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Mine to Keep (Mine, #2)
Mine to Keep (Mine, #2)
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I received this ARC in exchange for an honest review.

This follows the events of the last one with Skye and Trace on an island as Trace tries to help Skye get over the terrible ordeal she suffered at the hands of her ex. Soon after they arrive back in Chicago, they are met by an old colleague of Trace’s who warns them that someone is coming after them. Then the intrigue begins…

This one focuses more on Trace and things that happened in his past that he wishes he could forget. I was intrigued to find out what he’d done that was so bad that someone was trying to get to him and Skye. To get to him through Skye. And I’ll tell you now I wasn’t quite expecting it to be that.

We see bits from the POV of the person after Trace and it’s slightly creepy how cold the person is at the thought of killing anyone who stood in his way.

Once again the books feature some really intense sex scenes between the two main characters and shows how they struggle to keep their relationship afloat as lies come out of the woodwork that have been buried for years.

I’m lucky that the author goes over a lot of the things that happened in the previous book because I will admit I read a lot of books and it’s sometimes hard to remember what happened in certain ones.

It all came back to me within the first 15% or so and then I could get on with my detective work of trying to figure out who was behind it all. It kept me guessing throughout, just like in the first one and I found myself going “Ooooooh!” as new information was uncovered. I was most definitely intrigued by this. Well done to the author for such brilliant writing!

I really enjoyed this, believe it or not it got better the more I read. That last 15% or so made it 5 star worthy for me!

If you plan on reading this, then read Mine to Take first as this is a continuation. If you enjoyed the first then you should definitely read this one too.
The Twilight Wife
The Twilight Wife
8.6 (5 Ratings)
Book Rating
The main character Kyra, confused after diving incident and trying to figure out what happened. The whole story was told from only Kyra’s perspective and other characters didn't have their voice in it. That's unfortunate, because it would've been interesting to hear Jacob's thoughts about the whole situation, which was going on in the book and what was his relationship with the friend from his childhood. Maybe a throwback to the past? All this would’ve given the whole book more twists and suspense, I believe. The characters were not very interesting to be honest; they were not very strong and did not have very charismatic personalities. I noticed that, if a male character looks perfect in the pages, there is something not quite right with him, in this case the same, Jacob was too perfect. Even though Aiden (a mystery man) should’ve been one of the important characters in the whole story, his actions were nonexistent, even at the end he was the most passive one. <br/><br/> I really enjoyed that in every chapter there used to be at least one memory coming back. The suspense was really well thought through, giving those recovered memories like little sips of water in the desert. Unfortunately, the whole plot in this novel is not very original. I saw couple of films with the same principal, but the suspense kept me interested and it was hard to put it away. There is very visible touch of author's life in the book, as she lives by the ocean. There are lots of terms of marine biology in this publication, which got me looking up some terms because I never faced them in my normal life. All the suspense throughout the book was nicely rewarded at the end of it, I really enjoyed it and I loved the fact, that it still left you hanging with some unanswered questions. It had a lot of turns and twists which didn't leave u bored and kept the book interesting. To conclude, I would recommend this book if You would like some twisty and suspenseful novel filled with island life and marine biology.
The Twisted Tree
The Twisted Tree
Rachel Burge | 2020 | Horror, Paranormal, Young Adult (YA)
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Martha is our protagonist in this novel, and this book is told from her perspective. I really liked Martha, she is different, she is blind in one eye and marked with a scar that makes her doubt herself. There is no very wide selection of characters, but all of them are very intriguing. I really liked Stig (the boy who ran away from his home) in this book as well. He is strange but at the same time very sweet and likeable. One thing that I really don’t understand is the need for kids to consume alcohol in books. Why? In this case, it did not bring anything to the story, so I think it could’ve been left out. :/

I really liked the way the author combined different themes in this book. We have modern day youth entwined with ancient mythology, magic, demons and souls, and topped up with a little bit of romance. It was a dark and spooky read, the whole setting of this novel feels isolated and gloomy, set in a little island in Norway during winter, where snowstorms rattle the whole house. It is a tiny book, so the story is really fast-paced and filled with interesting turns and twists. I really enjoyed how the author analysed the family relationships through our main characters. It was heartbreaking but very amusing at the same time.

I really liked the writing style of this novel, it is easy to understand, but it delivers a lot of new things to me. There is plenty of Norwegian mythology in this novel, and I think the author has done a great job with the research. The chapters were a decent length and didn’t feel draggy, and I absolutely loved the artwork used in this novel, it made the reading experience more enjoyable. The ending was nicely written, but it left me with many unanswered questions. What happened to Martha and Stig? Who is going to water the tree? Etc.

