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Josh Burns (166 KP) rated the PlayStation 4 version of Godzilla in Video Games

Jun 21, 2019  
Nails the feeling from the movies (2 more)
Fun with a large variety of playable Kaiju
A ton of unlockables
No story mode (1 more)
Does get repetitive
A fun love letter to the classic Godzilla movies
I feel like this game was dead before it had a chance. Critics expected Mortal Kombat with Kaiju and it isn't. It's more of a kaiju simulator. You are a big lumbering monster, so that's how the controls are intentionally. Many have written it off as too clunky for that reason, missing the point.
Gameplay: It is fun, but does get repetitive after a while. There is no real story so it's best played for a while, and back off once it feels repetitive and come back later. Basically, you smash cities and generators, gaining G Energy which makes your Kaiju grow in size and power. Or, you protect them, while fighting kaiju and increasing human military forces.
content: you can unlock almost any monster seen in any Godzilla movie as well as bios for each. You can level them up and unlock figures and settings to build dioramas also. It has multiple game modes but they don't vary from each other a lot. There is also PVP online, but since the critics shredded it so bad there aren't many players so matchmaking is a nightmare.
overall: it's a lot of fun with a ton of content to unlock, just don't burn yourself out on it. I play for like a month here and there, have a blast, then back off for a while so it doesn't get stale.
The Perfection (2019)
The Perfection (2019)
2019 | Drama, Horror, Thriller
Dumpster fire!
Can someone please, please tell me when Netflix is going to make a good movie? Every once in a while I read a lot of gushing reviews for a Netflix made film (which means the studios didn't want it) and I give it a try.

For the record, most of them are average or below average, like Bird Box, and everyone is talking about them I suppose because it is something new. I have seen a lot of movies in my life, so I guess I am somewhat jaded or expect more or the unusual to make me interested. I am not one of those people who says "they don't make them like they used to" since I do seem to find very good recent movies as well, but not this piece of shite that's for sure.

There were shades of Black Swan, Suspiria, Hostel and even I Spit on Your Grave in this film; however, the plot twists are so ridiculous here there were moments I gasped in aughter when I'm sure I was supposed to be disgusted.

Nothing extreme I can see in a movie bothers me anymore, so the gruesome bits weren't the problem. The horrid, contrite screenplay and bad over acting were.

If anyone seriously is considering watching this film please let me know and I will seriously give you 1000 other movies which you should watch instead.

I think I would say watching your TV turned off for 90 minutes would be more entertaining than watching The Perfection.

Show all 6 comments.

Sarah (7798 KP) Jun 23, 2019

Wow I think this is the lowest rating I've ever seen you give @Andy K 😆


Andy K (10821 KP) Jun 23, 2019

Ha @Sarah I guess I would say I tend to watch movies I think I would enjoy. 2 out of 10 is probably a bit extreme, but after reading all the rave reviews I guess I was expecting much better. @Dork_knight74 certainly agree a conversation would have made a boring movie so I guess I would say if the acting and screenplay were better I would have accepted the plot as is.


Becs (244 KP) rated Final Draft in Books

Oct 29, 2019  
Final Draft
Final Draft
Riley Redgate | 2018 | Contemporary, Fiction & Poetry, LGBTQ+, Young Adult (YA)
4.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
female body positivity (0 more)
MC overshadowed plot (2 more)
secondary characters were dry
self-hatred pushed onto others
Not my favorite read
You can also find this review on my blog:

I listened to the audiobook of Final Draft and it was honestly not my favorite. The whole thing was out of order and there were a variety of things that made me extremely uncomfortable with the plot.

Firstly, the relationship between Laila and Mr. Madison was a massive cringe-fest. It crossed a lot of lines, not sexual in any way, but it went from a professional student-teacher relationship to something more personal. Laila would email Mr. Madison things that just shouldn’t have been said to a teacher. It made the rest of the book awfully weird.

It was also difficult to relate to Laila as she seemed to overshadow the plot of the story more than was needed. Many of her actions were selfish and she projected self-hatred onto others. The secondary characters weren’t even fleshed out and the relationships between each of the characters were poorly written. The plot didn’t even stick with the whole creative writing aspect and was mainly more drama than anything else.

The ending was rushed and too much happened within the last few pages. Although Laila does explore her sexuality, she never officially comes out. There was a lot of female body positivity which is really nice to see in a book! But I feel that was about the only thing going for this story.

