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Yes, Forever (Yes, Forever #1-5)
Yes, Forever (Yes, Forever #1-5)
Bailey Bradford | 2016 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This is the story of John and Benji. John suffers from a mental illness, a chemical imbalance which causes depression. Benji has just moved in with his granddad due to his previous relationship breaking down. These two have instant chemistry but have their own road bumps to sort out before things smooth out.

This is a story with many parts - you not only have John with his depression, but you also have Benji with his own issues, plus John's best friend Henry with his. You also have families thrown into the mix, the issue of having sex without protection, and a 'gay' church.

I found it difficult to find any empathy with either of the main characters. I would lean more towards John as I have also suffered from depression and can understand his feelings. Benji didn't come across quite as Bailey Bradford wanted him to I think. I'm glad these two are together, but they didn't 'grab' me like other characters of hers have.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Apr 16, 2016

Hadley (567 KP) rated The Other Mrs. in Books

Apr 4, 2020  
The Other Mrs.
The Other Mrs.
Mary Kubica | 2020 | Thriller
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Mental illness done correctly (1 more)
Written like a YA novel (0 more)
Mental illness.

I've read a lot of horror books that cover this subject, watched horror movies covering this subject, listened to music covering this subject, but none of them have covered mental illness as well and correctly as Mary Kubica's "The Other Mrs.."

So, with that said, if you have any type of PTSD, this book may be hard for you to read. Otherwise, this novel is very addicting, filled with so many twists and turns that you won't be able to set it down for long. For me, someone who deals with C-PTSD, 'The Other Mrs.' by Mary Kubica has been a heartache to read, but also very fulfilling to finish.

Kubica is known for her best-selling novel 'the Good Girl' - - - a thriller following a mother and a detective in search of the the former's missing daughter that leads them down a twisted tale of family secrets. From highly acclaimed critics, 'the Other Mrs.' has out-done 'the Good Girl' as Kubica's best novel so far. Kubica sticks with her psychological thriller writing that she is known for in this newest novel. She keeps the reader guessing at what will happen next, and she plays out mental illnesses in a way that most who suffer can relate while winding in a mystery well enough that the reader won't be able to guess everything before the ending.

I can't give such a heavy review on this book because, to do so, would give away a lot of the ending, so I'll stick to talking about noteworthy characters that make up the novel. The main character is a woman named Sadie, whose family is being uprooted from Chicago and moved to a small island in Maine after her husband's sister dies, which leaves them with not only a house in the will, but a sixteen-year-old niece named Imogen.

Sadie is already a mother of two sons, both younger than sixteen, when she suddenly finds herself in-charge of the stereo-typical edgy teenager, Imogen. Sadie describes her the first time she sees Imogen: " But there she stands, a morose figure dressed in black. Black jeans, a black shirt, bare feet. Her hair is black, long with bangs that slant sideways across her face. Her eyes are outlined in a thick slash of black eyeliner. Everything black, aside from the white lettering on her shirt, which reads, I want to die. The septum of her nose is pierced. Her skin, in contrast to everything else, is white, pallid, ghostlike. She's thin. "

Early one morning when Sadie is heading off to work, she finds a word spelled on her car window. The word reads: "Die." Sadie, as most readers, quickly assumes that Imogen is responsibly for this, as she tries to explain: "I've tried to be understanding because of how awful the situation must be for her. Her life has been upended. She lost her mother and now must share her home with people she doesn't know. But that doesn't justify threatening me. Because Imogen doesn't mince words. She means just what she said. She wants me to die."

The next character that makes up a big part of this story is a confident, self-centered woman, whose name is Camille,and is also the 'other woman' in this story. Camille is a woman who gets what and who she wants, and won't let anyone get in her way, including Sadie, whose husband is someone Camille wants. I can't go much into the things that Camille's character does because it would give away a lot of the surprises in this novel - - - I can say though that there is murder and mystery throughout; the book will leave most readers guessing until the very end.

