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Gotti (2018)
Gotti (2018)
2018 | Biography, Crime, Drama
I've learned that I must come to accept that we may never again see the quality of gangster films that Hollywood churned out during the 70's-90's. Gotti is another example of a poorly executed attempt to retell a story that deserves to be told, but misses the mark by about a million miles.

John Travolta can only be partially blamed for this failure. He was exactly what you would expect him to be if you have ever seen his acting ability. The story he was attempting to convey was the true criminal. Convoluted and disoriented from the start, it was never able to get on its feet, let alone take a step in a forward direction. I'm not sure there is any actor alive who could have made up for the deficiencies everywhere you look in this movie.

I've definitely seen much worse, even in this genre. But I had high hopes and they were abruptly shattered.
Deep Blue Sea 2 (2018)
Deep Blue Sea 2 (2018)
2018 | Action, Horror, Sci-Fi
ok, I wasn't going to watch this one because sequels like these, I find, tend to be worse than the originals. Someone wanted me to check it out so, against my better judgements, I did. What I found was a watered down(pun intended) version of the first film(which I really liked and enjoyed). The cinematography wasn't too bad with some decent effects but the acting was weak and the storyline was too. It was very predictable and had your typical Hollywood leave-it-open-for-a-sequel ending(something the original didn't do). This could've been a stand alone film except for the glaring similarities in characters and plot(only on a much lower budget). I don't think I'll be watching the third one. Honestly, you wouldn't be missing anything if you didn't see this one yourselves. Just go watch the first one again. Much more entertaining. NOT worth a watch.


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