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 Booksmart (2019)
Booksmart (2019)
2019 | Comedy
A raunchy but extremely funny teen-sex comedy.
A panda’s eye view of teenage life.
I tend to struggle to find a really good comedy to add to my top 10 of the year. Last year it was “Game Night” that made my list. One that is definitely heading there this year is “Booksmart”.

A retread on a well-travelled tyre.
The coming of age school comedy has been rehashed multiple times. These include films as varied as “Napoleon Dynamite”, “Superbad”, “Easy A”, “Mean Girls”, “Never Been Kissed” and “10 Things I Hate About You”. In tone, “Booksmart” is probably closest to “Superbad”, but it manages – under the direction of actress Olivia Wilde, in her debut feature – to establish a quirky likeability all of its own. An instant classic in the making.

Not for the prudish.
The story concerns two BFF’s – Molly (Beanie Feldstein, sister of Jonah Hill) and Amy (Kaitlyn Dever). They have both spent their young lives trying to score A’s at school in lieu of all other distractions. On the eve of their graduation, Molly realises that this was not a binary option. Her school companions have managed to get all of the success without any of the self-sacrifice! She calls “Malala”! And the duo proceed on a drink and drug-fuelled night to catch up on all the school social life they have missed out on!

Part of this catching up includes sex, and with Amy as a naive wannabe lesbian, in awe of tom-boy skateboarder Ryan (Victoria Ruesga), coming out has never seemed so painful.

I first saw this on a plane and guffawed so much that I went out to buy the DVD for a family viewing. Watching it again though, it is really very, very rude. If you were to categorize it, I think “sex comedy” would be a primary tag. A clumsy but realistic scene between Amy and the “hot girl” Hope (Diana Silvers… who really is) is excruciatingly hard to watch. This can therefore prove an uncomfortable co-watch for ‘young folks’ who – despite all the obvious evidence! – assume their parents / in-laws have done nothing in the past other than hold hands!! 🙂

In a great ensemble cast, Kaitlyn Dever is a revelation.
Kaitlyn Dever has cut her teeth with supporting roles on a few B-grade movies this year including “Beautiful Boy” and “The Front Runner“. But here she takes centre stage and is an absolute revelation as the sexually bemused teen. While Beanie Feldstein has the more obvious comic lead role, it is Dever who continually grabbed my attention with her acting skills. This young lady is added to my “one to watch” list.

This is not to decry the rest of the cast. For this is a great ensemble performance from a pretty unknown cast. The only familiar faces are Lisa Kudrow and Jason Sudeikis, but they only have bit parts.

The only role that didn’t quite work for me was that of the kooky drugged out hippie Gigi (Billie Lourd). It was all a bit too over-the-top for me in a movie that didn’t really need that sort of manic angle. (However, this did set up a Marwen-style drug scene that made me snort… with laughter).

As a comedy, will this by the whole you think it is?
I think this will prove to be a firm young person’s favourite for many years to come. Whether you will find it funny or not will probably depend on the setting of your ‘crudometer’ and your resilience to bad language on screen.

For me, personally, I am clearly still 17 on the inside! I loved it. Not only do I think it a good comedy. It is also a feel-good movie about best friends; a coming of age lesbian adventure; and a film that treats the multi-coloured spectrum of modern sexual variety as something entirely normal and to be celebrated.

ArecRain (8 KP) rated Indecent/Wicked in Books

Jan 18, 2018  
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I was not expecting this omnibus to be as great as it was. When I requested it, I thought it was just going to be another run of the mill erotic novel. And while there really wasn’t anything special about it, I still love it more than I should.

First, I loved the complication of the characters. They each have their story, their dirty little secrets, and what makes them tick. There was nothing glamorous or fairytale like to this story. It showed the ugly side of the relationships along with the good, which was usually the sex. The erotic scenes were pretty spicy, but nothing fantastic. I was reading it more for the story than the erotic factor.

