The Elephant's Journey
Jose Saramago and Margaret Jull Costa
Solomon the elephant's life is about to be upturned. For two years he has been in Lisbon, brought...
Thank & Grow Rich: A 30-Day Experiment in Shameless Gratitude and Unabashed Joy
Ever wonder why your thoughts easily create up-front parking spaces but don't always produce the fat...
The Fragrant Pharmacy: A Home and Health Care Guide to Aromatherapy and Essential Oils
"The Fragrant Pharmacy" opens the way to a whole world of fresh possibilities. It is a new approach...
Belonging: the Story of the Jews, 1492-1900
The Jewish story is a history that is about, and for, all of us. And in our own time of anxious...
History Religion
Night Theater
(From the publisher) A surgeon flees a scandal in the city and accepts a job at a village clinic....
The Sawbones Book
A compelling, often hilarious and occasionally horrifying exploration of how modern medicine came to...
What in God's Name
Welcome to Heaven, Inc., the grossly mismanaged corporation in the sky. For as long as anyone can...
Out of the Blue
Sometimes, I imagine alternate endings to the story: last-minute miracles, touches of magic. I...
The Last Odyssey (Sigma Force #15)
For eons, the city of Troy—whose legendary fall was detailed in Homer’s Iliad—was believed to...
Wylie: The Brave Street Dog Who Never Gave Up
The remarkable true story of Wylie, a dog who endured horrific cruelty in Afghanistan and survived...