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Triple Threat (2019)
Triple Threat (2019)
2019 | Action, Thriller
Triple Threat, from prolific action specialist Jesse V. Johnson and currently streaming on Netflix, is exactly as promised – 95 minutes of complete ass-kicking from a ridiculous cast of ass-kickers who defy gravitational and physical logic with their supreme martial arts and combat skills. Unpretentious, unrelenting, and wildly entertaining, this is a throwback to old-school, non-CGI, action-programmers where the body count is absurdly high, the squibs are going off like crazy, and dynamic second unit work pumps up the aesthetic thrills – it’s the best pure-action film of the year and the best of its type that I’ve seen since The Night Comes For Us (also on Netflix streaming).

Starring an action fan’s dream team of Iko Uwais, Scott Adkins, Michael Jai White, Tony Jaa, and Tiger Chen. The various beat-downs that these guys dish out look beyond lethal. I loved the real-deal explosions and Jonathan Hall’s slick and steady cinematography which highlighted the insane choreography. Matthew Lorentz’s crisp editing wastes not a moment of the basic but hard-charging script by Joey O’Bryan, Fangjin Song, and Paul Staheli. But let’s be honest, we’re not here to experience Shakespearean-level swaths of dialogue. Triple Threat exists as an outlet for extreme thrills and near-constant mayhem.
Intuition by HILDUR
Intuition by HILDUR
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Album Rating
HILDUR is a multi-faceted singer-songwriter from Iceland. Not too long ago, she released a groovy electro-pop tune, entitled, “Work”.

“We’re been stick so long in this same old situation tryna have this obviously close affiliation. I don’t know no wasted stuff…Baby, let’s do all the things from our imagination.” – lyrics

‘Work’ tells an interesting tale of a young woman who wants to make the relationship which she shares with her significant-other work.

Apparently, she believes there’s no logic in them taking vacations. Therefore, if he picks the right location, she’ll be there ready to put in work.
‘Work’ contains a relatable storyline, ear-welcoming vocals, and groovy instrumentation scented with electro-pop and modern dance ingredients.

“‘Work’ is a fun and quirky song about new love and strong feelings and then putting in some work to make it last. ‘Intuition’ deals with the themes of following your intuition and believing in your gut feeling. Love relies heavily on that gut feeling. Also, when you meet someone you really click with you are willing to do everything and anything to make the relationship work.” – HILDUR

‘Work is the final single from HILDUR’s sophomore EP, entitled, “Intuition”.

natmac (13 KP) rated Joker (2019) in Movies

Oct 14, 2019 (Updated Oct 14, 2019)  
Joker (2019)
Joker (2019)
2019 | Crime, Drama
Phoenix's performance is what holds the movie up, it feels realistic, desperate and sad. (2 more)
The cinematography is amazing and Gotham has never been seedier.
The third act of the film is really enjoyable and tense because of how low the stakes are and how well defined the characters are.
It straight up rips off both Taxi Driver and King of Comedy. (2 more)
It spells out the story even though I thought it was pretty obvious what was happening anyway.
Subtlety is absent from the film.
Joker is very original if you're a fan of superhero movies, but a rehash if you've seen the essential scorcesse flicks.
Contains spoilers, click to show
It would have been interesting if they took the story in a different direction and steered away from the King of Comedy Route. They should never have told you that some of the stuff that happens are hallucinations. The flashbacks were not needed at all to spell it out, I found them kinda annoying. To be honest, I don't know how I feel about the Joker's first kills being out of self defense. I like that this joker is quite different to previous interpretations, but what I love about the character is how he defies any sort of morals or logic.
The Wolf and the Rain
Tanya Lee | 2018
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Voluntary honest review after receiving a free ARC.

