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Awix (3310 KP) rated Hangar 18 (1980) in Movies

May 20, 2018 (Updated May 20, 2018)  
Hangar 18 (1980)
Hangar 18 (1980)
1980 | Drama, Mystery, Sci-Fi
5.7 (3 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Heroically low-budget, almost entirely inept pseudo-sci-fi from the makers of In Search of Noah's Ark and The Mysterious Monsters. There's less of a docu-drama vibe to this one but a definite proto-X-Files flavour as sinister government types cover up the crash-landing of a flying saucer, while fitting up two heroic, improbably-cast NASA astronauts for the death of a colleague in orbit. The cover-up is stupid and unconvincing; so are the astronaut characters; both are better than the special effects and props, which score highly on the crud-o-meter.

Main points of interest are as follows: Robert Vaughn as the slimy White House operator, who doesn't meet the rest of the main cast while giving a performance best-described as very Robert Vaughny. Darren McGavin comes as close as anyone to rescuing the movie as a sympathetic NASA director leading the investigation of the plastic UFO. (This is one of those movies with an almost wholly white male cast, so I expect it will be burnt at the stake in the not too distant future.)

The original ending, in which nearly everyone dies and the world is (probably) doomed by self-serving politicians, seems to have been lost to history, replaced by the one from the TV version, which is less downbeat but thoroughly pointless (so perhaps more appropriate for the movie). This isn't even fun junk, it's just witless stodge. Possibly of some value to cultural historians as a time capsule of fringe late-70s concerns, a waste of time for everyone else.
Storm Born (Dark Swan #1)
7.5 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
I'm a huge fan of Richelle Mead's Vampire Academy series, so I had to see what her adult books were like, and she did not disappoint. Eugenie Markham is a shaman, but unlike another shaman series I've read, she knows what she is doing and has been trained at it since she was a child by her step-father. What she never bothered to do in all that time, though, was question who her real dad was or how she could do the things she did - which I found a little unrealistic.
Her latest case forces her into entering the Otherworld for a longer-than-usual stay, which results in a few discoveries about herself, as well as some rather interesting situations with the fey, or gentry. She acquires a sort-of boyfriend in Kiyo, but I prefer her with Dorian, as he challenges her defenses and can match her in strength and abilities.
The prophecy means that just about everything male in the fey world wants to jump her bones, which gets old pretty fast. Rape is a traumatic experience for anyone, but the few close calls that Mead writes with Eugenie seemed to fall short of the mark. Eugenie's fear and defeat were there, but were understated.
On the flip side, I loved how Dorian was able to teach Eugenie about her powers, as well as play a very convenient trick on her at the end - Eugenie may not have liked it, but it was certainly better than the alternative. Now on to Thorn Queen!
Broken Wings
Broken Wings
Jia Pingwa | 2016
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Evening, I made my one hundred and seventy-eighth scratch on the cave wall.
Despite her humble rural beginnings, Butterfly regards herself as a sophisticated young woman. So, when offered a lucrative job in the city, she jumps at the chance.
But instead of being given work, she is trafficked and sold to Bright Black, a desperate man from a poor mountain village.
Trapped in Bright's cave home with her new "husband", she plans her escape… not so easily done in this isolated and remote village where she is watched day and night.
Will her tenacity and free spirit survive, or will she be broken?

China’s one child policy has resulted in a gender imbalance as more male children than female children were born; now young men are having difficulty finding wives. Apparently bride kidnapping has recently resurfaced in some parts of China. In many cases, women are kidnapped and sold to men in poorer regions of the country. This is what happens to Butterfly. In an afterword, the author mentions that her story is based on what happened to the daughter of a neighbour in his home village.
This was very interesting to read for me but did take some patience for me to get into though.
There's a great bunch of characters and a very strong young lady.
It is also heartbreaking to know that this story was inspired by a true account.
Recommend reading.

My thanks to ACA Publishing for an ARC via NetGalley. This is my own honest voluntary review.
Red Moon (Red Moon, #1)
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I don’t know what I was expecting going into this book, but it definitely wasn’t to be so impressed. I downloaded this novel on a whim but it was worth it. The reason I don’t give it 5 stars is because I wish the author had told us more about the world. Over the course of the novel, she gives us bits and pieces and it’s our job to put them together. However, I felt there was still much more she could elaborated on. For once, I actually wanted the author to write a couple paragraphs/pages discussing the history.

