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The Sex Lives of Siamese Twins
The Sex Lives of Siamese Twins
Irvine Welsh | 2014 | Contemporary, Fiction & Poetry
3.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Not a pleasant read
Having recently read and enjoyed Trainspotting, I decided to give this book a go as I was intrigued to see how Welsh writes when it’s not in Scottish. Sadly I think I prefer the Scottish!

This is not a pleasant read, in more ways than one. The main character Lucy is a horrendous person, which is intentional but it doesn’t make for a nice read. There’s nothing redeemable about her at all and the longer the book goes on, the more repulsed you become by her behaviour. She’s not meant to be massively likeable, but I really didn’t enjoy reading a book where the main character is that disgusting. It’s a shame as the actual plot itself is quite decent and has a lot of interesting aspects and developments. The problem though is the characters and the fact that this is far too explicit and crude, it’s entirely unnecessary. The writing style also grates a lot in this. It seemed to work for Trainspotting but in this it just seems inappropriate - why Welsh can’t write conversation and paragraphs with proper punctuation and paragraphs I’ll never know. And finally the ending in this is just laughable. After such a horrific story the ending seems so out of place and so undeserving for such characters. If you want to read Irvine Welsh, read Trainspotting. Don’t bother with this.
 The Righteous Gemstones
The Righteous Gemstones
2019 | Comedy
Pretty entertaining
I'm not a fan of Danny McBride but I kept seeing the trailer for this show, so figured I'd give it a try. I have to be honest & say that I watched it whilst working from home, so my attention wasn't 100% but I think this may have been for the best.

This was surprisingly a fairly entertaining show. I was expecting a lot of crude or ridiculously stupid humour, but in fact I found a lot of the humour to be fairly understated and dark in parts, which I definitely preferred. This didn't have as much humour in as I expected, there was a much more serious plot and even some heartwarming emotion mixed in with all the dark humour. The cast was good overall, there are some great actors in this and I didnt even mind Danny McBride for a change. The story was wacky and fun, even if maybe slightly predictable in parts.

My biggest issue is that it didnt blow me away. It was good, entertaining but it was ultimately a show that I could give or take another series. If I happened to have nothing better to watch then a second series wouldn't be bad, but I wouldnt go out of my way to recommend this as an absolute must see show.
The Dead Don't Die (2019)
The Dead Don't Die (2019)
2019 | Comedy, Horror
The dead should die...
I wanted to like this film so badly, but when I wanted to turn it off less than an hour in, i had to admit it wasn't for me. Although I did at least persevere until the end, even if it wasn't worth it.

I'm all for off beat and dark humour and wit, but I'm afraid for me this film was just too far in the left field. I liked the deadpan aspects and humour and also how it surpassed the fourth wall, the problem was the laughs were still few and far between. I like how this poked fun at today's society and there was a lot of social commentary, it was just so deadpan that a lot of the witty remarks were lost. The plot development too was so slow. The film was virtually over by the time it felt like it was going anywhere, and even when the zombies emerged in full they couldn't breathe any life (ha) into this. Strangely such a stellar cast were wasted too. Tilde Swinton's wacky funeral director was by far the most fun but even she got on my nerves by the end.

I'm all for your non-typical comedy, but sadly this film just wasn't for me. There are some good ideas in this but they feel wasted
Gemini Man (2019)
Gemini Man (2019)
2019 | Action, Drama, Sci-Fi
I believe that this movie has taken A LOT of flack due to unrealistic expectations. One of the things that I heard a lot before I saw it was that the CGI that made Will Smith appear younger was really poor. Let's take into consideration what is happening with this. They are making a man look over 20 years YOUNGER. FOR AN ENTIRE MOVIE. While the current version of said actor stands next to him. Of course it isn't going to be perfect. Nothing ever could be. But I think Ang Lee and company did a helluva job with it. The action was at times a bit generic but nothing that I would put in the terrible column.

The story itself was pretty original. I won't give too much away, as I try to avoid spoilers when I review things, but you'll likely be surprised on a couple of different occasions.

In regards to the action, I have to admit that it was all kinds of gnarly to see Will Smith fight himself. And due to his acting ability you believed the shock on his face and in his actions as it was happening for the first time.

Don't listen to all the hate, this movie isn't awful. Definitely worth a viewing if you're a science fiction fan.

Andy Bell recommended Definitely Maybe by Oasis in Music (curated)

Definitely Maybe by Oasis
Definitely Maybe by Oasis
1994 | Pop, Rock
7.3 (4 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"Oasis definitely did change my life when I first heard them! [Bell later played bass and rhythm guitar in Oasis, 1999-2009.] They were like a breath of fresh air. To put it into context, Ride were working on the third album, Carnival Of Light, and we were taking a bit of a break. We were starting to get a bit frayed at the edges and we were starting to pull in different directions musically, too. “We were really shooting for a kind of West Coast Byrdsy California sound mixed with a little bit of Led Zeppelin and a little bit of classic rock. I think we were also subconsciously trying to make a cleaner record, because we’d stopped getting played on the radio… but then along comes Oasis sounding like the Jesus And Mary Chain meets the Sex Pistols and just completely blew everything out of the water! “As we’re talking about guitars, I should just say that I think Noel’s really underrated as a lead guitar player. His playing is like a John Squire-y thing, but there’s a lot more muscle behind it. He kind of trademarked his own style, which has become something that everyone uses now – that massively overdriven sound with quite a lot of delay on it. [His playing] just sounded epic."


Colin Newman recommended Sexuality by Sebastien Tellier in Music (curated)

Sexuality by Sebastien Tellier
Sexuality by Sebastien Tellier
2008 | Pop
(0 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"From the 90s onwards French music started to become very interesting. There have been quite a few French artists, especially in the dance-pop arena, who have found their metier when a lot of earlier French music just didn't translate. We lived in Belgium for quite a long time and one of the things I was completely aware of was the fact that as a British person I knew nothing about French music. And that's one good thing that's happened in music over the last twenty years: the increased internationalisation of music. Yes, Sebastian Tellier has to sing in English, but it doesn't necessarily matter as you don't understand what he's singing about anyway. He kind of does it by stealth. People told me about Sebastian Tellier and I was like, "yeah, it sounds quite interesting." And then you hear it, and you hear it again, and eventually you're like "my god, this is brilliant!" It's a combination of music and voice, it's groovy and funky; it's just incredibly listenable and a little bit bonkers. Again this is one of those records that we've listened to a lot. You can just put it on and it's just there, and sometimes it's just so beautiful, what he does. I'm not afraid of things that are just beautiful."