One other character who deserves mentioning is a little girl- - - with the nickname 'Mouse' - - - who finds herself suddenly dealing with a horrific stepmother, who abuses her physically and mentally unbeknownst to Mouse's father. One time, in which Mouse shows how smart she is to her the stepmother while being in front of her father (who Mouse likes to call 'Fake Mom'), later that night, when Mouse's father isn't looking, Fake Mom lets Mouse know how she felt about that:

" But later that night, when he father wasn't looking, Fake Mom got down into Mouse's face and told her if she ever made her look stupid again in front of her father, there would be hell to pay. Fake Mom's face got all red. She bared her teeth like a dog does when it's mad. A vein stuck out of her forehead. It throbbed. Fake Mom spit when she spoke, like she was so mad she couldn't stop herself from spitting. Like she was spitting mad. She spit on Mouse's face but Mouse didn't dare raise a hand to wipe it away."

Mental and physical abuse make up all that The Other Mrs. is about. So far, this is the best story I have read in a long time. My only problem with it is it's written like a YA novel, where it seems Kubica tried to keep that from happening by throwing in some heavy syllable words to make it more fitting for adults. But, luckily, she left out most of the wishy-washy elements that make up YA novels, so I believe most adults will enjoy this. I highly recommend this book to people who love murder mysteries!
Girl in Pieces
Girl in Pieces
Kathleen Glasgow | 2017 | Children
9.0 (6 Ratings)
Book Rating
Very Raw (2 more)
Great cast of characters
Beautifully written
Pacing slow in some places (0 more)
A Dark Gritty Read
When I read the synopsis of Girl in Pieces by Kathleen Glasgow, I knew it was a book I had to read. I'm a big fan of books that deal with mental illness. I just love how raw they can be. Luckily, Girl in Pieces did not disappoint.

The plot for Girl in Pieces is so raw yet it is beautifully written. The story starts out with Charlie at Creeley, a mental hospital because she's a cutter, and the last time she cut, she cut pretty bad. At first, she is a selective mute, but eventually, she starts talking again. We learn that Charlie's had a pretty bad life. She's been homeless, assaulted, pretty much lost her best friend, had a horrible home life and other things. When the money for her stay at Creeley runs out, Charlie is thrust back into the real world much earlier than expected. She's left to fend for herself. She moves out to Arizona to be with her friend and crush, but things don't turn out as planned. Charlie must learn to survive and heal on her own or risk losing herself once again. Girl in Pieces felt so relatable and so true to life, like it could happen to anyone at any time.

The characters in Girl in Pieces all felt very real and exposed. They were written perfectly and felt like people I know and have known. It was interesting and eye opening to experience Charlie's journey every step of the way from the highs and the lows. There were so many times I wanted to be Charlie's friend so I could support her and let her know when she was making a mistake. I wanted to be there for her after the mistakes had been made and let her know that every day is a new chance to start over. I loved Blue and her joking attitude. Riley was an interesting character. I wanted him to turn out good. I wanted him to get better for Charlie and for himself. Linus was also a very amazing character. I also loved how real Julie was. Every single character in this book played a great part in Charlie's life, and I loved how well written each and every one of them was.

The pacing for Girl in Pieces starts out really strong which I enjoyed. It does slow down a bit after Charlie gets out of the hospital, but it's still flows along at a good pace. There are a few places where the book does get a bit too slow, but it quickly picks up not too much later.

Girl in Pieces is a very raw, gritty, and dark book, so there are a lot of triggers. The whole book could be a possible trigger. Triggers include self harm, self mutilation, cutting, drug use, underage drinking, drinking, death, suicide, violence, physical abuse, emotional abuse, mental illness, dark thoughts, profanity, and sexual acts and references.

Overall, Girl in Pieces is a great read. It's very dark, but it is real and written so well with fantastic characters. I would definitely recommend Girl in Pieces to those aged 16+ who love a dark gritty read.
Under Rose-Tainted Skies
Under Rose-Tainted Skies
Louise Gornall | 2016 | Children
8.3 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
If you want an accurate representation of what it's like to live with mental health issues, read this book. Please.

