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Conor Grennan is an American traveling the world for one year. One of his planned stops on his journey is at Little Princes orphanage in Nepal. After this 3 months stay at the orphanage, he promises the children that he would return in one years time. Hardly did volunteers return to the orphanage, after they left. Conor was abe to keep his promise and after his return he set out on a true find the families of the children at Little Princes and other orphanages in the area. He set up a foundation in order to fund this necessary endeavor. Many of the children had been taken from their homes by child traffickers with the promise to provide a better life for the children Many of these parents had no idea where their children were and just as many children thought their parents were dead. Conor ended up staying in Nepal for the next three years helping reconnect Nepal's lost children with their families.

Many times when we do volunteer work whether it is within our own country or abroad, we go into it thinking how much good we are going to do for someone else. What really is the case is that the volunteer is the one who ends up benefiting the most. Hearts and minds are forever changed. We implore our friends and family to help with the cause we are involved in and pray that we are making a difference. I have never met anyone who has not had their lives impacted by volunteer work.

Conor is no exception. He has made friends with these children, learned something new about a different culture and has taught us all something new with this book. Little Princes, has touched my heart and I'm eager to know how the children of Nepal are doing now after all of the help that Conor has brought to the region. You can find out more about Conor's work visit
Then She Was Gone
Then She Was Gone
Lisa Jewell | 2017 | Thriller
8.1 (21 Ratings)
Book Rating
I Loved This Book
Ten years ago, Ellie Mack went missing. The police think she is just another teenage runaway, but her mother, Laurel, doesn't believe that for a second. Ellie's disappearance destroyed the family and now that her remains have been found, Laurel will finally have some closure. When she meets Floyd, it's like she's getting a second chance at life. But when she meets his daughter, Poppy, life comes to an alarming halt. Poppy looks so much like Ellie, but why? Of course people look like other people all the time, but there is just something about this child that keeps Ellie at the forefront. When Laurel discovers a connection between Floyd and her family, she embarks on a journey to find out exactly what happened to her daughter and who did it.

Thank you to NetGalley and Atria Books for the opportunity to read and review this book.

After the first few chapters of this book, I figured out a few things about this story that I think most readers will discover as well. But the thing that made this book so hard to put down was how it was all going to come together, it's an incredible journey.

Losing a child is the most painful experience. When Laurel loses Ellis, her whole world is turned upside down and she can no longer function as she once did. She stops cooking for her family, her relationships become strained and eventually she and her husband divorce. Once they find the body of her daughter, the pain becomes a little less since she now has some closure. But why does this young girl look so much like her dead daughter. Did Floyd have something to do with Ellie's disappearance and death? Her family doesn't get a good vibe from this man, but Laurel feels as if she needs to stay with him until the whole truth is revealed.
Synopsis: Jennifer Dukes Lee never thought she struggled with control. As long as everything went exactly the way she wanted it to, she was totally flexible.

But then Jennifer discovered what happens when you try to wrap your arms around everything, thinking it’s all on you: You get burned out on hustle. You toss and turn more at night, and you laugh less during the day. You’re so busy—caring, serving, working, and trying so hard—that you can’t even hear God’s voice anymore.

It’s All Under Control is a book for every woman who is hanging on tight and trying to get each day right—yet finding that life often feels out of control and chaotic. Join Jennifer on the journey of learning how to:

Overcome the anxieties and worries that burden your heart
Prioritize your busy life so you can make choices that align with God’s best for you
Find freedom through a new “Do, Delegate, or Dismiss” approach to your daily tasks
Let go of what God has not asked you to do, so you can shine at what he has
Discover a new way of living that will free you to be you, and finally experience the peace of knowing a God who truly has it all under control.

My Thoughts: This book will not disappoint you! This is a book for anyone who feels like the world is pressing in on them, a person who has to be in control of every aspect of their lives.

For a lot of us, it is hard to let go of the reins and let God take control. In this book, author Jennifer Dukes Lee takes us on a journey to show us how to let God take back the control He needs in our lives.

I highly recommend this book, if you find yourself full of busyness, or say you're too busy to read it.. then you need it!
God of War
God of War
2018 | Action/Adventure
Literally everything (0 more)
The wait until the next one! (0 more)
God of War- BOY!
Contains spoilers, click to show
Hello! So, God of War on the PS4. Techically God of War 4. The game started off by throwing you into this emotional journey by burying the wife of Kratos.

