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The Big Book of Madness
The Big Book of Madness
2015 | Card Game, Fantasy
Cooperation (3 more)
Spell Casting
Some randomization
Multiple Difficulties
Small cards (1 more)
Unclear rules/mechanics
This game is made by iello games, makers of Mountains of Madness and King of Tokyo. It is about student magicians that feel they aren't learning enough in their classes and decide to sneak into a library to learn new spells. There, they find a grimoire that contains monsters and accidentally releases them. They must work together to defeat the monsters and seal the book, learning from the books around them to learn new spells and collect elements to cast the spells, all while trying not to give into madness.

The game mechanics feature deck building, spell casting, cooperation, and some randomization of spells available and monsters to defeat. There are schools of magic related to the four elements; air, earth, fire, and water. Each element has two magician students that specializes in that element for a total of 8 different characters, each with their own special ability. There are four decks of spells, again related to the elements, that is randomized during set up, changing what spells are available game to game. Similarly, the monsters you must face are randomized, so the chance of having the same exact game as another is rare. The gameplay remains consistent, though.

Over the course of 6 rounds, players work together to defeat monsters. It is a pure cooperation game. No one has any secret objective and should communicate with other players. Games of this fashion, such as Pandemic, tend to end up having one or two people make all the decisions for the group. It my many plays of the game, I have only had that happen once or twice. The variation in spells, magicians, and elements usually make a player uniquely helpful to the group, allowing players to choose how they want to build their character. Although each magician has an elemental alignment, you can choose to focus on different elements and spells and are not limited to one type of role. Each element of magic has a different role to deal the challenges players face, meaning a good balance can be very beneficial. However, due to the randomization, it is possible either the spells or the monsters leave one of the elements non-essential, but that is fairly uncommon.

Overall, the game is very enjoyable and can be played multiple times with different variations. The difficulty can be adjusted if ot feels it is too hard or easy. My group that plays about once a week are clearing the 2nd difficulty 50% of the time and haven't cleared it with a variation yet. It can be a challenge and has elements of luck and strategy. It is a fun game to play with friends, especially because it is cooperative, and I would recommend adding it to your collection.

The game is 2-5 players and runs 60-90 minutes. It is family friendly and a great game for those who love magic fandoms such as Harry Potter.

The Marinated Meeple (1848 KP) May 7, 2019

keep them coming this is great, I got kudos to give boardgamers...

Hexed (The Witch Hunter, #1)
Michelle Krys | 2014 | Fiction & Poetry
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Happy Friday the 13th! By no means was this review deliberately placed on this day because it's witchy (maybe it was deliberate in my subconsciousness. I don't have a say in there).

Hexed follows Indigo Blackwood, aka Indie, who has a perfect life – dating the captain of the football team, popular, and has a mom who works at a voodoo shop. At least until the family "bible" goes missing after a random stranger by the name of Bishop pops into her life and tells her she may be in danger if she doesn't get the bible back. Oh, and add that there's a centuries old rivalry.

Hexed was a pretty delightful read, but it didn't exactly click with me as other witchy books do. I do love Indie's personality though (and her name – it's cute), but for a good part of the book she seemed to be the type that let others walk all over her. She seems hesitant sometimes, but then decides to do it anyway, because it makes the person happy. It's not until after some [major] things go down – and a chunk of the book (no books broken in process) – that she finally realizes her childhood friend Bianca isn't exactly a true friend.

Thus the cheering behind the screens didn't exactly begin until a little over half the book, when Indie basically tells Bianca, "Screw you. I'm outta here." *zips off to new friend recently made that's a lot better than former friend* Oh, and she officially stops being a doormat.

There's also Bishop, in which I actually thought he either a) was shaped like the chess piece, b) has a very diagonal life, also like the chess piece I suppose, and "Bishop" was just a nickname for something super complicated, or c) he just has a weird name. A was an exaggeration, B may or may not be true except for the nickname part and C was the right answer.

Bishop to me was a bit annoying. Immature, and the sexual innuendos weren't exactly appreciated even though he's humorous. Maybe not exactly immature, but Bishop is more of the very carefree type. He also seemed to be the stalker type at first, which I personally really hate (no privacy. Come on!), following Indie around and popping up just everywhere. On the bright side, he had a legitimate reason rather than, say, "Hey, I just met you. And this is crazy. But I have a MAJOR crush on you, so let's go on a date?"

But the bread talk. I thought that was Peeta's job?

Recommended For: Paranormal Romance fans

The "Cellar": Sorcerers vs. Witches – aka Magic vs. Magic rather than Mortal/Machine vs. Magic or Humans vs. Witches.
Advanced review copy provided by publisher for review
Original Review posted on <a href="">Bookwyrming Thoughts</a>
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The Grace Year
The Grace Year
Kim Liggett | 2019 | Dystopia, Young Adult (YA)
8.7 (9 Ratings)
Book Rating
For Tierney and the other girls in Garner County, their sixteenth year is when they are banished from the county. Their grace year. In the county, women have magic, and the girls are sent away to rid themselves of it. While away, they could supposedly be nabbed by poachers any chance they get, who sell their parts on the black market. Many don't return home, or if they do, they are missing body parts (ugh, I know). Tierney has always wanted a different life. Not an arranged marriage, nor a world where women are inferior to men. But she realizes as the grace year nears, her fellow girls may pose the greatest threat of all.

