’s powerful and funny! This one be brings Hades and Persephone In to the picture and I absolutely love all Hades parts in books! The werewolf pack are brilliant, Tommy and Kasey are great I even warmed to Olivia!! Shame about the romance not working out but a mere mortal isn’t enough for our Nate! The big bad was really chilling along with his ghouls and the barren! We are one step closer to finding the assholes in Avalon. Brilliant read! Ooo and yes the Hellequin is back!!!

ClareR (5667 KP) rated The Betrayals in Books

Dec 14, 2020  
The Betrayals
The Betrayals
Bridget Collins | 2020 | Dystopia, Fiction & Poetry, Mystery, Science Fiction/Fantasy
10.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Firstly, I should say that The Betrayals is a phenomenal book. It opens up a whole new world to the reader. It brought to mind the type of society that I imagine we would have had under National Socialism: men in charge and better educated than women, women expected to know their place, only state sanctioned religion permitted, and those of other religions or schools of thought are ‘disappeared’. I really would have liked to have read more about this outside world, but I don’t feel short changed at only having read about what happens within the confines of Montverre. It is strange actually, that such a major part of Montverre, the grand jeu, is never explicitly talked about. We get the impression as a reader that it’s a performance consisting of maths, music, philosophy and state sanctioned religion. It’s held in extremely high regard: studying it is a sure fire open door to a position of power afterwards.

So what IS The Betrayals about? Well, betrayal, actually. Everyone is backstabbing and lying to everyone else in this book, and they’re lucky if they live to regret it. It’s the cloistered version of Dallas (with less sex)! I loved it. This was a hard book to put down, and one I steamed through far too quickly. This ticks a lot of boxes for me: historical fantasy (double whammy straight away), a mystery to solve, dystopian and a smattering of magical realism. I’m glad it looks like a book that could have a sequel - even if it never as one. It leaves the reader able to make up their own next moves (yes, I do that).

Huge thanks to the publisher for providing me with a NetGalley copy of this book - it was one of my reading highlights of 2020.
The Second Sight of a Zachary Cloudesley
The Second Sight of a Zachary Cloudesley
Sean Lusk | 2022 | Fiction & Poetry, Mystery, Science Fiction/Fantasy
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I don’t quite know how I can write anything about this book and still do it justice! It’s a wide sweeping novel, that takes the reader from a clockmakers in London to Constantinople.

Starting in 1754, Zachary is born on the day that his mother dies. His father, Abel, loves him fiercely, and wants to always do his best for him, which brings a Mrs Grace Morley and her baby daughter Leonora into their lives. She’s a strong, forceful woman who is to leave an impression on everyone that meets her.

After a near-fatal accident leaves Zachary blind in one eye, his father sends him to live part of the year with his Aunt Frances. This is another strong, independent woman who is determined to make Zachary the son she never had. She sees in Zachary the gift that his mother had: the ability to read people and see inside to their hopes, wishes and dreams - and also their not-so-positive thoughts.

Abel finds himself forced to go to Constantinople, and Zachary begins to have visions that send him on a chase across Europe to find his father after he loses contact with him.

The descriptions of London, Frances’ house and land, and those of Constantinople are rich and detailed - I could have been there. I was gripped from the first page, immersed in an 18th century world where lives were at stake and a boy had to be brave to save the life of his father. I loved Aunt Frances and Tom, Abel’s apprentice, who both join the Cloudesley’s in Constantinople.

The love between the characters is bright and clear, and their losses are the readers losses as well (I cried). This is historical fiction, an adventure story with a dash of fantasy and the love of family and good friends.

Highly recommended.