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Elemental Claim (War of the Myth #1)
Elemental Claim (War of the Myth #1)
Miranda Grant | 2017 | Paranormal, Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy
9.0 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
Emma is running around after her sister trying to sort things out to meet her in Europe, however, things do not run as smoothly as she would like and she finds herself dragged into a world she never knew existed, as well as falling in love and trying to save her twin sister from the clutches of an evil vampire.

I love Miranda's writing she is so imaginative and her stories just tend to flow. There are always seems to be the right amount of drama, love, action, fighting and dialogue between all of the characters involved.

This book seems to have a lot of sexual content but it's not crude it's written in a protective way almost.

If you love vampires, magic, gods/goddesses, and fighting for your life I would recommend reading this book it's fantastic!
The Turtle Boy (Timmy Quinn #1)
9.3 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
119 of 235
The Turtle Boy ( Timmy Quinn 1)
By kealan Patrick Burke

School is out and summer has begun. For eleven year old Timmy Quinn and his best friend Pete Marshall, the dreary town of Delaware Ohio becomes a place of magic, hidden treasure and discovery. But on the day they encounter a strange young boy sitting on the bank of Myers Pond a pond playground rumor says may hide turtles the size of Buicks everything changes. For it soon becomes apparent that dark secrets abound in the little community, secrets which come cupped in the hands of the dead, and in a heartbeat, Timmy and Petes summer of wonder becomes a season of terror, betrayal and murder.

This was really good! Well written you became involved with the story and the characters. Really good quick read.

David McK (3372 KP) rated Doctor Strange (2016) in Movies

Apr 27, 2019 (Updated May 15, 2022)  
Doctor Strange (2016)
Doctor Strange (2016)
2016 | Action, Adventure, Sci-Fi
<2022 update>

The timestone? Yep, was essential to resolving Infinity War in Endgame

<original review below>

The film that introduced magic (and the Time Stone, which will probably be essential to resolving Infinity War in Endgame), in which Benedict Cumberbatch plays Benedict Cumberbatch as the future Sorcerer Supreme, with Tilda Swinton as the current holder of that title.

As an aside: that was actually a cause of controversy at the time: why not cast an Asian or Eastern actor in that role instead of whitewashing it? went the argument.

The plot may also seem to be a reprise of Iron Man: rich, arrogant, privileged white man suffers personal catastrophe and heads East, returning a changed man. What sets this apart, however, is the somewhat psychedelic effects that often seem to owe more than a bit to Christopher Nolan's movie Inception!
The Amphitheater of Souls
The Amphitheater of Souls
Patrick Bryce Wright | 2024 | LGBTQ+, Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
A step out my comfort zone but a very good one!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

Cian is sent on a journey to find out who or what is causing all the deaths in his village.

I really enjoyed this! It's a step out my comfort zone, and a very good one at that.

I'd class it as high fantasy. Very Tolkien-esque, with an epic journey, lives at stake, elves, dwarves, centsaurs, sea serpents on the rampage and a madman, messing with dark blood magic.

Throw in a slow burn sweet romance, between Cian and his guide, Thanyon, and you've got a near perfect book!

Only Cian gets a say, though, and at points, he had a lot to say.

But a fabulous read.