So, to conclude, it was a really good read, filled with unique and different characters, as well as action-filled and entertaining plot, where magic and scary ghosts are only a few steps away, hidden in the Twisted Tree.
Justice League International, Vol. 5
Justice League International, Vol. 5
Keith Giffen | 1989 | Comics & Graphic Novels
7.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
I've been enjoying this trip down Memory Lane. The 80s were a fun time, especially the comics! I remember I couldn't get enough "Bwa-hahahaha", i.e. anything JLI, JLA, or JLE-related, in my life! When they brought then-newcomer Adam Hughes on as artist, JLA got turned out up to 11! Unfortunately, this was not that volume; that's the next volume)!

When I think back to this point in the 80s, the fun times, laugh riot that was the JLA brings a great amount of joy to my collective consciousness. I can't even remember anything I didn't like about any of the stories in the run. Then, I started reading Vol. 5..

So, yeah, the characters were still great fun! I miss the fun Wally West/Flash! :( Giffen and DeMatteis continued to churn out some of the funniest JLA stories! The JLEurope ones weren't AS funny as the JLAmerica/JLI stories were, but still fun nonetheless.

Now, the art? OOF! That's a whole other thing! I don't recall disliking it when I first read the issues in the 80s. I can recall meeting Bart Sears at a comic shop signing around the time of the series debut, and I thought he was friendly and likeable.

However, after this re-visit, I am disappointed to say that I found Sears' art to be not as enjoyable. The characters, both male and female, looked distorted and, in some cases, wicked muscular. And the facial expressions? Um, NO! Yeah, the art was enough of a disappointment that I almost gave it 2 Stars.

The saving grace of this TPB was the last story, from JLI Annual #3, "Around the World with the Justice League". Not only was it the first appearance of the island of Kooeykooeykooey, but it also featured some knockout pencils from Mike McKone and even more stellar inks from Bruce D. Patterson! if memory serves, the team of McKone-Patterson continued to do the annuals for the remainder of the JLI/JLA run.

It's not a perfect TPB, but again, the writing was on target, and the art in the last part of the book was pretty solid. Overall, you can read it, but it won't wow ya! Jus' sayin'...
Shelter in Place
Shelter in Place
Nora Roberts | 2018 | Contemporary, Romance, Thriller
7.6 (5 Ratings)
Book Rating
I bought two chucky paperbacks by Nora Roberts at the same time a few months ago, this and Come Sundown.

This one starts with Simone and her two friends going to the cinema to watch a film together. Simone goes to the toilet and minutes later hears screams and gunshots coming from the room she'd just left. She phones the police as three people go through the mall, killing as many people as they can. Simultaneously, Reed is working at one of the restaurants in the mall and as the shooters begin their killing spree he comes to the rescue of a little boy who's crying for his mum and keeps him safe until the cops arrive and take out the shooters.
Fast forward several years and survivors of the attack start to be killed off one by one and it seems Simone and Reed are on the killers list

I will start by saying that romantic suspense's are not my favourite genre. It has taken me about a month and a half to finish this. The romance definitely felt like an afterthought since it only kicked in about the half way point by which point I was just reading to see them take down the bad guy - whose POV we saw regularly throughout - and whose comeuppance felt like a bit of a disappointment. It all happened within about five pages from them making themselves known to Simone to them being incapacitated.

It's a 500+ page book! The first half was the two main survivors growing up and finding their calling in life - and I was rather bored, hence it taking me over a month to read! - the second half was a really played down romance while the killer made her way through the rest of the survivors on her meandering journey to them on Tranquillity Island.

I normally really enjoy reading Nora Roberts' books but I think I'll stick to her traditional romances and away from romantic suspense's in the future. Come Sundown and this one will be making there way to a charity shop for others to enjoy.
The Girl He Used to Know
The Girl He Used to Know
Tracey Garvis Graves | 2019 | Fiction & Poetry, Romance
8.0 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
This review and more can be found at my blog
A Romance Reader's Reviews

I'll admit I bought this as a spur of the moment thing from one of my favourite bargain book shops The Works. I've never read anything by this author though I do have her book, "On the Island", to read on my Kindle - and have done for several years now.

This book switches between 1991 and 2001 with almost every chapter after Annika meets her college love for the first time in years, bringing back memories of their time together and making her want to reconnect with him. They meet for coffee and decide to reconnect as friends, going out to dinner later on in the week. Things slowly progress between them and they try again.

The last few chapters of the book take place around September 2001. I honestly had no idea where the author was going with this until the news channel Annika was watching started talking about "a plane crashing into the North Tower" and I'll admit a little shiver went through me.

