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Reasons to Stay Alive
Reasons to Stay Alive
Matt Haig | 2016 | Essays
8.3 (8 Ratings)
Book Rating
Refreshingly frank
Considering the subject matter of this book, I came away from it feeling a lot better than I thought I would. This is a rather honest and frank insight into depression and anxiety, told around Matt Haig’s personal struggles and I found it absolutely fascinating. It isn’t a pleasant read at times especially when he starts to talk about suicidal and the very dark sides of depression, but it was still interesting to read about something that I’ve never experienced myself and there were a lot of lighter chapters in which Haig depicts his periods of recovery and the things that helped him get better.

This isn’t a long book, but it’s still one that I found hugely informative and interesting and it helps that Haig has such an engaging style of writing. Considering the rather strange times we’re all in at the moment with Coronavirus and lockdowns, I don’t doubt that we’re all feeling a little low right now and whilst this book isn’t an instant fix all pick me up, it might really help.

Barry Newman (204 KP) Apr 10, 2020

Notes On A Nervous Planet is also good. Very relevant in the current climate as well.


Sarah (7798 KP) Apr 10, 2020

Ooh thanks I was going to try and get that one next.


James (0 KP) rated Soldier Spy in Books

Jul 29, 2019  
Soldier Spy
Soldier Spy
Tom Marcus | 2017 | Biography
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Easy read and informative (0 more)
Felt rushed (0 more)
Hooked from start to finish!
When i saw this book at a service station i remembered the title for future refrence. A few months later i picked the book up for a new read . Now being ex forces myself i found that i tend to stay away from these types of military biography books as they seem full of bravado and people portaying themselves at the big "i am".
However, from start to finish i could not put it down and read the book in 2 sittings. He brushes over his military carear and exlapined how he got involved in the secret service, once hisntraining was complete he explains various actions and what the secret service does in and aroumd the UK, i must admit it was an eye opener as things happen under our noses and the extent that these operators go through. Even to the point of havimg false names, even with their colleagues throughout their carear. Above all a very intresting read and would looking forward to reading other books on the secret service

Sonofdel (6265 KP) rated Always Look on the Bright Side of Life in Books

Feb 21, 2021 (Updated Feb 21, 2021)  
Always Look on the Bright Side of Life
Always Look on the Bright Side of Life
Eric Idle | 2018 | Biography
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
very funny, nostalgic, moving, (0 more)
Whenever i think of Eric Idle, two things come to mind. One is the obvious one, that he was one of the Monty Python team. The other is that he wrote and sang the theme tune for One Foot in the Grave. After reading this autobiography its clear i hardly had even scratched the surface. Over a very long career, he has starred in several movies including the brilliantly funny Nuns on the Run. He has written stage shows and plays. He has travelled around the world more times than Phillaes Fogg and he has met more famous people that i would have thought possible. In this book he tells it all from his early days writing, to organising the final Monty Python tour. He also covers the amazingly brilliant Spamalot (I saw it in Blackpool). He pulls no punches and his honest and frank appraisal of his behaviour is something you don't see very often. A very good read and very informative with lots of anecdotes and real life stories

Merissa (11805 KP) rated Incognito in Books

Jun 2, 2023  
Lisabet Sarai | 2016 | Contemporary, Erotica, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Miranda was 'burned' by her first lover and has had a problem ever since. If she is attracted to someone, then she freezes up and can't speak or interact without being wooden. She is researching Victorian stories from an unusual angle and manages to draw their influence into her own life, sometimes with crazy risks. Mark is interested in Miranda but is prepared to give her space to sort out her issues. Will he be as understanding when her activities come to light?

This is a very enjoyable and well-written book, with lots of references made to Victorian literature, which were both tantalising and informative. A hot and erotic story of someone exploring their sexuality. Full of incredible detail and history, this is much more than 'just' erotica. Definitely recommended.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Apr 12, 2016
[Last Days of Last Island] by [Bill Dixon] shows that being rich doesn't always come with common sense. In the mid 1800 in America the rich were looking for new ways to enjoy their wealth. In Louisiana the plantation owners found a beautiful island off the coast. It had great views and fishing. Also the breezes were a nice change from the temperatures inland in the South.

The catch is this "island" was little more than a large sandbar. What we know as barrier islands. This did not deter them from building it up as a resort for the well to do. What could go wrong?

There was no weather forecasting as their is today and the Gulf Coast was as prone to hurricanes then as it is now. There also was no easy escape since the only way to the island was by boat.

[Dixon] tell the tragic story of life and death on Last Island during the Hurricane of 1856. The research is well done and the narrative makes the saga of the inhabitants real in this pre Civil War natural disaster. Although he does get quite repetitive with details it was still a very informative read.

