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Hazel (1853 KP) rated Sea Witch in Books

Jun 24, 2018  
Sea Witch
Sea Witch
Sarah Henning | 2018 | Paranormal, Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
7.4 (7 Ratings)
Book Rating
This ARC was provided by the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review

Everyone knows the story of The Little Mermaid by Hans Christian Andersen, or at least Disney’s version with Ariel and her friends Sebastian and Flounder. People will also recall the evil sea witch (Disney’s Ursula) but has anyone ever wondered how the octopus-human hybrid came into being? Why is she considered evil? Why is she alone under the sea? Sarah Henning, a journalist from the US has asked these questions and come up with an answer in her debut novel Sea Witch.

The story begins on a ship many years ago in part of Denmark with the crown prince’s birthday party. Narrated by Evie, a commoner who also happens to be the prince’s best friend, the story flits between present day and four years previously when Evie and Prince Nik’s friend Anna drowned. Whilst Nik is celebrating his sixteenth birthday, Anna should have been celebrating her fifteenth, therefore, when Evie sees a face peering through the porthole of Nik’s ship, she believes it is only in her imagination that it resembled her long lost friend.

The party comes to a sudden end with a storm causing guests to flee below decks, leaving Evie, Nik and his cousin Iker to try to steer the ship to safety. In a terrible moment, Nik is swept overboard by a rogue wave and Evie fears he will be lost forever. Fortunately, Nik is found washed up on shore, but Evie is sure she saw a mermaid hovering over him.

Things become stranger for Evie when a homeless girl arrives on the beach a few days later. Claiming to have run away from home, Evie is startled by the girl’s appearance – she looks just like Anna. To make things even odder, the girl’s name is Annemette, a name so similar to Evie’s missing friend.

Evie and Annemette quickly become firm friends and both catch the eyes of the Princes Nik and Iker. With romance, Evie wonders if both girls will get their happily ever after. However, there is dark magic in the air and not everything is as true as it appears.

With a dark twist at the end, Sea Witch is a story full of magic, secrets and love. Although the blurb hints of the connection to The Little Mermaid, it is unclear until the very end what characters tally up. Unpredictable and exciting, Sea Witch is a story for those with a sense of adventure, a lover of fairytales, a romantic or a history buff, however, remember, not all fairytales have happy endings.
The Mermaid Trials
The Mermaid Trials
Cameron Drake | 2018 | Young Adult (YA)
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Beautiful Aquatic Creation
Let me just say that I did not like this book at all... I LOVED IT!! Tri is definitely my type of mergal; she knows what she wants and doesn't let her circumstances get in the way. She's strong and loyal and simply an outstanding female lead in this beautiful aquatic creation. Cameron Drake's version of The Little Mermaid and Cinderella is beautifully written with stunning characters and world building that kept me completely under water until the end. I seriously did not want to come up for air. I wish this book could have gone on forever and the release of the next book in this series can't come soon enough.

{I requested a copy for review purposes and made no guarantee of a favorable review. The opinions expressed herein are unbiased and my own.}

Andy K (10821 KP) created a post

Jan 1, 2019  
Time for my annual "Movies Make You Feel Old" list.

These movies are now 10 years old:

The Hangover
Sherlock Holmes

These movies are now 20 years old:

Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace
The Sixth Sense
The Matrix
The Mummy
The Green Mile

These movies are now 25 years old:

Forrest Gump
The Lion King
True Lies
The Santa Claus
Dumb and Dumber

These movies are now 30 years old:

Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade
Dead Poets Society
When Harry Met Sally
The Little Mermaid

These movies are now 40 years old:

Apocalypse Now
Kramer vs. Kramer
Monty Python's Life of Brian
The Jerk
Star Trek: The Motion Picture

These movies are now 50 years old:

Midnight Cowboy
Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid
Easy Rider
True Grit
The Wild Bunch
Show all 5 comments.

Beatriz (138 KP) Jan 1, 2019

Ive watched 15 of them and I had no idea some were this old! Thank you for sharing !


Andy K (10821 KP) Jan 2, 2019

No prob.

