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Shadow Blade (Shadowchasers, #1)
Shadow Blade (Shadowchasers, #1)
Seressia Glass | 2010 | Paranormal, Science Fiction/Fantasy
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
The thing about a book is that it should make you want to keep reading it. At least by halfway though you should feel like you’re halfway through a plot line, you know the characters, and you know what’s going on.

I have no idea what’s going on in Shadow Blade, and I’m more than halfway through it.

Now that’s not to say that I am not following it, it’s just that nothing is happening. Which kind of upsets me because the first few chapters felt great, and they were exciting, and I couldn't put it down… and now I’m like, “Ok so what exactly is going on?”

I really get Kira. I really like her. She’s a bad-@$$, “don’t mess with me” kinda girl, and I like that. She reminds me of Charlie in The Better Part of Darkness. She also has more weapons than I could list, and I really like that (guilty pleasure). But I don’t really get the other characters, they’re not important to me, and I don’t really give a rat’s poo about what happens to them.

Again with the whole “not seeing the plot” thing. Halfway though a sci-fi adventure book I should have trouble putting it down, right? No problems here. Now it’s great if I just feel like settling down and going through a few chapters at leisure, but that’s not what I want out of a sci-fi adventure book.

Another weak aspect was the writing. There are a lot of fragments in this book, a lot of lame sentence structure, and the writing in general is just mediocre. Fragments get on my nerves. Hence my hatred of Meg Cabot that I’m sure you all have picked up on by now.

Now, with that in mind, I did enjoy the book, and I’m still enjoying it. I may keep it around at my bedside table so I can finish it, because I’m liking it. But I’m not particularly sure why I like it, especially because I don’t really know what is going to happen at all. Maybe I just really like Kira.

If I do finish it, I’ll post a quickie update on my opinion. But the thing is, why read mediocrity when you could be reading something else? Hence the reason I put this one down.
The Nightly Disease
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I really don’t know how I feel about Max Booth III’s The Nightly Disease. Published initially as a serial in DarkFuse’s magazine, The Nightly Disease follows a hotel night auditor’s descent into madness as everything that can go wrong, does go wrong. In a series of darkly comedic and horrific events, the reader joins Isaac on a crazy ride, rife with some of the most outrageous occurrences a person could encounter.
Single, living alone, and working a job where he knows he’ll go nowhere, Isaac spends most of his nights between running the audit and preparing breakfast with his nose in a book, watching Netflix, or rubbing one out on the roof of the hotel he works at. He has a clear disdain for his job and spares no love for the guests that stay at his hotel, which all appear to be exceptionally rude (not that he’s any better). After he finds a wallet and decides to keep it, things escalate quickly and soon he is hiding bodies while trying to appease his invisible companions, Chowls and Owlbert.
I think what throws me off the most about this book is that it can be a bit difficult to follow at times. As Isaac loses his mind, the writing takes on a more frantic, senseless air that seriously messed with me reading it – to the point I almost put it down. It wasn’t a bad book, by any means. In fact, I think there’s a lot to be said about the fact that I felt like I was losing my mind reading it; Isaac’s perspective is extremely well-written.
Overall, I did not care that much for The Nightly Disease. It was nice to be able to identify with the main character to some degree – if only because I work the night audit shift at a hotel myself, and most hotels seem to work pretty much the same way. Other than that, I prefer books with a lot more depth and a bit more of a serious tone. While The Nightly Disease wasn’t really something I’m into, I definitely plan to look into Max Booth III’s other books. His writing style is great.
I would like to thank NetGalley and DarkFuse for providing me with an advance copy in exchange for an honest review.
Avengers: Infinity War (2018)
Avengers: Infinity War (2018)
2018 | Action, Sci-Fi
More entertaining than I expected.
Avengers: Infinity War was surprisingly entertaining. I’m not a huge fan of the Avengers series, especially the big multi-cast productions. I fully expected to go into this one and be bored to tears. However, when it came to movies available in the cinema that we could also take the nine-year-old to… Pickings were slim. So, superheroes it was. And yeah, even though there were a few scenes that weren’t nearly as funny as they were intended to be, it was an enjoyable watch.

I will say this: I did not understand what all the fuss was about the end. I saw people tweeting about crying and whatnot. I felt absolutely nothing. It’s a Marvel movie. The sequel is due out in a year. We all know they’re going to find a way to undo at least half of what happened in Avengers: Infinity War. Dramatic scenes lose much of their power when you know the chance of most of it not being negated in the next movie is practically nil. This Marvel money train is going to chug on until something happens to derail it completely.

