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Two Sisters
Two Sisters
Kerry Wilkinson | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry, Mystery, Thriller
8.7 (6 Ratings)
Book Rating
Such a great Read
Two Sisters By Kerry Wilkinson is well worth a read.
I would describe this as a psychological mystery but with the added bonus of it dipping its toe into the waters of mental illness and addiction to.
To summarise we have two sisters Megan and Chloe who after the death of their parents in a road accident, journey back to their parents holiday cottage in Whitecliff to stay, supposedly to sort out their affairs and get the cottage in order.
But for Megan, there are different reasons for her return she has received a postcard with the letter Z spelt on it.
years ago the girls older brother Zak went missing at Whitecliff his body never found, Megan the oldest sister is determined to figure out the truth of what has happened to her brother and she will bulldoze down whoever gets in her way.
Now the sisters are an interesting pair, having spent their time at different boarding schools growing up, these two are like chalk and cheese.
We have Chloe the younger of the two nearly seventeen a bit shy, but friendly and open, Chloe doesn't like to rock the waters and I get the impression she's a bit of a people pleaser. She's also a fabulous artist, A vegan and looks like her mother.
Now Megan, by contrast, is the exact polar opposite of her younger sister, she's prickly, bad tempered, goes out of her way to cause strife and shock in people.
there's a lot of deep-seated issues that are girl needs to get a handle on she is addicted to prescription drugs which she acquires through dubious means and as if that's not enough she is also suffering from an eating disorder, which her sister pretends to turn a blind eye too.
So as you can see there is an awful lot going on here.
As the story progresses truths that people want buried come to light, Megan puts herself and sister in extreme danger and some people are so not what they seem in Whitecliff.
Two sisters was definitely a page turner with a flowing easy storyline that sucked you in from the start. I especially appreciated Megan's issues, this added a whole extra layer to the storyline enriching it greatly. Eating disorders are a subject close to my heart, so it was fascinating to kind of get into the mindset of an individual suffering from this type of mental illness. The addiction storyline was also an extremely fascinating issue, we often see drug taking in novels but prescription drug addiction, even know so prevalent, is not explored so frequently in fiction.
But I have to say my favourite aspect of Two Sisters was seeing the two girls connect together after being virtual strangers growing up, now that was really charming indeed.
So, in conclusion, I found this a Fabulous book and I would definitely recommend this to other readers.
Thank you to the publisher and NetGalley for providing me with a free advance reader copy of Two Sisters by Kerry Wilkinson. This is my own unbiased opinion of this novel.

Arc Reviewed By BeckieBookworm
The Charm Offensive
The Charm Offensive
Alison Cochrun | 2021 | Humor & Comedy, LGBTQ+, Romance
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
A delightful reality show romantic comedy
Dev Deshpande works on the set of Ever After, a reality dating show he's loved since he was a kid. He truly believes in the show's premise of happily ever after, even as his own six-year-relationship with Ryan, a co-worker, ends. Then the show casts Charles Winshaw, a handsome millionaire tech genius as their next prince. Charlie has only agreed to come on the show to fix his awkward image, which has made it impossible for him to get another job in tech. He's terrible in front of the cameras and even worse with the women he's supposed to woo. Dev is assigned as his handler, a last ditch attempt to save Ever After. As he works to get Charlie to open up, the two connect, and realize that their chemistry is far better than anything Charlie has with his potential love interests. But Ever After demands a fairy tale ending--what does that mean for Charlie and Dev?

"And maybe then Dev will forget that in his own life, happily ever afters are never guaranteed."

This is a truly lovely book, with a great romance filled with crackling tension combined with excellent points about mental illness and being loved unconditionally (or not, as the case may be). I fell head over heels in love with both Charlie and Dev--they are wonderful characters, whom you grow attached to easily.

