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Accidental Romeo
Accidental Romeo
4.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
First off: the cover is amazing - well the guy is. And the plot sounded good.

It started quite good but it become pretty obvious from fairly early on that a certain someone wasn't all that he seemed and it was rather slow in getting to the culprit and why he'd done what he did.

And then the romance, too. It started quite nice and gentle and then the dirty talk when they finally got into bed...there is one word I don't like - begins with c, ends in t, and is 4 letters - and Hunter used it a few times. To me, it's not hot or attractive. I find it kinda vulgar and it puts me off.

As for the rest of the story. I just found it a little boring. There wasn't enough stuff going on for me. I like a little angst between my characters, I like to get drawn into their romance, I like them to fight and make up...

It just wasn't what I wanted it to be.
Letters Written in White
Letters Written in White
Kathryn Perez | 2015 | Fiction & Poetry
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I liked Kathryn's view on what Riah's afterlife was like. It was a different perspective and I enjoyed being introduced to a new idea on life after death. However, I think the hype made me feel a little let down. I won't say I didn't cry, watching Riah's kids and husband go through the grief after losing her sent me into a fit of tears - but the rest wasn't as nearly emotionally crippling as I had expected it to be. I was happy with the ending, that Riah was finally able to find some peace, but I was honestly kind of hoping we would discover the whole thing was a dream during a coma or something she'd endured after such blood loss (I know, I'm a hopeless romantic). I do believe the story sends a great message and reading the letters at the end only strengthened it; I also think this would be a great read for someone who's personally dealing with depression and feels like there's no way out.
Alice in Wonderland has got to be my favourite story. I just love everything about it! Hence why I got this book for Christmas; it's a really gorgeous book.

I don't think I need to go into much detail regarding the story; everyone knows Alice in Wonderland! What I will say is that the extra bits are lovely; there are letters from Carroll himself, details about how the story was written and printed, and other notes.

As for the illustrations... I love them! The original Tenniel illustrations are all in full colour, displayed wonderfully throughout the book. It just all looks so gorgeous!

So as I said, I won't want to go into too much detail. The story is obviously fantastic, and it's nice to see it all together - even with the "deleted scene" from Through the Looking-Glass and What Alice Found There. The poems and songs and riddles... Fantastic!

Everything about this book is lovely. The cover, the layout, the red shine around the edge of the pages. Love it! A huge favourite of mine. 5 stars for definite.
    Black Templates for Pages

    Black Templates for Pages

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    Black Templates for Pages is an amazing add-on for Apple's popular Pages app. Hand crafted templates...