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Godzilla (2014)
Godzilla (2014)
2014 | Mystery, Sci-Fi
I'm going to start with a controversial statement: I preferred the 1998 version of the famous Japanese monster movie.

Reason? Mainly because, for the vast majority of this particular movie, I couldn't tell what was going on: lots of rumblings, sure, a few monster noises bit actually being able to see what was happening? Nope.

It also seems to waste most of its cast: Bryan Cranston doesn't do much before making his exit, a pre Scarlet-Witch Elizabeth Olson spends most of her (limited) screen time looking worried and Ken Watanabe does nothing but seemingly mope around the place.

And, finally, what call the movie Godzilla when he's barely in it? If anything, it should have been called MUTOs ...
The Last Samurai (2003)
The Last Samurai (2003)
2003 | Action, Drama, War
Troubled Civil War veteran Tom Cruise goes off to Japan to train their new modern-style army just after the Meiji restoration; winds up being allowed to become a samurai despite not quite meeting the minimum height requirement.

Clearly wants to be a lavish Dances With Wolves-style epic drama; works well enough as a historical adventure with some well-staged action sequences, but not quite as moving or powerful as it would really like. Every Japanese person I know who's seen this movie seems to think it's supposed to be a hilarious deadpan comedy. Someone should tell Cruise it's bad manners to organise a kamikaze charge and not die alongside everyone else.
Funky Forest: The First Contact (2005)
Funky Forest: The First Contact (2005)
2005 | Comedy
(0 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"Funky Forest. It’s a Japanese movie. It’s kind of like a patchwork film, kind of like Kuso is, in a way. I think it was heavily influential in just like, “OK well, it doesn’t all have to be … It can feel more like a short film, but in the same world, in an absurd world.” I think it was really, really inspiring for me. It had a lot of body comedy in that movie, a lot of really cool prosthetic effects that mixed with CGI, I think. It’s one of the movies where people will just be like, “What the f— is this? What is this?” And it’s not perfect movie, but it is, at times, perfect."


Bill Plympton recommended Mind Games (2002) in Movies (curated)

Mind Games (2002)
Mind Games (2002)
2002 | Drama, Mystery
(0 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"I want to start off with a film you’ve probably seen called Mind Game, by Masaaki Yuasa. It’s a very interesting story. It’s a Japanese film; it’s not anime. It’s very western, actually. It came out in 2005, and critics panned it in Japan, and therefore the producers lost their nerve and shelved the film, which is very sad. I saw it at the Asian Film Festival, and I think you can see it online, but to me, it’s the Citizen Kane of animation. It is such an ambitious and visually unique film. It’s just full of action and full of crazy ideas and surrealism and humor and just beautiful, beautiful craftsmanship."

Midway (2019)
Midway (2019)
2019 | Action, Drama, History
The events of December 7th 1941 left an indelible mark on the psyche of America and became a date that truly has lived in infamy. Though historians, authors, and filmmakers have attempted to analyze the events during and leading to the attack on Pearl Harbor; there is still a great deal of interest about the attack and the aftermath.

While Pearl Harbor was for many the opening shots of the U.S. entry into World War II; some would say that the stage was set earlier when the United States attempted to curtail what they saw as an aggressive and Imperialistic Japan by placing restrictions on their vital resources such as oil and the tonnage of their Navy.

In the new film “Midway” we are given a glimpse into this when four years before the attack, when Edwin Layton (Patrick Wilson) meets with Admiral Nagumo (Jun Kunimura) who lets him know that hardline factions in his government have been buoyed by their invasion of China and will do what is needed to make sure the vital oil that is supplied by the U.S. remains constant.

Flash forward to the day of the attack and Layton who has warned that an attack was possible at Pearl Harbor is seeing his worst predictions come true. In the aftermath he is assigned to Admiral Nimitz (Woody Harrelson); who has been given the thankless task of taking charge of what is left of the Pacific Fleet and finding a way to stop the Japanese fleet.

The U.S. finds themselves outnumbered, outgunned, and waging war with ships and planes that are inferior to the Japanese but they must find a way to overcome the great obstacles before them and defeat a relentless enemy.

Layton and a team of code breakers are convinced the Japanese intend to attack the island of Midway and go all in to set a trap with the goal of destroying the enemy carriers so the U.S. can gain an aerial advantage in the Pacific.

With a strong cast which features Luke Evans, Dennis Quaid, Mandy Moore, Aaron Eckhart, Nick Jonas and a fine supporting cast, Director Roland Emmerich has given audiences a gripping war movie that despite the impressive visual effects; never loses site of the fact that this is a story of real people who found themselves in pivotal moments of history.

The film also shows how the Japanese commanders had differing views of the Americans they fought. Some considered them to lack braveness while others admired their tenacity and were grateful that they had what they saw as inferior and outdated planes to attack them in.

The film also does a great job showing the Doolittle Raid and how what from a military standpoint caused minor damage yet was a huge psychological boost as Japan believed they were immune from attack yet the American forces found a way to bomb Tokyo by the impossible task of using land based bombers off a carrier.

The film is a great mix of human drama that shows not only the terrible toll of war but how a group of extraordinary individuals gave their all.

Awix (3310 KP) Nov 12, 2019

Just to say, that's Yamamoto talking to Layton at the start, not Nagumo.


Darren (1599 KP) rated 1941 (1979) in Movies

Jun 20, 2019  
1941 (1979)
1941 (1979)
1979 | Action, Comedy
Story: 1941 starts in the aftermath of Pearl Harbour, The Japanese are searching for Hollywood for their latest attack, while the army are planning to create a defence on the Californian coastline, Sgt Frank Tree (Aykroyd) leads his men in preparations while pilot Captain Wild Bill Kelso (Belushi) travels the country to support his troops.

