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Happy! - Season 1
Happy! - Season 1
2017 | Comedy, Crime, Fantasy
What I assume doing coke for a week straight must be like.
How do I even describe a show like HAPPY!...because honestly I have no clue? This was one of the most over the top and fucked up shows I've ever watched and I freaking loved every single second of it.

HAPPY! Follows the human embodiment of a trashcan who you can't help but like named Nick Sax played by Christopher Meloni(best casting choice ever) who is a corrupt ex-cop turned hitman who ends up being visited by a little girl named Hailey's imaginary friend who is a talking flying unicorn named Happy voiced by Patton Oswalt(another perfect casting choice) who was sent by Hailey because she was kidnapped by a demented looking Santa Clause.

David Bell recommended A Prayer for the Dying in Books (curated)

A Prayer for the Dying
A Prayer for the Dying
(0 Ratings)
Book Favorite

"When I was a kid, my dad read all the time, mostly westerns and thrillers. I was fascinated by the books, even though I knew they were too ‘adult’ for me, that I wasn’t quite ready to read them. When I turned fourteen, my dad gave me a birthday gift—a book called A Prayer for the Dying by the great Jack Higgins. It was a concise, powerful page-turner about a world-weary IRA hitman trying to do the right thing. I loved the characters and the plot, plus it was set in Ireland, where my dad’s family emigrated from. That book sent me down the road to reading more and more thrillers. And then eventually writing them. I still have that now battered paperback and re-read it from time to time just to feel connected to my dad."

John Wick (2014)
John Wick (2014)
2014 | Action, Thriller
Well, that was ... something different.

Perhaps Keanu Reeeve's best role since the Matrix, with Keanu portraying the feared hitman John Wick, who comes out of retirement following the death of his wife when his house is ransacked, his car stolen and his puppy (a last gift from said wife) killed by a young generation of Russian mobsters.

The elders of all who fear the Baba Yaga.

AKA the boogeyman. Or John Wick.

So a pretty straightforward revenge plot, with Reeves on a rampage of destruction as he hunts down those responsible, with some pretty intense (and brilliantly choreographed) action scenes, and with hints of a larger world of underground assassins with the inclusion of the designated safe-ground of the Continental Hotel(s), and with the gold coins that act as a sort of payment/token of favour.

Awix (3310 KP) rated John Wick: Chapter 3 - Parabellum (2019) in Movies

May 15, 2019 (Updated May 16, 2019)  
John Wick: Chapter 3 - Parabellum (2019)
John Wick: Chapter 3 - Parabellum (2019)
2019 | Action, Crime, Thriller
Astoundingly violent, wholly absurd thriller sequel. Short-fused hitman Wick (Reeves) goes on the run from the authorities of the underworld, demonstrating his mastery of gun-fu, knife-fu, horse-fu and library-book-fu along the way. The plot is almost entirely secondary to Reeves committing bloody slaughter on a mind-boggling scale.

Essentially a fantasy film in every way that matters, and the middle section flags noticeably, but once again it gets the tricky balance between taking itself too seriously and just being silly about right, although the film has a hard, sadistic edge that feels new. Helped by terrific action choreography and some outrageous overacting from most of the cast. The decision to keep the door flapping open for Chapter 4 may test the goodwill of some viewers, but this is another good bad movie, up to the standards of the last one.
Léon: The Professional (1994)
Léon: The Professional (1994)
1994 | Action, Drama, Mystery
Cult thriller that gave the world Natalie Portman and briefly turned Luc Besson into someone with Hollywood clout; it's still almost certainly his best film. A troubled young girl (Portman) is orphaned by drug dealers and is taken under the wing of a supernaturally gifted hitman (Reno); he has issues of his own. Slowly the relationship between the two of them deepens, but the question of vengeance against the man who killed her family (Oldman) refuses to go away.

Stylish and witty, with great performances from the three leads; genuinely affecting in a way that most Besson movies simply are not. Surprisingly little action for what's supposedly a thriller but still very involving; the theatrical cut delicately skips around what's really going on in Leon and Mathilda's relationship. Knock a point off if you're watching the director's cut, which trades some of the subtlety for extra scenes which add a mixture of hokeyness and pure ick.

Awix (3310 KP) rated The Accountant (2016) in Movies

Mar 11, 2018 (Updated Mar 17, 2018)  
The Accountant (2016)
The Accountant (2016)
2016 | Drama
7.5 (36 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Really-not-that-bad-at-all action thriller with Ben Affleck doing a surprisingly good job of playing a brilliant accountant-stroke-hitman. The film kind of dodges around the implication that Affleck's character is autistic, but the inference is clear and while this is still Movie Autism (never mind the crippling downsides, you get super powers!!!), it is still sympathetic and has at least a few vestiges of reality to it.