4 good stars

*same worded review will appear elsewhere
Uncertain Magic
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Uncertain Magic by Laura Kinsale
Genre: Adult Historical romance
ISBN: 9781402237027
Published: May 4th 2010 by Sourcebooks Casablanca (first published March 2nd 1987)
Rating: 5
Roddy has a "gift"—or as she thinks of it, a curse—that allows her to hear the mind and feel the emotions of every human and animal on earth. Because of this, and her family history, she knows she will never be married, never have her own family… because what man wants every single thought and emotion on display for his wife? Past failed marriages in the family have shown her that her happiness is a hopeless cause… until she meets one man whom she does not have access to his thoughts and feelings. So Roddy takes things into her own hands. She realizes a little too late what kind of man she's gotten interested in her: Lord Iveragh. The Devil Earl of Ireland.
She carries out her plan, however, and he seems to like her enough to marry her. But The Devil Earl is hiding things from her… and possibly himself. Roddy finds that she can help him… but it will require more than she may be willing to give. If she doesn't, though, she will loose him forever… and maybe loose herself, too.
I loved Uncertain Magic. I wasn't sure what to expect when I started reading it. It was certainly a romance, and a very good one at that. But it was so much more than a romance novel: It was a clever blend of romance, adventure, historical events, family secrets, and Gaelic magic. The plot incorporated a rebellion in Ireland, smuggling, murder, and magic. There were horse races, escaping soldiers, and midnight balls with the dead.
The relationship between Roddy and Faelan (Lord Iveragh) started off a little random: a chance meeting, Roddy saving his horse from a heart attack, her pretending to be a stable boy and bragging on his employer (herself, of course) and Faelan seeing through it and embarrassing her. As it continued, I was a little surprised at the speed it progressed: They were married by chapter five. But them being married though the book was such an important aspect, that I understood it later. Of course, no marriage is perfect, and many romances are victims of happyland syndrome, where their relationship is so perfect that it's almost Holy.
Not this one.
There were misunderstandings, tears, heartbreak, scandals, possible affairs, redemption, and healing. And plenty of love-making.
With that said: the characters were great. Roddy was sweet and soft, but she had her spunk and I liked her immediately (especially when she took out a rude stableboy with a single kick). Faelan was, as his nickname describes him, a devil—but he was good that way. He was a little obnoxious, he had his sarcastic moments, and he certainly had his pride. He's the kind of dark secretive hero that everyone looks for… but with a touch of madness—or maybe magic—to make him even more mysterious. I love Roddy, I adore Faelan, and his mother (let's just say she never. shuts. up.) makes me laugh… the characters in this story are gems.
Just as I didn't expect the twisting exciting plot, I didn't expect the writing to be so good. It felt great to read, and the dialogue was easy to speak and felt natural. It flowed well, and was descriptive and lyrical. I liked the way Kinsale described Roddy experiencing everyone else's thoughts and emotions, and I liked the way she didn't over-describe everything—every little facial expression, every little movement—leaving out some for your imagination, but added enough description to allow you to see everything.
There were disappearing faeries and blind men who could see (try figuring that one out!) and missing chunks of time… all tied up beautifully at the end. Although it was, at first, a little confusing to figure out what had just happened on the last few pages, I loved the ending. There wasn't quite enough closure, but it didn't need to be closed: it was more like an opening for their new life together. After reading it, you know what will happen… so it doesn't need to be said.
This is probably one of my favorite books I've read this year, and it demands a re-read in the future.
Content/Recommendation: Some sex, mild language. Ages 18+
Review copyright Haley Mathiot 2010. Review copy supplied by publisher.
Crown of Midnight
Crown of Midnight
Sarah J. Maas | 2013 | Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
9.1 (48 Ratings)
Book Rating
Crown of Midnight was a wonderful sequel - it improved on pretty much everything from the first book.

Celaena doesn't really do much assassination? Now she's the King's Champion, and it's her job. <spoiler>Well, okay - maybe there's still not too much assassination going on. But there's definitely more action!</spoiler>

That pesky love triangle gets completely done away with (which makes me question why it was an issue in the first place, aside from being there to create drama), and in its place a believable, sweet romance is started.

(I am Team Chaol. All the way.)

Dorian actually grows as a character, and is more than just a stereotypical womanizer.

Even the scope of the story is larger. Where the first book was primarily centered around the castle, Crown of Midnight actually gives us a look at the city. Or, well, certain parts of it, at any rate. And while the threat is still the same vague threat as the first book, by the end, things start to fall into place about what exactly happened ten years ago, and where magic disappeared to.

I really enjoyed this one, which was nice, given my lukewarm feelings about the first book in the series. A good portion of my change of opinion is because of the growth of Dorian and Chaol - particularly Chaol.

I am a sucker for many things in fantasy. I love a good assassin. I love magic, especially when the magic system is well thought out. I love thieves. And I also love loyal knights who have to deal with the bombshell of finding out that everything they thought they were protecting was a lie.

Just watching Chaol fight to reconcile his old loyalties and what he grew up believing with what he now knows to be the truth was beautiful. He goes through an amazing amount of character development, and is easily the most complex character in the story. (Which is why I'm Team Chaol. Even though Celaena doesn't really deserve him.)

He actually reminded me a lot of Darres, from the [b:Vampire Game, Volume 01|282294|Vampire Game, Volume 01|JUDAL||273847] manga. Dang it. I need to reread that entire series.

Unfortunately, Celaena stopped me from absolutely adoring this book. She didn't grow very much as a character - in places she actually seemed to regress - and the "twist" was painfully predictable. Even if I hadn't guessed it back at the start of the first book, based on the type of story this is, there's more than enough to pick up on what's going on.