"No one speaks of the grace year. It's forbidden."

I really liked the premise of this book. I'm sure you've heard all the comparisons by now. This is "The Handmaid's Tale" plus "Lord of the Flies." Throw a little "Hunger Games" in. Sold, right? The idea that society sends girls away at sixteen to rid themselves of their "magic"--it sounds really cool. A society that fears women and takes away their status, yet relies on their parts (literally) as medicine. Yes. So much of this book is really amazing. I highlighted so many powerful lines.

But, I don't know, guys... I am still wrapping my brain around this one. I just couldn't get into it. I never wanted to pick it up--I should have cared deeply for Trinity, and I did. Sometimes. Part of the reason I had problems going back to the book was because it stressed me out. These girls were mean. Sometimes I was confused. We were thrown into the story without any backstory--what time period, why they think women have magic, why medicine consists of body parts, who are the poachers, what are the outskirts, why is the original language flowers, etc. I guess that adds to the mystique, but I don't like reading when I can't figure anything out.

"But not all of us will make it home... not in one piece."

It seemed like this was going to be a power anthem. The girls rise against society. Or maybe just Trinity escapes and the outskirts rise against society. Someone should be revolting, right? And yes, Trinity definitely had her awesome moments. But it also seemed like there were lots of moments that involved rescue--by men. There's also a really convenient insta-romance in here. Everything just seemed a little jumbled and crazy for my taste. There's some amazing, underlining worthy lines and then some that just make you cringe a bit.

So, overall, I'm not totally sold, though there's potential here. I rate based on my enjoyment, so this is a 3-star read for me. But it's getting lots of rave reviews from others, so don't let my review necessarily hold you back.
Sea Glass (Glass, #2)
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I was a little disappointed by this book, since I enjoyed the previous one so much. I had expected Opal Cowan to spend more time and effort in exploring what she can do with her glass abilities, but it seemed to be more of the same denial of her immense magical potential. Put glass in Opal's hands and the world is hers to command, whether for good or bad, but she is so focused on the weight of responsibility that this power gives her that she really does not do much with it at all - until the tail end of the book.
A large part of the book is devoted to Opal attempting to stop the spread of blood magic knowledge, as well as monitoring Ulrick and Devlen's actions. In the meantime she graduates, gets together with the Stormdancer Kade, and pursues setting up her own private glass-making business, though with not much success in the latter. All of her pursuits take large chunks of time because someone is constantly trying to control her for her different abilities, which can make for tedious reading. I enjoyed her romance with Kade simply because there seemed very little effort on either of his or her part to connect with the other - like they were made for each other. In contrast, Devlen's almost constant attention to Opal is perplexing because Opal regularly second-guesses his intentions. It is nearly impossible to figure out his real motivation because his previous actions show him to be a very good liar and manipulator. I will be interested to see where his subplot goes in the final book.
The way that Opal finally deals with the power that she has over glass took me by surprise, but I like it. The outcome creates an entirely new set of circumstances for her, but one that she has a precedent for. Plus, no longer is she at the mercy of magic, though how much she realizes that will hopefully be shown in the final book, Spy Glass.
The Prestige (2006)
The Prestige (2006)
2006 | Drama, Mystery, Thriller
Are you watching closely?
Contains spoilers, click to show
Are you watching closely? Christopher Nolan is shaping up to be one of this century's most successful directors, delivering hit after hit, quality upon quality. The only exception to that would be the tedious "Insomnia", but at his best he is a movie making genius, at his worst, an efficient director.

"The Prestige" was produced between projects, those being numbers three and four in my all time top ten, "Batman Begins" and "The Dark Knight". He claimed that he was making a small movie to tide him over but ended up with an all start blockbuster, and whist touching of a subject which had been dealt with before, I don't recall it ever having being done quite like this.

And that is the magic of a top director; That is to give the audience what they want but not on their terms, not quite what they are expecting. This film follows the obsession of two 19th century magicians, one of whom, Christian Bale, arrives at the conclusion that it takes total commitment to achieve the perfect trick, whilst Hugh Jackman takes a little longer to see that obsession will lead him down the same path.

This is a dark, Gothic thriller, lifting the lid of the magic of the day, whilst in true Nolan fashion delving deeper into the psyche of the protagonists, and the destructive nature of their respective obsessive battles, and those it hurts and destroys along the way.

But more than this, the film its self is effectively a mirror of the plot, told and presented as one long trick, with deception, red herrings and ultimately, eponymous the prestige. The only real problem I have with this film is that it thinks that it has everything so well wrapped up, that we, the audience, can't see the twists coming, which I felt a little insulted by as they were almost telegraphed.