The plot eventually ends up being completely gonzo, involving corruption in the robotics industry and duelling assassins, but the movie fends off the moment when you shout 'this is all utterly ridiculous!' for a surprisingly long time. Eclectic cast includes Affleck, John Lithgow, Jon Bernthal, and Anna Kendrick (who appears to be about three feet tall in a few of her scenes). A fun and engaging movie; not a particularly great thriller but all the peripheral weirdness keeps it watchable.
Batman (1989)
Batman (1989)
1989 | Action
Everything the tone the way batman/ bruce is played and of course Jack Nicholson as the joker (0 more)
It ends (0 more)
Best batman of our time thus far
Contains spoilers, click to show
This is the burton batman set in a quite gothic feel gotham with tall buildings and huge lights into the night. Batman is the protector of his home city and fiercly defends it from all criminal activity.
We see Jack Napier a young mafia hitman with big ambitions try to over throw his boss and become a big time gangster during one of his escapades he runs into the batman and is dropped into a vat of chemicals bleaching his skin and disfiguring his features , on the discovery of this he becomes The Joker and begins his crime spree with the intention to make all of gotham pay for what has happened to him this begins the ultimate battle between good and evil in gotham the Batman must stop him at all costs

David McK (3204 KP) rated John Wick: Chapter 3 - Parabellum (2019) in Movies

Sep 5, 2019 (Updated Mar 27, 2023)  
John Wick: Chapter 3 - Parabellum (2019)
John Wick: Chapter 3 - Parabellum (2019)
2019 | Action, Crime, Thriller
I'm going to start by saying that I originally wondered why this film was subtitled Parabellum, until a character in the film quotes the famous line: 'if you desire peace, prepare for war' in its original Latin (with English subtitles).

And that is pretty much what this film is about, picking up almost directly after Chapter 2 and with Keanu's super assassin John Wick now with a 14 million USD price on his head after killing a man on company (sacred) ground - i.e. The Continental Hotel - in the previous instalment.

I'm still a little hazy on the society itself - just how much are those hitman tokens worth? They constantly seem to change value! - and on why the world and its neighbour seems to be some sort of assassin, leading me almost to wonder are we in some sort of Matrix reality (not helped by Keanu even saying he needs 'Guns. Lots of guns'), but - putting that aside - this is still quite an enjoyable, albeit very violent, action movie.
3 Days To Kill (2014)
3 Days To Kill (2014)
2014 | Mystery
Contains spoilers, click to show
Story: 3 Days to Kill starts as we meet CIA agent Ethan Renner (Costner) who along with his team is about to take down one of the biggest threats in the world The Wolf (Sammel) by eliminating his closest associate The Albino (Lemarquis) only the mission gets compromised when Ethan’s health catches up with him as he learns he only has 3 months to live.

Released by the CIA Ethan sets out on cleaning up his own personal affairs wanting to build a relationship with daughter Zooey (Steinfeld) through his ex-wife Christine (Nielsen) after years of times apart working. With everything going badly Ethan knows that it will become difficult but when fellow agent Vivi Delay (Heard) offers him a chance to live longer Ethan comes out of retirement for one last assignment.


Thoughts on 3 Days to Kill


Story – The story for this film tries to balance a dying man’s final months with his family and his CIA life that he has meant to have walked away from. The CIA story does feel very generic of this modern day slick hitman style which is all fine. The dying man’s wish story ends up feeling like an awkward comedy in places. The story also feels very long and doesn’t seem to end up deciding if it wants to be serious or not.

Action/Thriller – The action is all very good and entertaining with the opening sequence looking like it set the tone but in the end if just turns into another slick hitman film.

Characters/Performance – I can’t find anything wrong with Costner’s performance as well as Steinfeld or Neilsen, it is the Heard performance that doesn’t make sense because she doesn’t suit the character and the character doesn’t suit the movie. The movie tries to make all the characters fit into everyday experiences but for some reason Vivi character is wildly over the top for no apparent reason.

Settings – The settings are mostly all in Paris which all works for the film which is trying to make us have a location we want to visit but showing that crime can happen there I guess.

Special Effects – The Special effects are mostly used for the action sequences and they all come off to the level you need them too.

Final Thoughts –This is an overlong action thriller that ends up getting caught up in the middle of comedy too often for its own good.



Overall: Solid action film that starts too strong for its own benefits.
John Wick (2014)
John Wick (2014)
2014 | Action, Thriller
Keanu Reeves (4 more)
The established hitman universe
Incredible gunplay
Solid fight choreography
Decipherable cinematography during action
That poor dog (0 more)
Best Action Movie Post-Matrix
The problem with many modern action movies lies in the bullshit concept known as "shaky-cam." Perhaps well meant at first, in order to make audiences "feel" the impact of punches and gunshots, it is now so overused that you can't even tell what's going on or who is hitting who in many action movies. Enter John Wick: not a single use of "shaky-cam." Not one. All camera shots during action sequences are stable and staged at angles that allow the audience to see exactly what is going on. I used to think Jason Bourne was the best action series post-Matrix, but John Wick and its sequel changed that as fast the titular character can shoot another goon in the head. The fight choreography is sublime, the script is simple but tight, and Keanu Reeves is slicker than ever. John Wick is the best action movie since The Matrix, and it just so happens to star the same bad-ass guy we've been dreaming of being since 1999. Now I have to go review John Wick: Chapter 2!