Dev truly believes in the romance of the show when no one else does--including his ex, Ryan, and Charlie. Yet sweet Dev does not feel worthy of the love he so fervently believes in and can only offer up what he terms "Fun Dev," a light, easygoing version of his personality that does not reflect his true self. Meanwhile Charlie struggles with OCD and anxiety. He has never been in a serious relationship or given himself a true chance to explore whom he likes. The two feel so real and are so well-written: they just fly off the pages. I don't watch the Bachelor and other type shows, but if you do, I'm sure you'll love this book. Even if you don't though, there's so much to enjoy in the dynamics of the story and the examination of the pros and cons of reality shows--a look at how they treat women, racism, sexuality, and more.

"Then again, it turns out Charles Winshaw is no one's definition of a Prince Charming, no matter how much he might look the part."

Cochrun writes and describes anxiety so well and truly mental illness as a whole. It's treated seriously and given the respect it deserves. There is so much great representation in this book, include ace. And while it covers serious issues, at heart, this is a romance, and oh, it's so cute! There's so much steamy, sexual tension between Charlie and Dev. So many hot scenes, so much love and wondering and flirting... they are adorable together! This book made me smile and laugh and cry; it's so wonderful written and just bursting with goodness.

I do think Charlie probably could have gotten a new job in tech without going on a reality show, but oh well. Overall, this is such an excellent read. It's a wonderful blend of serious and fun and flirty and a great exploration into love and what happily ever after really means.
When We Collided
When We Collided
Emery Lord | 2016 | Contemporary, Fiction & Poetry, Romance
8.0 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
* I received a copy of this book from Netgalley and the publishers in exchange for an honest review*

Vivi arrives at Verona Cove for the summer holidays with her mum, after a few days of being in this little town she manages to snag herself a cushy little job in a pottery shop. Vivi is an extrovert, she will speak to anyone and everyone wants to be around her, she has this infectious personality and she certainly makes no exceptions when Jonah walks into the shop with his little sister. Jonah is 17 and a permanent resident at Verona Cove, however his life has been tipped upside down in the last 6 months and has become a responsible guardian to his three younger siblings while his mother is suffering from depression. Vivi and Jonah start hanging out together and become more than just friends. Vivi shows Jonah how to live like a teenager again with her wild antics and enthusiasm for life, however Jonah knows that Vivi has suffered, he has seen the scars.

This book was ok, I had problems with it though. I didn’t like Vivi whatsoever she was too flouncy, her personality was too much and the crap she came out with, such as Jonah used to be a pirate in his past life just had me rolling my eyes. There is also a serious case of insta – love in this book, as soon as Vivi sets eyes on Jonah she has to have him! urgh! There was no build up or tension between the two of them and the romance seemed a little forced and too heavy on Vivi’s side.

The mental health issues in this book were depicted really well, you could definitely tell through Vivi’s character that she was suffering and it was told in such an honest and respectful way. Even when Jonah is trying to come to terms that his mother is suffering from Depression or Ellie when she talks about her brothers stay in the psychiatric ward and recovery.

Jonah is one of six children in his household, for the past 6 months him and his two older siblings have been looking after ‘the littles’ (his 3 younger siblings) whilst his mother is battling depression. He is also trying to work his shifts at the restaurant and continue his dad’s legacy. He has no time to be a teenager, like playing baseball or worrying about homework. I love that he is a foodie, I want him to cook for me everyday as the food sounded divine.

When we collided is told in dual POV alternating from Vivi and Jonah, I would have like some other point of views in this like Vivi’s mum and Jonah’s siblings. The writing was good and even poetic in some parts. I think this book was a really good for people wanting to read about mental illness but I feel the romance wasn’t really necessary.

I recommend this book if you are interested in YA with mental health.

Overall I rated this 3 out of 5 stars
Christine (2016)
Christine (2016)
2016 | Drama
Not an easy film to watch, but it should make you uncomfortable
Contains spoilers, click to show
Christine Chubbuck is a name that most people have never heard of, although her demise by her own hand was the supposed inspiration for the 1970s film Network, although that was a comedy. Anyway, she was a smart young journalist for a small local television station in Sarasota, Florida, in the early 1970s, struggling with trying to make a name for herself and the "if it bleeds, it leads" style of reportage that was starting to become de rigueur back then. She also struggled with depression and probably bipolar or borderline personality disorder, as well.

