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Mae and June and the Wonder Wheel
Mae and June and the Wonder Wheel
Charise Mericle Harper | 2017 | Children
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Contains spoilers, click to show
Mae and June and the Wonder Wheel by Charise Mericle Harper is about June who loves to play with her dog Sam, especially since she is the only one to whom the dog can talk. When her grandmother sends her a big chalkboard on a wheel, with detailed instructions on how to use it, June is thrilled, and she and Sam have a lot of fun completing the suggested tasks. It's even more fun when a new girl moves in next door and ends up in June's class. Mae seems really nice, but classmate April is bound and determined that Mae will be her friend. The girls have to learn to get along, and eventually Mae and June become fast friends.

This is a very positive, fun story for beginning readers. The illustrations are very helpful in showing what is going on in the story and add a lot to it. Other nice touches are June's sometimes cranky teenage sister, the fact that Mae is a character of color without this fact taking over the story, and the adventure of the wonder wheel. This was a cute book about friendship, about pets, about family. June was a fabulous little kid, though a bit too much over the top at times. Still I liked how she stayed true to herself
Firefly: The Game
Firefly: The Game
2013 | Entertainment, Science Fiction, Space, Travel
Lots of variety in games. (0 more)
Not the most useful instructions. (0 more)
There is a LOT to this game. Like, a lot. Setting everything up requires roughly at least a four foot square space not including each player’s own Firefly board. Basically, it is BIG.
In the simplest game mode (‘First time in the captain’s chair.’) you need the board, which is huge, the plastic ships, around 3 decks of cards, money and crew (all provided). Admittedly, the instructions are not awfully clear and you may end up creating your own variations which work better than the ‘official’. A first game should be dedicated to learning the rules and how to play before any competition starts.
However, once you know what you’re doing you can have several hours of fun. You need to do jobs for money, spend it on upgrades and crew to complete goals, often go to a place and buy or sell something. Think Monopoly meets Risk. Upgrades to Firefly ships are fairly balanced, ones that allow stealthy movements reduce movement range, while increasing range may increase fuel consumption. Although, some are more imbalanced than others, but nothing is ‘game breaking’.
Overall a fun game that takes a little time to really get into.
(Oh, no real knowledge of the series or the expanded universe is required.)
Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle (2017)
Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle (2017)
2017 | Action, Adventure, Comedy
Could've been better
I think I must be the only person who could take or leave this film. I'd heard a lot of good things about it, but in all honesty it wasn't what I was expecting.

Firstly, I'm glad they didn't completely remake the original and instead gave this it's whole new spin by being a video game. This actually works, and works quite well. And the main cast do very well, especially Jack Black playing a teenage girl and Karen Gillan when she's trying to flirt. There is some good humour in this too, it's just not always my kind of humour.

My main issue with this film is that a lot of the script and humour seemed aimed at the teenage instagram generation. The odd joke isn't too bad, but this was a bit too much. There's also the plot, which seems a little too basic even for a video game and there is far too much explanation going on. There also isn't much in the way of threat and danger in this film. The bad guy is a bit lame and the whole Jumanji world is nowhere near as threatening as you'd have imagined from watching the original film.

This isn't a terrible film and it's not quite as bad as I'd have expected, but its not one I'd rush out to watch again.
Grandma's Poetry Book
Di Castle | 2014
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I received an ARC from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

I thought this was a wonderful collection of poetry written by a Grandmother for her family and for all the doting grandmommas out there. I requested this in order to see things from my own mother's point of view as she herself is a new nanna. The words were so heartfelt and I enjoyed the journey surrounded by gorgeous grandaughters and grandsons who the author loves very much.
The book is described as an emotional journey from beginning to end...this it did well but one of my two gripes was that in my personal opinion the poems could have been placed in a better order than they were. Just the odd two thats all, which would of made it flow a lot better. My second and last gripe was that I felt some of the words were only chosen for the sake of making the poems rhyme even if it didn't make a lot of sense. This gripe wasn't prominent enough for me to give this collection any less than 4 stars as I enjoyed it very much.

I did have a favourite which turned my face into this...

<img src=""; width="180" height="160"/> emotional.
A Wizard's Forge (The Woern Saga, #1)
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Some books are called epic simply for the sheer volume that they have. This book is epic... with volume as an added extra. This story is staggering in its magnitude. It incorporates Sci-Fi with Fantasy but also includes a lot of action. The characters are all well-developed and I really felt for Vic as she tried to work through what had happened to her. Vic is full of flaws but that just makes her more real.

As you can see from the title, this is Book 1. The story is wrapped up pretty well at the end of this book and will leave you wanting to read more.

The only thing I will say is that I skipped over the majority of the place names as they simply became too long and tongue-twisterish - Olmlablaire being one of the easiest ones. They are either very easy like Re and Latha or more complicated.

Definitely recommended for all Fantasy fans, especially those who like a bigger book to really get their teeth into. And at this price, you'll be getting a lot of book for your bucks!

This review is for the revised edition of Blade of Amber, now called A Wizard's Forge.

* I received this book from the author in return for a fair and honest review. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
The Belles: The Belles Book 1
The Belles: The Belles Book 1
Dhonielle Clayton | 2018 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.0 (6 Ratings)
Book Rating
Well it sounds like there are some others who felt the same way as I did about this book.