Going into this book I was worried about two things:
1. Is this a story of a boy magically curing a girl?
2. Will the representation of mental illness be good/accurate/consistent, or will it just show up every couple of chapters to move the story along?

Rest assured, it is neither of those negative things.
The struggles of mental illness are on every single page. And they aren't underplayed. They aren't made to be cute and quirky. Norah bites her hand, scratches until she bleeds, curls up into herself, has horrible panic attacks and so much more. I cannot express how important it is for these things to be shown. They aren't exactly fun or easy to read, but neither is experiencing those things first hand.
It's so important to see this type of representation in media, it doesn't make everything better, but it helps make a person feel less alone, so a huge thank you to Louise Gornall for sharing her experiences and her brain-child with the world.

The relationship was so sweet, what a great fella that Luke is. He doesn't magically cure her, he doesn't pull her out of her house and take her to a crowded venue to experience what life is. He is understanding, and when he doesn't understand he puts the effort in to fix that. He's just such a great guy and I want me someone like that in my life. Someone who won't push, but who won't let you burrow into yourself either.

Whilst being a quick read, it was far from being an easy read. As someone with mental health problems, I related heavily to many of the moments in the books, and that was difficult. It makes you view the way you think and behave from a different perspective. When I'm doing or saying or thinking something self-destructive, I feel like I deserve it. But seeing someone else go through maybe not the same, but similar things... it really makes you look at yourself and forces you to reevaluate your actions. It's not a cure, but it makes you think, and sometimes that's a much-needed thing.

There is a self-harm scene that's difficult to read, not because Gornall makes it this bloody disgusting mess, but because she takes you through the thought process. Before it happens, while it's happening, immediately after it happens and then a minute or so after. It's rough to read, but again, very important for it to be represented in a way like that. I've never read another book that deals with self-harm like that. Even more so, the book goes into how self-harming takes many forms, it's not just cutting. It's digging nails until your flesh breaks, not eating, peeling back your cuticles. Again, it's a lot.

As heavy as this book can be, it's also one that'll make you smile. Not just for the witty lines such as:

"Beyond the fire and brimstone, everyone has their own idea of hell. Shopping, doing Common Core math, fish-nibbling-at-your-feet spa treatments, or having to spend an eternity surrounded by people who click pens"


"It means we take all our clothes off, and he turns into a koala, clinging to me like a tree while we watch TV."

As much as I love seeing someone bash Common Core and make sex jokes with their mom, that's not the only reason why I was smiling throughout this book. It was impossible to not feel a connection towards Norah. She is just a character that you will find yourself constantly rooting for. With every small achievement she made, I couldn't help but smile. It was like watching your best friend stress and worry about something for weeks just to see them finally do the thing and see how okay they are, how happy they are. That's how this book made me feel towards Norah. That odd sense of pride.

Really the only thing that bothered me from time to time was that the authors British showed, such as the way characters would speak or the words used that aren't commonly used in America, as the story takes place in California. Also, the pacing was a bit weird to me, but not so much so that I couldn't enjoy the book.

Seriously, if you want a book that deals with mental health in an accurate way, read this. Of course, everyone experiences things differently and all that, but this is seriously one of the most realistic portrayals in YA that I've read.

Hazel (1853 KP) rated White Petals in Books

Dec 17, 2018  
White Petals
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
<i>I received this book for free through Goodreads First Reads.</i>

First her father died, then her Nana, and to top it all off her mother has been placed in a psychiatric hospital. Life for Emmeline Rose has not been easy but the unfortunate circumstances are going to lead her to the discovery of a secret gift. In this young adult novel, <i>White Petals</i>, Maria Grace creates a heartwarming tale of grief, friendship and fantasy.

