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This was a really enjoyable read as a flight attendant myself it was interesting to see another woman's sassy take on it. She is a very out there woman and I believe just her opinion on it all. Knowing other virgin Atlantic crew members it isn't an accurate picture of them as some live a more subdue lifestyle.

But all things aside it is a fabulous read if you are into all your "galley fm" and a good giggle.

Personally it's one to take lightly.
No Flag (After Everything #1)
No Flag (After Everything #1)
Liz Borino | 2021 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
7.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
I enjoyed this book far more after Mike returns
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

I struggled a lot with this book, and I'm not entirely sure why, but I DID finish it, eventually, it just took far longer than a book in this genre would normally do, for me.

I love M/M books, and I love BDSM books, and while this book portrays a side order of BDSM, the Domestic Discipline lifestyle, it doesn't work, for ME. I stress this, for ME it doesn't work. I gather from some other reviews (I'm adding this sentence AFTER I've written mine!) that this is a book that you will love, or you won't: there is no in-between.

The chemistry between Mike and Will also fell flat. It was great that Mike made Will wait for it, but when it happens? I kinda spaced over that bit. I think this book would have been better had it come out CLEAN to be honest! The DD lifestyle was thrown at Will, and Mike made the contract with very little from Will, and I felt that was not right. Some of the things Mike had Will doing WERE very close to the edge, especially with Mike's OCD kicking in.

I DID enjoy this book far more after Mike returns. Maybe because the book focuses more on the emotional and physical support that Mike needs, rather than the DD lifestyle.

I still wasn't sure, even at the end, what the deal with Casey was though!

Both Mile and Will have a say, and I'm glad they did.

Not one for me, I'm afraid!

3 stars

same worded review will appear elsewhere

Jesse Ventura recommended Riding Giants (2004) in Movies (curated)

Riding Giants (2004)
Riding Giants (2004)
2004 | Documentary, History, Sport
(0 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"I’ll throw in my favorite documentary, which is Riding Giants. Any time it’s on, I stop what I’m doing and watch it because I’ve embraced the surfer lifestyle now. I’ve been in a 23 footer on Waimea and I was out there without a board. I had to and my wife thought I was crazy and my children were begging me not to go, but they were 23 feet that day on the North End. The Super Bowl was on and I didn’t care about the Super Bowl. I had to go out there when I got there just to do it. I’m an old frog man, you know?"


Ezra Koenig recommended Incredibad by The Lonely Island in Music (curated)

Incredibad by The Lonely Island
Incredibad by The Lonely Island
(0 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"They're a fake rap posse from Saturday Night Live. When we were working on Contra we enjoyed this, because it's so funny. We often use humour to deal with the difficulties of our lifestyle and listening to this was a better way to get in a good mood than listening to any other kind of music. I was struck by the way their love of music came through. Being a music fan is goofy. It's about amassing all this useless knowledge, but you do it because there's something about it you love. Some people take that and turn it into something more serious. The Lonely Island turn it into something funny"


Suswatibasu (1701 KP) rated Elmet in Books

Sep 30, 2017  
Fiona Mozley | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Grim, intense and brutal
This is a rather disturbing and intense book, written in the point of a view of a young teenage boy, who describes his life and how he has ended up homeless and in search of his sister. It is a rather grim look at some aspects of British gangster culture, a feudal system, with a landowner exploiting the vulnerable through violent means.

It is gory, and grim for the majority of the book, which describes the boy living with a father, a hired thug who has escaped that lifestyle, and a scrappy sister, living off the grid. It is well written, even though I don't think it is Man Booker Prize worthy.
Imperial Dreams (2014)
Imperial Dreams (2014)
2014 | Drama
Exquisite cinematography. (4 more)
Heartfelt and touching story.
The fact that this is Malik Vitthal's first feature film is amazing!
John Boyega's performance was irrefutably great.
Incredulous use of the 'golden hour' to maximize the lighting in an outdoor setting.
The story was built up highly only to end on a satisfactory level. (2 more)
The mise-en-scene could have been more detailed, although this could be seen as an artistic representation of the stripped and poor lifestyle that 'Bambi' is living.
The story and film had stale parts in it which made me lose interest, but this was outshone by the overall excellence of the majority of the film.
An ex-con's battle against crime.
Tender Mercies
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I'm not sure what I think about this novel. I know that I liked it. I like Kitty Thomas' novels because they force me to think. I enjoyed the different aspects in this novel.

It seems that so many people are interested in BDSM and don't realize the depth that BDSM can go. I love the fact that Kitty showed the good along with the bad. Too many people think that BDSM is abuse and not in fact a lifestyle.

The characters are different and had some depth to them. This wasn't your run of the mill BDSM novel. It's not roses without the thorns. It's gritty and it forces you to look at your beliefs.
The Bake Shop (Amish Marketplace #1)
The Bake Shop (Amish Marketplace #1)
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This book started out very slow for me, I know it is introducing a new series but I didn’t expect it. However, once the first part is over, we get some good characters, who have an enemies to friends relationship (As much as one can in an Amish lifestyle). They work through a lot of hang ups and overcome obstacles from the community, family and themselves. I think this was a good start to a new series and I am excited to see what will come next from this author.
I give this book a 4 out of 5 stars for the scene created, the interesting characters, and the overall theme of faith.
Meal prepping is the “in” thing for anyone that has a busy lifestyle. You take one day to shop and prep so that you don’t have to take the time later on.

What I like most about this cookbook is that the meal selections were not only easy to prepare but used wholesome and nutritious ingredients. You could easily swap for veggies that your family enjoy or even add more to fill up your plate and give you more fiber. But what do you expect from a book written by a dietician?!

This book is filled with not only meal plans and recipes, but tips, shopping lists, and great storage solutions. The only thing missing for this foodie were pictures.
Meal prepping is the “in” thing for anyone that has a busy lifestyle. You take one day to shop and prep so that you don’t have to take the time later on.

What I like most about this cookbook is that the meal selections were not only easy to prepare but used wholesome and nutritious ingredients. You could easily swap for veggies that your family enjoy or even add more to fill up your plate and give you more fiber. But what do you expect from a book written by a dietician?!

This book is filled with not only meal plans and recipes, but tips, shopping lists, and great storage solutions. The only thing missing for this foodie were pictures.