Christine tried to hang with the new style and offered to do a piece for the station on suicide. She spoke with police officers and interviewed them on what would be the best way. Ten days prior to her death, she purchased a gun. When asked why, she said to a co-worker, "Well, I had this wild idea that I would blow myself away on the air." Everyone thought she was making a crass joke, but about a week later, that is exactly what she did.

This movie details Christine's spiral downward into the morass of mental illness, exacerbated by the pressures of being female in a male-dominated world. It is fascinating and uncomfortable, not to mention heartbreaking. Rebecca Hall completely dissolves into the character of Christine and does a fantastic job of making you relate to this woman who just wanted people to like her and tell her that she was doing a good job.
Too Close: A new kind of thriller that will leave you breathless
Too Close: A new kind of thriller that will leave you breathless
Natalie Daniels | 2018 | Fiction & Poetry, Thriller
9.3 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
I love thrillers. I chose this one because I thought it would start out all light-hearted, heart-warming and fluffy. And it was a tale that included friendship, but the friendship the book is really about is not the one you’d expect.

After the prologue, Connie wakes up in a mental illness institution, and her dissociative amnesia means she has no idea why she has such deep cuts in her wrists, or why she has clumps of hair missing from her head. She is visited by only one family member and the reader is left wondering why.

As the book progresses, you learn about Connie’s friend Vanessa, and how she gently edged her way in to the life of Connie and her family. A friendship and closeness that led to Connie’s ruin.

Throughout the book, Connie is completely disinhibited. Connie’s therapist is Dr Emma Robinson, and Connie meets her with wise-cracking wit and banter. The press is against Connie, but Dr Robinson is quite taken with her, seeing her strength and her despair. A friendship forms.

There is an unexpected twist in the tale about the halfway mark, and another twist at about the three-quarter (no spoilers!)

By the end of the book, Dr Robinson uses hypnotherapy and Connie has a break-through. Dr Robinson succeeds in her work, and the events of that fateful night are unabashedly told.

Connie does not recover though, and in her letters to Dr Robinson, Connie reveals that the crux of the matter was never friendship after all, but something else entirely (no spoilers!)

I was very entertained by this book and found the ending thought provoking.
Highly Illogical Behavior
Highly Illogical Behavior
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This is only a short book, but there is a huge story between these pages. I personally found this book amazing because I related so much to one character, Solomon, due to my own personal experiences with mental illness. (Hah! You'll get that reference if you read the book.) But I still think that anyone will enjoy this book, and gain a deeper understanding of the mental health issues that are discussed.

Lisa seeks out Solomon, the "crazy" kid who jumped into a fountain three years ago, in hopes of writing a scholarship-winning essay on him. Solomon hasn't left the house in three years. Not even to go in his own back garden. Every time he tries to, or even thinks about it, he has severe panic attacks. So instead of trying anymore, he gave up and made peace with a life inside four walls.

As an aspiring psychologist, Solomon's case is perfect. But they become close friends, and eventually, Lisa even brings her boyfriend, Clark, to meet Sol. One thing they never expected was Sol falling in love... with Clark.

I have had times where I have been unable to leave my house. I used to have my school work sent home, and would avoid seeing anyone for as long as I could. It never got as bad as Sol's case, but I would happily stay inside my house 24/7. (My mum won't let me, though.) So I really did relate to Solomon. The descriptions of his behaviours and thoughts were really accurate in my opinion. It was quite inspiring to watch him slowly emerge from his shell and start living again.

Of course, there's also the topic of homosexuality in this. I love how Clark remained so friendly even when he knew Sol was gay - not doing the whole "ew he might fancy me" thing that a lot of guys tend to. They were best friends. But Lisa was fed ideas by her friend, Janis, that made her worry Clark was cheating on her with Sol. Yeah. Awkward.

Overall, I just thought this was fantastically written. There are aspects for everyone to relate to, I think. And hopefully, it will help people understand why some of us may seem so "crazy".

