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Chosen (The Warrior Chronicles #1)
Chosen (The Warrior Chronicles #1)
K. F. Breene | 2021 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
13 of 250
Chosen ( Warrior Chronicles book 1)
By K.F. Breene

Once read a review will be written via Smashbomb and link posted in comments

It is said that when war threatens the world, one individual will be selected by prophecy to lead the Shadow Warriors out of the Land of Mist and reclaim the freedom which has been stolen.
Shanti has grown up under the constant threat of war. Since she helped her people defeat a raiding party by using a special power, she’s been a hunted woman. Carrying rare abilities and an uncanny fighting aptitude, Shanti is the only hope of salvation for her people. The problem is, she doesn’t believe in her own divinity, and when she flounders, she nearly fails in the duty hanging so heavy on her shoulders.

It seems like any other day when Sanders and his band of misfit boys find a foreign woman clinging to life in the wastelands. Oblivious to the weapon they now have in their possession, they are content to harbor the mysterious woman until she is well enough to continue her journey.

But when the war spreads its arms and lands on her borrowed doorstep, Shanti has no choice but to reveal her secrets, plunging her saviors into danger. If they band with her, they will face certain death. But to trade her to Xandre, the warlord desperate to add her to his war machine, would be to give up their entire way of life.

War is coming. The only choice becomes: Which side do you choose?

I loved shanti she was brilliant! I really enjoyed the book and it’s characters! So why only. a 3 star rating? Well I got a little bored at some of it if I’m honest there were times in the book I felt a bit meh!! I can’t quite pin point it although I do find the cayan quite boring! Saying that overs it’s a good book!
Almost Just Friends (Wildstone #4)
Almost Just Friends (Wildstone #4)
Jill Shalvis | 2020 | Contemporary, Romance
8.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
3.75 stars.

It's taken me a long time to finish this, mainly because other books on my Kindle were taking up all my attention and being a bit more angsty and action-packed than this one, but once I sat down and concentrated on this fully I got it finished in a handful of hours.

I grabbed this paperback from my favourite bargain bookshop: The Works for £2. I've had a taste of Jill's books and I do enjoy them so when I saw this, I decided to buy it.

It tells the story of Piper who's just celebrating - or rather not celebrating - her 30th birthday with friends at the local bar when she meets Camden, her next door neighbours oldest son. They flirt a little but shy away from anything happening between them initially but as they spend more time together, they start to care about each other.

This doesn't just focus on Piper, we also have her siblings' viewpoints, too.
Gavin, an ex trouble maker, has come back for various reasons and one of them is his love for CJ - the man he hurt several years ago. We see their re-connection and it is quite lovely actually.
Winnie, the youngest, has come back from college and wants to help Piper fix up the place so they can all live together happily - only she's got a secret of her own, that her brother and a handful of others know about but not Piper. Yet.

This is a story of family and love, grief and forgiveness. It's heartwarming at time and others I felt a little prick of tears as they tried to deal with their issues. I thought it was really well written.

There was one scene I really loved that was near the end with Camden and Piper when she tells him to throw her journal in the lake and then has a panic when he actually does it before jumping in the lake despite her fear of water to try and rescue the bloody thing.
Song of the Fireflies
Song of the Fireflies
4.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Though I've loved previous books by the author, The Edge of Never and Killing Sarai (with The Edge of Always waiting on my kindle and Reviving Izabel on my wish list), I have to admit I wasn't as into this as I was the other two.

I didn't feel much of a connection to the characters or their predicament and I wasn't sure I understood their actions. Well, I did understand but at the same time I knew it would only make things worse for them and I spent the rest of the book waiting for everything to catch up with them.

I liked Elias, he was so in love with Bray from such an early age and he'd do anything to keep her safe. It was sweet to read at times and heart-breaking for him at others. Then there's Bray, who's had a tough life. I didn't really get her, she seemed pretty messed up mentally and did/allowed strange to happen at times.

Secondary characters like Tate were cool, he was pretty laid back and looked out for his friends and family, though I didn't like his brother Caleb too much, he seemed a little...creepy at times, but maybe that was the drugs he used.

An appearance by one of the author's other couples was nice too, though the scene didn't necessarily end well, and I'm looking forward to continuing their story soon, when I get time.

Song of the Fireflies came across as very dark with lots of drugs, sex and several scenes of violence (mainly fighting) and I just couldn't connect with it, I'm afraid. Admitting that almost feels like blasphemy since I love the author's writing but on this, I just didn't feel it. I was okay, I wasn't blown away by it by any stretch of the imagination.

I read books for the romance aspect and I feel like I missed out on it in this, or maybe it just got lost under everything else that happened.
Beauty from Pain (Beauty, #1)
Beauty from Pain (Beauty, #1)
Georgia Cates | 2013 | Contemporary, Romance
6.7 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
Well this is a backburner book (#1 on my to-read on Goodreads), having been on my Kindle since some time in January 2014 when it was released. I think I've put off reading it simply because of the "erotica" label it had on Goodreads. It wasn't exactly erotica, though. Yeah, they had quite a lot of sex but there was a romance to it, too.

So this starts with Laurelyn arriving in Australia with her best friend to spend time with her best friends brother for three months as he studies wine making there. On the first night they head out to a bar and take part in mic night? Laurelyn sings and plays the guitar (I think) and attracts the attention of Jack, a man looking for his next lover. Instead of the usual week/month, he plans to spend three months with his next bed fellow, giving her whatever she wishes for and making her feel special. Laurelyn catches his attention and he plans to seduce her into agreeing to his arrangement.