I'm assuming Annika has some sort of Autism because she has a lot of the same traits as Rikki - from - that I read a little while ago. Doesn't like certain clothing because of how it feels, hates loud sounds, doesn't know how to interact with people very well...etc. In fact this was discussed further on in the book and she is on the Autism spectrum.

I guess people are a bit cruel to those they don't get or understand but I really like how Jonathan always seemed to know what to say and do to ease Annika's anxieties when they were out together. He didn't mind putting his own wants aside to help Annika cope better in situations. They were perfect for each other in that.

I just found the story a little slow and not much seemed to happen in it really. The jumping between months seemed to miss out a lot of their growing relationship and I always feel a little cheated when that happens. I like to read it all.
Kong: Skull Island (2017)
Kong: Skull Island (2017)
2017 | Action, Sci-Fi
Great action sequences John c reilly Samuel L Jackson (0 more)
Dull characters (0 more)
"is that a monkey?"
There are very few things that I respect more than a movie that is unafraid to embrace its own stupidity. Kong: Skull Island has thinly written characters, extreme tonal dissonance, bad dialogue, and a complete and utter disregard for the talents of Oscar-winning actress Brie Larson, but it’s absolutely glorious in its brazen spectacle. Its thin characters and tonal dissonance don’t matter as much because it thoroughly commits to its premise, and it seems like the movie is one ridiculous–but hilarious–visual gag after another. The bad dialogue is all part of the fun. It’s not trying to be something it’s not, and that’s something I appreciate in any movie, especially a nostalgia-laced B-movie blockbuster about a giant ape.

Some might draw connections to the time era explored or the interplay between man and nature, but the movie succeeds at its main goal: entertain the hell out of the audience. Actors like Tom Hiddleston and Brie Larson are (pretty) pieces of cardboard in this, but seasoned vets like Samuel L. Jackson and John C. Reilly thoroughly understand what it is they’re being asked to do. They both ham it up big time, with Vogt-Roberts’s visual flourishes adding to their performances in beautiful ways throughout. They both give pitch perfect performances that are 100% appropriate for their roles, and Reilly in particular becomes the heart and soul of the story. As an actor, the best response to a movie like this is to embrace the ridiculous, and Jackson and Reilly certainly do.

However, the ridiculous can sometimes move aside to reveal a visually stunning movie with a large heart. The production design is gorgeous, and the classic shot–a character whose back is turned to us, staring up in awe and fear at Kong–is breathtaking. The movie itself has that type of reaction to its own character, to its own force of nature, looking up in wonder and childish glee as Kong destroys another piece of its surroundings. This is big, bold, and confident filmmaking, precisely because the movie understands what it’s not.

Kristy H (1252 KP) rated Girls Like Us in Books

Jul 12, 2019  
Girls Like Us
Girls Like Us
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Nell Flynn has reluctantly returned home to Long Island after the death of her father, Martin Flynn, a homicide detective. Nell hasn't seen her father in years, but must settle his estate after his motorcycle skidded off Montauk Highway in the early morning. She assumes her dad was drunk, per usual, when the incident occurred. Nell's mom was murdered when she was a child, and there's nothing about being home that makes her happy. But when Lee, a young homicide detective and her dad's latest partner, asks her to informally help with a case, Nell's curiosity is piqued. She is, after all, on paid medical leave from the Behavioral Analysis Unit at the FBI. Lee and team have found the body of a girl, murdered, near the dunes. It's similar to a case her father worked a year ago. Nell gets caught up in the investigation and the more she digs, the more she can't help but wonder if her father was involved in the killings.

"Dad had his own code. I learned early not to second guess it. At least, not out loud."

This was a great thriller--it features an interesting plot, a strong, complicated female heroine, and it's so easy to get caught up in it from the start. I had a great time unraveling the puzzle of the two murders, figuring things out alongside Nell. She's a really engaging character--smart, funny yet not without her own problems.

"The bureau thinks my head should be on straight, too. It isn't yet. Maybe it never was to begin with."

I really enjoyed the way this story is told--via Nell, but since she's not formally FBI or police, we get the pieces of the puzzle and story along with her. It's a twisted web that she uncovers: a dark, gritty story that feels timely and real. It's a fast read that kept me flipping the pages, desperately wanting to know what was happening next.

It's clear that Alger knows her stuff--police/FBI procedures, investigative techniques, and more. There are no tricks or unreliable narrators: just a strong, well-told story. And there's certainly series potential with Nell. I would love to see her again! 4+ stars.
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    The Paranormal Society™

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