The emotional music that was lined up with the journey of gathering something as simple as wood, was by far the best part of the beginning.


Then a stranger comes and you being Kratos, you say to yourself, "Yeah, I can take him, look at this skinny little man thinking he stands a chance against me, the mighty KRATOS-" Then he catches you by surprise, he is so much more powerful than you imagined and now you're in this brilliantl, beautiful fight to the death. It was crazy. The whole game was filled with emotion and raw power. The emotional growth of the bond between Father and Son was a beautiful thing to watch.

This is a super late review, so there isn't much to say about it other than it was an incredible game that added onto an already incredible series. The end of the game left us with wanting more and more. By the end of it I found myself wanting to send an email to Santa Monica Studios, begging for an early copy of the next game or maybe a script just to know what happens. The cliffhanger it left us with was amazing and wonderful.


The combat was smooth and I found myself throwing the axe for no apparent reason but to see how far I could throw it and travel away from it, just to call it back and watch as the axe returns to Kratos' hand in real time. The amount of detail they put into this game is incredible and I'm sure that it will be quite a wait until the next one. In my honest opinion about God of War, I would personally give the game a solid 10/10. Thank you so much for reading!
The Silent Governess
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Olivia Keene has been forced into silence to protect the secrets of the past and the security of the future.

  Being in the wrong place at the wrong time causes events to spin out of control for Olivia. Her life takes a completely different direction than she anticipated. So many secrets, so many mysteries of the past. Edward Bradley is fearful of what the truth will mean for his future. His father, Lord Brightwell, must answer for his past actions. We get to see this story through the eyes of Edward and Olivia. They both struggle with their identity when everything they thought they knew about themselves starts to crumble. Through their journey we discover what it means to find your identity in Christ and how being a child of The King, our future is always certain.

  One of the things that I enjoy the most about Mrs. Klassen’s work is that she is so talented at bringing scripture and truth into her books. Our leading lady, Olivia Keene, does not have much, if any faith, in the beginning of our story. She suffers loss and heartache, but in the end discovers the truth about the Father, his love and tenderness, and that “All things work together for good”. I love witnessing the journey of faith and redemption in a very believable way. At first I was slightly taken aback by the fact that the lines between classes become blurred in her books. But the more I read the more I enjoy it. It allows for more imagination. The depth of character in Julie Klassen’s books is astounding. I feel like I know Olivia and Edward on a personal level. That it would not be odd if I were to receive a phone call from Olivia and chat for hours. Julie Klassen has won 3 Christy Awards to date and I sincerely hope that more awards are in the very near future for her.
A Cross-Country Trip through Regency England Brings Intrigue, Rogues, and High Adventure

The must-read conclusion to Michelle Griep’s Bow Street Runners Trilogy: Life couldn’t be better for Abigail Gilbert—but it’s been a long time in coming. Having lived with a family who hated her, it’s finally her time for love. Abby sets off on a journey across England to marry one of the most prestigious gentlemen in the land—until highwaymen upset her plans and threaten her life. Horse patrol captain Samuel Thatcher arrives just in time to save Abby. But she’s simply another victim in a job he’s come to despise. Tired of the dark side of humanity, he intends to buy land and retire. Abby pleads with him to escort her for the rest of her journey. He refuses—until she offers him something he desperately needs to achieve his goal. . .money. Delivering her safely will give him more than enough to buy property. So begins an impossible trek for the cynical lawman and the proper lady. Each will be indelibly changed by the time they reach her betrothed, if they don’t kill one another first—or fall in love.

My Thoughts: This was an interesting and well-researched book. Author Michelle Griep once again brings to her readers an exciting read! The storyline is interesting; written in the time period when women did not travel alone, much less in dangerous territory. Abby is a strong character, which has been built by years of abuse from her stepmother. This makes her a very intriguing character for this novel. I enjoyed her character and felt empathy for her in many ways. All the characters make up for a good story in this novel and are not far fetched at all. For those who like historical romances, this is the one for you. It's full of action, romance and real to life instances that make up the storyline in this novel.

   Michelle Griep has written another winner.
    Ancient Secrets of the Mummy

    Ancient Secrets of the Mummy

    Games, Education and Stickers

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    Unveil the mystery of ancient Egyptian mummification in your new favorite story-based Hidden Object...

    Live Happy Magazine

    Live Happy Magazine

    Lifestyle and Magazines & Newspapers

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    Happiness is a universal and timeless pursuit. Regardless of age, culture, color or background,...