The first story has to do with Lucky and Colin. Lucky has her own inner demons and a past that has messed with her perception of men. Colin is a psychologist who seem to can’t turn it off when interacting with Lucky who doesn’t want him digging in her brain. It was interesting to see how their relationship developed and how they dealt with each other’s faults.

The second story concerns Lucky’s co-worker and friends Renae and Colin’s best friend Will. Will thinks Renae is a lesbian which is was initially stopped him from chasing her tail. Currently, he is courting someone else, but when Renae makes the first move, Will is certainly not passing up the chance. Will and Renae’s relationship is less complicated than Colin and Lucky’s, but that still doesn’t mean they don’t have their issues to work through.

This novel was so realistic to me in terms of relationships, the troubles that come with them, and how the couple works through them. It was something refreshingly new, especially since, while they didn’t get the happy endings we normal expect from such novels, everything still worked out in the end.

Kristy H (1252 KP) rated Modern Lovers in Books

Feb 13, 2018  
Modern Lovers
Modern Lovers
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Zoe, Andrew, and Elizabeth have been friends since their college days at Oberlin. Back then, they were part of a band with their fourth friend, Lydia. Now the first three are nearing fifty, living in the same New York suburban neighborhood. Zoe resides with her wife, Jane, and their daughter Ruby. Meanwhile, Andrew and Elizabeth, now married, have a teenage son, Harry. The friends have been together through thick and thin, but things are starting to get a bit more difficult as they face the trials of aging. Zoe isn't sure if her marriage is going to hold, while Elizabeth is struggling with issues of her own. And Andrew, well, is Andrew going through some sort of midlife crisis? The three friends must confront their past (and some well-kept secrets) as well as deal with their future, including their growing (and rapidly maturing) offspring.

I wasn't one of those who adored Straub's previous novel, [b:The Vacationers|18641982|The Vacationers|Emma Straub||26440459], though I liked it, but this one sounded interesting and worth a try. And, in its defense, it was. It receives bonus points immediately for having lesbian characters who are simply part of the fabric of the novel (what, lesbians simply living regular life? surely not!). Straub's characters are crisp and well-defined. They are also a bit "New Yorky" and fall into that bucket that I so often find of whiny, self-involved New Yorkers. Andrew, in particular, though I suppose that is perhaps the entire point of Andrew. Still, overall, I found the book witty and wise. The younger protagonists--Ruby and Harry--in particular, offer fresh and fun voices. They are teenagers, after all: they are allowed to be self-involved! This was a quick read; it's engaging, fun, and occasionally sweet, even if it causes you to roll your eyes from time to time. 3.5 stars overall.

I received a copy of this novel from Edelweiss (thank you!); it is available for publication everywhere on 5/31/2016.
Rat Queens, Vol. 1: Sass & Sorcery
Rat Queens, Vol. 1: Sass & Sorcery
Kurtis J. Wiebe | 2014 | Comics & Graphic Novels, Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.7 (12 Ratings)
Book Rating
Meet the Rat Queens! Betty, Dee, Hannah and Violet. The depiction of sass!

Due to their unruly behaviour of drunkenness and bar brawls, the mayor of Palisade has assigned the rat queens to the task of clearing out some Goblins in a cave, however if they fail they will have to leave the town.

I really loved this comic for so many reasons, first and foremost I loved the humour from all of the characters. I literally laughed out loud and that doesn’t happen often when reading a book. It was fun and very easy to read. The pace is constantly fast so you will speed through this book or you can take your time to appreciate the amazing artwork (I loved the artwork). The only thing that let it down was there wasn’t much of a plot, mostly battle scenes and not enough character development, however I chose to ignore this due to it being so friggin good!

First off this is a feminist graphic novel and appears that is becoming somewhat of a trend which is great to see. The main characters are all so different, they are all shapes and sizes, and not perfect with perfect tits and asses. The women are drawn to be attractive but each in their own way. They also got the LGTBQ theme going on in the story – Betty the Smidgen is a lesbian but done in a casual way. There is also different races in the book and interracial relationships. It’s so refreshing to see all, races, genders, sexualities in books now and done so with perfection.