Part of Your World
Part of Your World
Liz Braswell | 2018 | Young Adult (YA)
8.3 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
Review by Disney Bookworm
Contains spoilers, click to show
Part of Your World is based five years after Ursula defeats Ariel, yes you heard me right! The whole miraculous, shiny magic being released from the shell, the little mermaid regaining her voice, the whole harpoon, giant octopus, child scarring scene…never happened!

In this twisted tale Ursula succeeded in tricking Eric into marrying Vanessa; she now rules the Kingdom, with Eric remaining under Ursula’s spell and pretty much clueless to his wife’s evil tendencies. Conversely Ariel is Queen of the Sea, ruling Atlantica in her father’s absence. Oh yeah! Spoiler! Ursula still has Triton in her slimy grasp as well.

NB: Just for clarification this isn’t really a spoiler as you find this out on page 20- please don’t send in complaints.

The book includes all of your favourite characters from the classic 1989 movie: Scuttle, Sebastian, Flounder and even Grimsby and Carlotta! Liz Braswell does such a good job in rejuvenating these characters and reminding us why we loved them in the first place. There wasn’t enough Flounder for my liking but a lot of the story takes place above ground so I can’t really complain- maybe he needs his own tale?

The star of the book has to be Ariel though, she is the Little Mermaid after all…or is she? Braswell’s character is much more mature and tougher than the Little Mermaid we remember. After living as a mute Queen for 5 years Ariel has lost the naïve, childish part of her personality and has become a ruler consumed by guilt and melancholy. Nevertheless, this withdrawal into herself has not dampened her courage and when she learns King Triton may still be alive, she immediately begins her quest to save her father. I’m also relieved to say that I got a very sassy and sarcastic vibe from Ariel at points in the book- a woman after my own heart!

Eric too is not the suave, smouldering-before-it-was-cool character he was back in the day. Instead, overpowered by Ursula’s magic, he is distant and confused: still loved by his people but now labelled as “mad”. He loses himself in music, with his latest opera telling a familiar tale that the reader will surely recognise. Can he regain his memory in time to rescue his kingdom from his wife? Will he and Ariel meet again? Can the new Queen of the Sea rescue Triton or is Ursula just too powerful now?

The original characters of The Little Mermaid are welcomed with open arms into this story and, despite the notable differences in our two protagonists, the remaining characters are comforting and familiar. Braswell also takes the opportunity to introduce us to new characters: Jona the gull, provides quite a modern outlook for a “Disney” character, questioning the world around her with a critical eye. Even background characters such as an hilarious old apple vendor and Vareet, a mute servant girl (whom I was sure was going to have a bigger role than she did) do not fade into the pages. Quite the opposite, thanks to the book’s detail, humour and intrigue, these characters will stay with us for just as long as the story itself.

In summary, Liz Braswell’s novel draws us in hook, line and sinker. Part of Your World is impossible to put down. You will find yourself disparaging Ariel’s former lovestruck personality along with her, experiencing the tension and danger associated with Flotsam and Jetsam and exploring Eric’s kingdom through Braswell’s detailed storytelling.

There’s probably a google-defined order to read the twisted tales in but frankly I don’t care. Try this one first- you won’t regret it!

Written by The Disney Bookworm:
Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides (2011)
Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides (2011)
2011 | Action, Comedy, Sci-Fi
6.3 (30 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Oft-forgot-about (or so it seems) 4th instalment in Disney's Pirates of the Caribbean series, this is the one with Penelope Cruz that also sees Jack set off to find the Fountain of Youth: the Fountain itself also sought after by both English and Spanish factions, and by the notorious pirate Blackbeard (as portrayed by Ian McShane) who, here, also dabbles in Vodoo and is also (inexplicably) able to control his ship the Queen Anne's revenge by magic.

With no Orlando Bloom or Kiera Knightley in sight, the focus on this one is firmly on Johnny Depp's Jack Sparrow (a character who initially, remember, way back in the first film, was not the main focus), although it has to be said that his Keith Richards schtick is perhaps getting old by this point in the franchise.

Standout sequence of the film? That would be the Whit Cap bay mermaid bit.
The little mermaid (2023)
The little mermaid (2023)
2023 | Fantasy, Musical
5.6 (5 Ratings)
Movie Rating
(By my wife Genevieve)I must admit that I may be biased about this movie, being a huge fan of all things Disney. However, the popular and beloved original The Little Mermaid was released in November 1989, about 6 months before I graduated high school. Not really the age to be that interested in an animated movie about a mermaid who trades her voice away to be able to live where the people are. But of course, I still watched it and I, like many, definitely loved the songs. The storyline? Not so much.