An excellent book and fun read, if a bit of a bumpy beginning. It takes a little time to get into it.
After a collapse of civilization due to climate change. The North and South of a country has split into opposites. Divided by a heavily militarized border. The North is chaos and almost anarchy where the only authority are the elite compounds or the gangs there are many ways to die in the harsh living conditions. The people are ruled by superstition and fear. Most of the citizens are illiterate and disease is rampant, even if you go to a "stitcher" it is just as risky or riskier as doing nothing. In the South there is order and an almost totalitarian society where the government uses science and logic asking for complete obedience in return. And that you fill out a form for almost everything, even when choosing a sexual partner.

Samarra (Sam) is the main character. She has made a new home in the North after escaping from the South. She has a job as a carrier to one of the compounds that inhabit the North. Felling guilty about taking the place of a former teammate and daughter of a friend. She becomes obsessed with trying to find out what happened to the missing (possibly dead) girl.

Awix (3310 KP) rated Vice (2018) in Movies

Jan 31, 2019  
Vice (2018)
Vice (2018)
2018 | Biography, Drama
Adam McKay's attempt to reinvent himself as a sort of non-documentarian version of Michael Moore is not so much a hatchet-job as a machete-job - no, make that a chainsaw-job - on the reputation of Dick Cheney, Vice-Prez under Dubya. Christian Bale vanishes under layers of make-up and the Cheney who emerges is a disturbing, totally unprincipled monster, consumed by the acquisition and use of power, responsible for (amongst other things) the invasion of Iraq and the rise of ISIS. Potentially quite heavy stuff going on, then, but McKay takes care to cheer things up (relatively speaking) by including big performances from Sam Rockwell and Steve Carell, along with a few Monty Python ideas repurposed for this movie.

Highly entertaining in a ghastly sort of way, and illuminating with respect to the twisted logic employed by the Bush administration and the role they played in facilitating the current civic nightmare engulfing the USA. Unlikely to appeal to the Republican base, for obvious reasons, but the film inevitably has some jokes to make about its own liberal bias, too, as well as being smart enough to allow Cheney the chance to justify himself, which he does in a disturbingly persuasive way. Still probably a bit too partisan for its own good, but still very impressive and a lot of fun; thought-provoking too.

The Marinated Meeple (1848 KP) Jan 31, 2019

great review

The Resistance
The Resistance
2018 | Bluff, Card Game, Deduction, Science Fiction, Spies / Espionage
Quick Gameplay (1 more)
Enjoyment is super dependent on who you're playing with (0 more)
Hit or Miss
I was introduced to this game by a friend, and completely forgot about it until it appeared on Wil Wheaton's Tabletop.

The first time I played it, it didn't leave much of an impression. Felt like a more lightweight version of Werewolf.

After watching the Tabletop episode, I gave it another chance and had a much better time. Like a lot of lightweight party-style games, The Resistance lives and dies on the specific people playing it. If you have even just one or two players that have a little bit of buy-in, or what to really get into the scheming and accusations, it can be immensely fun.

However, sometimes you end up with a group of players that eschew the seat-of-the-pants gameplay implied by the quickness and lightweightedness of the game, and by the third mission, the game has become less about being sneaky and playing against people, and turns into a kind of logic puzzle.

Have had some real fun games, have had a few dull ones. Definitely worth a play if you're looking for something light and fast while you're waiting for the one guy in your gaming group to make heads or tails of the rulebook of the big box game he just bought.

Sean Astin recommended L.A. Confidential (1997) in Movies (curated)

L.A. Confidential (1997)
L.A. Confidential (1997)
1997 | Drama, Mystery

"I love L.A. Confidential. If it’s on for even a second, I just watch it to the end. I almost want to call my cable service provider and ask them not to show it any more, because it has overwhelmed my life. It’s because I’m from California, from Los Angeles, because the idea of police corruption, of political ambition, of logic and defying expectations. Really, Bud White is Rudy, in the thug cop questing for detective greatness. [laughs] There’s something about that. Also, the way that it commingles all of the ideas of pornography and politics and financial development and mob power and drugs. You know, I studied history and English at UCLA, and one of the big themes in a bunch of our history classes had to do with, “How is it that Los Angeles and Hollywood and California present themselves to the world as both this destination place of palm trees and glitter and gold and your future, and also corruption and deceit?” There’s this duality to it, and I just think that Curtis Hanson’s way of delivering that… And the performances! I mean, David Strathairn and Russell Crowe and Kim Basinger and Kevin Spacey and James Cromwell… Police corruption, and justice, vigilante justice, and it’s just got everything. It’s just a perfect movie."

