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Scouse Gothic: The Pool of Life and Death
Scouse Gothic: The Pool of Life and Death
Ian McKinney | 2015 | Fiction & Poetry
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
107 of 230
The Pool of Life …… and Death ( Scouse Gothic book 1)
By Ian McKinney

Melville wakes with a pounding headache – there had been too many hangovers recently, but this one felt different. What had he been drinking last night? Then he remembered – it was blood.
Enter the bizarre world of Scouse Gothic where a reluctant vampire mourns a lost love and his past lives, where a retired ‘hit man’ plans one more killing and dreams of food, and a mother sets out to avenge her son’s murder, and, meanwhile, a grieving husband is visited by an angry angel.
Set in present day Liverpool, vampires and mortals co-exist, unaware of each others’ secrets and that their past and present are inextricably linked.
But as their lives converge, who will be expected to atone for past sins?

This was a different unique take on vampire and their rivals! 3 vampire lives somehow become entangled with humans including a hitman and a mentally I’ll grieving mother. In a short space in time we see how all these lives collide. It was certainly different and I’m not exactly sure what I feel about it. 3.5 stars maybe instead of 3 or 4!
Hitman: Agent 47 (2015)
Hitman: Agent 47 (2015)
2015 | Action
Video game movies get an incredibly bad rep these days. I think it’s because people go into them expecting them to be something there not. The expectation of these films to follow the rules of our reality, instead of the reality of the game itself, which is not always the same. I think that it is for this reason that many reviewers out there, including some that I saw the film with, will lambaste this movie in their write-ups. Now full disclosure, I may be one of the few who actually enjoyed the first Timothy Olyphant Hitman from 2007. I own the DVD. But did Hitman: Agent 47 surpass it, or will it join it down at the very bottom of everyone’s list? Read on.


Agent 47 begins by giving background on what the “Agent” program is: a research project to genetically enhance humans to make them the perfect weapons; however, Litvenko (Clarán Hinds), the man who unlocked the key to the genetics behind the program, morally disagreed with the direction the program was going in and went on the run with his young daughter. Fast forward to present day where we find Katia (Hannah Ware) search for Litvenko, but she doesn’t know that he is her father. She just know that she needs to find him. The problem is that Syndicate International, the corporation trying to restart the agent program, is searching for her believing that she knows where her father is. They send an agent of their own, John Smith (Zachary Quinto), to find her and protect her, though he is not exactly what he seems to be. Enter Agent 47 (Rupert Friend) who reveals the nefarious plans of Syndicate International, and begins to unlock the secrets to Katia’s past, and her own enhanced abilities.


Now remember, this is based on a very popular video game franchise. The rules of reality that we know do not necessarily apply. You already need to take into account the fact that “Agents” exist where they have been genetically altered to not feel fear, love, sadness… anything really. Genetically altered humans to be faster, smarter, instinctual, and emotionless. But people tend to forget this when we start to see what Syndicate International has done in their own attempts to create an agent. I do not want to give much away on that, as some of it plays big to the plot, but just keep an open mind.


So was it good? I believe so. I am a big fan of the highly successful game franchise. Even though I liked the 2007 film, it did bother me that it didn’t feel like the game I had come to love and play over and over. Agent 47 hits that feel right on the nose. The mission he is sent on is fraught with scenarios that would be right in the game, and the story line is similar enough to some of the plots we have seen, that the movie was really enjoyable. The action sequences were great, the story was decent, and Friend managed to portray the stoic agent well enough that I almost thought I was watching the game for a short time.


All in all, this is a good film if you are a fan of the game franchise. Also, if you can go into it with an open mind about some of the ideals and plotlines involved in the movie, you will love it. Some do not know this, but the late Paul Walker was originally set to star in the role as Agent 47. Knowing this going into the film, I could pinpoint certain lines of dialogue that may have been written with him in mind, and it made me wonder if the film would have been better, or worse, received than its current form. Sadly, we will never know.