I can’t say I loved the characters, but, despite their faults, I still cared about them. I felt for the female lead even when I thought that the author may be pushing it with all the trails she put her through. I also appreciate the male lead. He seemed a bit slow on the uptake but we can’t expect the characters to just do what we know is best for them. Then there wouldn’t be a story. The side characters were also interesting. I found myself waiting for any progress on the female lead's sister and her love interest.

Overall, I thought it was a lovely story. I loved the world the author created and cared enough about the characters that I couldn’t put the book down until I finished it. I am very excited to read the continuation which features their son.
Kristen Ashley | 2017 | Romance
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
romance, angst, drama (0 more)
Good small town, law enforcement romance
Contains spoilers, click to show
Complicated is classic Kristen Ashley! Lots of alpha male action that you either love or hate at times, but ultimately love because he's our hero.

Hixon Drake and Greta Dare begin their story with misunderstanding and hurt feelings. After a night together, Hix brushes Greta off like a one night stand and drives off. Greta, a kind-hearted and generous soul, does not know how to hold a grudge, though, so when Hix gets another chance, she lets him in.

Both characters have issues: Hix is a newly single dad with a slightly unstable ex-wife. Greta is responsible for the care of her mentally disabled younger brother (made so by an accident caused by their self-involved mother.) Both have to overcome their hang-ups and interfering third parties in order to finally find their HEA.

Outside of family drama, Hix is the county sheriff investigating a murder in a town that hasn't had a homicide in decades. Greta finds herself attacked by a stalker, which leads her to seek Hix's help.

Ashley is well known in the romance world for crafting swoonworthy alpha heroes and kickass heroines. Complicated is one of her rare standalones, and is not connected to any of her other books.

I really, really LIKED this book, but I can't say that I LOVED it. I'm not sure if I can put my finger on why. I am a huge KA fan, and LOVE many of her books; most of which I've read more than once.
Defenseless (Somerton Security #1)
Defenseless (Somerton Security #1)
Elizabeth Dyer | 2017 | Romance, Thriller
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Defenseless (Somerton Security #1) by Elizabeth Dyer
Defenceless is the first book in the Somerton Security series, and we meet the guys and girls of that for the first time. Georgia is an ex-marine, hanging onto her job by her fingernails. She is not your 'typical' woman, and can't be doing with frou-frou, which doesn't help with the socialite crowd. When her boss, Ethan, offers her a job, she knows it's last chance saloon. What she didn't know was how Parker, super geek supreme, would affect her.

This was a great book to start the series with - it has pretty much everything you could want, plus a nice role reversal of male geek and female marine. There is action and suspense, along with a healthy dose of anticipation and sorrow. I think the only thing that stopped this being a 5-star review from me is Georgia herself. She is fantastic at supporting Parker and boosting his confidence, but her own is so low. This may sound harsh, but I got a little bit fed up of 'poor Georgia' and wanted her to kick ass like she had done so many times before.

With a great storyline, no editing or grammatical errors to be noticed, plus a smooth and flowing pace, this book was thoroughly enjoyable, and definitely recommended by me.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and my comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
The Last Showing (2014)
The Last Showing (2014)
2014 | International, Horror, Mystery
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Robert Englund (3 more)
Interesting premise
Self-referential, Feels like a homage to Wes craven
Creepy moments
Other characters are not particularly likeable (0 more)
Manipulative, suspenseful and an iconic horror actor!
Why are there only 2 people going to the cinema? I understand it's midnight but surely there would be more. A cinema wouldn't stay open just for 2 people right?

Not believable but I understand this is a low budget movie with a small cast. I went into this with low expectations and I have to say it was better than I expected.

It has now cemented the fear of going to the cinema of a night time so the movie did a good job with that.

Robert Englumd is incredible as this manipulative psychotic creep. He is sinister yet he brings so much depth to the role that you feel some kind of understanding as to why he's doing this. The other male lead was not that likeable. He was outsmarted time and time again and the female lead had little screen time sadly.
Premise is simple about a guy sick of the current cheesy horror movies about now, gets fired so decides to makes his own horror movie. I would really call this a horror though, more a suspenseful thriller. It was interesting to see the story play out through so much manipulation and planning by the sinister Stuart.

