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Corsair’s Cove Chocolate Shop: The Complete Set
Corsair's Cove Chocolate Shop is a collection of four novellas by four different authors - all sharing the same theme, one family and the town of Corsair's Cove. There are four cousins, Pru (Prudence), Livy, Brynn, and Eloise. These four are all very different from each other, but they prove that when things come to the crunch, they are there for each other. I will admit to Eloise's story being my favourite, but that is mainly down to Daniel Blackthorne! That 'dastardly pirate' wiggled into my affections, and I was on tenterhooks to find out what happened next.

These are all lighthearted, fun, stories that are guaranteed to satisfy. A good length so you can either read them all together, or sneak one in during your coffee break or lunchtime. All four stories are written very well, with no editing or grammatical errors that disrupted my reading flow. The town and the characters are all well described, leaving you with a longing to go there. In fact, there are a bunch of brilliant characters in here, but I'll leave it to you to read them and find out who I'm talking about.

I wasn't sure what I'd be reading, but I thoroughly enjoyed each and every word. Definitely recommended by me.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and my comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Ghostbusters (2016)
Ghostbusters (2016)
2016 | Action, Comedy, Sci-Fi
The new “Ghostbusters,” is intended to be a reboot of the “Ghostbusters” films. This time around starring Kristen Wiig, Melissa McCarthy, Leslie Jones, and Kate McKinnon. None of which owned their characters in the first twenty minutes of the movie. Although Wiig and McCarthy are among my favorite comedic actresses, they just were not believable in their roles.

The team starts a ghost chasing business in the middle of New York city, although I never see them collect any money. Like the original, they drive around in a hearse. But this time it’s pink and white.

This time around everything is cheesy and over the top. Even the equipment, while pretty cool at times, is mostly flashing lights. The CGI is pretty terrible quite frankly, making the old graphic techniques used in the original put it to shame.

It’s worth pointing out that, of course, avid fans of the original will go in with a skeptical mindset. However, the movie does in fact build in entertainment value as the characters become a bit more believable. Yet, it remains completely slapstick in its comedic style.

It doesn’t present itself as trying to replace the original, and bringing this point home are the subtle and enjoyable cameos that pop up here and there.

While it’s best described as a slapstick comedy, this “Ghostbusters” is a fun and lighthearted movie that doesn’t take itself too seriously.

A cartoonish version of something loved by many, I give the “Ghostbusters” 2 out of 5 stars.
Black Mirror - Season 4
Black Mirror - Season 4
2017 | Sci-Fi
each episode is unique and interesting in their own right (the only slight exception to this rule is the final episode, Black Museum, which makes a few references to those that precede it) (4 more)
humour seems to play a slightly larger role in this season, although do not be fooled!! it's certainly not a lighthearted series
FEMALE LEAD IN EVERY EPISODE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! this isn't something that i should have to celebrate but it was really refreshing to be able to watch a series (especially a sci fi series??) with a variety of convincing female characters
incredibly thought provoking and relevant in the modern world
dark, terrifying, heartbreaking, funny and thrilling in equal measures
still being in the honeymoon stage with this season means i'm struggling to find major flaws- some of the concepts were ones i'd considered before (am i just really paranoid???) so did not find them as unique as i could have [cont.] (1 more)
[cont. from above] HOWEVER this made some of them more interesting as i got to see these ideas brought to life and considered from a really interesting perspective!!
black mirror is my favourite show so please do excuse a certain bias here, i am trying to remain neutral!! this season was highly awaited and i watched it all of the way through twice within the first 48 of its release- you might call that dedication but this was very much influenced by being very ill and unable to move (every cloud, eh??) THAT SAID, i would highly recommend watching each episode again after you've seen the series to spot the hints and sinister details that may have slipped by unnoticed the first time round!!
The Diary of Pelly D
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I found this book while browsing at my local library. i tried reading it once, and it seemed so trivial and unimportant. i returned it and forgot about it.