When I first heard a live-action version was in the works, my initial response was tepid, "That's nice." Only when I heard a person of color would play Ariel was my curiosity really piqued. As a minority, when many asked, "Why?", I thought, "Why not?" I was very moved when I saw the videos of young Black girls reacting excitedly to the first trailer when they discovered Ariel looked like them, further answering the many still asking "Why?" with "This. This is why."

If you've seen the animated version, then you know the gist of the story - young mermaid Ariel, played beautifully by Halle Bailey, is fascinated by the world above the water and collects all the human thingamabobs that litter the sea floor. She rebels against her father, King Triton, the handsome Javier Bardem, by giving in to her curiosity and ends up rescuing the merchant Prince Eric from drowning when the ship he's sailing is caught in a treacherous storm. Ariel is instantly smitten and Prince Eric, played by the perfectly-cast Jonah Hauer-King, is equally obsessed with the voice he heard as he was revived by Ariel’s siren song.

While obviously geared towards a younger audience, I found much to love about this movie. Jodi Benson’s original version will always be perfection, but Halle Bailey’s emotional rendition of “Part of Your World”, coupled with her luminous and expressive face, was just phenomenal. I had to temper my applause after her performance while a few appreciative “Whooo!” sounded through the audience. Melissa McCarthy’s Ursula and her iconic “Poor Unfortunate Souls” was definitely a highlight. Daveed Diggs as Sebastian (also inspired casting) and Awkwafina as Scuttle need their own spinoff. They’re hilarious together.

Alan Menken’s classic songs from the original were given new life by McCarthy, Bailey, and Diggs, and Lin Manuel Miranda’s signature touch is easily identifiable in the new ballads for Ariel and Prince Eric, and a Hamilton-style rap by Awkwafina and Diggs.

I appreciated the parallel stories with the prince just as curious about the world beyond his island as Ariel is about the world beyond her ocean, both bound by duty to their parents and their people, while yearning to explore the great “out there”. In all my Disney and Pixar movie-watching experiences, it has consistently been Pixar movies that get me emotionally compromised, so I was a bit surprised to find myself reaching for a napkin at the end of this movie, after a scene between Ariel and her dad. I will blame it on the nostalgia.

4 out of 5 stars just for the musical performances alone.
The Little Mermaid
The Little Mermaid
Hans Christian Andersen | 2018 | Children
7.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Full review can also be found on my blog:

I grew up with Disney movies, and my favourite one was the one with the mermaid that has long red hair, and I loved her love story, and also enjoyed watching the rest of the movie series that followed years later.

And while loving Ariel for so long, I have never actually read the original story. So a few weeks ago, I decided to cherish it properly, as a true childhood love deserves to be cherished.

And I was left with my jaw dropped and my mouth open, unable to sleep. I can’t say this book crushed my childhood love, but it definitely shook me quite hard.

If you are expecting to read about the little mermaid, and her adventures in the water, and how she would give anything to see how people live on Earth, and fall in love with a prince – you will get all that. In fact – the book description is far better compared to the movie. Incomparable, actually. The book glows with bright colourful descriptions of the world under the sea, and it is so vividly enchantingly explained.

But if you are expecting to read about the adorable love story of Ariel and the prince, and their happily ever after – that is not happening. Because things go wrong. Horribly wrong. With a crushing, terrible end, that will torture you in your dreams.

It wasn’t my intention to make this review so dark. The story is still wonderful, and full of life. However, there is no happy ending, and that, for me, was crucial to not enjoy it.

And I am not usually upset with unhappy endings. It happens so often. But this one was so brutal and cruel, that it felt so disturbing. Maybe, because it is my favorite childhood movie. Maybe, because I knew this to be a happy story. Maybe, because I didn’t expect this at all.

Hans Christian Andersen is an amazing writer. I have read many of his stories, and enjoyed them greatly. I honestly don’t know what was going on in his life when he was writing this, but wow. Just wow.