Full of suspense throughout but could have had more, it kind of lose me towards the end but I must say the ending was very satisfying.
Fighting for All (Soul Match #5)
Fighting for All (Soul Match #5)
Morticia Knight | 2018 | Erotica, LGBTQ+, Science Fiction/Fantasy
7.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
a fitting end!
This is book 5 in the series and you really should read the other four before this one. You will need what everyone has been through to get to this point. And because I said so?

Chris, Lasar and Nary arrive at the air base the rebellion is camped out at, with the Nall and his forces hot on his heels. Can they overcome the Nall and more importantly, the Void? The fate of the human race AND Alasharian people depend on it!

It's always sad to see the end of a series, particularly one I've enjoyed so much, but Ms Knight pulls a blinder with this one!!

All three triads have their time, both sexy and fighting the Void. Lasar suffers a terrible loss. Morgan and Rama are gravely injured. The Sha Sha Ar actually turns up for real too! And Chris fully embraces his destiny. I loved that there were some male/female pairings beginning here too, and that they were unexpected. I loved that the Sha Sha Ar changed the rules, so that not only Chris embraces his destiny, but Lasar and Nary too.

While it's obvious what the outcome of the battle is, it's HOW it's won that would be spoilers, and what the participants to to overcome the pull of the Void.

I can't say much else, or that would be spoilers, but know that love really does make the world go round, no matter what!!

Fabulous finale, thank you Ms Knight!!

5 stars

**same worded review will appear elsewhere*
The Doll Collection
The Doll Collection
Joanna Stephen-Ward | 2018 | Crime, Thriller
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Strangely entertaining
Once again, this is a love it or hate it book and, once again, I find myself saying that I was strangely entertained ... maybe that says more about me - should I be worried?!?

The main character in this book, Gloria, is a thoroughly despicable person. I can't even begin to tell you how much I disliked her BUT she is perfect for the story ... not only is she a thoroughly loathsome and abhorrent person, she is as mad as a box of frogs let me tell you; I am so pleased that I don't need a lodger or have her living next door to me!

The other characters are a bit "meh" to be honest; very few redeeming qualities amongst any of them, they are a little wooden and one-dimensional which was a little disappointing.

The story is quite unique; it was a refreshing change to have the female as the dominating character over the male and the writing flowed well and at a good pace. The dolls only feature a few times which was odd given the title of the book and although we did get a glimpse as to how and why Gloria started her collection, I don't think this was fleshed out enough.

Overall, although it's not perfect and everything wraps up rather too simplistically, this book is oddly enjoyable and that ending ... I didn't see that coming!

Thank you to the publisher, Bloodhound Books, via NetGalley for my advanced e-copy in return for an honest and unbiased review.
Behind the Door
Behind the Door
Mary SanGiovanni | 2018 | Horror
9.7 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
After seeing Behind the Door on NetGalley and noticing it was written by a female author I’d never read, I absolutely had to have it, and so I requested it. Horror is a largely male community, especially when it comes to those that write. A little background research showed me I’ve really been missing out with SanGiovanni so when my request was approved, I was joyous. Needless to say, Behind the Door is probably one of my favorite reads so far this year.

The characters in Behind the Door are dynamic, with varying flaws, backgrounds, and intricately interwoven stories–some of which are heartbreaking, others which are revolting. SanGiovanni has talent when it comes to fleshing out a wide array of individuals and even those I shouldn’t have felt sympathy for, I did. Rarely do I connect emotionally with characters in a book, so this was a welcome surprise.

Additionally, the plot flies along at a breakneck pace, making for a quick and easy read. It only took me a few sessions (despite my reading slump) to finish this suspense-ridden book. I loved the Lovecraftian theme of old gods and locked away horrors.

I really have nothing negative to say about this book. Everything was wrapped up nicely and I thoroughly enjoyed reading it–in fact, I look forward to the opportunity to read more of SanGiovanni’s work.

I’d like to thank NetGalley and the publisher for the opportunity to read this book for free in exchange for an honest review.