If you want some good, if not over the top, action sequences, along with an interesting take on the Hitman universe, definitely check out this film. This is one that is going into my collection upon home release.
Léon: The Professional (1994)
Léon: The Professional (1994)
1994 | Action, Drama, Mystery
Heart-racing Drama
Against his better judgement, a hitman takes in a little girl after her entire family is slaughtered.

Acting: 10
Loved Jean Reno as Leon the hitman as it is inarguably his greatest performance. You can tell very early on this is a guy you don’t want to mess with. Despite his excellence, Natalie Portman outshined everyone, even Reno, in her role as Mathilda, a revenge-seeking girl that has to grow up before she’s ready. She leaves such an impact from the way she harbors rage and sadness, sometimes within the same scene. While young, this is also one of her strongest performances as an actress. When you’re getting the best of your two stars, you know you have a great movie on your hands.

Beginning: 10

Characters: 10

Cinematography/Visuals: 8

Conflict: 7
I think my issue with the actual conflict throughout the duration of the movie stems more from how amazing the beginning is. The first ten minutes of the movie almost spoil you into expecting the rest of the film to be that way. Alas it is not. It moves at a bit of a slower clip and you start to feel it playing out as more of a drama than an action movie. Don’t get me wrong, there is plenty of tension to be had, just not quite enough to blow me away.

Entertainment Value: 8

Memorability: 7
There is one particularly tense moment that had my heart racing: I don’t want to give too much away by setting the scene, but Mathilda is waiting outside of Leon’s door, pleading for him to let her in. Every single time I watch that scene, my heart leaps into my throat even though I know what’s going to happen. It’s that intense vulnerability that really sticks out. While the movie isn’t oozing with scenes to remember, say like my last review of Dirty Dancing, there was definitely enough to keep my attention.

Pace: 10
Once you understand that the movie is a drama and not an action film, you can respect the pace a lot more. The movie pushes character development and the relationship between Leon and Mathilda. By the time the film reaches its conclusion, there is legitimate concern for their well-being because you’ve grown to like both of them.

Plot: 10

Resolution: 1
Did not like the ending in the slightest. I was hoping for more. Endings like this are fine when there is more closure. As bad as it was, I still enjoyed the movie as a whole.

Overall: 81
Leon: The Professional is a great movie to watch with someone who prefers drama over action and you’re trying to meet them in the middle. It is endearing to watch Leon and Mathilda’s relationship blossom with the mad world that has been thrust upon them. The action is subtle, but the movie is awesome.
Masterminds (2016)
Masterminds (2016)
2016 | Comedy
Masterminds features a star studded cast led by Zack Galifianakis as he portrays David Ghantt, an armored car delivery man who is stuck in a boring, monotonous life. When his partner played by Kristen Wiig is fired she begins to hang out with a sordid group of degenerates who hatch a scheme to rob Loomis Fargo so they can live the “good life.”

After convincing and seducing David into pursuing the robbery, all players and bandits find themselves swept up in a storm of confusion and wild escapades. David’s haul of over $17 million becomes the largest heist in American history which has the FBI, Interpol, and a hitman hot on his trail.

Masterminds finds its genius in the continuous jokes and ability to take a basic heist story and turn it into a fun-filled romp similar to Raising Arizona or We’re the Millers. There are moments that may cause audiences to pause and reflect on the events of the film and even question if and how any of them could have happened, but the interplay of the characters takes your mind off of the serious crime committed and you find yourself laughing at some of the most simple things in the film.

Galifianakis, Wiig, Owen Wilson, and Jason Sudeikis, will have you laughing throughout the film and possibly chuckling to yourself later at some of the one-liners and awkward moments delivered. This could quickly become a cult hit.
John Wick (2014)
John Wick (2014)
2014 | Action, Thriller
“An ex-hitman comes out of retirement to track down the gangsters that took everything from him.” That is the synopsis of this movie. And that pretty much sums it up. This film isn’t trying to reinvent the wheel and it isn’t trying to be smart, but it is trying to be fun and that is exactly what it is.

