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The Vegetarian: A Novel
The Vegetarian: A Novel
Deborah Smith, Han Kang | 2016 | Fiction & Poetry
8.3 (6 Ratings)
Book Rating
Incredibly creative and disturbing look at transformation
Han Kang is an absolute gem in terms of creative writing and The Vegetarian does not disappoint. It's difficult to explain without completely spoiling the plot but it consists of a woman becoming vegetarian and her subsequent 'transformation'.

The beautiful imagery and the graphic details about mental health is unique, and at times the insanity of the novel resembles Kafka's Metamorphosis. It is definitely in that league of magical realism.

Chris Hooker (419 KP) rated Wildsky in Books

Jun 30, 2018  
Magnolia Robbins | 2018 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
9.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
I really enjoyed the love story in this book but more importantly the messege about depression an mental health. The author dealt with these issues in a very thoughtful and caring manner. The love story shows how important having someone to confide in and care is to someone dealing with the demons in their own head. I would definately recommend this book. I think, besides being and enjoyable read, that it may be able to help some people.
Joker (2019)
Joker (2019)
2019 | Crime, Drama
A great Joker portrayal that isn't over egged. (0 more)
It takes a while to get into it. (0 more)
Interesting take on the Jokers past
Contains spoilers, click to show
Although not set in modern day, it could easily show the issues of right now. The way mental health is dealt with showing budget cuts and the lack of support leading to a crisis. The riots also show the unhappiness of many in the status quo. Great soundtrack that fits well with the cinematic experience.
Our Little Cruelties
Our Little Cruelties
Liz Nugent | 2020 | Thriller
6.7 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
Interesting (2 more)
Great characters
Creates emotion
Not a thriller (0 more)
Does a lot with little
This was not exactly as I perceived it, I thought it would be a thriller/crime fiction type story but it is not. However, that doesn't detract from how good it is.

The story is full of twists and turns, that slowly unwind the characters and explain why they are how they are, sort of. I think the characters are brilliant and the way they are described/actions they take just makes you hate them.

Overall its sad to think that families are like this and it was interesting to see the same events from different viewpoints. I liked that the time frames shifted but were still easy to follow, when I first realised this I was apprehensive as I often forget to read the chapter name as I'm too excited to crack on.

There could have been more delving into the many mental health issues in the book. I also didn't like the hinting towards mental health being hereditary.
Mad To Be Normal (2018)
Mad To Be Normal (2018)
2018 |
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Mental Health in the 60s
I’ll admit, whenever I see David Tennant’s name on a cast list I get excited. As a long time fan, I’ve watched him play a variety of roles brilliantly. So when I was given the opportunity to review Mad To Be Normal and I learned what the plot was, how could I refuse? Set in the 60s, the film follows Scottish psychiatrist R.D. Laing and his unconventional approach to mental health treatment, causing controversy within the psychiatry field.

Although I don’t know much about Laing, Tennant really shone in the central role and delivered a truly captivating character who was riddled with his own underlying issues. He’s a tricky one because sometimes you really sympathise and agree with him, but other times he’s so utterly frustrating. The film showed us many different sides to him, and created a well-rounded exploration of the man in question. He’s compassionate but also terribly naive, and that’s a dangerous combination indeed. Tennant is joined by Elisabeth Moss, Michael Gambon and Gabriel Byrne which is an excellent line up.

One of the best things about this film is the characters, because everyone does such an amazing job of portraying complex characters with equally as complex relationships. Moss plays student Angie who quickly becomes a love interest of Laing’s, and joins him in his work. Much like Laing, she is also well-rounded and has good traits and bad ones, the latter resulting in rather turbulent moments throughout the film.

I especially enjoyed the way mental health was portrayed by characters, as you could tell they were struggling and trying so hard to deal with their illnesses. It was dealt with respectfully and honestly, whilst still showing the risks of untreated mental health conditions. Gabriel Byrne in particular stands out in his portrayal of Jim, going from someone friendly and sentimental to someone violent and dangerous very quickly. It would have been good to learn more about each character and their individual backgrounds for context’s sake, replacing the unnecessary scenes with this. Nevertheless, the insight into mental health in this era was fascinating, particularly scenes involving the inhumane treatment known as electroshock therapy. It shows we have come a long way since then, but we still have a long way to go.

The stellar performances are accompanied with some great set design, which I imagine would provide some welcome nostalgia for those familiar with the era. I loved Laing’s quirky style both in his interior design, behaviour and clothing choices, making him stand out even more. He’s flamboyant in every sense of the word, but not always for the right reasons. For his time, Laing was clearly very open minded, caring and in favour of self-expression, further conflicting with the beliefs of wider society. Although open mindedness is a good thing, his goes too far which ultimately would lead to his eventual downfall.

Robert Mullan has done a great job bringing this important figure to life on screen, putting together a cast that perfectly delivered this story. Whilst I would have liked more context around both the patients and Laing himself, the film still delivered a powerful message in its 1 hour 45 minute run time. It’s definitely worth a watch.
Turtles All The Way Down
Turtles All The Way Down
John Green | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
8.4 (60 Ratings)
Book Rating
When I heard about Turtles All The Way Down being released, I didn’t know how I felt. It sounded like a book I would like, but at the same time it was by John Green and I had a strict policy to myself that I wouldn’t get it until it was in paperback and in the sale.

