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Cloud Cuckoo Land
Cloud Cuckoo Land
Anthony Doerr | 2021 | Fiction & Poetry
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Cloud Cuckoo Land will be VERY high in my favourite books of the year, I have no doubt whatsoever. It grabbed my attention from the first page, and wouldn’t let go - and frankly, I didn’t want it to.

There are three main timelines, four characters, and an ancient text that connects them all.

Anna lives in Constantinople just before the Ottomans bring down the wall and claim it as their own. Omeir is one of those Ottomans, a reluctant cog in their war machine.

We go forward 500 years to a hostage situation in a US town library, where a disillusioned teenager, has planted a bomb on the bookshelves. An old man, an ex-soldier who has taught himself Ancient Greek, has translated a very old book and turned it into a play. He is upstairs in the same library.

Then, on to the future where a girl, her family and a number of other scientists, explorers and volunteers, are all on a spaceship at the start of a long voyage that they know they’ll never see the end of. And disaster strikes.

I didn’t want this book to end. I had a huge book hangover when this ended, and I’m very certain that I will need to read this again. It’s perfection.

Many thanks to The Pigeonhole for serialising this.
Argo (2012)
Argo (2012)
2012 | Drama, Mystery
As a small child, I can remember the Iranian hostage crisis as it dominated the news media for over a year. While I did not understand the political atmosphere behind it, I did understand that a group of our embassy staff were being held prisoner in a foreign land for simply being in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Director and star Ben Affleck has brought a new side to the story to light in the form of his new film “Argo”, which is based upon true events which have recently become declassified. The story centers around six workers of the embassy in Tehran, who fled the chaos when a disgruntled mob stormed the embassy walls. At that time it was unheard of for an embassy to be occupied as they host country and internal security were thought to of been more than adequate protection.

However for a country in a state of revolution, much less one that was extremely upset with America’s refusal to return the deposed Shah to face trial, security from the local populace was not available when the unthinkable happened.

After being turned away by the British and New Zealand embassies, the six escapees find refuge in the residence of the Canadian ambassador Ken Taylor (Victor Garber), who refuses to turn them away despite the volatile political situation harboring them would create should they ever be discovered.

On the other side of the world, C.I.A. Director Jack O’Donnell (Bryan Cranston), and his staff are desperately looking for a way to retrieve not only the Americans held hostage but also the six individuals currently being sheltered by the Canadian ambassador.

With few viable options available, save for the longshot of trying to get the refugees to bike through 300 miles of winter and soldier laden roads to the Turkish border, Tony Mendez (Affleck), is brought in to find other options.

One evening, Tony gets the idea to go to Iran posing as a Canadian filmmaker on a location scouting trip for an upcoming film. His plan is to pass the refugees off as part of his crew thanks to newly issued passports from the Canadian government.

In order to add validity to his plan, Tony recruits award-winning makeup artist John Chambers (John Goodman), and producer Lester Siegel (Alan Arkin), to help establish the necessary cover for the operation.

Soon Tony, John, and Lester have obtained a script for science fiction film named “Argo”, and the use the Hollywood trades and publicity machine to establish their back story of their production company and film project.

With time running down, Tony must venture alone to Tehran to meet with and prepare the refugees for extraction as well as firming up their cover with the local Iranian authorities.

What follows is a tense political thriller that is extremely well performed and captivating throughout. What really impressed me about the film was that Affleck expertly paced it and refrain from using such overused stereotypes such as car chases, fight sequences, and love scenes to tell the story.

The cast is exceptionally good all around and the film does a good job capturing the look and the atmosphere of the situation without ever becoming preachy and taking extreme political stances. Instead the focus is on real people caught in an extraordinary situation from which they were unprepared, and the extraordinary measures taken by good people in the United States and Canada who stepped up and did the right thing regardless of the cost to them personally or politically.

