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Merissa (11800 KP) rated Brooklyn Rockstar (Kendalls #1) in Books

Dec 17, 2018 (Updated May 31, 2023)  
Brooklyn Rockstar (Kendalls #1)
Brooklyn Rockstar (Kendalls #1)
Jennifer Ann | 2016 | Contemporary, Romance
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Charlie is trying to sort out his solo career, whilst the rest of the band do their own thing, as they all wonder where Danny the drummer disappeared to. Evelyn is a city girl stuck in the country until she just ups and moves to New York, to live with a friend she met online. Now I have to say, I can't figure out if Evelyn is either brave or stupid! To move somewhere, with no job lined up, with someone you've never actually met in person? As I say, brave or stupid.

The connection between these two is instantaneous and hot. The best bit for me is that Evelyn doesn't just jump when Charlie says so. She is naive to his world and admits that from the start. This is part of her charm for Charlie, as she has no false airs and graces.

This is a well-written book, with plenty of action, paparazzi, mystery, suspense and romance. I did feel for Charlie as he tried to figure out what to do and was glad when it all became clear at the end. I am not usually a fan of rockstar romances, but this one ticked most boxes for me. The inner dialogue from Danny started to annoy me though, I know he's a jerk, you don't have to keep telling me. Apart from that, I thoroughly enjoyed it and would love to read more by this author. Definitely recommended.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and my comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Mar 30, 2016

Merissa (11800 KP) rated Never Again in Books

Jun 8, 2023  
Never Again
Never Again
Heather Starsong | 2015 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This book is simply amazing and it should be read by everybody. I can't put it any plainer than that!

We start of with Clara, an old lady in her garden, feeling all the aches and pains of being over 80-years-old. Then she starts to tell a story, which will quickly enfold you and have you completely entranced, hanging onto every word. She has a tale to tell and she won't finish until she has.

This book raises some important issues, gives you questions, also gives you answers that I personally would love to be true, and makes you ponder. All of this is a good thing as far as I am concerned. I loved how she wasn't comfortable with her 'old-fashioned' values, inside the body of a younger woman. I thought Zachary was a jerk, and refused to admit that I was the same generation as him! I adored Lenny and his eyebrows.

I will not give out anymore to do with the story, except to say that this book blindsided me. I honestly thought I'd just be getting a 'normal, run-of-the-mill' science fiction. What I got was a biographical account, a fascinating story that tore at my heartstrings and emotions. I loved every moment of reading this and certainly didn't want it to end, especially not once it became clear what would happen at the end.

A fascinating concept, executed with perfection, and definitely one to keep. Absolutely recommended. (ps, don't forget the Kleenex)

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Jun 5, 2016
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Cameron was that typical jock who only cared about his sexy girlfriend and how soon she'd let him sleep with her. He got drunk and insulted his pretty waitress—which was a bad idea because she turned out to be a witch of sorts. She laid a curse on him out of spite: Every day, he grew to be one year older.

As he aged rapidly he was faced with a reality check: His life would end in a few short weeks. He would never see his graduation. His girlfriend breaks up with him and goes back to her ex. He's not sure if his parents love him or hate him. And they're not sure either.

Then he meets Leisel. And Leisel had her own secret.

The first third of the book frustrated me because Cameron was stupid, rude, immature, irresponsible, and disrespectful. But further in, I started to feel for him a little more. Near the last third of the book I was really enjoying it, I liked all the characters more (or less, in his girlfriend's case) and I was hooked on the story. It was fast-paced and interesting. I think the part I liked most was watching Cameron change from an obnoxious jerk into someone who had some depth and good qualities. It was what I wanted to see, and it made me happy to see him change.

The writing was a little frustrating only because there were ALL CAPS sprinkled in through the book. Now I understand why Rowe used all caps (If I woke up and looked like a thirty year old, I'd say everything in all caps too) but it still makes the editor in me cringe. Aside from that, I liked the writing and the style, I liked the pacing, I liked the humor, and I liked the dialogue. I don't often find a self-published book with good writing, so I'm wary to accept them. I'm glad I made an exception!