I guess if I was on the receiving end of an attractive rich guy wanting to spend three months with me, getting to know me and spending a lot of that time in bed, I'd enjoy it, too, but I have to admit I got a little bored with this. It was taking a little too long to get where it was going and I skipped entire sex scenes. The books 271 pages felt more like 500.

It had a rather promising start, apart from the slightly stalkerish behaviour of Jack as he tried to meet Laurelyn again, and I enjoyed the slow seduction and how he treated her. But then I didn't really see the relationship grow as such. It didn't work for me, personally.

By the end, I wasn't all that bothered about what was going to happen next with the characters so I won't be continuing the series.
    Battery Power Pro

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Pema’s Storm (Dark Warrior Alliance #3)
Pema’s Storm (Dark Warrior Alliance #3)
Brenda Trim, Tami Julka | 2020 | Erotica, Paranormal, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
139 of 200
Pema’s storm ( Dark warrior book 3)
By Brenda Trim and Tami Julka

Pema Rowan is the first born of the mysterious and powerful triplets whom prophesy has declared would unite in power and change the face of the Tehrex Realm forever, yet Pema and her sisters have eschewed their role in the world of magic in order to run their business. Pema's life is turned upside-down when the blessings of Fated Mates returns to the realm. It is further complicated when a mysterious and gorgeous ursine shifter, Ronan, enters her life. Pema doesn't want to be attracted to Ronan, especially since he once belonged to her archenemy. Pema faces danger left and right as she struggles with what her body wants and her mind refuses. As the High Priestess, Cele, seeks to garner the power of the triplets, Pema must choose between the safety of those she loves, or giving into her darkest desires.

Ronan Blackwell has come to Seattle with the female who has helped him find peace and solace after centuries of living with grief and isolation. When she ends their relationship, he is determined to win her back, only to have everything he has ever believed in challenged by the sexy little witch, Pema. As his emotions force him to choose between the only love he has ever known, and a passion that promises to tear him apart, he discovers that not everything is as it seems. Will the animal inside him win and show Pema the true meaning of life on the wild side, or will he be torn apart by the mysterious forces set against them?

Ronan certainly gives over to his animal to claim his mate!

I’m really enjoying these Dark alliance books they are a quick read and easy to fall in love with! I’m enjoying finding more out about the characters as well as seeing characters from the first 2 books! If you enjoy BDB by JR Ward you will enjoy these!
Calistos (Guardians of Hades #5)
Calistos (Guardians of Hades #5)
Felicity Heaton | 2020 | Paranormal, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Calistos is the fifth book in the Guardians of Hades series and this time we have the playboy of the series! Bless him, Calistos has some serious issues. Between hiding who he really is from everyone (including his brothers), memory issues, and keeping everyone at a firm distance because he doesn't believe he deserves love, well, this is one helluva story!

Marinda believes she is human and first meets Cal at the ER where she works on reception. Even when he is high on human medicine, Cal recognises something in Mari that makes him want to know her more. As for Marinda, she is fascinated by Cal but thinks he is a junkie so intends to keep her distance. You can guess how that works out.

The connection between Cal and Mari is instantaneous and continues through the book. Mari doesn't like Cal's reputation as a playboy but gets to know him before judging. The action is non-stop in here as Cal tries to understand why the daemons are after Mari. I loved the reason! Let's just say Mari definitely has a split personality.

The other couples play a part in here too, along with a hint of what is to come for Daimon. One of the things I love about these stories is that with each book, it gives me a teaser of what is to come which immediately whets my appetite and makes me want it NOW.

As always, the action scenes are spot-on whilst the sexy scenes steamed up my Kindle. All the characters have more to them than you first see and the layers are peeled off in such a way as to keep you wanting more.

A fantastic addition to the series that I highly recommend.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Dream Warrior (Dark Warrior Alliance #1)
Dream Warrior (Dark Warrior Alliance #1)
Brenda Trim | 2015 | Erotica, Paranormal, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
80 of 200
Dream warrior ( Dark warrior alliance book1)
By Brenda Trim and Tami Julka

Along the edges of darkness, a war of attrition rages between the demon plane and the Tehrex Realm. Dark Warriors alone stand between humans and the evil that seeks to destroy them. Zander Tarakesh, the sexy as sin vampire king, leads the battle.

Zander is battle-hardened and accustomed to command, yet wrestles to regain control when his Fated Mate is propelled into his world, bombarding him with unfamiliar emotions. His life depends on him uniting with Elsie, the slip of a mortal, who unknowingly protects a vital piece of his soul. Eradicating the demons will be an easier task than combating her sense of guilt and betrayal to gain her acceptance, loyalty, and, ultimately, her love. And, he must do this before she plunges a stake in his heart. One thing is certain: The flames of passion ignite a fire in their shared souls....

Elsie Hayes' life is shattered after the vicious murder of her husband. Intent on revenge, she spends her evenings killing creatures others only see in nightmares. A supernatural event teleports Elsie into a world filled with violence, magic, and unexpected lust and love when she is thrust from widow to Fated Mate of the enigmatic vampire king. Can she lower the protective shield around her heart, giving herself to a vampire whose power is the very reason her life was changed forever?

I found it an easy enjoyable read! If you have read BDB and sherrilyn Kenton books you will love this! It has a structure similar and it works for most! I went between 3 and 4 stars as I enjoy JR Ward but felt I could enjoy this book a lot more than the BDB series! I loved the characters and the supernaturals that are in the book and looking forward to reading about more of them! Hot men , strong females, supernaturals , romance sex and action what more could you want?