“Argo”, was an extremely pleasant surprise in one of the most enjoyable films I have seen this year. While I understand it would not be for everyone, I would not be surprised to see the film get a few Oscar nods come awards season as they would be in my opinion well deserved.
Firewall (2006)
Firewall (2006)
2006 | Action, Drama, Mystery
5.7 (7 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Following a three year absence from the big screen, box office megastar Harrison Ford returns in Firewall as Ford Jack Stanfield, a devoted family man who works designing and maintaining networks and security systems for a small chain of banks. Jack who along with his wife Beth (Virginia Madsen), and their two children live a comfortable life in a Seattle suburb in a luxurious home that Beth designed.

The twenty-four banks owned by Jack’s firm are in the process of being acquired by a large chain and the resulting windfall from this venture is making people on both sides tense and excited as the merger draws closure. Jack has some reservations about the new firm’s lack of customer service and acceptance of security losses which he believes will be passed on to their customers. This stance draws tension from a representative of the new partner (Robert Patrick), and has caused Jack to go to a meeting with a potential client who is looking to engage Jack’s services.

What begins as a promising business venture soon takes a dangerous turn as Jack is hijacked and learns that he and his family are being held hostage by a gang of thugs lead by the charismatic and dangerous Bill Cox (Paul Bettany), who wires Jack for sight and sound so they can monitor his every move at work. Jack is told that should he deviate from instructions or attempt to alert others to his situation, his family will be killed for his defiance.

In time, Jack is instructed to withdraw $10,000 from several of the banks top accounts and erase any history of the transactions or the resulting deposits in offshore accounts. The plan hits an unexpected snag when as a result of the pending merger, the hardware needed for Jack to input his requests has been moved to a remote locale out of state.

Undaunted Bill ups the stakes and forces Jack to find a way to get the money to him before time is up and his family is killed. Things go from bad to worse when complications arise forcing Jack to take desperate measures that soon has him fighting both his captors, his co-workers, and the law as he attempts to free his family and save them from their captors.

Firewall like last years Hostage suffers from a severe lack of urgency. We are told and shown just how evil the captors are yet, when people are told not do certain things and they continue to do so without repercussions, one would have to think that they would eventually cut their losses and start killing people off.

Ford does his best to make the by-the-numbers story work, but there are just not enough thrills and tension in the film to make it gripping. There is a heavy sense of “been there, seen that” to almost every portion of the film. What could have been a tight thriller is lost in clichés and gaps in logic that undermine the supposed seriousness of the situation.
Split (2016)
Split (2016)
2016 | Horror, Thriller
James McAvoy (0 more)
Contains spoilers, click to show
I didn't realize this was an M. Night Shyamalan film when I watched it. In true M. Night Shyamalan fashion, you get a surprise twist at the end and find out that Kevin (James McAvoy) exists in the same world of hero and villain, David Dunn (Bruce Willis) and Mr. Glass ( Samuel L. Jackson) from Unbreakable.

James McAvoy had to play several different characters in this movie, as Kevin has 23 different personalities, some not so nice, and others, pure evil. A few of these personalities kidnap and hold 3 girls hostage and you watch as they learn the gravity of their situation and try to plan their escape. One of their captor's personalities is a kind and simple soul, Hedwig, that the girls try to exploit to help them escape.

All the while, Kevin is seeing a therapist to try to keep his darker personalities in check. But a new, more terrifying 24th personality begins to emerge and take over. It is this 24th personality known as the Beast that catches the attention of Dunn and Mr. Glass, along with the rest of the world. The Beast is superhuman, able to scale walls and seemingly invulnerable.

Of the 24 personalities, only a handful are fully developed characters portrayed in the movie. It could not have been an easy role, but McAvoy does it so well, that you believe the different personalities. I have long been a fan of McAvoy's and he does not disappoint in this film.
Die Hard (1988)
Die Hard (1988)
1988 | Action
Peak action
I am absolutely incapable of understanding why anyone wouldn't like Die Hard. It's level of adoration is there for a reason.

