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Between the Sea and Stars
Between the Sea and Stars
Chantal Gadoury | 2018 | Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
5.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Who doesn't love mermaids? If you don't...well you're entitled to your wrong opinion.

So, I had the opportunity to receive an advanced copy of this book. I enjoy Gadoury's stories. This one was, of course, no exception.

Lena is a merrow (mermaid) helping her brother take care of their father. They aren't rich or poor, but they get by with Javelin's (brother) sell techniques for the market and Lena's hunting skills. Lena dreams of exploring the human world. She hears stories of the merrow queen and how she traded her fin for legs for the love of her life. Tragedy strikes, however, when Lena must flee from the sea to avoid punishment, or worse, death. With the help of the merrow queen, Lena is bestowed a pair of legs and must leave her only family.

Lena is taken in by a poor family and begins working at an inn. Lena soon finds that not all humans are evil, like other merrows believe, but there are some that are truly awful.

First and foremost, do NOT go into this book thinking it's based on Disney. Disney did not write The Little Mermaid. Although the artwork is beautiful and the songs are catchy, it's not the original story. It is a Little Mermaid retelling, but not Disney. So there will be no crabby sidekick, lol.

I loved Lena. She was headstrong and while she had to adjust to whole other world, she was still the same Lena, just heart broken and trying to manage. Merrows have the same views for female merrows. They are expected to marry and bare children and be taken care of. While Lena toyed with the idea when she is proposed to by an old family friend, she's still hesitant.

Lena meets Edwin, a blind old man who can read cards...and knows what she is. We like Edwin, so don't judge. Jace (young son) was the one who found Lena on the beach and brought her to the inn. I'll try to stop there so I don't spoil anything.

I love Gadoury's writing style. You get a clear picture of Lena as a merrow and as a human and what she experiences, good and bad. There are these connections to Lena's life that involve the merrow queen, and her mother. You have to read the story.

My only complaint...

I must wait for a second book!! Oh well.

Grab this book and experience a new story under the sea.

Hazel (1853 KP) rated Sea Witch in Books

Jun 24, 2018  
Sea Witch
Sea Witch
Sarah Henning | 2018 | Paranormal, Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
7.4 (7 Ratings)
Book Rating
This ARC was provided by the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review

Everyone knows the story of The Little Mermaid by Hans Christian Andersen, or at least Disney’s version with Ariel and her friends Sebastian and Flounder. People will also recall the evil sea witch (Disney’s Ursula) but has anyone ever wondered how the octopus-human hybrid came into being? Why is she considered evil? Why is she alone under the sea? Sarah Henning, a journalist from the US has asked these questions and come up with an answer in her debut novel Sea Witch.

The story begins on a ship many years ago in part of Denmark with the crown prince’s birthday party. Narrated by Evie, a commoner who also happens to be the prince’s best friend, the story flits between present day and four years previously when Evie and Prince Nik’s friend Anna drowned. Whilst Nik is celebrating his sixteenth birthday, Anna should have been celebrating her fifteenth, therefore, when Evie sees a face peering through the porthole of Nik’s ship, she believes it is only in her imagination that it resembled her long lost friend.

The party comes to a sudden end with a storm causing guests to flee below decks, leaving Evie, Nik and his cousin Iker to try to steer the ship to safety. In a terrible moment, Nik is swept overboard by a rogue wave and Evie fears he will be lost forever. Fortunately, Nik is found washed up on shore, but Evie is sure she saw a mermaid hovering over him.

Things become stranger for Evie when a homeless girl arrives on the beach a few days later. Claiming to have run away from home, Evie is startled by the girl’s appearance – she looks just like Anna. To make things even odder, the girl’s name is Annemette, a name so similar to Evie’s missing friend.

Evie and Annemette quickly become firm friends and both catch the eyes of the Princes Nik and Iker. With romance, Evie wonders if both girls will get their happily ever after. However, there is dark magic in the air and not everything is as true as it appears.

With a dark twist at the end, Sea Witch is a story full of magic, secrets and love. Although the blurb hints of the connection to The Little Mermaid, it is unclear until the very end what characters tally up. Unpredictable and exciting, Sea Witch is a story for those with a sense of adventure, a lover of fairytales, a romantic or a history buff, however, remember, not all fairytales have happy endings.
The Mermaid Trials
The Mermaid Trials
Cameron Drake | 2018 | Young Adult (YA)
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Beautiful Aquatic Creation
Let me just say that I did not like this book at all... I LOVED IT!! Tri is definitely my type of mergal; she knows what she wants and doesn't let her circumstances get in the way. She's strong and loyal and simply an outstanding female lead in this beautiful aquatic creation. Cameron Drake's version of The Little Mermaid and Cinderella is beautifully written with stunning characters and world building that kept me completely under water until the end. I seriously did not want to come up for air. I wish this book could have gone on forever and the release of the next book in this series can't come soon enough.