This book is not for children or the easily offended so if you don’t like violence, bad language, gore and sexual discussions then it’s really really not for you as this is what most of the book is about.

I would definitely recommend this book to anyone that likes magic, battles, Orc’s, assassin’s, goblins, gore and more… This is a bind up of the first 5 comics in the series.
The Postscript Murders
The Postscript Murders
Elly Griffiths | 2021 | History & Politics, Mystery, Thriller
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Witty mystery with lots of bookish references
When the elderly Peggy Smith passes away, her carer, Natalka, is convinced the death was suspicious. While helping clean out Peggy's flat, she finds a variety of books--all crime novels--dedicated to Peggy. Then a gunman breaks into Peggy's flat to steal only a book. DS Harbinder Kaur is not convinced at first about Peggy's death, but she cannot deny everything that begins to happen after Peggy's death. After another death occurs, DS Kaur is convinced writers are being targeted.

This is such a fun book. Not only is it an engaging mystery, it's truly a wonderfully bookish book for people who love reading, especially mysteries. This is Griffiths' second book featuring Harbinder Kaur, the Best Gay Sikh Detective in West Sussex--the "first out of a field of one," as she puts it. It's wonderful to have a crime series with a lesbian lead, especially one as intelligent and witty as Harbinder. She notices everything and offers some humorous insights into her life living with her parents and working with her rodent-like partner, Neil.

POSTSCRIPT is written in truly Elly Griffiths fashion. It's incredibly easy to read and everyone just embodies their characters so effortlessly. The supporting cast here is excellent: a former monk; Peggy's elderly neighbor; Natalka; and a host of folks spread across the writing community. The wonderful inside jokes and asides about writing, publishing, and books are so much fun.

Overall, I quite enjoyed this book. The mystery of what happened to Peggy and the subsequent sequence of events is interesting while the story and characters are witty and diverse. Elly Griffiths remains my go-to author. I highly recommend you read both Harbinder books, but this one does stand-alone.

I received a copy of this book from Netgalley and Houghton Mifflin Harcourt in return for an unbiased review. The U.S. version releases 03/02/2021.

Kristy H (1252 KP) rated Hot Dog Girl in Books

Aug 20, 2020  
Hot Dog Girl
Hot Dog Girl
Jennifer Dugan | 2020 | LGBTQ+, Young Adult (YA)
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
It took me a little while to get into this book, but once I did, I really enjoyed it. Lou's mom left when Lou was a kid and Magic Castle means the world to Lou--it's where her parents shared memories and then Lou later on. Its closing devastates her and she's shocked that the owner has no desire to save it. Coupled with her hopeless crush on Nick, Lou is a pool of self-pity in the beginning of the book and, truly, a bit of a downer. (Although, seriously, I wouldn't want to wear a giant hot dog costume at a roasting hot theme park either, so she has me there.)

But once you get into the rhythm of Lou, this is a fun and really lovely book. There's great queer representation, between Lou's lesbian best friend, Seeley and Lou herself, who is bi. Seeley has recently broken up with her girlfriend, so Lou is also determined to set her up (sometimes with disastrous consequences). Setting a book at an amusement park is great. I love theme parks and while this was just a small town place, it was an enjoyable and fun location to read about, especially when it involved a group of teens.

Dugan captures teens really well, too. Lou, Seeley, Nick, his girlfriend--they all jump off the page. They seem real, and I enjoy that they seemed like actual teens. Not disaffected teens, not rich boarding school teens trying to hide a body, but honest teens whom you would actually meet and be friends with.

There were pages where I found myself laughing out loud. As a bi person, I loved having characters I could empathize with and relate to--this book is sweet and heartwarming. Lou's journey (and Seeley's) is great and makes for an excellent read.

Overall, this is a lovely, touching and also humorous read about love, friendship, and teens growing up. 4 stars.