The plot is simple and brilliant - When New York cop John McClane (Bruce Willis) travels to meet his wife at her company Christmas party in Los Angeles, he is unwittingly caught in a hostage situation when the building is seized by terrorists, lead by Hans Gruber (Alan Rickman). With the help of a police Sgt. on the outside (Reginald VelJohnson), McClane takes it upon himself to save his wife, and take down Gruber.

Die Hard takes a little while to set up, as we're intorduced to all the key characters, and it takes a while for everyone to catch on to what is happening. However, when the action starts, it's literally non stop. The practical effects, and fantastic stunt work make the action scenes a stand out of the genre, and they still stand up today.
The script is hugely corny at times, but is pulled off with aplomb by Bruce Willis and Alan Rickman. John McClane is one of the most likable protagonists in cinema history. He's calm, badass, and stands up for what is right. It's hard to imagine anyone else but Willis pulling off some of his one liners.
Equally, Hans Gruber is one of the most likable bad guys in cinema history. He's ruthless, yet charming, and gives John a proper hard time.

Most importantly, Die Hard is just stupidly entertaining. What was released initially as another action film of the decade, with a then relatively unknown Bruce Willis, quickly became a legitimate classic.

Andy K (10821 KP) Nov 30, 2019

Such an awesome movie!

Hotel Mumbai (2019)
Hotel Mumbai (2019)
2019 | Drama, History, Thriller
Characters – Arjun is married with one child and another on the way, he is one of the many employees at the Taj hotel, he is portrayed as being a man that will work for anything to keep his family fed and safe, but one that could not always play by the rules at work, he begs for this shift and shows every of his guests and co-workers just how much he will risk for the right thing. Zahra is an Iranian Heiress that is considered one of the most important guests one who could make or break the reputation of the hotel. She is one person that gets trapped, waiting for her husband David to find their baby which was left with a nanny in the room, David will risk more by going out into the battlefield in a hope to get to the baby, where he becomes one of the top picks for a hostage, an American. Oberoi is head chef in the hotel, he does everything he can to keep the guests safe, letting the employees decide if they want to help or be with their own families. Vasili is a Russian businessman that seems like he will be loud and rude for most of his stay. He however proves to be one of the most important men during the hostage situation. We do get to meet the terrorists, who are doing this in the name of their God, they are young naïve and don’t seem to have any understanding just what they are doing, performing the acts with completely heartless manor.

Performances – Dev Patel, Nazanin Boniadi, Armie Hammer, Anupam Kher and Jason Isaacs are the biggest names in this film, their performances are faultless, we have one of the best all around cast performances too, from everyone involved.

Story – The story here shows the guests and staffs point of view of the terrorist attack on the Taj hotel in Mumbai in 2008, it shows what they did to survive, how heartless the terrorists were and gives the many people who risked their lives a chance to show their story. There is no easy way to describe this story, it was one of the worst ground level terrorists in attacks in recent history, seeing how calculated the terrorists were in their actions in hard to watch, seeing how helpless the victims were, is heart breaking. We can see how horrific their actions were and just how heroic the staff at the hotel were, when it comes to helping the helpless.

History/Thriller – The moment in history will always be one that shocked the world, it is one that you should have heard about and now you can hear the stories of the people involved. It is a film that will keep you on the edge of your seat throughout the film.

Settings – Most of the film is set within the walls of the Taj hotel, it showed us just how trapped the victims and survivors would have been.

Scene of the Movie – Lift sequence.

That Moment That Annoyed Me – However hard this would be to portray everyone involved, it does feel like some of the characters and people don’t get enough of a story behind there events.

Final Thoughts – This is easily one of the most intense films you will see and it shows just how horrific the events of the film were to the people involved.