Lee (2222 KP) rated I Like Films in Podcasts

Feb 15, 2019  
I Like Films
I Like Films
TV & Film
6.5 (4 Ratings)
Podcast Rating
Enjoyable movie podcast with some great guests
Jonathan Ross has been a familiar face/voice on British television and radio for many years now. His connection to film goes way back to 1999 when he took over hosting duties on the BBC TV show 'Film', reviewing and discussing movies. He is also married to Jane Goldman, writer on numerous movies including Kick-Ass and Kingsman.

I've always been a fan of Jonathan Ross, although it's fair to say that his TV talk show has taken a serious dip in the quality of guests in recent years. In this relatively new podcast, the simply titled 'I Like Films', Jonathan just chats with some of the big names in the movie world - about their careers, about whatever movie they're currently plugging. I've not caught all of the episodes, but the ones I have listened to have always been very interesting and have made this podcast one of only a handful that I'll download the moment an episode becomes available. Robert Zemeckis, Samuel L Jackson, M. Night Shyamalan and Joe Cornish have all featured recently and each episode is just relaxed, informative and really enjoyable.
This won’t be a long review since this is a short book. If you are a pastor or church counselor, this book would be a great addition to your shelves or office. It’s a book that is filled with great information for those seeking help with their mental illnesses. It’s filled with Biblical sections and will help them better understand ways to help. The pages within give you a better understanding of the illnesses and what psych meds are used to help them. 

Since I am not a pastor or a church counselor I can’t give this more than 3.5 stars since I am not into this type of book. However, that said, I am recommending this book to those that are in the clergy of the churches to help with those that come to them. You will gain good Biblical insight, along with good medical insight to help. Hats off to Dr. Emlet on creating an informative book for the churches. 
*Cafinated Reads received a complimentary copy of this book from LitFuse Blog Tours and was under no obligation to post a review, positive or negative.*
Last Podcast On The Left
Last Podcast On The Left
8.6 (16 Ratings)
Podcast Rating
Incredibly well researched (1 more)
Pretty Funny
Can occasionally get a little too silly. (0 more)
This is truly an amazing podcast. If you're in to things that are a little weird, such as Area 51, or skinwalker ranch, or if you have an interest in anything to do with serial killers both well known, or slightly more obscure, then this is something you will love. Marcus Parks, Ben Kissel, and Henry Zebrowski have the kind of chemistry you find when actual friends work together. The amount of research that goes in to all of their episodes, makes each one incredibly informative. Despite this technically being a comedy podcast, it can get really chilling at times. Their recent episodes surrounding the Auschwitz doctor Joseph Mengele, is one prime example. The occasional injection of a silly joke works to break the tension of some episodes, although sometimes, not often though, it can take you a bit too far away from the subject matter. Overall, this is easily my favourite podcast. I will happily sit for hours listening to the three guys talk. I can't recommend it any more highly.
50 Cities of the U.S.A. by Gabrielle Balkan is an informative book about famous people and places in some of the United States' best known cities. The book contains beautiful illustrations and the trivia.  Each city gets a two-page spread, and the author and illustrator Sol Linero do a great job in packing the two pages with as much information as possible. 

This is a book that will inspire great thinking about travel, the United States and different events, structures, and people. The book has so much to offer and sets it up in a fun, easy to read format. Children could look through the book to find just facts about buildings in the city or people. I find this to be such an excellent book because it provides in depth information for children who already have a geographic passion, but will also inspire new thinking for children who have yet to discover geography.

I recommend this book for children who enjoy learning about the U.S. and geography. 

I received an ARC of 50 Cities of the U.S.A from NetGalley via Quarto Publishing Group and Wide Eyed Editions. 
Norse Mythology
Norse Mythology
Neil Gaiman | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
8.4 (38 Ratings)
Book Rating
Gives you an overview of Norse mythology (0 more)
It is a little boring, a struggle to read (0 more)
A little informative and interesting
Contains spoilers, click to show
I love Neil Gaiman. I was so excited to read this book as I really enjoyed American Gods and jabe a love of Viking history. Right before reading this I read Stephen Fry's Mythology, unlucky for Neil and me. I can't help but compare the two and Gaiman's Norse Mythology comes up short. Whilst we do have access to more information of Greek myth than Norse myth, I don't think that's the entire reason that Norse Mythology is a hard read. The telling of the Norse stories doesn't have the flow I have come to expect from Gaiman, there is a strangled growth to it that makes for a choppy reading that is just hard work and not that enjoyable. Gaiman's style and what I enjoy about him is too constrained in this retelling of Norse myths, this may be due to a lack of evidence of Norse myth and history. I think it would have worked well online, as blog posts etc. As a book it is something easily put down, forgotten about and never finished.