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Kolmnurk (1982)
Kolmnurk (1982)
1982 | Animation, Comedy
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Love Triangle Gone Insane!
Wow! This was seriously one weird animated short! I have seen many weird animated shorts, but none of them were quite as weird as this one! The only other animated short that was just as weird as this short was Hen, His Wife, which also had a similar premise of a couple experiencing marital problems. This short was a bit easier to understand than "Hen, His Wife," but it still requires some interpretation on the situation that is going on. So, here's my take on what I think is happening in this short:

My Interpretation:

So, apparently Viktor and Julia were a happy couple when they were first married. But over the years, Viktor started to ignore Julia and Julia is trying desperately to get her husband's attention again. I'm assuming that the food that Julia cooks represents her sexual desires for Viktor, as the food seem to weirdly take on any shape or form of her body. Also, there were moments where realistic photo shop images of real life people would appear on both Julia and Viktor's faces, representing their desires to look beautiful towards each other. Then when the mouse sized man, Eduard comes between Julia and Viktor, Julia feeding Eduard the food that she made represents her having an affair with Eduard, due to wanting to feel wanted by somebody, since Viktor won't give her the attention that she wants. So, when Viktor sees Julia feeding Eduard the food that she originally made for him, this could be viewed as Viktor finally noticing Julia having an affair with Eduard and he decides to leave her because of that. Whether or not Julia and Viktor get back together with each other in the end is something you have to see for yourself!

I just loved the way that Priit Parn created these bizarre characters as it was interesting yet a bit disturbing seeing real life photos of people's faces suddenly appear on either Viktor, Julia or Eduard's faces as those real life photos look so out of place on these hand drawn characters. I also liked the interesting way that Priit Parn tackled the issue of martial problems by using food as a metaphor for the couple's deteriorating marriage.

The only problem that I had with this short was that it was a bit confusing to understand at times. Like, I wasn't really sure how the food plays a role in the couple's relationship with each other and I was wondering about where Eduard exactly came from. I mean, this is really good stuff for a surreal short, but it can be a bit hard to swallow at times.

Overall, "The Triangle" is a truly intriguing animated short about martial problems that anyone who is in a relationship will enjoy watching (just to see how weird this short was). Also, if you are a huge fan of foreign shorts, then this is definitely one short that you should check out!
The Sound of Music (1965)
The Sound of Music (1965)
1965 | Classics, Drama, Family
The hills are alive...
Contains spoilers, click to show
The film opens with a long travelogue styled flight through the Alps, with little music and just the wind and the clear air for company, until we end up on that now famous hill top, where the sound of music soars high and loud. This was shot in one of the many rival formats of the day, in this case, TODD-AO, a dynamic 70mm frame, and projected onto a massive screen, to great effect.

It is on that hilltop that we meet Maria, Julie Andrews, as she sings her way around the hills and Austria, unable to contain her musical aspiration or free spirit. We soon learn that she is finding it difficult to find her way as a nun, and is sent to work as a governess for Christopher Plummer's, Capatin von Trapp's, seven children.

Once there, she manages to endear herself to the family and well, the rest is history. The film is based on a true story but there a are several differences, mainly surrounding the political situation to added effect and the names and ages of the children to name but a few.

In the end the film looks great, with the von Trapp's villa set in a glorious location in Austria, relaxing a peaceful. There is a great sense of the family's interaction and growing bonds, both with the children and the Captain, whilst there is a gentle threat and tension from the baroness, the third party in the love triangle within the film, but there is little nastiness within the film, with the exception of the Nazi element, obviously.

With memorable songs, beautiful surroundings and great direction from Robert Wise, this has more than earned its place within the annuls of Hollywood greatness and will no doubt continue to flourish for generations to come, as timeless is not the word.

Kristy H (1252 KP) rated Winter in Paradise in Books

Apr 4, 2019 (Updated Apr 5, 2019)  
Winter in Paradise
Winter in Paradise
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Great, engaging read
This was such a good book. I found it to be totally engrossing. It was a compelling read: dramatic in some places and fun and engaging in others. As always, Hilderbrand has a way of reeling you in. Her characters are so real and fully formed. I could feel Irene's pain and shock; Baker and Cash's disbelief; and the horror of those on the island, who lost someone they loved, as well.

Maybe it's just the part of me who loves a good soap opera, but I was totally swept up in the drama of this novel. I felt completely transported into the world of the Steeles and St. John island. While I'll have to wait a while for the next book in this series (more on that in a bit), I enjoyed this book so much that it had me tracking down Hilderbrand's Winter series, so I could continue reading her work. I have the first three books (of four), so I will be digging into those soon. Not since I read a book by Liane Moriarty and then read her entire catalog, have I felt so into an author at the moment.

And speaking of this series, there's definitely a cliffhanger at the end. Be prepared. I'm quite excited to read the next book and see where the Steele family and all their drama and intrigue takes us. Such unlikely partnerships form in this one; there's an exciting love triangle; there are interesting island characters--it's such a fun book.

