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Children of Paradise (1945)
Children of Paradise (1945)
1945 |
(0 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"The title of the film refers to “the gods”—in French, le paradis—that upper gallery in a theater where the seats are cheap and the audience boisterous. Throughout the film, we are the audience watching parallel stories in which the world of the stage, presented largely in mime, mirrors the “real-life” setting, itself of course a fiction shown on the screen. Through the obvious theatricality of the stage and the far subtler theatricality of the “real” story, we follow a tale of love, loss, and revenge straight from late nineteenth-century French literature but reinvigorated by the magic of film."


Ellen Fox recommended Bring It On (2000) in Movies (curated)

Bring It On (2000)
Bring It On (2000)
2000 | Comedy

"This clever-enough confection about warring cheerleaders proves that films don’t have to be classics or award-worthy to work their magic. I wish I could say it was James Taylor’s music or Robert Frost’s poetry that soothed my post-9/11 anxiety. But no, it was star Kirsten Dunst’s perky, bouncing breasts that lifted my spirits. Whether ever-so-lovingly hoisted in a bikini top or shaking to-and-fro as she dances on her bed, with ta-tas like hers in our midst, I wondered, could the world still be that hopeless of a place?"


Trey Edward Shults recommended Persona (1966) in Movies (curated)

Persona (1966)
Persona (1966)
1966 | Drama
8.5 (2 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"One more. Let me say Persona, one of my favorite movies of all time. That’s another one that I saw later. I saw it in my twenties, like 20 to 21 or something. It feels like it wasn’t made by a human being, because what it does is like magic. I could never imagine making something of that level. It’s just a beautiful thing of its own, and it blew me away. I don’t know how to talk about it. I love a lot of his stuff, but that one – man – it’s one of the greatest movies of all time."

Being John Malkovich (1999)
Being John Malkovich (1999)
1999 | Comedy, Drama, Sci-Fi

"Charlie Kaufman wrote it. All of his movies I Love. I have not seen a Charlie Kaufman film I didn’t love. And in the hands of the right director, you know – Spike Jonze, Michel Gondry — when you let them [work on] a Charlie Kaufman script, it’s cinematic magic. Being John Malkovich was at a certain point in time in my life and it stood out against all the other noise that was happening in my life. It left an indelible impression on me and I still can revisit that movie anytime and watch it and enjoy it."


James Marsters recommended Ratatouille (2007) in Movies (curated)

Ratatouille (2007)
Ratatouille (2007)
2007 | Animation, Comedy, Family

"I think that film, for me, showed me what cooking is really about, in a way that line animation was never able to. It made we want to cook, it made me want to go out to a new restaurant, it made we want to appreciate life, to taste everything, not just food but the air, everything. Frankly, to be able to put that kind of magic back into a film that is targeted for kids is just amazing. That’s all it’s trying to do, is say to kids, “Hey look at the world, it’s an amazing world, did you see that?"