Fourteen-year-old Em has been placed in a children’s home whilst her mother recovers from a psychotic breakdown. Here she begins to make friends with some of the other children, however she finds herself being bullied at school. Yet, what she cannot understand is why she gets a painful ringing in her ears whenever the school bully is around. But when her mother starts explaining mind-boggling things about their family, things start to make more sense.

The novel is a first person narrative therefore everything is shown from Em’s point of view. This, however, results in the story sounding like a young teenager has written it, which can be rather annoying. On the other hand, this aspect helps relate to the intended target audience.

The biggest issue with <i>White Petals</i> is the way mental illness is described. Phrases such as “off her tree”, “crazy”, “psycho” and “nutter” are frequently used throughout the narrative. Mental health stigma is a growing problem that many charities and organizations are challenging. Although many teenagers may genuinely think this way due to a lack of understanding, there is no attempt in this book to contradict these beliefs and educate the reader.

Overall I personally do not think this book is anything special, however many teenagers may enjoy the humour some of the characters bring to the story. Each chapter is headed by illustrations that were the result of a competition held in Wales for eleven to eighteen year olds. Despite certain misgivings, the story was still interesting to read.

Lindsay (1706 KP) rated Life Long in Books

Sep 17, 2017  
Life Long
Life Long
Ronald L. Ruiz | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Life Long is a great book. It takes you into a young boy mind and what he goes through in his life. The boy or young man as a cousin and seem that he may be a bad influence on Ray. What will happen to make you wonder if this cousin Billy?
Ray Lopez is on the run from the cops and men that work with his cousin Billy Cisneros. Ray Lopez (Aka: Jimmy Ramirez), has a mental illness that he hears voices and also gets auditory hallucinations. He on runs and he convinced that cops are after him and his duffel bag of clothes and bags of money.
Ritz does a wonderful job of putting the story together. The plot is really rich filled with details and description. You learn about bus terminals and bus stations around that time. Ray makes friends with a bus passenger who suggest that go to Mexico which should mean safety. He must go to Nuevo Laredo to get to Mexico. He meets a street whiz kid named Joey. Ray so panic that he needs his pills and this prescription refilled. Will Ray know who to Trust or lean who will harm him? You will need to read to find out how Ray gets along in life and if he makes it or not.

Dean (6925 KP) rated Joker (2019) in Movies

Oct 10, 2019 (Updated Oct 10, 2019)  
Joker (2019)
Joker (2019)
2019 | Crime, Drama
Joaquin Phoenix (2 more)
Great cinematography
A realistic origin story
Send in the Clowns
I've been looking forward to this since seeing the Trailers a while ago. Also the fact that it appears to be a dark, gritty more realistic origin story. Looking and feeling more like a film set in our society, rather than Gotham city. There are enough hints and elements to the film to give it the DC universe setting. It was nice to see these touches in the film.
This film won't be for everyone. It is a slow burner, character driven piece with little action to speak of. It does showcase Joaquin Phoenix talents though in a performance that must make him the favourite for the Best Actor Oscar. It's a dark film, showing his descent into madness, not coping with his mental illness with a bleak look at his past as well. Set against a backdrop of civil unrest in the city. There are obvious comparisons with @Taxi Driver (1976) which had similar themes. It's also quite violent in places but I think compared to many other films it's no worse than you would expect.
Overall I think this could be a modern classic and definitely deserves high praise for the cinematography, which is very artistically shot and the acting. It's Phoenix's portrayal of Joker that this film will be remembered for.
Burying the Honeysuckle Girls
Burying the Honeysuckle Girls
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Althea Bell returns home after (another) stint in rehab to find her father further stricken by Alzheimer's and her older brother--who is running for political office--fully entrenched in the seat of power in the family. Wynn doesn't want Althea and her sketchy past to ruin his chances at political fame and fortune. Even worse, Althea is shocked when she learns that the women in her family have a history of mental illness, which seems to come on around age 30--and Althea is just a few weeks away from her own birthday. Althea's mother passed away at that age, and Althea is determined to discover what happened to her. But doing so will dredge up family secrets that it seems Wynn wants hidden--and he'll do anything to keep Althea from shaming the family name