Overall, this is a great read. It's engaging, and heartbreaking at times and sweet and funny at others. I loved the characters and felt totally caught up in the story. I am very much looking forward to book #2 (if not the wait for it!).
Behind Her Eyes
Behind Her Eyes
Sarah Pinborough | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
8.9 (18 Ratings)
Book Rating
I received an ARC of Sarah Pinborough’s new novel, Behind Her Eyes, from FlatIron Books to spread anticipation for the upcoming release. My thoughts on this book, in a nutshell? Absolute, addictive, insanity. Considering the only other Pinborough book I’ve read involved giant spiders that use humans as breeding vessels, triggering a horrific arachnid apocalypse, I didn’t really know what to expect from this one. It was billed as a psychological thriller, which is pretty generic these days; everything is a Gone Girl wannabe. But this thriller is seriously like no other thriller I’ve ever read, with twists that you wouldn’t see coming if you were Professor X.

The novel is told from multiple viewpoints, which has the danger of becoming confusing, but each character’s voice is so clear that it’s not hard to keep them straight. The plot at first doesn’t seem that interesting, you think it’s the standard love triangle, a married man attracted to his secretary, yawn. But there are clever twists from the very beginning and you’re constantly left questioning who you can trust, whose version of events to believe. In fact, it’s really hard to discuss this book at all without giving anything away.

Which makes it very difficult to explain the one thing I didn’t like. This is an entirely personal opinion, I’m definitely not trying to discourage you from reading this book, it was amazing. Having said that, ambiguity always makes me uncomfortable, especially in endings, which I prefer straight-forward, just, and (ideally) happy. But I’ve spent an unhealthy amount of time watching rom-coms, and couldn’t sleep after any Mentalist episode involving Red John. So make of that what you will.
Emergence (Voodoo Butterfly #2)
Emergence (Voodoo Butterfly #2)
Camille Faye | 2018 | Paranormal, Romance, Thriller
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Emergence (Voodoo Butterfly #2) by Camille Faye
Emergence is the second book in the Voodoo Butterfly series, and we start pretty much where we left off. Sophia and Taj are still together, although things aren't quite as smooth as they were. However, trouble isn't far away, and Poppy ends up being injured. This is just the tip of the iceberg, and things quickly go downhill for Sophie. Add to that, Taj disappears mysteriously, quickly followed by Avi.

I'll be honest here, for a while I was worried this was going to become the ubiquitous love triangle, but Camille Faye managed to avoid that in this book. Now, I'm not saying it may not happen in the future, but for now, in this book, we're safe.

There is plenty of action and adventure in this book, possibly more than Voodoo Butterfly, and it is great to see Sophie growing in confidence and power. We also meet more of the Mambos, and find out more about them, which made for incredible reading.

I am absolutely loving this series, as it is exceptionally written, with no editing or grammatical errors that spoil my reading. The story is intricate and intriguing, definitely leaving me wanting more. With a great cast of supporting characters to round things off, there is simply nothing about this series/book that I don't like.

Fair warning though - there is still a mystery to solve regarding Taj, and it does end on a cliffhanger. I know something is going on with him, but I'll always be Team Jacques!

Definitely recommended by me!

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and my comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Then There Was You
Kara Isaac | 2017
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Then There Was You is a story filled with heartache, regret, pain, broken dreams...and the journey that Paige and Josh must traverse to gain the healing they need in order to move on with their lives.

There is a love triangle-squareish thing going on. But tastefully done and did not make me uncomfortable or annoyed. It felt very real and a situation that is very believable. Being set in Australia and jumping back and forth from an American perspective and an Australian's it really helped the perspective of how differently cultures can be even if they speak the same language. I LOVED it! I adore learning about different cultures...Even if I was disappointed to learn a thing or two about Koalas that weren't all that great. And drop bears! Y'all better watch out for those if you ever visit the land down under!

This story depicts the amazing hand of God at work in our lives. Sometimes, the things He has for us are even greater than we ever thought possible. Even if we can't see how it could ever work out.

Both Paige and Josh let preconceived ideas influence their opinions of each other. Only through trust and removing the walls they have placed around themselves will they be able to see the truth. But when that trust is tested will everything they have built be for naught?

A touching and moving romance infused with the healing that only God can provide. Travel Down Under with Paige McAllister for the adventure of a lifetime.

I received a complimentary copy of Then There Was You from the author. I was not required to write a positive review. All opinions expressed are mine alone.
Scoop to Kill
Scoop to Kill
Wendy Lyn Watson | 2018 | Mystery
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Here’s the Scoop – This is a Tasty Mystery
A reception to honor outstanding achievement at the local college turns tragic when Tally Jones’s niece, Alice, finds the body of grad student Bryan. Bryan was another local attending the college, although he had clearly been making some enemies along the way. With Alice in the thick of things, Tally starts spending a little less time at her ice cream shop, Remember the A-La-Mode, and more time at the college looking for clues. Will she find the killer?

While the mystery starts strongly with the discovery of Bryan’s body just a few pages in, the book still seems to wander a bit. We are gathering clues and information on the suspects, but it isn’t until the second half that it feels like Tally is truly investigating and we are beginning to find clues and disregard the red herrings. Once this happens, the book gets very good, and I was fully hooked. Tally and her immediate circle are a fun group, and I enjoyed spending time with them. I also enjoyed the cameos by some of the supporting cast from the first book. The suspects were strong enough to help us tell them apart, but they could have spent a little more time on the page to be fully developed. I had forgotten that there is a love triangle in this series, although it looks like that is coming to a head, which I appreciated. There is more language scattered throughout this book than is typical for a cozy, but this is still a light, fun cozy sure to keep you cool on a warm summer day. You might want to make sure you have some ice cream on hand first, however, to satisfy any cravings.