365Flicks (235 KP) rated Who's Jenna...? (2018) in Movies

Oct 31, 2019 (Updated Oct 31, 2019)  
Who's Jenna...? (2018)
Who's Jenna...? (2018)
2018 | Comedy
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Tracey Birdsall Smashes Another...
I genuinely had fun with this movie, that is once I figured out what Baldinger was doing with some of these characters. Let me explain... There are a couple of characters in this movie that are borderline offensive in almost any situation and for a minute I found myself thinking 'wow theses are characters you really don't need in your movie' however if you give it a minute the movie fully explains itself and pays off a lot of ground work adding a lot of extra layers to characters that could of been mistaken for throwaway Sopranos imitations.

I love Tracey in this role she is having a ball stretching her comedy chops. There is one scene I think you should look out for when Jenna and Johnathan profess there feelings to each other, not only is this a really well written and naturally performed scene but the two leads make it believable and I bought it (Keep and eye on Tracey's face in this scene, that's an actress in the moment).

So yeah I really enjoyed the flick, I was taken aback at moments but that's the sign of a good comedy (your supposed to feel a little uncomfortable). Everyone in it is great in there respective roles, big shout outs to Joseph D'Onofrio and Tracey Birdsall in particular. Its a quick, its funny, its laugh out loud and an easy 90 odd minute light hearted good time. I strongly recommend so get it watched.

Erika (17788 KP) rated Glass (2019) in Movies

Jan 19, 2019 (Updated Jan 19, 2019)  
Glass (2019)
Glass (2019)
2019 | Drama, Thriller
Bruce Willis is just collecting a paycheck at this point in his career. (1 more)
Foreshadowing makes everything completely obvious.
A completely polarizing film
Disclaimer: I've now seen this film twice, and I'm fully prepared to finally write this review. I may be a partial M. Night apologist, so, warning, that's where I'm coming from. Side Note: Avatar: The Last Airbender is never a film I'll defend, it sucked.
This is probably not the movie people were expecting. This film was purposely the antithesis of the standard superhero film, and it was completely on purpose. Yes, the end was anti-climactic, however, for these characters, it made complete sense.
My issue was that the heavy-handed foreshadowing made the story line completely obvious. Again, I watch a lot of films and read a lot of books, so I am rarely surprised by twists. One of the twists was foreshadowed by Split itself, and the lineage of a certain character was kind of obvious once it was revealed Unbreakable was connected.
I also feel like Bruce Willis is just collecting a paycheck, he was mostly just moody Dunn. Which, was fine for the character, but it's almost all of his characters now.
I absolutely adored James McAvoy in the film, his performance made the film worth watching, hence, why I went again. Also, I want all of Casey's (Anya Taylor-Joy) clothing worn throughout the film.
Again, this is a polarizing film, and I'm sure a ton of people will disagree with me. But, it was the perfect ending to the trilogy.
Finding Joy Street isn't your normal, run-of-the-mill, contemporary romance. What you get is a helluva lot more than what you see. Cali Blue gives across the impression of being permanently positive and "practically perfect in every way". However, she is dealing with a whole lot more than what she allows people to see, and this also influences her career of choice. When she meets London for the first time, sparks fly, but not in the way you expect. If I remember correctly, a "prick in a nice suit" is one description of him. However, he gets under Cali's skin and not always in a bad way. When she needs help, he is there unconditionally.

I thoroughly enjoyed how these two got to know each other, figuring out the puzzle of what makes Cali/London Cali/London! The attraction is there, and it does yo-yo for a while, but Melissa Belle allows their relationship to grow way beyond just a quick romp.

If I had one 'bad' thing to say it would be that the place names being names got a bit old, but consider that just one of my personal quirks. About the story itself, I can give nothing bad. It deals with some major issues in a sensitive and sympathetic way, without glamorising or playing the victim card.

Extremely well written, and a joy to read, I look forward to more from The Tarot Series. Definitely recommended.

* I received this book from the author in return for a fair and honest review. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!

Kaz (232 KP) rated Shadows of the Wind in Books

Jul 28, 2019 (Updated Jul 28, 2019)  
Shadows of the Wind
Shadows of the Wind
Carlos Ruiz Zafón | 2018 | Fiction & Poetry
8.6 (5 Ratings)
Book Rating
The writing, the story, characters (0 more)
It's a bit slow in a couple of places (0 more)
A fantastic Novel
I was recommended this book by a friend who has read this book, and its follow up books, many times.

When I first started reading this, I thought that it was going to be a fantasy novel. It's a lot more than that.

Firstly, I thought that the writing was fantastic. This novel was originally written in Spanish, but the English version I read was very well translated. It was poetic and beautiful. This story is a brilliant mixture of suspense, humour and intrigue, which has vivid, almost noir depictions of Barcelona which I loved. I loved how the plot weaved, twisted and turned and still remained understandable. Occasionally the plot slowed a little, but actually, I liked that, because it meant that you could really take in the atmosphere, the writer was creating. In fact, I slowed down whilst reading this, so that it wouldn't end.

I loved the characters in this novel. Even though Daniel is the main protagonist in this novel, for me Fermin, was better. I loved his humour and, even though he is a homeless person, he was still portrayed as incredibly intelligent.

I've read a lot of books in my time, but by far, I think this is the best book I've ever read. I think this is going to be a book that I'll read again and again. I am looking forward to reading the rest of the novels in this series.

Eleanor (1463 KP) rated Gone / Mind Games in Books

Nov 19, 2019 (Updated Nov 19, 2019)  
Gone / Mind Games
Gone / Mind Games
Leona Deakin | 2019 | Thriller
8.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Get your psychopath fix here!!
The premise for this book was very ambitious and it started with a gripping bang. Following the exploits of psychologist and private detective Dr. Augusta Bloom as she and her partner Marcus Jameson are drawn into a dangerous game when they investigate a number of people who have gone missing. The only obvious connection they all disappeared on their Birthdays following receiving a mysterious card asking “Dare To Play?”

Both Augusta and Marcus are interesting characters with a good bit of chemistry and the book is undoubtedly a fast-paced page-turner that I raced through. We get a lot of psychologist talk looking at psychopaths (who doesn’t’ love a good psychopath tale!?!) and a very tangled web is weaved. The investigation is interesting and doesn’t let up however the book doesn’t quite reach the full promise of the early and middle sections and did end up being very obvious in its main twists.

A dark world was set up but not looked at in any depth and I wanted to know more. I understand there will be more adventures in the future with Dr. Bloom and I hope they touch on some of the world investigated in this book. I’m certainly keen to take another outing with Augusta, I see a lot of potential.

I read the book under the title Gone but I believe it has also been published as "Mind Games"

Many thanks to the author, publisher, and NetGalley for the copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

Sarah (7798 KP) rated 1917 (2020) in Movies

Jan 27, 2020  
1917 (2020)
1917 (2020)
2020 | Drama, War
Beautifully made
I've been dying to see this film since it was released, and finally had a free afternoon off today to go and see it, and I am so glad to say it was definitely worth the wait.

The single shot cinematography is possible the most beautiful and impressive bit of filmmaking I've ever seen. Aside from one noticeable cut, it's astounding to see how they've made this in one single shot and in such a smooth and sleek manner. Pairing this with a haunting score and some rather tense and heart wrenching scenes makes for a stunningly made film. Mendes has done a brilliant job.

And then there's the performances. The pairing of Schofield and Blake almost begins very much like a buddy movie, with a few laughs and a lot of heart warming moments, and there are great performances from Dean-Charles Chapman and George MacKay. MacKay especially is outstanding and is surely one to watch. I also enjoyed the rather brief encounters with the rest of the stellar cast of Colin Firth, Andrew Scott etc and they fit in well with the tone of the film.

My only negative is that there are a couple of what I thought of as silly decisions that seem to pop up in a lot of war films, which is mostly why I've decided to dock this down to a 9 as I groaned a little. But despite this, 1917 is definitely an outstanding film that would be very deserving of any awards it wins.
Doom: Annihilation (2019)
Doom: Annihilation (2019)
2019 | Action, Horror, Sci-Fi
B Movie Fun!!
390. Doom: Annihilation. I put it on, the sole intention being to see if it was animated, roughly an hour and forty minutes later the movie ended. And I liked it a helluva lot better than the 2005 Urban/Johnson shitfest. This one obvi has the lower budget of the two, but in my opinion, they made it work. The CGI was minimal, and the creatures looked great for practical effects. I only recognized one of the actors, but again, for what this is, I thought the acting was pretty sweet. It has an Aliens meets Starship Troopers vibe to me, in a low budget way... On Earth scientists are working on a teleportation device to send people on up to the Martian moon of Phobos. But wouldn't you know it, something went wrong. It seems the quick trip through hyper space, the passengers may take a quick trip through a place that looks a lot like hell, or Mustafar, and may have picked up an extra passenger or two, oops. They are not friendly by the way, matter of fact they kind of just tear through everyone like toilet paper, but luckily there's a squad of Space Marines to help, or just become more food for the monsters from Hell. Is there a mad scientist involved? Um yea. So if you can handle the low budget-ness of it, it's a pretty cool sci fi flick. Screw the critics... Still staring at the cover photo, wondering if that's Frank still wearing his stupid bunny suit. Filmbufftim on FB