I liked the interaction between most of the characters. I felt like they did a better job of making it seem a bit more realistic. I also like how some of the decisions and actions from the previous movies are coming back to bite the Avengers in the butt. Iron Man and Dr. Strange have a bit of a fun relationship. As for Spiderman… Well, he’s slowly winning me over. I still have absolutely zero desire to watch a movie just starring him, but he plays the impulsive teen angle well. Hulk, though, Sweet Baby Cthulhu, I’m getting tired of that character. I didn’t like the direction they took him in the Thor movie, and then for Banner to be the way he was in this one… ugh.

There were several scenes that made me gasp. A few where I was like “NO NO NO NO!” at the screen. Non-stop action and dialogue that wasn’t too groan-worthy do a lot. A lot happier with this movie than I ever expected to be. It’s not nearly as good as Black Panther was, but a solid offering nonetheless.

Kristy H (1252 KP) rated Watching You in Books

Mar 20, 2019  
Watching You
Watching You
Lisa Jewell | 2018 | Fiction & Poetry, Mystery, Thriller
8.7 (6 Ratings)
Book Rating
Enjoyable, easy read with a puzzling plot
There are twenty-seven painted houses in the lovely neighborhood of Melville Heights. Joey Mullen resides in one with her husband, Alfie; they live with Joey's brother Jack and his pregnant wife, Rebecca. Joey is struggling to get her life together after coasting for a while. This attempt isn't helped by the fact that she seems to have developed a crush on her neighbor, Tom Fitzwilliam, who lives two houses down. Tom is a well-known and beloved headmaster, credited for helping several schools improve their outcomes. He lives with his wife and son, Freddie, who closely monitors the neighborhood with his camera and Internet connection. And then there's teenage Jenna Tripp, who attends Tom's school. She's wary of Mr. Fitzwilliam, who seems awfully attached to her friend Bess. It doesn't help that Jenna's mom, who has mental health issues, is convinced Mr. Fitzwilliam is stalking her. This group of individuals is tied together by Tom Fitzwilliam--and soon by a gruesome murder that will change everyone's lives.

I really enjoy Lisa Jewell's novels and this was another very readable book from her. The chapters are short and quick, with the information flying at us, making you wonder what on earth is going on in Melville and who we can trust. There are a lot of stories going on simultaneously--Jenna, Joey, Freddie, and more--and we can see that they are all loosely related to Tom. So, can we trust him? Is there more to this adored headmaster than meets to the eye? Jewell is highly adept at making you wonder, unable to trust anyone and at keeping you guessing as things slowly unfurl.

The characters in this one were interesting; there are enough of them that you don't get too attached, though I did feel sympathy for poor Jenna, who has a lot to deal with regarding her mother. Mostly, we hurtle along with our group toward their own doom. I worked things out fairly early, but it didn't prevent my enjoyment of this one, as it's very readable and well-done.

Overall, this is an enjoyable, easy read with a puzzling plot and a story that will draw you in from the beginning.

I received a copy of this novel from the publisher and Netgalley in return for an unbiased review (thank you!).
Paris Ever After
Paris Ever After
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Amy has been staying in Paris for the past few months. After the death of her best friend, she had to fulfill their dream of going to Paris. The problem, she took off without saying anything to anyone, including her husband. When she returns home, he says he doesn't want to see her anymore, so she goes back to Paris. She makes new friends, finds a place to live and even finds a little job to keep her busy. But as she is gathering items for her birthday celebration, she sees her husband in Paris. What is he doing here? Why didn't he tell her he was coming? Why hasn't he replied to any of her texts or phone calls? And why does he look like that? Over the few days he is in Paris, Amy's life will change dramatically. Will she return to the States with him, or will she stay in Paris, ever after?

Thank you to KSR Burns for a copy of this book and the opportunity to read and review it.

When I first started reading this book, I was sure I was going to love it. Amy and I share the same birthday so I was bound to connect to her. But for me the story fell flat. There were good parts to it, like learning more about Paris and the sights there. Some of the plot seemed a bit far-fetched. I can't say too much without giving away the story. I did read the book from cover to cover though and it didn't make me want to stop reading it, which is why I gave it 3 stars.

I think other readers may enjoy this story more than I did. If you like Paris and are familiar with French, maybe this will speak to you better than it did me. Sometimes I find that books with a lot of foreign phrases that aren't translated are difficult. This book did explain the phrases a lot, but their were parts that left me confused. Maybe because this is a sequel the story fell flat for me, I'm not sure.