I can easily give this book 4.5 stars. I really enjoyed it, and loved the characters and their relationships. Even when Lisa was using Sol, I could see how she had good intentions. It was so well written.
The Illustrated Child
The Illustrated Child
Polly Crosby | 2020 | Contemporary, Fiction & Poetry, Mystery
9.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Romilly and her father Tobias move in to a run-down house in the countryside when she is 9 years old. Her father is an eccentric artist, and she doesn’t know anything about her mother. Later, Monty the cat joins Romilly and her friend Stacey on adventures in the local countryside, in what seems to be an idyllic childhood.

Tobias creates a series of beautifully illustrated books starring both Romilly and Monty, and their lives are changed. They find fame, as readers believe that the books are a kind of treasure hunt - which, incidentally, reminded me of the Kit Williams book, Masquerade, published in the late 1970’s. Strangers start to camp out in their garden, digging holes all over their land to find the treasure - meaning that Romilly is unable to leave the house.

Life changes again when Tobias’ behaviour becomes more and more erratic, Romilly’s mother comes back in to her life, and she meets her grandmother. Things seem to be continuously changing, and nothing is consistent - there’s no stability in Romilly’s life.

This book was not at all what I expected. It started out as something of an idyllic childhood, but as time went on, Romilly’s life is irrevocably changed. I felt so much sadness for her, and there were times when I was almost in tears (you might need a hanky!). This deals with some pretty serious themes: dementia, mental illness, death and child abuse. All the way through I was rooting for Romilly and hoping that she would get the help that she needed and deserved. This is such a beautifully written book, and I would have no hesitation in recommending it.

Many thanks to the publisher and NetGalley for my e-ARC.
In Her Bones
In Her Bones
Kate Moretti | 2018 | Fiction & Poetry, Mystery, Thriller
9.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Wonderful thriller with detailed plot and characters
When Edie Beckett was in her teens, her mother, Lilith Wade, murdered six women. Lilith went to prison for life and Edie's life irrevocably changed. Now she's nearly thirty, trying to stay sober, working a city clerk job, and living a lonely life. Her only family is her brother Dylan, and she has no friends, no real life. At night, Edie secretly obsesses over the families of Lilith's victims, watching them online--and in real life. Then she actually meets one in person, and a man ends up murdered. Edie is immediately the police's one and only suspect. The investigating detective, Gil Brandt, is the same one who arrested her mother. He knows Edie better than anyone. She goes on the run, with Gil on her trail. Will Edie discover the truth in time?

This book just kept getting better with every page. I absolutely loved Kate Moretti's THE BLACKBIRD SEASON and was worried this one might not live up to it. I shouldn't have worried. This is just an excellent, fascinating novel.

The book is told from the point of view of Edie and Gil, with excerpts included from a tell-all book written about Lilith and her family. It all combines to make a very intriguing read. The way the novel explores looking at serial killers from the perspective of their family is just amazing and interesting. As Edie says,
"Sometimes, Lilith was just my mother."

You get this really in-depth look at how Lilith was both an awful mother, a regular mother, and influenced by mental illness. The book does a great job of providing a portrait of mental illness as well. I thought its look at Lilith as a serial killer was just so well-done. Lilith isn't necessarily the main focus--that's Edie--but she's had such an influence on forming Edie that we learn so much about her.

As for Edie, I was worried at first that I wouldn't like her or enjoy her character, because sometimes I have a hard time with characters who make nothing but bad decisions. But I quickly grew attached to her and to really, really like her. One of the best things about this book is that despite its serious and sometimes even gruesome subject matter, it can be funny sometimes. It's definitely heartbreaking and real. It's powerfully written, and Edie becomes this wonderfully great main character. She's so very smart and so very real. Moretti gives such a personality to everyone through her excellent detail; you're just able to visualize each character so well. I really love how you can get lost in her books. The bond between Brandt and Edie is interesting--different in many ways, but I liked how they were tied together in some way, and the how they each described that thread.