But, this was a methodically well presented film, with a clear time and excellent performances throughout. Highly recommended.
The Revenge of Magic
The Revenge of Magic
James Riley | Children, Science Fiction/Fantasy
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Intriguing Series Debut
It’s been six months since the attack on Washington, D.C. Six months since Forsythe “Fort” Fitzgerald’s world was turned upside down when a giant creature comes up from the ground and destroys many of the monuments there, killing his father in the process. In that time, one thought has kept Fort moving forward – the desire for revenge.

One day, Fort is surprised to be visited by the representatives of a school for magic. Thirteen years ago, four magic books were found and only those born after they were discovered can read and use them. When Fort is offered a chance to study at this school, he jumps on it, figuring this is a chance to learn something to help him extract his revenge. However, not everything at the school is what it seems. Can Fort learn what people are hiding from him? Or will he be kicked out before that happens?

Since this is the first in the series, there is some world building that happens here. However, it is mixed into the story so well that it never really slows things down. It borrows a few fantasy tropes, but it mixes them up in such a way that it makes you forget where you might have seen them before. The characters have layers to them, and, while they feel developed for a first book in a new series, I suspect we will be seeing much more depth to them as the series progresses. The story moves forward quickly, and I never wanted to put it down. This is a little darker and has less humor than James Riley’s earlier series, but it isn’t really that dark. I’m intrigued by the threads left dangling at the end of this book and can’t wait to see where things go next. Pick this book up today so you won’t be left behind on this magical ride.

Bubblesreview (110 KP) rated Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde in Books

Mar 25, 2019 (Updated Mar 25, 2019)  
Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde
Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde
Robert Louis Stevenson | 2012 | Fiction & Poetry
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
▪ Unique story
▪ Short Story
▪ Extra short story at the back
▪ Boring start
▪ Constructed poorly
▪ Not much to offer if you know the plot twist (who doesn't right?)
Ok so for as long as I can remember I've always known the basis of the story of Jekyll and Hyde, particularly when someone would have a mood swing another would note that they're acting like Jekyll and Hyde, for example.
However, I've never actually read the story.
A quick read it was, less than 100 pages, it's the shortest story I've read yet. Considering the amount of tv/film recreations of this story I was shocked to find its so short and it's really not very descriptive on terms of Mr Hydes character in particular, which is what the author was aiming for.
If you already know the twist in this story then the book won't really get you revved up, I found it very dry and bland. I can however imagine that back in the 1880s this book would've been an incredible read and very different and creative.
I'm not going to conclude by saying this book was awful because it's far from it, it does have good parts.
The last chapter in particular, Henry Jekylls full statement, was the best part of this book, it's the only part that kept me intrigued, it's just getting there that's the problem.
Aside from the boring background story of the lawyer and the will, the actual story of Jekyll and Hyde and the way Jekyll comes about finding Hyde is actually something of a mind blowing creation, and very original.
This particular print had an extra short story afterwards, the bottle and the imp, now this story I did find intriguing, it captivated me. I found it similar to Aladdin with a magic lamp, but in a much shorter story and a magic bottle and an imp instead of a lamp and genie.
Heroscape Master Set: Rise of the Valkyrie
Heroscape Master Set: Rise of the Valkyrie
2004 | Adventure, Fantasy, Fighting, Miniatures, Science Fiction
The whole unique concepy of this game is awesome (0 more)
Its discontinued (0 more)
Build and Play all out war
This game has a very special place in my heart and I wish it started getting produced again. This review is not just for the base game by the Heroscape system as a whole. To me it is a lost treasure that I still pay premium prices to collect. Heroscape is primarily a combat game with a point based army building system. But even before that, the players build a battlefield using the interlocking and stacking hex terrain features, there are tiles of lava, water and ice, there are castle sets, bridges and even a marvel set to add marvel characters. I cannot paint a picture, but just google "epic heroscape map" to see amazing battlefields people have made. Alright, so gameplay mechanics. The combat system is dice based using shields and hits and line of sight and height of target it important, where you can take cover behind objects and creatures and also gain height advantage. There are interactions between characters that buff and debuff allies and enemies and interaction with terrain types. There were 3 master sets, a castle set, a bridge set, lava set, ice set, marvel character set and multiple character expansion packs. The miniatures are prepainted. Heroscape was bought by Wizards of the Coast where they released one master set with a Dungeons and Dragons Theme and one wave of D&D character expansions. It was then discontinued. In 2016 Wizards released Magic: Arena of the planeswalkers which recycled the Heroscape rule set, terrain molds and almost all mechanics, but under the completely different Magic the Gathering Branding and with a fraction of the terrain. Arena of the planeswalkers was also discontinued. The cheapest way to try out the mechanics of this game is Arena of the planeswalkers which should be able to be sourced used locally for about the $15 range.