So my reaction was less, <i>"GASP!!!"</i> and more, <i>"Why has nobody else figured this out???"</i>

Especially the king. You'd think he'd be all over that.

Sassy Brit (97 KP) rated Stray Magic in Books

Jun 5, 2019  
Stray Magic
Stray Magic
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Stray Magic is a fun, spirited second chance story that comes with a supernatural twist – in the shape of a two-foot tall, wish-granting leprechaun called Vincent.

You’d think with a wish-granting leprechaun rooting for the man of your dreams to walk into your life, there’d be no hitches, right?

But when the and get all muddled up, poor Cara doesn’t know whether to believe this cheeky little imp, or send him packing. But when he keeps magically appearing in Cara’s bathroom and taking her dog for a ride, (as Leprecahaun’s do) she decides to believe in his power and wait for the magic to happen – just in case it works and her dream guy walks into her place of work and whisks her off her feet – as promised by the little green fella.

Behind this doggy story, which is suitable for listeners of all ages, is a really entertaining plot. We hear not only about Cara’s love-life woes, but we are also privy to her relationship with her grownup daughter, and how she gets on in her job working for a horrible boss of whom takes all the credit for her hard work without any thanks. Even Cara’s beloved Corgi has something to say, and in no way did I think I’d enjoy a talking dog story. If you’d asked me before, I’d have said that sounded silly. Talking animals never go as planned in books, but this was heaps of fun.

Alongside this, we discover even Vincent has a heartbreaking story to tell. I mean, how can he have the love of his life, if he keeps botching up his magic for others. By his own omission he turned up at Cara’s house twelve years late. Just think about that? If he’d turned up on time Cara’s true love would have been with her for twelve years already. ?

The narrator of this story, Aisling Gray, has a great voice, and could really do the different characters well. Originally from Texas (I think) she has a whole array of accents, and they all sounded spot on, making a great story even better to listen to. In addition, there were quite a few funny, laugh out loud moments, during which I literally laughed out loud unexpectedly. Wherever I was. Yep, embarrassing at times! But well worth it.

This easily listening, magical story was a lighthearted treat for me, and I thoroughly enjoyed all the hours I was plugged in listening to this.

Disclosure: I listened to this story via a free audible token, so thank you to the author, narrator and publisher for this opportunity. This is my own opinion and not biased in any way.
Post Mortem, Parish Mail #2
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Having reviewed <a href="">Dead Letter Office</a>, the first of the Parish Mail series, I was contacted by Coliloquy to honestly review [a:Kira Snyder|5447353|Kira Snyder|]'s second book, [b:Post Mortem|13644678|Post mortem|Peter Terrin||19261112]. I am so glad - I loved the last book, and if anything, this one was even better.

At the end of [b:Dead Letter Office|13415915|Dead Letter Office|Kira Snyder||18726299], the reader is told about a pile of letters that Celia has, in which she is being asked for help. This book is based a couple of weeks after the first, and follows the events of a letter from Celia's pile. Again, she has the help of best friend Tilly as well as Luc and/or Donovan.

The reason I said this book may have been a little better than the first is that it gets stuck straight into the adventure, without needing an introduction to the characters. The characters are established, and there's no pussy-footing around, wondering if someone will get weird with the level of magic involved. That was still great in book 1, don't get me wrong, but there was an instant hook in this story that I loved.

Talking about magic I think the way that magic is so effortlessly intertwined with normal life is really cool. Within a paragraph, Tilly can be whipping up some magical concoction and at the same time dig at Celia for gossip about Luc/Donovan/insert teen issue here. <spoiler>I have a thing for realism, so while in a different book I might have an issue with the protagonist leaving a big dance to go adventuring, in this book it seemed perfectly normal.</spoiler>

Snyder has created characters that will develop upon every sequel, and I think the series would actually make a brilliant TV show - I'd definitely watch it! As with last time, I enjoyed the choices I could make, although they seemed to have a further reach in this book, which meant I had to think more about what I chose. There's one towards the end that took me longer than it should have to decide, as it dramatically affects the climax of the book. There's only one thing slightly negative I'd say about the whole book, and that is that sometimes things were mentioned that only happened in one of the choices in the last book. For readers that, unlike me, didn't read all scenarios, that could have been an issue.

In brief (after a long review - oops!), a highly recommended book, and I can't wait for #3!