Ross (3282 KP) Nov 16, 2018 (Updated Nov 16, 2018)

I was in Copenhagen recently, and saw her statue (meh), but also took the kids round the Hans Christian Andersen museum, with little dioramas of some of his most famous stories. They were all so dark! I was expecting fairy tales, but they were just all quite harrowing. I am tempted to read them, or see if someone has made horror adaptations of some of them as a writer could really go to town on them in the modern age.


Ivana A. | Diary of Difference (1171 KP) Nov 16, 2018

The interesting thing is, he is know for his "dark fairy tales", but a lot of his early works have happy endings that he then crossed over and wrote dark endings. I wonder what happened...

Hazel Bly and the Deep Blue Sea
Hazel Bly and the Deep Blue Sea
Ashley Herring Blake | 2021 | Children, Fiction & Poetry
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
A beautiful story about love and loss
Hazel Bly lived a great life with her Mum and Mama until a kayaking accident. Then her Mum died, leaving Hazel with a scar on her face and terrible anxiety. She wants nothing more than to keep her little sister Peach safe. The Blys move around a lot now. Two years after the accident, they are in Maine. It turns out that one of their new neighbors is her Mama's old childhood friend, Claire. The introduction of Claire into Hazel's world--along with her chatty daughter Lemon--makes Hazel feel unsettled. Plus Lemon is fixated on a local legend, the Rose Maid, a mermaid often seen in the waters. Hazel notes a resemblance between herself and Rose and soon she finds herself as fascinated by the mermaid as Lemon. Because sometimes everyone needs to believe in a little magic, especially when their world is crumbling around them.

"Now it's two and one, with me as the odd one out."

Oh this book is excellent-- an absolutely stunning read, which captures grief and loss so viscerally. I truly felt traumatized at times on Hazel's behalf. With the death of her Mum, she is so afraid something will happen to Peach, or even her Mama, and this fear comes through the pages so strongly. It's heartbreaking. Her fear of being happy again. You just want to wrap this sweet kid in your arms and hug her until everything is okay. Blake writes Hazel so well, and her grief, passion, and emotions come across so well.

Everything in this book is amazing--the magical and whimsical myth of the Rose Maid; the diversity of the characters; and the total acceptance of Hazel's parents being gay and bi. It's not a big deal in this book for parents to be queer or friends to be nonbinary. How wonderful for a YA story.

This is an exceptional tale about family, love, loss, healing, and magic. It made me cry, but it left me hopeful too. It's touching and heartfelt. Highly recommend. 4.5 stars.
Hannah (Daughters of the Sea, #1)
6.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Hannah, the first in entry into the Daughters of the Sea series, is a fairly solid tale with an enjoyable premise. Any little girl who loved the Little Mermaid would most likely want to read this story. I like the fact that it takes place in Victorian times and it teaches the reader about the hierarchy of staff in an upper-class family's household. The author did a good job making Hannah likable, Lila psychotic, and everyone else was fleshed out just enough. However, the relationship between the painter, Stannish Whitman Wheeler, and Hannah was shaky and unbelievable, and I never quite saw the need for this to be included. My biggest complaint is the ending, which for all the lead-up of this moment, felt very anti-climactic and left much to be desired. While some younger readers might find the pacing of the book a bit slow, it managed to hold my interest throughout. Overall, it's an easy read and has a good, if somewhat flawed, story. 3.5 stars
To Kill a Kingdom
To Kill a Kingdom
Alexandra Christo | 2018 | Romance, Young Adult (YA)
7.9 (17 Ratings)
Book Rating
Plot, characters, storyline (0 more)
Length of book, progression of characters (0 more)
This is a truly unique and fantastic retelling of the Little Mermaid story, with our main character being a bloodthirsty siren that is forced into human form for disobeying the sea witch.
I loved that the characters weren't instantly attracted to each other, that the prince wasn't as nice as he could have been and that the siren had a backbone to her. The feelings and emotions displayed were well thought out and the story progressed well, however I feel that the relationships could have progressed more during the 'quest' and that the book had every right to be longer than what it was.

I could not put this book down and read it even whilst feeding my baby one handed so that I didn't lose any time in finding out what happens (even though it was a fair chance that it would either have a Disney happy ending or follow the classic fairy tale).

This is the perfect book for those that like alternative retellings of fairy tales and Christina Henry books.