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Benedick Lewis (3001 KP) rated Die Trying (Jack Reacher Book#2) in Books

Sep 14, 2020 (Updated Sep 14, 2020)  
Die Trying (Jack Reacher Book#2)
Die Trying (Jack Reacher Book#2)
Lee Child | 2010 | Fiction & Poetry
8.4 (12 Ratings)
Book Rating
Some really tense moments - particularly towards the end (3 more)
Reacher isn’t always right but he always wins
Nice chemistry between the two main characters
A definite resemblance to Far Cry 5
Definitely some padding (0 more)
Different from the first but equally as good
Jack Reacher (no middle name)’s second outing is a lot different to his debut. Killing Floor was a personal story and felt more focused around Reacher - it also felt like he had godly powers and never seemed to lose. In Die Trying, Reacher is put in a situation out of his element initially but eventually gets his stride. Without wanting to spoil too much, it involves Reacher and a woman on crutches getting kidnapped. When they find out the purpose of the kidnapping, things are a lot worse than one can imagine.
It isn’t really giving anything away to make parallels with 2018’s Far Cry 5. It would be really surprising if the makers of the Ubisoft hit hadn’t read this book. Child’s style is very too the point - with a little padding here and there that if you preserve you get through. Chapters are broken into segments and sometimes flick between multiple characters, which keeps the pace rolling. Child has a good ability to make an event happen and for it to be seen via multiple character perspectives observing said event. It was a little confusing towards the end with certain twists, if you’re not reading in one go, but it isn’t so dense that you lose track and give up.
The payoff is satisfying and action packed, delivering surprises and rapid story telling. Sometimes novels have difficulty rounding things up but there’s no trouble here. It is a well researched novel as well but Andy McNab’s Nick Stone delivers more authenticity regarding weapon handling and operation.
Read this if you enjoy a Hollywood style thriller. It is compact enough to get through quite quickly but detailed enough to make you enjoy the ride.
Höstsonaten (Autumn Sonata) (1978)
1978 | International, Drama
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Movie Rating
I have been familiar with Bergman for a long time, having seen Summer With Monika, Wild Strawberries and The Seventh Seal at a young age. They were more or less my first experience of foreign language art cinema that I sort of understood and liked. Something about the practical and economical way conversations happen in Bergman appeals to me. They tend to lack melodrama and romance, but are intellectually satisfying and often dramatically devastating. None more so than this mindbendingly sad tale of a mother and daughter in conflict. Bergman’s regular muses Ingmar Bergman and Liv Ullmann go head to head in a masterclass of acting that left me in utter awe. It reminded me of the first time I saw Gena Rowlands in A Woman Under the Influence – such soul-wrenching honest of emotion, it is almost unbearable. In a good way.

The fact that something is bleak has never put me off, and Bergman too is completely unafraid of leaving you entirely depressed. In fact, I wish Hollywood wasn’t so afraid of it. Very few films with personal conflicts this strong spring to mind – perhaps Blue Valentine is as close as it gets. But on the scale of rhetorical blows to the emotional solar plexus, that would be a 4 and Autumn Sonata would be a 9. Truthfully, I have seen few things so brutal and painful played out in film form. Guilt, blame, regret, denial, shame and loss cut to the bone, making the key scenes at the crescendo very hard to watch, but also brilliant because of it. Visually it is warm and cosy enough, but quite static, like a stage play, but of course Bergman was aware of this. He wants us to focus on the people, and so we do. A blindingly strong work of art all round. Just not something you want to revisit too often.
Ad Astra (2019)
Ad Astra (2019)
2019 | Adventure, Drama, Mystery
An atmospheric slow-burner
I usually can't stand films that are slow burners as I just don't have the interest or the patience, but there's something about Ad Astra that really appealed to me.

For starters, it's one of the most realistic sci-fi films I've seen in a long time. It's a straight forward simple plot with no over elaborate schemes or plans, with a stark and immensely realistic view of what space travel would be like. No shiny spaceships or dodgy aliens to be seen. It's dark and gritty, and the ideas in here are so believable - right down to the commercialised Moon base. You spend the entire film expecting something to happen like it does in every other sci-fi, but it never does. Indeed there's a scene halfway through where the crew attend a ship broadcasting a distress call, and what happens is so unlike what you'd expect that it's both genius and downright hilarious. Whilst being a bit slow going in parts, this film doesn't waste any time with useless preamble - you're thrown into the main plot right from the opening scene and it gets straight down to business. It's just a shame that later on it gets a bit bogged down.

The cinematography is mostly fantastic. The music and effects are spot on, although I did think some of the way this was shot made it look a little dated and cheap, and there's rather too many close up shots of Brad Pitt's face. Pitt is very good in this, a step up from the very disappointing Once Upon a Time in Hollywood but I did find his voiceover cheesy and grating at times. Still despite it's negatives, this is a very atmospheric and often tense sci-fi, which is strange considering not very much happens. The ending is perhaps a letdown or anticlimax and if they had made this slightly less of a slow-burner, it would be a perfect example and how best to do a proper sci-fi.

ClareR (5779 KP) rated Actress in Books

May 21, 2020  
Anne Enright | 2020 | Contemporary, Fiction & Poetry
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Actress is the story of Katherine O’Dell, told by her daughter. She looks back on her mother’s career as Ireland’s darling, as she works her way up through Ireland’s bus-and-truck circuit, London’s West End , Broadway and finally Hollywood. Norah lives through the more successful period of her mothers life, and then has to deal with her fall from Grace after she commits a thoroughly bizarre crime. I really loved this book, and I had to keep reminding myself that it was in fact fiction. The author, Anne Enright, read her book, and she did it so well. It really sounded like someone who was telling their own life story, as opposed to telling ‘a’ story. It was really immersive and well told. I’m not surprised that it was on the long list for the Women’s Prize 2020.

I loved the way that we watched Katherine’s slide into mental health problems through the eyes of her daughter, juxtaposed with the life that she had lived before - the whole bohemian, free living, carelessness of it. And then the reveal that all was not as it seemed. I enjoy books that explore family relationships - in fiction the opportunities are endless.

I really liked the historical element as well: the troubles in Ireland and how they impacted on Katherine and Norah. Not that it’s an enjoyable topic, but I have family connections, and the history of this fascinates me. To be honest, a lot of things impact on the relationship of this mother and daughter. It must have been very difficult for Norah to grow up in the way that she did - and again, I have to remind myself that this isn’t a true story!

This is the first Anne Enright novel that I’ve read/ listened to, and I have another book of hers on my bookcase that I’ll be moving up the ‘to be read’ pile. I think she’s an author that I’ll also be adding to me ‘read everything by them’ list!
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