Keanu Reeves as John Wick, channels his inner “Neo” with slightly more emotion to track down the gangsters who wronged him. Wick is such a “bad-ass” that the Russian mob refers to him as the man you send to kill the boogieman. The action is entertaining and the gun kata is especially fun to watch but there is no point where you ever feel Wick is in danger.

The most intriguing element of this film is the underground world of assassins where we learn and understand its rules and code. Unfortunately, the film does not develop this society enough which is a shame, because they have decent elements to create a series of films on this aspect alone.

Ultimately, unless you are just looking for the quick escapism of an action film, there really is no reason to go see this in the theaters and pay full price. Check it out as a matinee or even a rental. It is entertaining action, but once it is over, it is also quickly forgotten.
The Irishman (2019)
The Irishman (2019)
2019 | Biography, Crime, Drama
The Acting (0 more)
The length of the film (0 more)
Verdict: Just Another Gangster Movie
Story: The Irishman starts with Frank Sheeran (De Niro) recounting his time working under Russell Bufalino (Pesci) starting as a meat delivery man, a chance encounter with Russell brings them together. Russell was the guy that if anybody wanted something done, he would give the green light and expect it done.
Frank continued to rise working under the infamous Jimmy Hoffa (Pacino) who was in battle with the Kennedy’s who were trying to find a way to take down his unions, which does see Frank become the president of his own region.

Thoughts on The Irishman

Characters – Frank Sheeran is the narrator who is looking back through his life as he started as delivery driver before finding himself joining the mobs in the Italian neighbourhood, rising up the ranks from the bottom becoming one of the closest members of Jimmy Hoffa go to man, one of the most trusted hitmen in the mob. Jimmy Hoffa is the man that runs the unions, he has the attention of the Kennedy’s who have never trusted his business, he will always find a way to get his side of the story through without ever getting his hands dirty. He expects respect from everybody he deals with and will give it back, before he runs for office. Russell Bufalino is the one that gives Frank enter into the criminal world, a chance meeting opens the door and he will give the instructions Frank to follow. Peggy is the daughter of Frank that has grown up seeing his action become worse over the years.
Performances – The performances here are almost flawless, we get three of the greatest gangster movie performers in De Niro, Pacino and Pesci, you simply wouldn’t expect anything less from the three. The supporting cast is also wonderful, where once again the acting isn’t the weak part of the film.
Story – The story here follows Frank Sheeran’s rise from delivery man to hitman under one of the leaders of the mobs through the 60’s and 70’s America. Most of the story is Frank recounting his career in the mob, seeing how he often watched the biggest moments in the background, only getting his hands dirty when he needs to. We do need to talk about the length of the film because there is a huge problem here, we have so many scenes we don’t really need, we do also end up going through the routine that every single gangster movie does, which just makes it feel like something we have seen before. The timeline does fill in the random deaths with a headline on screen, even if that person is only in one scene.
Biopic/Crime – We do get to learn the life’s story of a notorious hitman through his own eyes, we see how he isn’t completely good, but he is loyal and always tries to do the right thing in the middle of the criminal world.
Settings – The settings takes us back to the eras we are going through, we have the glamourous locations for parties, the small street locations that show us where the dirty work gets done and a location which means everything to Frank, where it all started.

Scene of the Movie – The taxis.
That Moment That Annoyed Me – It is just too long.
Final Thoughts – This is a gangster film that gets heavyweight performances in a story that we have seen before that does seem to drag along for way too long.

Overall: Long Drawn Out Gangster Film.
Killing Them Softly (2012)
Killing Them Softly (2012)
2012 | Comedy, Drama, Mystery
5.5 (4 Ratings)
Movie Rating
There was quite a significant gap between films for writer/director Andrew Dominik, five years in fact. His last feature length outing The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford was a Western epic and here he has teamed up with Brad Pitt again for Killing Them Softly, one with a significantly shorter run time.