It was hard to rate it and chose 3 because of the mixed feelings. It was very slow going - I made it halfway through and then stopped for a day or two and debated whether I wanted to or could finish it or not.

There’s a lot of heavy subject matter in here underneath the pretty stuff and in between the fun and interesting things. I don’t usually like or read this dark of a book much and it was a bit of a challenge for me in parts because I don’t handle reading about deaths or harming animals that well all the time - it can be hard to stomach depending on the details and who dies etc. There were also a lot of other things that bothered me or like some others mentioned maybe should have had a bit more warning before reading it. I also was not happy with the part where Alfred tried to attack and get some action during his beauty treatment.

As some others mentioned in their reviews, some of us readers perhaps more than others need to tread lightly when considering and/or reading this. I don’t know that I’ll be reading the next in this series. This book wasn’t really a good fit for me.
Little Monsters (2019)
Little Monsters (2019)
2019 | Comedy, Horror
The most wholesome zombie film you will ever see
The biggest takeaway from Little Monsters is just how damn heart warming it is. Seriously.

The plot revolves around a group of young school children and their teacher becoming trapped at a petting farm whilst on a school trip, due to a zombie outbreak at an absurdly close military facility.
The conflicting styles of lighthearted family comedy, and typical zombie violence work pretty well, and offer up a solidly entertaining and genuinely funny movie, in a market that runs the risk of becoming increasingly saturated.

Lupita Nyong'o and Alexander England are two fantastic leads with great chemistry. The character growth attributed to both of their characters isbl great and is a huge part of why I enjoyed Little Monsters so much.
Josh Gad also stars and offers up a lot of humour with his character.
The cast is rounded out by a group of stupidly adorable kids, and combined with a witty and tight script, ensured I was smiling for the whole run time.

There's some decent zombie gore littered throughout, with some respectable practical effect, but please know, that Little Monsters is absolutely intended as a comedy, so don't watch it expecting to be scared!

Overall, if you like zombie comedy, then you could do a lot worse. Little Monsters is genuinely funny and extremely wholesome. Give it a go!

Neon's Nerd Nexus (360 KP) created a post

Jan 4, 2020 (Updated Jan 4, 2020)  
Here are my 'Top 16 Movies Of All Time' and a quick update of what's been going on for me over the past few weeks/why I haven't been posting many reviews recently. -------------------------------------------
Hello fellow film fans 📽 I hope you had a great Christmas and a nice New Year.

Christmas and New Year have both been absolutely mental for me this year which makes a change.
Not only have I been working a hell of a lot more than usual but I have also been spending a lot of time with my amazing girlfriend and her family, seeing my own family and friends, catching up on sleep, going to the gym and also plowing through the piles of films/games I have at home.
It seems every time I have booked to see a film at Odeon I have simply fallen asleep from pure exhaustion or been called into work which is really annoying as I really have missed going so much.
That being said this weekend I have 'Jo Jo Rabbit' and 'The Gentleman' booked so providing I have the energy you can expect reviews from both of those very soon and hopefully I can get back into the swing of things and back to doing what I enjoy.
Again thank you for all the continued support and love everyone and here's to many more cinematic adventures in 2020.

Heather Cranmer (2721 KP) created a post

Mar 24, 2020 (Updated Mar 24, 2020)  
Check out this fascinating interview with Lisa Johnson, author of the emotional and heartfelt biography POSTCARDS FROM LONNIE on my blog, and enter the #GIVEAWAY to #win a signed copy of the book - two winners!

It all started on Christmas Day 1993. Lisa and Lonnie were sitting on their mom's rickety yard swing, when Lisa's curiosity took over. She asked Lonnie questions about his life on the street, about being homeless. To her surprise, he answered honestly, humorously, and thoughtfully.

That conversation continued throughout the next four years as Lisa wrote questions on postcards addressed to herself, then mailed them in packets to Lonnie at the flower shop on his corner. He wrote his answers and mailed them back. Lonnie answered a lot of questions and even asked a few, too. His detailed, matter-of-fact responses gave Lisa an unfettered view of a population living on the fringes of society and the issues they face every day.

Postcards from Lonnie is a dialogue between Lonnie, who speaks through the postcards, and his sister, who not only learns a lot about her brother but also about herself. Intimate and revealing, this is a unique family memoir and a universal story of love, respect, family, and ultimately hope.
#LSBBT #LoneStarLit

Neon's Nerd Nexus (360 KP) created a post

Apr 6, 2020  
Thank you for all staying with me during this difficult time. I've been trying hard to knuckle down and watch a lot of movies at home at the moment but I am finding it really hard to focus inbetween still working and with the pressures of the current situation constantly on my mind. I am also missing @fandomfanatichere a lot too but we have since found other ways to spend time together ie in the beautiful stars of @nomansskyoffical. ------------------------------------
I would like to say things will return to normal soon but as I can't my simple advice to anyone struggling at the moment is to just try and distract yourself in any way you can. Be it by watching films, playing games, turning your music up loud and singing, reading, cutting your own hair, eating nice food, drawing, crafting, buying that geeky statue you've always wanted or by just enjoying the peaceful bliss of doing nothing for a few weeks its all about looking after you and your mental state first. --------------------------------------
So please please please stay at home, keep yourselves safe and just think after all this blows over how much stronger the bond between loved ones will be, how much you will of learnt about yourself and how amazing its going to feel seeing all those people you have missed again. Love you all. Neon Nans 💜