Mathematics Today
Education and Magazines & Newspapers
Mathematics Today is a pioneer magazine designed to cater to the needs of an IIT and engineering...

The Mathematics Of Attraction
Lifestyle and Health & Fitness
Take a mathematically perfect selfie. This app features a "Golden Ratio Mask" filter over your...

Quick Math: Mathematics Time Trial
Education and Games
Quick Math is a quick and fun way to learn mathematics easily. Now comes with 200 levels of...

PocketCAS Mathematics Toolkit
Education and Utilities
PocketCAS is the most advanced mathematics application for iPhone and iPad. It can help you with any...

Maths with Springbird HD - Mathematics
Education, Games and Stickers
"[My son] isn’t very confident when it comes to maths so often doesn’t try. Until now. I have...

Advance Mathematics (Multiple Choice Test)
Education and Reference
If you are looking to prepare yourself for competitive exams like ACT,SET etc you can test your...

A 123 Mathematics Game for Children! Learn addition of numbers for pre-school
Book and Games
* Learning game for children * Counting and calculating with the numbers up to 200 * Motivate kids...

2X Calculator - Scientific & Mathematical FREE
Utilities and Education
2D Calculator - Scientific & Mathematical brings to you the normal and scientific calculator! TELL...

GREG - A Mathematical Puzzle Game To Train Your Brain Skills
Games and Education
### • Apple Best New Games • #1 Puzzle Game App • “A puzzle game that will test your speed...

Rincón de Luca Matemáticas ABN
Education and Games
El rincón de Luca es una aplicación de matemáticas ABN pensada para que niños y niñas de entre...