Pitt plays Jackie Cogan a gun for hire who is called in to clean up the mess made after a mob protected card game is robbed and the criminal economy takes an unexpected nose dive. With the criminal underworld unsure of who to trust and with no games being run it’s up to Cogan to eliminate those responsible and get trust restored.

The film is also set against real footage of Bush and Obama referring to the struggling US economy and the need for the country to pull together as a community to get itself back on track, which is ironic given the narrative that Dominik is conveying. The group behind the heist are hardly your career criminals, Frankie (Scoot McNairy) and Russell (Ben Mendelsohn) are a pair of down and outs looking for some fast cash.

These guys are a highlight, prepping for the robbery with yellow rubber gloves, masks and a sawn off shotgun so short it would take everyone out who’s in the room. Mendelsohn is especially solid, his appearance as a disheveled drug taking dog thief is one of the few comedic elements to an otherwise dry film.
Killing Them Softly is a film where you have to rely heavily on the acting, and there is plenty on show. Pitt of course is ever commanding in his role, slicked back hair and leather jacket he’s the archetypal hitman, he calls the shots and others listen.

Then there is James Gandolfini, no stranger to the world of fictional organized crime having been head of the most famous TV family, the Sopranos. Gandolfini is another hitman, called on by Pitt to assist in taking out one of the targets, however the only thing he’s capable of doing is consuming large amounts of booze and women.

Add into the mix Ray Liotta (another with a fictional mafia past) who’s responsible for knocking off his own card game in the beginning, he’s the innocent party this time around and is whacked in a spectacular slow motion capture drive by. Dominik’s script is nowhere near as tight or as in depth as Chopper, it becomes confused at times and it’s hard to know exactly where it is supposed to lead us.

There is no question that the acting is top draw and there are some great scenes of dialogue that leaves you wanting more, of course it does seem to drift on a bit too much and the short sharp cuts between actors can get annoying.

It’s fair to say it has its share of brutal violence, poor Markie Trattman (Liotta) is on the receiving end of one of cinemas heaviest beatings, and when the hits are made there is no getting away from the realism to them, blood will fly.

At the end of the film Cogan has been short changed for his work, and as an audience you might feel short changed that the film promised was not the one returned?
Fatman (2020)
Fatman (2020)
2020 | Action, Comedy, Thriller
7.7 (6 Ratings)
Movie Rating
I'll level with you on this one, I had no idea what I was in for, but Mel Gibson as a crazed looking Santa had me sold, so I went ahead a brought this one on DVD.

As Santa tries to keep his workshop afloat in ever trying naughty times. But as he diversifies his team, a new problem raises its ugly head, eternally naughty Billy is less than impressed by his coal and hires a hitman to take Santa out of the festivities for good.

The idea of making this sort of Christmas film is wonderful to me, the action-packed ride of a thriller with just enough festivity to make it a great alternative Christmas movie choice... *chef's kiss*

Bringing the added twist of children getting a little less nice every year, we see the stark reality that this brings to Santa's business model. It gives him the very modern concern of traditional businesses... and I really liked that angle.

Gibson in the gruff but jolly role of Santa fits well with this aesthetic, and the way he manages to turn Santa into a hardened action star really amused me. There were great subtleties in the character and I loved how we saw his changes, and how they dealt with the mystery of Santa as an eternal, all-knowing character. And for that matter, the elves and how they prove to be the most effective workforce on the planet.

Pitted against Santa we have Walton Goggins as our hitman and Chance Hurstfield as Billy... who is the first person I have wished a reindeer trampling on. Billy is the evil part of the baddie contingent, while the Skinny Man (as he's named on IMDb) really feels like he's just bad for the paycheck and you'd actually bring him round after a good talking to. Goggins has an interesting backstory to his character, and yet for some reason we never get a very satisfying look at it. An opportunity missed that leaves part of the storyline a little unanswered.