{I requested a copy for review purposes and made no guarantee of a favorable review. The opinions expressed herein are unbiased and my own.}

Andy K (10821 KP) created a post

Jan 1, 2019  
Time for my annual "Movies Make You Feel Old" list.

These movies are now 10 years old:

The Hangover
Sherlock Holmes

These movies are now 20 years old:

Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace
The Sixth Sense
The Matrix
The Mummy
The Green Mile

These movies are now 25 years old:

Forrest Gump
The Lion King
True Lies
The Santa Claus
Dumb and Dumber

These movies are now 30 years old:

Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade
Dead Poets Society
When Harry Met Sally
The Little Mermaid

These movies are now 40 years old:

Apocalypse Now
Kramer vs. Kramer
Monty Python's Life of Brian
The Jerk
Star Trek: The Motion Picture

These movies are now 50 years old:

Midnight Cowboy
Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid
Easy Rider
True Grit
The Wild Bunch
Show all 5 comments.

Beatriz (138 KP) Jan 1, 2019

Ive watched 15 of them and I had no idea some were this old! Thank you for sharing !


Andy K (10821 KP) Jan 2, 2019

No prob.

Part of Your World
Part of Your World
Liz Braswell | 2018 | Young Adult (YA)
8.3 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
Review by Disney Bookworm
Contains spoilers, click to show
Part of Your World is based five years after Ursula defeats Ariel, yes you heard me right! The whole miraculous, shiny magic being released from the shell, the little mermaid regaining her voice, the whole harpoon, giant octopus, child scarring scene…never happened!

In this twisted tale Ursula succeeded in tricking Eric into marrying Vanessa; she now rules the Kingdom, with Eric remaining under Ursula’s spell and pretty much clueless to his wife’s evil tendencies. Conversely Ariel is Queen of the Sea, ruling Atlantica in her father’s absence. Oh yeah! Spoiler! Ursula still has Triton in her slimy grasp as well.

NB: Just for clarification this isn’t really a spoiler as you find this out on page 20- please don’t send in complaints.

The book includes all of your favourite characters from the classic 1989 movie: Scuttle, Sebastian, Flounder and even Grimsby and Carlotta! Liz Braswell does such a good job in rejuvenating these characters and reminding us why we loved them in the first place. There wasn’t enough Flounder for my liking but a lot of the story takes place above ground so I can’t really complain- maybe he needs his own tale?

The star of the book has to be Ariel though, she is the Little Mermaid after all…or is she? Braswell’s character is much more mature and tougher than the Little Mermaid we remember. After living as a mute Queen for 5 years Ariel has lost the naïve, childish part of her personality and has become a ruler consumed by guilt and melancholy. Nevertheless, this withdrawal into herself has not dampened her courage and when she learns King Triton may still be alive, she immediately begins her quest to save her father. I’m also relieved to say that I got a very sassy and sarcastic vibe from Ariel at points in the book- a woman after my own heart!

Eric too is not the suave, smouldering-before-it-was-cool character he was back in the day. Instead, overpowered by Ursula’s magic, he is distant and confused: still loved by his people but now labelled as “mad”. He loses himself in music, with his latest opera telling a familiar tale that the reader will surely recognise. Can he regain his memory in time to rescue his kingdom from his wife? Will he and Ariel meet again? Can the new Queen of the Sea rescue Triton or is Ursula just too powerful now?

The original characters of The Little Mermaid are welcomed with open arms into this story and, despite the notable differences in our two protagonists, the remaining characters are comforting and familiar. Braswell also takes the opportunity to introduce us to new characters: Jona the gull, provides quite a modern outlook for a “Disney” character, questioning the world around her with a critical eye. Even background characters such as an hilarious old apple vendor and Vareet, a mute servant girl (whom I was sure was going to have a bigger role than she did) do not fade into the pages. Quite the opposite, thanks to the book’s detail, humour and intrigue, these characters will stay with us for just as long as the story itself.

In summary, Liz Braswell’s novel draws us in hook, line and sinker. Part of Your World is impossible to put down. You will find yourself disparaging Ariel’s former lovestruck personality along with her, experiencing the tension and danger associated with Flotsam and Jetsam and exploring Eric’s kingdom through Braswell’s detailed storytelling.

There’s probably a google-defined order to read the twisted tales in but frankly I don’t care. Try this one first- you won’t regret it!

Written by The Disney Bookworm: