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Selfless (2015)
Selfless (2015)
2015 | Drama, Mystery, Sci-Fi
5.1 (7 Ratings)
Movie Rating
I’ll keep this short.

What if the extremely brilliant minds, could live another 50 years on this earth after their body is about to expire by transporting their mind into a new, younger body…could those minds continue to create amazing legacy? This is the premise for the film Self/less. Ben Kingsley plays Damian, a wealthy business tycoon type who is dying of cancer decides to “shed” his body for a younger healthy body. That body is played by Ryan Reynolds. But when things do not exactly turn out as they appear to be, Damian has a crisis of conscience and has to decide what is right.

That being said, somewhere in this film there is a good story…they just forgot to show us the right chapters. And thus a movie about identity, doesn’t know what it is. Instead of a great nuanced psychological thriller, we get a ho-hummed derivate small action film that is not something terrible to watch, but not something encouraging you to seek it out. In the end, this is really a redbox movie. And that’s a shame
    SUCCESS Talks

    SUCCESS Talks

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    SUCCESS magazine presents SUCCESS Talks, its exclusive audio program included in every issue of the...

    Vita-mind Dr. Sleep

    Vita-mind Dr. Sleep

    Health & Fitness and Lifestyle

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    “Go download the Vita-mind Dr. Sleep app. You have nothing to lose, except that nasty case of...


John Lydon recommended For Your Pleasure by Roxy Music in Music (curated)

For Your Pleasure by Roxy Music
For Your Pleasure by Roxy Music
1973 | Rock

"“I get what Bryan Ferry is trying to do – experimenting in a bizarre world and then couching what he finds in the style and language of the hunting set. It’s an exotic, intriguing concept and he’s the only one doing it. “This song [about a love affair with a blow-up doll] reveals a corner of your psyche that not many people would like to admit exists: that the mind wanders into dark places and the body follows. It’s a romantic delusion and it’s fascinating material for a song."

Early Years by Roxy Music
Early Years by Roxy Music
1989 | Rock
(0 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"I get what Bryan Ferry is trying to do – experimenting in a bizarre world and then couching what he finds in the style and language of the hunting set. It's an exotic, intriguing concept and he's the only one doing it. This song [about a love affair with a blow-up doll] reveals a corner of your psyche that not many people would like to admit exists: that the mind wanders into dark places and the body follows. It's a romantic delusion and it's fascinating material for a song."