Almost instantly I was struck by the look of the film, the general muted tones with punctuations of red and green made for very strong visuals. The snow-covered scenery and rustic feel to Santa's compound was a lovely addition too, and it was a refreshing change to the vibrant and excessively cheery depiction of a "traditional" Santa's village.

While I loved the idea they were conjuring here, there were bits of the execution that didn't feel quite right. For an action film, it was missing some... kapow... literally. The explosions had no wow factor and seemed rather tame for this outlandish tale. The film also felt like it was trying to be too many different things. Billy's overly animated maniacal behaviour felt like it was trying to keep the film for a younger audience, but with a 15 rating that was out of their reach. This, coupled with the missing Goggins backstory felt like they weren't convinced by their own ideas. With the film being quite a short 1 hour 40 I think it could have stood a few additions here and there.

I'm definitely here for the menacing Father Christmas, and more actiony Christmas movies in my life. The way they switched this one up put a genuine smile on my face.

Originally posted on:
Kill List (2012)
Kill List (2012)
2012 | Horror, Mystery
6.3 (7 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Performances are strong (1 more)
Gruesome and Violent in a very effective way
The ending is very divisive (1 more)
Lots of elements are left unexplained
Intense, memorable but lacks clarity
Contains spoilers, click to show
Kill List is a very British Horror, that follows a clearly damaged ex-soldier that is drawn into the world of hit-men and assassinations in order to earn his way out of financial trouble.

Featuring a number of recognizable British tv actors, and a interesting edit style that chops out extraneous seconds here there and everywhere, often overlaying conversational narrative over a shot displaying a different scene, effectively giving you two informational elements at the same time.

It has some brutal violence, as the two hitman proceed to move down their list discovering generally bad people, which allows the viewer to avoid the moral conflict that might otherwise complicate the premise.

There are nods that the people hiring them know more than they are letting on, and the film builds to a slightly confusing crescendo with an ending similar to another very controversial horror film of recent years, that will shock some and disappoint others.

Overall it is an enjoyable but challenging film, that would have benefited from signposting a few more of the confusing elements more clearly, though the ending and its insinuations are more than likely intended to be of a vague and open nature by design.

Violent, upsetting and very dark in theme, Kill List is definitely a horror, and definitely not one for those of a weak is flawed, and not a classic but it certainly is a solid choice for a rainy evening.
The Bag Man (2014)
The Bag Man (2014)
2014 | Drama
5.5 (2 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Sometimes it sucks to be a delivery guy when you don’t know what you are
carrying in a tightly sealed leather bag. Anything can happen when too many
people are interested in what The Bag Man is carrying when it gets a
limited theatrical run starting Feb 28th.

When Jack (John Cusack) is a fixer/hitman under the employ of Dragna
(Robert De Niro), a crime lord — tasked to bring a leather bag to a seedy
hotel — the people he runs into are more shadier than he is. All he has to
do is to wait for the arrival of this gangster and not look at what’s

Both the movie and night is long while Jack fends for himself. His dealings
with the motel manager (beautifully played by Crispin Glover) is far more
interesting than the lady of the night, Rivka (Rebecca Da Costa), he meets.
Together what they end up in is a cat and mouse game of nearly everybody
from this sleepy hole-in-the-wall after them. Everyone is interested in
what the bag contains, and this Macguffin never strays far from the plot.

Even though the concept of what’s in the bag is hardly original, this
narrative device will keep some people — characters included — invested
in wondering what’s so important about it. When the contents are revealed,
will what’s revealed be King Midas’ gold or the evils from Pandora’s Box?
This loose thriller has its moments where viewers will be glued to the
suspense but ultimately, it’s this movie’s pacing that slows the action
down. Losing 10-15 minutes might help in keeping the tale tight.

That can help everyone, audience included, from not losing interest. Sooner
or later, the cat has to be let out of the bag.