Overall: Pure Intensity
Inside Man: Most Wanted (2019)
Inside Man: Most Wanted (2019)
2019 | Action, Thriller
4.0 (1 Ratings)
Movie Rating
I was drawn to this one after an ultimatum from Now TV that it was only going to be available for one more day. This after having it in my watchlist for a rather long time. I had some slight dread for this lengthy weight for a sequel.

NYPD and the FBI handle a hostage negotiation at the US Federal Reserve. With civilians and one of their own inside they must draw on all their knowledge to try and resolve the situation without letting their egos and knowledge of the past cloud their judgement.

There's nothing like having to follow a popular film, and I'm not sure there would be many sequels that I would praise over its predecessor. Thankfully that isn't a point I need to ponder on for too long here.

At some point while watching I just stopped taking notes, for me that's either a very good sign or a very bad one... I think from the score you can probably tell which.

Inside Man: Most Wanted seems fully aware that it isn't Inside Man, and that there wasn't really a genuinely original storyline insight. There are a lot of callbacks to the first film that seem rather hammy and shoehorned in, but I'll elaborate on that later.

There weren't any actors that I recognised, though the top three have been in several things I'm aware of. I'm not going to dwell on the acting because I really found it just to be fine. I didn't see anything that made me want to call it out as good, and similarly there was nothing terrible. It was all... fine.

And in fact, that's my feeling for the whole film... and I apologise, because I've just realised that I do not have anything at all that I want to speak about around this film. Already knowing Inside Man, this felt like a rather hollow attempt at a crime thriller. Had they taken out the connection to the first film and made it it's own film then I think it may have got a higher rating, not higher than three, but there was potential there for an average thriller.

Originally posted on:
Plane (2023)
Plane (2023)
2023 | Action
7.3 (8 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Brodie Torrance (Gerard Butler), is a recently widowed dad who looks
forward to completing his nearly empty run from Singapore to Tokyo so he
can take advantage of the time difference and meet up with his daughter in
Hawaii in time to celebrate the new year.

In the new film “Plane” things do not go as planned as the nearly empty
the flight also hosts a prisoner transfer as a dangerous fugitive named Louis
(Mike Colter), is brought onto the flight late.

Forced by a corporate officer to fly through a storm they were told would
be clear by the time they reached it to save time and fuel, the flight
encounters severe issues and soon find themselves without avionics and
forced to make an emergency landing on an island.

Unable to send for help and unsure of their exact location, Brodie learns
that they are on an outer island of the Philippines and that there is only
insurrectionists and militia on the island and that the military or police
are not options.

While attempting to find a way to contact help, Brodie enlists Louis to
help and soon finds that the passengers and crew have been taking hostage
by a brutal local militia. Forced to improvise rescue and wait for
help, the tense and violent situation quickly becomes a living nightmare
as they fight to survive.

The tension level of the film is great as the early segments in the plane
did a great job of showing the routine of a pilot and also ramped up the
tension. I can be a nervous passenger when a plane gets into bad weather
and I found my palms getting sweaty and anxiety creeping in during the
detailed sequences of the flight in peril.

The action of the film was engaging as were the characters as they were
easy to pull for despite not having much in the way of backstory or
character development. The film has plenty of action as was engaging from
start to finish which makes “Plane” a pleasant diversion and one fan of
Butler will not want to miss.

4 stars out of 5

T.N. Nova (30 KP) created a post

Jun 22, 2018  
Spoiled by R. Phoenix and Morgan Noel is a novel about Romulus and Kieran. Romulus is the spoiled witch lover of Abel, an arms dealer, and Kieran is a human who is involved in a band of rebels. Romulus had been captured by the human rebels and held hostage away from his spoiled life in order to get information about what Abel’s life and routine.Kieran is the medic of the rebels who ended up being the only one Romulus would talk with.

In a battle between the supernaturals and the humans where the humans are second and sometimes third class citizens who will do what they have to in order to survive, Kieran is torn between his self-proclaimed family and the stepbrother that he was raised with.