This won't be a very long review, because I listened to this book on audiobook (technically the audio that comes with my Kindle Unlimited subscription), and I couldn't take any notes or do any highlighting as I listened, as I was in the car. But I do want to point out that this is the *first ever* audiobook that I've ever listened to from start to finish! I'm not very good with verbal listening--even in college lectures, I had to take copious notes to retain the information, and I could just never keep up with audiobooks: my brain always wandered off. But I was commuting a lot for work and gave this one a try. It stuck!

This book felt a little slow in places, but now I'll never know if it was because it was an audiobook or what. I felt bad for Althea, who really seems to have received a bum rap: mother dies when she's a kid, a pretty awful brother, drug addiction, and more. She's a rather compelling narrator, and her family's backstory is interesting. The whole "I'm going to go crazy when I'm 30" thing seemed a little overblown and histrionic at times--seriously, you can't truly think the moment you turn 30, everything changes. But, I still found myself caught up in Althea's story, and I really loved hearing about her grandmother and her own struggles in the '30s. There were pieces of this book that were really touching and heartbreaking and the last half, especially, really got to me.

Overall, it was fun to explore an audiobook. It sure made my two-hour (each way) commute more palatable, and I found myself fascinated that one-person could do the voices of so many people. I found this story pretty compelling and liked the fact that it spanned several generations. The points it made about mental illness--especially the way women were treated in the past (and even now, really)--were very illuminating and well-done. 3.5 stars.
Too Close: A new kind of thriller that will leave you breathless
Too Close: A new kind of thriller that will leave you breathless
Natalie Daniels | 2018 | Fiction & Poetry, Thriller
9.3 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
How close is too close?
Connie and Ness met in the park while their children played. As they talked, they realised they were neighbours. Perhaps it was only natural that they and their families would become entirely inseparable.
But when Ness’s marriage ends in a bitter divorce, she is suddenly at Connie’s house all the time. Connie doesn’t have a moment to herself, no time alone with her husband, not a second to chat to her kids.
It’s all too much. Something has to give.
Connie has woken up in a psychiatric hospital. They say she committed a terrible crime but she says she can’t remember a thing.

This novel is gripping and absorbing that you won't be able to put this down. I found the pace just right and the dark story well told .
I found myself crying with some of the parts and in others laughing out loud at some of the things said. There are so many emotions covered in this story including mental illness.
I loved the characters development, the plot of the story and oh my that surprising ending you don't see coming.
I don't want to say anymore as I don't want to spoil it for anyone!

I received this debut novel via NetGalley in return for an honest review but I still turned around an purchased this as I truly am astounded with this novel.

Sassy Brit (97 KP) rated Finding Eva in Books

Jun 5, 2019  
Finding Eva
Finding Eva
J.A. Baker | 2019
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Finding Eva is a cleverly written story about one woman’s search for her birth parents and the trouble it stirs up among others.

In this thrilling psychological tale of friends and family connections, told by J.A. Baker, we discover there’s much more to Eva’s relationship with both her best friend Celia and her recently dumped boyfriend Gareth than we are first lead to believe. But who’s the liar and just what secrets have they been keeping?

Gareth can’t get Eva out of his mind. He want’s to track her down and make her pay for ruining his life. But what has she done to him?

Celia only wants to make sure Eva’s safe, but when Eva ups and leaves without telling her, she makes it her business to find out what is going on. She wants answers and will do anything to get them. But in order to do this she must find Eva first.

I loved the ‘family drama’ theme which plays on how some secrets should stay dead and buried, but once unearthed there can be no going back. With Finding Eva we delve into tricky topics such as mental illness, fraught childhoods and that feeling of not quite fitting in with society. We also uncover the secrets of a feisty heroine who’s more than a match for her adversaries. A fun read with a wicked twist at the end!