Content/Recommendation: Some language, some sexual references, no sex. Ages 16+
Let Me In (The Boys Club #1)
Let Me In (The Boys Club #1)
Luna David | 2018 | Contemporary, Erotica, LGBTQ+
7.3 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
Let Me In (The Boys Club #1) by Luna David
Let Me In is the first book in The Boys Club, and we meet Liam, who at only twenty is already dealing with a tough hand in life. He is working three jobs to try and put food on the table, as well as saving for his sister's education, AND to get them out of the town they currently live in. When an offer is made to him, it seems too good to be true, but eventually, he goes with his heart. Cash is sad to see his current boy, Tommy, leave, but he knows it's for the best. What he doesn't expect is for Tommy to find him a new boy!

Things start of badly with Cash being under pressure, and not knowing anything about what's going on. However, that didn't stop him from acting like a jerk after that, much to Liam's hurt. I loved how Liam proved himself to be stronger than he thought, as well as putting his self-care first. He found new friends, got himself out of the situation, and tried to move on. Of course, it's after it happens that Cash realises just what a golden nugget he had in Liam.

This book was very easy to read, with no editing or grammatical errors that I noted. It is a very sweet book, whilst also being steamy in scenes. It is actually Cash who has to do the most growing in this book, and it was great to see him finally let Liam in. Although this book is complete, in and of itself, I would love to continue with this series, and I also hope Carter has his book. I really want to know his story.

If you like Daddy kink, then I can definitely recommend this book!

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
I felt that this story was exactly like the cover: a beautiful mess. You look at it, and, at first, it is interesting. But when you get down to it, it’s actually just messy and chaotic.

I actually had a problem with this novel for a couple reasons. The first was that there were multiple instances where something would happen, i.e. a character would say or do something, and it didn’t make sense. I did not understand why the character did/said it and the author never disclosed why either. I felt that the author may have assumed the reader would understand what was going on, but I sure didn’t. It was very confusing. At points, I felt like I was reading about people with multiple personalities because of how random and off some of their actions/words were.

The second reason is because I didn’t like any of the characters. I felt the heroine was a doormat with no personality and the hero was just a hot mess. His children were obnoxious too. I understand that children do not articulate as well as adults, but not every word they say sounds like a curse word. And that is how the children in this story were. They couldn’t say a single sentence without it sounding like they were cursing. Once may have been humorous, but repetitively just became old and annoying.

I wish I could have liked this novel. The synopsis should have tipped me off, however. It is confusing and doesn’t really say anything so I didn’t know I was getting into. Overall, I felt that nothing happened plot-wise beyond the hero being an ignorant jerk and hurting the heroine’s feelings and the heroine just let everyone walk all over her. It was a frustrating read to say the least.

The only part I did enjoy was reading the riddles strewn throughout, especially since they had the answers attached.

_ Arec
<a href="">Rainy Thursdays</a>
Mary Poppins (1964)
Mary Poppins (1964)
1964 | Classics, Comedy, Family
Fun Adventure For the Ages
It's not hard to come to grips with why Mary Poppins is widely considered as a classic. Does the film show you a really good time? Check. Make you laugh? Check. Provide you with important messages that still hold true to this day? Check. All the marks of a film that stands the test of time.

Seriously, how can you not love this woman? She's fair. Kind. The kind of person that would tell you the truth whether you want to hear it or not. Just flat-out someone you would want to hang with. To put it simply: Marry Poppins (Julie Andrews) rocks.

The film is sprinkled with some valuable lessons throughout presented in varying creative scenarios. In one of my favorite scenes, Uncle Albert (Ed Wynn) teaches us the importance of laughter and being happy. Everytime he laughs his infectious laugh, he floats (literally) a little bit higher until he can touch the ceiling.