a year later, i saw it again and thought "what every happened to Pelly D after she got kicked out of her holo-pool and lost her street-side friend?" so i borrowed it again and read it through in a few hours.

i got a lot more out of it the second time, i'll say that much right away.

this book has a lot of hidden messages in it, and it's not something you can really say in words, let alone out loud. so the author used this book to paint a picture of something. it's more than fiction, it's a statement. like Orwel's <i> 1984,</i> or Harper Lee's <i> To Kill a Mocking Bird </i>. it's main focus isn't Pelly D, it's actually judgment, prejudice, and politics.

but, it also has the lighthearted addition of a teenage girl who really couldn't give a rat's poo about anyone but herself.

i won't spoil it for anyone who hasn't read it, but i will recommend it. i'll also say this: the ending is good, but it doesn't wrap up the story like most books do. it's well written (aside from the missing letters, which is part of the futuristic style of speech and writing used in the book. example: "v" instead of "very" or "cd" instead of "could.") and the characters are very real.

take a step forward, go onward and upward, and plunge into a very deep book.

Eleanor (1463 KP) rated the PC version of Two Point Hospital in Video Games

Jun 10, 2019  
Two Point Hospital
Two Point Hospital
2018 | Simulation
Graphics (2 more)
Nostalgia (for Theme Hospital veterans)
Little on the easy side once nail the strategy (0 more)
Fun simulation game
Many moons ago (1997) I used to love playing the PC simulation game called Theme Hospital made by Bullfrog, this game from Sega is very much a spiritual successor.

You design and operate hospitals with the aim to cure patients of a number of comical illnesses. Some of my favourites include Emperor Complex where patients wander around naked; Emperor’s New Clothes style, and need a psychiatrist to put them right and Pandemic the description of which is:

“What were you thinking? Look, we know things can get a little heated in the kitchen… but, frankly, if you’re putting a pan on your head you’re just doing cooking wrong. However, we accept that sometimes these things just happen. We won’t judge.”

To cure pandemic you need to build, one of many illness specific treatment rooms, the Extract-a-Pan. It’s the fun illnesses and graphics for them and their cures that keep this lighthearted.

You take control of various hospitals each with their own specific issues and as we are following the US healthcare model here the aim is frequently to make loads of money!! You control what rooms to build, staff to hire and research to complete providing lots of micromanagement opportunities.

Unlike Theme hospital in the age of DLC more hospitals and illnesses are becoming available as well as more ways to customise your hospitals. I still feel nostalgic for the original and maybe just because I’m older I found this a lot easier but still very enjoyable experience.

Awix (3310 KP) rated The Foreigner (2017) in Movies

Feb 9, 2018 (Updated Feb 9, 2018)  
The Foreigner (2017)
The Foreigner (2017)
2017 | Action, Thriller
I Wanna Know What a Roaring Rampage of Revenge Is
Not-as-lighthearted-as-you-might-expect vehicle for Jackie Chan and Pierce Brosnan: Chan plays an ex-special forces restauranteur whose daughter is killed in a terrorist attack, Brosnan the IRA man turned politician whom he pursues for information about the men responsible.

Obviously there's a bit of an issue with audience expectations where these two guys are concerned, as this film is considerably heavier than the kind of thing either of them usually makes, and the subject matter of this film might be considered a bit iffy anyway - terrorist bombings and the IRA are not usually the stuff of a jolly evening's entertainment. (Given that Brosnan's character somewhat resembles real-life Irish republican leader Gerry Adams, I would imagine that the libel lawyers had a profitable time with this film, too.)

But, that said, both actors are actually rather good, and when the action sequences come Campbell handles them with his usual aplomb - note I say when, for this is much more of a straight thriller than a martial arts action movie (it's certainly not a comedy of any stripe). It's all a bit dour and you get a distinct whiff of it all having been made on a low budget, but everyone involved deserves credit for being prepared to do something a bit different and doing a decent job with it.

(No idea why there's a picture of Steven Seagal listed with this movie; I suspect there may be more than one film titled The Foreigner and there's been a mixup.)