What's so great about this book is that you get to explore the serial killer aspect--how Edie is affected by her mom, some of the elements that formed Lilith into what she is, and more, but you also get a really well-done mystery too, after a character dies and Edie goes on the run. These two storylines run expertly in parallel and keep you riveted throughout the entire novel. There are some awesome twists and turns, and the whole book is just so well-done. I really loved these characters and truly just felt changed by the end of this one.

Overall, this is just a wonderful book. The characters are amazing and detailed, the plot is excellent, and I was just drawn in from the beginning. This goes deeper than your usual mystery or thriller, and I was so impressed and touched by this novel. I highly recommend this one!
All That  Remains
All That Remains
Al Barrera | 2015 | Fiction & Poetry
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
A wonderful zombie thriller
All That Remains is a dystopian horror following Kyle, Tim and Sara 13 years after the apocalypse. After finding young girl Kaylee, they need to get to Oak Ridge to protect themselves and maybe save the world.

There's normal reanimated human zombies, but also other monster like creatures that roam the earth. All That Remains is able to describe the monsters, make them horrifying, yet not interrupt the plotline to do so. In previous books I've been pulled out of a tense moment because there's too much description, but Barrera is able to bypass that problem.

There's varying themes of hope and morality within the book. All four of our characters experience hope, and lose hope throughout the book. Whether it's hope to find more people, hope that cities are inhabitable or just hope for survival. Because of this focus, I felt attached to the characters. Even when they were being pessimistic, they still didn't give up.

Morality is a fine line in this new world. You must kill to survive at times, but is it the right thing to do? If you kill a bad person does it make you just as bad? One of the lines mentioned that right is nothing but a direction anymore which I think is relevant to the book as a whole.

As we get to see the point of views of both Sara and Kyle you do feel attached to them. The characters are extremely likable, even when they're not being the best they can be. They don't consciously make bad decisions which puts them in danger, which makes me route for them more. Although problems do arise due to accidents or it's out of their control.

Sara in particular is a great character. She shows both mental and physical strength by not only surviving 13 years but also with her mental fight with 'the walking cancer'. The walking cancer is a monster that no one has ever seen before. It's a new, worse monster in the world, and the main bulk of the book is spent running and hiding from it. Due to Sara being a scanner she can sense and also connect/talk with the monster.

The plague-like spread of zombies and natural disasters mirrors that Kyle is ill throughout the book. It's implied that it's a cancerous tumor, most likely in the brain due to headaches and blackouts. As the situation for the group gets worse, the illness gets worse. I think Barrera was definitely trying to show the similarities. There's also a underlying message of having hope throughout which I think is an important takeaway.
Turtles All The Way Down
Turtles All The Way Down
John Green | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
8.4 (60 Ratings)
Book Rating
Excellent descriptions of mental illness (1 more)
Unique main character
Same essential plot as all of John Green's books (0 more)
Another excellent book from John Green
So what the cover description of this book doesn't explicitly mention is that Aza, the main character, has a pretty severe anxiety disorder. That's really the core topic of the book - her thought spirals and dealing with life while caught in them. I trust John Green to write about these because he also suffers from severe anxiety. He's talked about it in interviews and on his vlogbrothers Youtube channel. (I'm a big Green brothers fan - what's known as a nerdfighter.) So when John Green writes a character with anxiety, I believe that it's a realistic portrayal. I loved the integration of technology in the story - two characters don't just text each other, the text conversation is on the page, formatted differently, so it's obvious these are text messages. I always love books that do that.

There's not a whole lot I can say about the book without giving things away; a lot of John Green's characters tend to wax eloquently about philosophy and things outside themselves, and Aza doesn't do that because she's so trapped within her own thoughts. She can't think of the future or existential dread because she's too worried about the microbes in her stomach getting out of control and giving her diseases. Definitely a departure from his usual story, though it does fit his standard MO of Main character meets other character who profoundly changes main character's life in some way. (There's a third part that is also consistent with most of John Green's novels but it's a spoiler.)

I think the book is a really good book for anyone who loves someone with anxiety. Or even for those who have anxiety themselves, to see that they're not alone.

You can find all my reviews at