I will read other books by KSR Burns. In fact, I'm going to go back and read this first book The Paris Effect by K.S.R. Burns to see if that helps.

Kristy H (1252 KP) rated Yes Please in Books

Feb 1, 2018  
Yes Please
Yes Please
Amy Poehler | 2015 | Biography
7.5 (24 Ratings)
Book Rating
I wasn't sure how to feel about this book. In some ways, I appreciated that it was more serious than some of the other "funny people" memoirs going around. I am not a huge fan of books written by silly people full of silly things that pretend to tell the story of their life. What's the point? At least Amy makes an attempt to write a memoir, chronicling bits and pieces of her life and actually detailing true thoughts and feelings about things, rather than just jokey things that have no meaning. I found myself sort of rushing through some of the silly lists and spending more time on the actual writing, though some of the funny bits were good - fake acceptance speeches and the like.

The problem is that the book jumps around a lot and never really delves too much into anything. Not wanting to cover her divorce - okay, I get that. There is a really sweet chapter on her sons, which was lovely. You get a rough chronicle of how she became a kid from New England who wound up in New York by way of Chicago. But there's not a lot of detail. I also, selfishly, wish there had been more Tina Fey.

I enjoy that you get the impression that Amy is a deep person with deep thoughts - and isn't even perhaps always nice. She's not afraid to tell stories that don't necessarily flatter her. You get an idea of her as multifaceted person - actress, writer, mom, etc., and not just someone who tells funny stories. There are also some good stories that feature celebrities, which you are always looking for in a celebrity memoir. Finally, there's a fun bit annotated with notes by Parcs & Rec creator Mike Schur. He and Amy talk about a holiday gift Mike gave all his family and friends containing every email, text, and phone message he received during the Red Sox's successful World Series run in 2004. I was left thinking I want to read *that* book.

Anyway, the book just felt a little flat to me, as if it was missing something. It was a little disjointed in its presentation and content. Because it jumps the line between serious and funny, you're left without a full idea of who Amy is, but yet it's not funny enough to just make you laugh and forget all the other flaws.

Dana (24 KP) rated The Raven King in Books

Mar 23, 2018  
The Raven King
The Raven King
Maggie Stiefvater | 2016 | LGBTQ+, Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
8.3 (15 Ratings)
Book Rating
I am actually giving this a 4.5-5 Star review.

I have thoroughly enjoyed reading this series. I have loved and lost characters and little bits of my heart and soul because of it.

This series, but specifically this book, is just so beautifully written. Every moment is circular in the end. Each character is written with so much care, affection, and love that it breaks my heart.

Maggie Stiefvater is a poet as well as an author. There were so many passages in this book that I underlined as being so beautiful. I cried a lot because of the writing style, in a good way.

Many of the event in this book had been foretold in the previous books, which I thought was cool. Even though we knew what was going to happen, we didn't exactly know how it would happen, so that was surprising and a lot of fun.

Henry Cheng was a surprising character to say the least. I didn't know how I felt about him at first, but he started to grow on me. (As Ronan would probably say, "like a fungus" because he's a smartass like that.)


I loved how my ships were resolved in the end. I didn't want anyone to be hurt or to be alone, and they weren't. Blue and Gansey are just so freaking cute together because they are so opposite! And Ronan and Adam are just hilarious in their interactions. They just seem so angry at each other so often.

I was really sad, but also understanding, of how Noah had to move on. I just thought he was so sweet, but it was his time.

Also, the whole mess with Glendower himself was not easily predictable at all, at least for me. I did not see that one coming. Their whole quest was for not, but they ended up better for it anyway.

Orphan Girl is also so adorable. I love how much like Ronan she is, especially in her temper.

Cabeswater being from Ronan, that was a twist. Also, loved how he is going to dream another one!!

I just love this book so much and even though I know it has to end, I don't want it to.

Sorry if this got a bit rambly and weird, I just have so many emotions about this book!!
Dreams of Gods and Monsters (Daughter of Smoke and Bone, #3)
Dreams of Gods and Monsters (Daughter of Smoke and Bone, #3)
Laini Taylor | 2014 | Fiction & Poetry, Science Fiction/Fantasy
7.9 (8 Ratings)
Book Rating
I really enjoyed this series when I started it back when it first came out. Unfortunately for me, being the weird person I am, I decided to wait TWO YEARS after this book came out to actually read it, even though I had bought it when it came out. (Seriously, we are talking not very smart right here.) Because of that, it was kinda hard to get back in the series. I didn't remember a lot of stuff until it was remembered by the characters themselves. When a couple of new characters were introduced, I thought I was already supposed to know them. It was a mess.

Speaking of the characters, I love the little commentaries they have when it is in their point of view. Zuzana and Karou are so sassy all of the time and I just love it. I was also happy that all of my ships were still afloat by the end of the book and I even got some new ones!! (Liziri, am I right?) I am just happy that the characters got to be happy.

For me, maybe because it had been so long since I had read the other books, the story line got very confusing at points. A lot was going on at once and was sometimes hard to follow. I didn't know what was going on at all for the first few chapters, but it started to get cleared up a bit as I went along.

In my opinion, too much happened too late in this book. A whole new conflict started/was revealed with about seventy pages left and was never really resolved which I thought was odd. It was a really cool plot line that could have gone onto another book, but the series is over, so I honestly don't know what to think about that.

Overall, despite my complaining, I really did enjoy this book and the series as a whole. It had a very interesting concept throughout and the characters and their stories were very compelling, which is something I absolutely love about the series. I just think I would have enjoyed it more if I had either reread the previous two books or read this one when it came out.

I would definitely recommend this series to people who want to read something different, because this is certainly that!!
Annihilation, Book Three
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Again, this review will probably be quite short because I have already stated a lot of my thoughts on these characters.

I really enjoyed what they did what this series. The story line was well thought out, though there were a few moments that were a bit slow for me.


I loved Cammi's story arc in this series. She starts off a very strong character, so sassy and full of spunk, but in this book, she isn't allowed to have a lot of those moments as much. She is, quite literally, left behind when she is trying to have her heroic moment. I completely understand why they left her. Not only would Drax would have killed all of them for putting her in any amount of danger, she also would not have been able to survive. Not necessarily because she would not be able to hold her own, because I am completely convinced that she can and would kick some mega alien ass, but in an emotional aspect, I'm not quite sure she would have been able to come back from seeing what happened. All the death and carnage and hopelessness would have taken a toll on her, so, overall, I am glad she did not go along.

I also loved seeing Galactus' Heralds again. It's always great to see more of the characters who are seen as evil but are able to redeem themselves.

The wrap up of the series was a bit predictable for me, but there were some surprises. There will be some spoilers in this next part, if you don't want to read them, skip to the next paragraph. I knew from the beginning that the Annihilation virus was going to fail, ultimately, but I was okay with it. I liked seeing that not all of the characters made it. Though I didn't like seeing them gone, because I really liked some of those characters, but it was good to see there wasn't predictability.

The last section of this book is just the records from the Nova Corps index that had been shown throughout the previous three books. I didn't really see the need for that, but it's there and there's nothing I can do about that.

Overall, I enjoyed reading this series. I believe there may be one more small comic to read from this series, so I'll have to read that soon.
The Marsh King's Daughter
The Marsh King's Daughter
Karen Dionne | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry, Thriller
8.0 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
The Marsh King’s Daughter was huge before and around the time of its release. People were raving about the novel for a long time and they still are, so I was really excited to read it. While I did love it, I think all the hype made me expect something different to what I got, hence a 4 star rating, not a 5.

What I loved about this book was that it didn’t hold back on some more contraversial opinions and thoughts that came from Helena. For instance, that she still adored her father even after everything, and that she had trouble caring about her mother at times. I think it was nice Dionne didn’t write things that would please all readers. There were definitely some uncomfortable moments for me.

The writing in this book is stuff of dark fairytales. It’s so dark and disturbing but you can’t stop reading becasue the way in which it’s written is beautiful and flows perfectly. Dionne’s writing takes you away, whether it’s into the marsh or trekking through the forest, you are planted directly into the scene, you lose your real surroundings.

One thing that I found disappointing about this novel was that most of it is set in the past, not in the present. From the way the synopsis writes the story, I was expecting this to be a lot more about a life and death chase between daughter and father. And OK, while it is technically about a life and death chase, it’s far more about Helena’s life growing up in the marsh, all that she was taught and all that she learnt. While this is essential to the way the plot plays out, I think the book could have been marketed differently so I didn’t have such a clear idea on how I expected the story to go.

This novel is a gripping, sometimes shocking, sometimes emotional fast paced action thriller with a lot to offer any reader. If you’re not so much a thriller fan, this one could still be a terrifc read for you, as at times this novels feels more literary fiction than anything else.

Will I read Karen Dionne’s work again? Oh sure, most definitely. I just wish this book was the one I’d imagined in my head.