Exodus: Gods and Kings (2014)
Exodus: Gods and Kings (2014)
2014 | Classics, Drama
5.3 (6 Ratings)
Movie Rating
So. Much. Potential. Squandered.

The primary actors in this movie could make baking bread interesting. Yet somehow, the great Ridley Scott found a way to admonish them to caricatures of their potential.

I don't recall a time where I was more disappointed in a movie. From a visualization standpoint, it was actually very good. From every other standpoint, it was rubbish.

I understand very clearly that any time a film gets made from source material that there will be exception. There is no way to convey everything that can be stated in words onto film. I get that. I actually advocate for not comparing movies to their source material too heavily for this reason. However, the source material should somewhat be represented on some level. In this case, it was not. Not remotely.

In addition to that glaring gaff, the way that the story is actually told is done so in such a muddled way that there isn't a way to actually follow it with any sense of logic whatsoever. Nothing is tied together and things happen completely arbitrarily as if only to extend the length of an already sleep movie.

Maybe I'm missing something, but from what I can see this movie should have stayed on the cutting room floor. To call this an abomination would be a disservice to the word itself.

Mark @ Carstairs Considers (2091 KP) rated Nun But the Brave in Books

Feb 18, 2022 (Updated Feb 18, 2022)  
Nun But the Brave
Nun But the Brave
Alice Loweecey | 2016 | Mystery
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Giulia Bravely Tackles a Missing Person Case
Giulia Driscoll has been hired by a young woman to find her missing twin sister. Joanne has been missing for a couple of months. The police are sure that she is dead, but her sister refuses to give up hope. Giulia starts by talking to Joanne’s friends and co-workers, and she find that Joanne had been acting differently the last few months before she vanished. The trail leads Giulia to several internet dating sites, but where will the trail end?

I’d forgotten just how funny this series was until I picked this book up. I loved the banter between Giulia and those in her life. Some of the humor was on the crude side, but it was still handled as delicately as possible. The plot was good. She made a couple of leaps of logic early on, but, I was willing to let that slide. The plot holds up well on, and everything is resolved with evidence Giulia finds along the way by the time we reach the climax. The characters are wonderful. They may make us laugh, but there is depth to them that makes us care about the outcome. If you are looking to laugh as you read, be sure to check out this book.
Feel It - Single by Gia Woods
Feel It - Single by Gia Woods
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Album Rating
Gia Woods is a 22-year-old Persian singer-songwriter and multi-instrumentalist. Not too long ago, she released a sweltering pop tune, entitled, “Feel It”, produced by Jordan Palmer.

“I got it so bad but I guess I got it so damn good. Your eyes are bloodshot red. Keep lookin’ at me look at you. Got your body on my mind. No, no, not logic, it’s emotional. So put your body right on mine. No, no, don’t make sense, it’s irrational.” – lyrics

‘Feel It’ tells a sensual tale of a young woman who intimately explores the feeling of infatuation for her girl crush.

Eventually, she undergoes that blissful experience when her lover’s lips and body are pressed against hers. That electric connection sends shivers down her spine.
‘Feel It’ contains a relatable storyline, ear-welcoming vocals, and lovely instrumentation scented with a commercial pop fragrance.

“To me, this is one of those perfect moments where the sound of the song sounds like the feeling in the lyrics. It’s slinky and seductive. It sort of creeps up on you. You can dance to it, but it’s not aggressive. It’s sensual and fun—just like the beginning of a heavy crush.” – Gia Woods

Gia Woods possesses an exotic presence and her sex appeal translates beyond music. So far, her songs have amassed over 37M streams via Spotify.