And I kinda stuck to that. I didn’t buy it for myself. I got it for Christmas because I decided that I actually quite wanted to read it and for once I could try and throw my prejudices away.

Aza and her best friend Daisy decide to try and find out where a missing billionaire has gone. This billionaire is coincidentally Aza’s childhood best friend’s father, and the reward for finding him is $100,000.

Aza struggles with mental health illnesses throughout the book, and the book includes narratives between Ava and her thoughts which perfectly show how mental health effects people and what it actually feels like to not be in control of your thoughts. It also shows how your mental health affects people around you, even if it’s a bit brutal when it comes to that.

I love that Daisy is constantly writing fanfics throughout the novel and found her whole attitude entertaining. She’s the typical fictional best friend and is so lovable despite her flaws. She’s one of those characters who is impossible to hate.

I’m a convert. I love John Green now and I may go and try his other books again because Turtles All The Way Down is one of my top books of 2017.
Fight Club (1999)
Fight Club (1999)
1999 | Thriller
I am Jack's liver...a mind-blowing look at a consumer-led society and mental health
This is a horror movie in the sense that it feels like a modern-day psycho. David Fincher's savage film is visionary and disturbing. It reveals angry and diffidently witty ideas about contemporary manhood. It builds a huge, phantasmagorical structure around the search for lost masculine authority, and attempts to psycho-analyse an entire society in the process. Fabulous twist at the end. An excellent adaptation of Chuck Palahniuk's book.
Slaughterhouse 5: The Children's Crusade - A Duty-dance with Death
Slaughterhouse 5: The Children's Crusade - A Duty-dance with Death
Kurt Vonnegut | 2011 | Fiction & Poetry
8.1 (27 Ratings)
Book Rating
Bizarre but brings up important themes
Kurt Vonnegut's renowned novel focuses on the destruction of war, the long term mental health issues at the same time how death is trivialized throughout.

Or so it goes.

It borders on ludicrous at the same time reveals the fragmentation of the mind after such trauma. It is unclear how much of the narrator's account is fact or fantasy.

While I'm usually drawn to these themes, the general oddness may have been a step too far without background explanation.
The Inner Palette
The Inner Palette
Daniel Sotero | 2019 | Children
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Careful and considered approach to aid in children’s mental health
We are constantly being told that mental health is a common occurrence for school age children and worryingly this is becoming an increasing issue for those at Primary age.

When Daniel approached me and asked if I would review his book, I was all ready to say no, not because I wasn’t interested, but more because I would not usually review books for Primary ages as my children are now adults and thankfully haven’t made me a grandmother yet! I am really not ready to be called Grandma, Nan or Nanna!

However, out of consideration to Daniel, I took a look at the synopsis and realised that the subject matter of his book resonated with me as one of my children has had and continues to have mental health issues of varying degrees although thankfully not to a detrimental effect.

This was honestly a beautiful little story and an equally beautifully illustrated book. Daniel takes a very careful and considered approach to explaining to children how to cope when our minds are drowned out by bad thoughts and feelings.
One could argue that this same approach could be used in equal measures for adults too, as lets face it we all struggle mentally at some point.

My only criticism is that I thought there were some lengthy words for the very young but that is counterbalanced by the illustrations and it is a book that you would read together as a family to aid in opening honest discussions so if necessary, a parent, guardian or carer could use easier words in place of, to avoid having to explain the meaning.

I would definitely recommend this to anyone with children, grandchildren, nieces or nephews and to anyone who works with children.
The Cat Lady
The Cat Lady
2012 | Action/Adventure, Puzzle & Cards
Superb Artwork (5 more)
Brilliant soundtrack
Dark, gory and surreal
Interesting puzzle work
Multiple endings
Steam card and achievements
Not enough user interaction sometimes (1 more)
May not be suitable for those in vulnerable mental health states
A dark, twisted journey into mental illness
The Cat Lady really surprised me. The dark, almost minimal, graphics styles led me to believe this wasn't going to be much of a horror game but how wrong I was. This game has a way of sucking you in and chewing you up, then spitting you out as a glob of emotionally affected goop.

The story follows a female protagonist, Susan Ashworth. She's alone and on the verge of suicide, constantly questioning the worth of her existence. After a significant event, she meets an odd woman who sets her on a journey to meet 5 very dark people who may change her outlook on life....for better or worse. Who can she trust, if anyone at all?

I would recommend that if you suffer from mental illness, suicidal thoughts or if you have issues with emotional triggers then you either don't play this or you play with others (unless you know you're in a good place). While the game IS a basic point and click, it still deals with a LOT of mental health issues; some of the scenes were hard even for me, and I consider myself in a good place mentally right now.

Overall I was seriously impressed with this game, it took me 11 hrs to play but that was including distractions and just leaving the game sitting while I did things, so I maybe got about 8 hrs of straight play. Indie horror point and clicks are so rare and this one is an example for the entire genre.