Before going any further into my review, I want to lead with the disclaimer that this book involves what some may consider an “Ick” factor of romantic and sexual love between stepbrothers. Not that it bothered me any nor was it an issue but I want to let my readers know in advance. With that out of the way, I will continue on.

Spoiled is a stand-alone story that is set in The Fate of the Fallen / Status Quo world. You don’t need to have read the rest of the series in order to understand what’s going on in this book. It gives a glimpse at the world as well as what is happening yet there are no spoilers for the rest of the series. I rather enjoyed the world and how it was set up. The twist of how the humans were lower class and forced into the slums while the supernaturals basically ruled was interesting to me. It gave an insight into things that weren’t normally written about. The character development was amazing and the world development was spot on. I absolutely loved the attention to detail that the authors had given in regards to how each side lived. Being able to visualize it in my mind drew me through the book and landed me right there with Romulus and Kieran.

My heart actually hurt for the two stepbrothers at times who were battling between their love for each other, the situation they were placed in from a very early age and the fact that neither of them seemed to understand where the other was coming from until they were shoved into this situation. Then to have Kieran take a turn and help Romulus escape from his prison in the cellar and Romulus return to save him was beautiful.

The ending left me wanting for more though. With Abel and Romulus together at the end and Romulus and Keiran together as well, The ending left me wondering if there might be a sequel to this book where the three of them end up getting together and involved in a more poly relationship? I could only hope…

I’m going to give this book two thumbs up and a must read to anyone who loves mm romance with a fantasy twist.

T.N. Nova (30 KP) rated Spoiled in Books

Jun 22, 2018  
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Spoiled by R. Phoenix and Morgan Noel is a novel about Romulus and Kieran. Romulus is the spoiled witch lover of Abel, an arms dealer, and Kieran is a human who is involved in a band of rebels. Romulus had been captured by the human rebels and held hostage away from his spoiled life in order to get information about what Abel’s life and routine.Kieran is the medic of the rebels who ended up being the only one Romulus would talk with.

In a battle between the supernaturals and the humans where the humans are second and sometimes third class citizens who will do what they have to in order to survive, Kieran is torn between his self-proclaimed family and the stepbrother that he was raised with.

Before going any further into my review, I want to lead with the disclaimer that this book involves what some may consider an “Ick” factor of romantic and sexual love between stepbrothers. Not that it bothered me any nor was it an issue but I want to let my readers know in advance. With that out of the way, I will continue on.

Spoiled is a stand-alone story that is set in The Fate of the Fallen / Status Quo world. You don’t need to have read the rest of the series in order to understand what’s going on in this book. It gives a glimpse at the world as well as what is happening yet there are no spoilers for the rest of the series. I rather enjoyed the world and how it was set up. The twist of how the humans were lower class and forced into the slums while the supernaturals basically ruled was interesting to me. It gave an insight into things that weren’t normally written about. The character development was amazing and the world development was spot on. I absolutely loved the attention to detail that the authors had given in regards to how each side lived. Being able to visualize it in my mind drew me through the book and landed me right there with Romulus and Kieran.

My heart actually hurt for the two stepbrothers at times who were battling between their love for each other, the situation they were placed in from a very early age and the fact that neither of them seemed to understand where the other was coming from until they were shoved into this situation. Then to have Kieran take a turn and help Romulus escape from his prison in the cellar and Romulus return to save him was beautiful.

The ending left me wanting for more though. With Abel and Romulus together at the end and Romulus and Keiran together as well, The ending left me wondering if there might be a sequel to this book where the three of them end up getting together and involved in a more poly relationship? I could only hope…

I’m going to give this book two thumbs up and a must read to anyone who loves mm romance with a fantasy twist.
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T.N. Nova (30 KP) Jun 22, 2018

I did it! :)


starwarsluvr (236 KP) Jun 22, 2018

now keep adding ;) haha