The preparations bring us comical happenings which lead to what is going on between the Americans and the impending Japanese.


Thoughts on 1941


Characters – We have so many characters in this film it is hard to pick out the main ones, we will though, Sgt Frank Tree tries to keep peace between his soldiers and not letting them fight with the locals. Ward Douglas is the man that sees it has an honour to host the army for prime location for defence. Captain Wild Bill Kelso is a pilot that enjoys a drink, he heads across country to join the battle. Where we have too many characters it is hard to see which one we are meant to be follow the most.

Performances – The performances are affected by the mass cast because no one gets to show their best skills, we have the comical actors that want to joke, only for them to miss, then the serious actors not hitting their moments either.

Story – The story follows the Americans as they plan for a potential next attack on America from the Japanese in the aftermath of the Pearl Harbour attack. The problem I see with this story, it showing us how we make light of a devastating moment in history with the Pearl Harbour attack and shows how America did panic but didn’t seem to take the events serious, well that is what the film gives us.

Action/Comedy/War – The action plays into the comedy which gets basic laughs but most of the laughs seem to have dated badly and even just give us toilet humour, all with the backdrop of World War II.

Settings – The film puts us in LA for the events of the film which shows how Hollywoodland would react to the impending war.

Scene of the Movie – Plane sex.

That Moment That Annoyed Me – Too many characters.

Final Thoughts – This is one of the biggest misses of Spielberg’s career, it has too many characters and doesn’t manage to balance out the comedy and action well enough.


Overall: Disappointing throughout.
Fox Tale (Sacred Emblems #0)
Fox Tale (Sacred Emblems #0)
Karen Hulene Bartell | 2024 | Paranormal, Romance
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
great reading about Japan.
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

Ava is in Japan, writing a travel article. Meeting Chase, with his wonderful tales of Japanese myths and legends, helps her write a different take. But she never expected to meet up with her ex, Rafe, who left her two years ago without a word. Both men are hiking things. Can Ava choose?

I don't read reviews before I read a book, not anymore, but I will read them AFTER I've read said book, but before I write my review for one reason only: did they feel the same about this book as I did.

In this case: nope. They all loved this book and I . . . didn't.

I'm not saying I didn't like this book, I just found it hard work.

It's almost all written from Ava's point of view, in the first person. Rafe gets two very small bits, not even a chapter, in the third. I needed more from Rafe, and Chase, to be fair, to offset Ava.

There is a huge amount of repeated wording. Mostly around how Ava feels and thinks about Chase. "Apart from his silver hair, he looks young" or words to that effect are the most common. It began to get a bit much. "Seven hundred and seventy *something*, next winter" is another. The same things about the fox stories from Japanese lore pop up time and again too.

Apart from that, I liked this book. I couldn't see where it was going, nor how it was getting there, so when it did all go down, I was surprised and I liked the way it all happened.

Although there is the repetition of the lore, I did enjoy reading about the Japanese traditions and myths and legends.

There are some difficult topics here: death of a spouse, suicide, mental health issues and readers do need to be aware. Things are not how they seem, however, but the warning still needs to be made.

This is the first I've read of this author, and I always ask myself, will I read more? Not at this time. I won't say no to reading something else at a later date though.

3 good stars

*same worded review will appear elsewhere
The Magnificent Seven (1960)
The Magnificent Seven (1960)
1960 | Action, Adventure, Western
Classic western only misses out on a 10 because it's not quite as good as the Kurosawa version. Mexican peasants in improbably clean clothes (the Mexican government insisted) hire a septet of gunmen to defend them from marauding bandits; Bernstein's famous theme gets played a lot. I mean, A LOT.

Enduringly and deservedly popular, both as a piece of entertainment and a source of discussions down the pub (Horst Bucholz and Brad Dexter are the names everyone struggles to remember). Loses some of the subtlety and depth of characterisation from the original Japanese version, but also scores by building up the character of the bandit leader (Wallach). Possibly not the greatest western ever, but still iconic and immensely influential. One for the ages.

Awix (3310 KP) rated Rampage (2018) in Movies

Jan 20, 2019 (Updated Jan 20, 2019)  
Rampage (2018)
Rampage (2018)
2018 | Action, Adventure, Sci-Fi
Riotously silly computer game adaptation, as magic DNA jollop falls out of the sky and turns animals into giant, aggressive monsters; one of them happens to be genial Dwayne Johnson's pet gorilla, so there's bound to be trouble.

One of those films where everyone is in on the joke - doesn't bear much resemblance to the original game, but works pretty well as a piece of nonsense anyway. Johnson is a reassuring presence in the middle of it all, and the film does a surprisingly good job of catching some of the essence of the classic Japanese monster movies which obviously inspired it. Probably not going to win any of the major Oscars but still good fun while it's in front of you.
Dark Waters (2019)
Dark Waters (2019)
2019 | Drama
Not another remake of the Japanese movie about haunted plumbing, but a based-on-fact drama about a lawyer's long and gruelling battle to expose the truth about the contamination of the environment by synthetic long-chain fluorocarbons (the non-stick part of non-stick saucepans to you and me).

A very worthy and impassioned film about a serious and important topic, led well by Mark Ruffalo, with good support from a strong cast. On the other hand, it does come across as just a little bit dour, and the nature of the story doesn't necessarily lend itself to a conventional narrative structure. The kind of film that I'm glad gets made, but I still find it admirable more than genuinely likeable or enjoyable.