Poppins shines as an iconic character. And, let's face it, the lady can come out of a chimney like a straight up boss! Though the film got off to a slow start, things quickly gain speed when she comes gliding down so gracefully holding her black umbrella. Andrews deserves all the credit in the world for making this role shine.

Think about the plot on paper: A nanny shows up to whip two jerk kids into shape. I'm already asleep. While this could have very easily been a snooze fest, Disney takes us on a fun adventure into some cool and imaginative places with our great heroine running the helm.

Throughout this magical journey into a brand new world, the beauty of it all is how Poppins is able to maintain a stern attitude while still letting the kids be kids. Plainly put, she runs circles around me as a parent. Quality film for the ages.

I give it an 89. I'm rooting for you, Emily Blount. You have some big shoes to fill.
Surfacing Secrets (Elemental Evidence #3)
Surfacing Secrets (Elemental Evidence #3)
Bellora Quinn, Sadie Rose Bermingham | 2018 | Erotica, LGBTQ+, Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Surfacing Secrets (Elemental Evidence #3) by Bellora Quinn & Sadie Rose Bermingham
Surfacing Secrets is the third book in the Elemental Evidence series, and I looked forward to reuniting with Jake and Mari to see how things have moved on for them. Mari is surfing online to try and find an answer to his 'problem'. Instead, he finds a video of someone being murdered. He shows it to Jake, who passes it on to the police, but it looks like Mari is finding it hard to stop connecting online. It is becoming an addiction, one he denies having.

I thoroughly enjoy these books! It isn't just romance, there is plenty here for everyone to enjoy. I do have to say though that Mari once again pings on my radar for acting like a jerk. The addiction part I tried to ignore, as he couldn't exactly control what he was saying or thinking at the time. But he does insist on knocking Jake down all the time, even in his thoughts. Poor Jake! I love his character, and although I can see the love he has for Mari, I just want it reciprocated. I am longing for the book where Mari doesn't act like an ass and becomes the man Jake deserves.

A story with a dark twist, told amazingly well by these two authors. With no editing or grammatical errors to disrupt my reading flow, it was simply Mari who jolted me. The flow was smooth, and the pacing perfect. I love the interaction between all of the characters, yes - even Mari and Jake. Absolutely recommended for those who love a bit of mystery mixed in with their paranormal.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and my comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
When Hitler Took Cocaine and Lenin Lost His Brain
When Hitler Took Cocaine and Lenin Lost His Brain
Giles Milton | 2018 | History & Politics
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Book Review by Cari Mayhew.

If only all events in history could be taught this way! This is his hands down one of the most entertaining history books you’ll ever read! The book is composed of 50 chapters depicting from lesser known points in history. The stories are dramatic, compelling, and often shocking. There are tales of heroism, injustice, conspiracy and cannibalism.

Each chapter is it's own little, well written, real-life story. And each is rounded off with a profound sentence or two to summarise. I gained an appreciation of the role of pigeons and dogs in the war, I learned why the Dodo bird became extinct, and I discovered that it’s possible to survive 2 nuclear bombs.

Normally with non-fiction book with so many isolated sections, I'd be tempted to skip sections, but that was not the case this time - I enjoyed every single one! I’ve noticed there are more books in the series, and I intend to read them all!

The best way to convey how well written the stories are, is to leave you with an excerpt:
“There was a sickening crunch and a violent jerk. The right wing of the plane was ripped off by the mountain peak and flung backwards into the rear of the fuselage. The plane, wildly out of control, smashed into a second peak, which tore off the left wing.

Inside the cabin, the terrified passengers expected the shattered plane to plunge them to their deaths. But the plane’s crash-landing miraculously spared some of those on board. The fuselage hit a snow-covered mountain slope and slid downwards before coming to a halt in a deep drift.
As a wall of silence descended over the wreckage, the injured and groaning survivors came to their senses. They were lost in the wilds of the High Andes. But they were alive!”

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