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The Gatekeeper of Pericael
The Gatekeeper of Pericael
Hayley Reese Chow | 2021 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
A well written story that pulls you into another world..... literally.

To say the book focuses on and around teenagers it's anything but aimed purely at young folk. If it hadn't have been for references to age I would have spent most of the book thinking I was reading about early twenty-something's.

There's plenty of magic and fraught situations that had me almost holding my breath and wishing that I could perform magic.
    I enjoyed journeying with Porter (The Gatekeeper's son/future Gatekeeper) and his cousin Ames. It was nice seeing how each of them grew throughout and gained a better understanding of each other and themselves. Especially learning self belief and trusting their new friends.

A good fantasy that will keep you and your mini mes entertained and enthusiastic for an adventure.
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Encanto (2021)
Encanto (2021)
2021 |
6.8 (11 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Family gal
Another power soaked disney adventure, about gifts, curses and family secrets....

Madrigals are afamily who live an extraordinary life hidden from the rest of the world in a little village called Encanto.

Encanto has given the children in the family with a unique power, except Mirabel. However, she soon may be their last hope when she breaks in the bedroom of "banished/missing" family member Bruno (who we don't talk about) and discovers that he left behind a prophecy and a powerless answer to her no magic self.
Time is running out as the magic Provided the Encanto is now in danger.

A great story in all, fun musical numbers and change from usual to characteristics in gender roles and another nice mix of colour design.
imPerfect Magic (The imPerfect Cathar #1)
imPerfect Magic (The imPerfect Cathar #1)
C.N. Rowan | 2023 | Humor & Comedy, Mystery, Paranormal
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Magic and mayhem

A great start to this series and I can't wait to read the next installment. The transition between past and present is pretty good. You know exactly when it's happening with a cheeky side note to go with each chapter. I don't feel the weirdness that you sometimes get with going back and forth and I love that. The characters are well written with their own personalities that go well together considering backgrounds, age differences etc.
    One character that gets me is Franc, (spoiler bad guy) the only way I can describe the way he speaks is hurts my brain but it really makes him stand out.

Definitely a young adult read with some of the descriptiveness and combines magic and religion which is something different and intriguing.