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The Stolen Twins
The Stolen Twins
Shari J. Ryan | 2023 | History & Politics
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Oh my word ... what a story!! I don't think there are any superlatives that captures adequately how I felt about this book and how good it was ... I was breathless and on pins from the very first to the very last word.

The story is told from the viewpoints of Jewish twins Arina and Nora and from multi timelines from their life with their parents in Hungary, through the horrors of being twins at the hands of the monster that was Mengele in Auschwitz and their road to rebuilding their lives in France and the USA.

It is a powerful story of survival, loss, resilience, hope and the power of love; I was absolutely rivetted and devoured it in quick time and have no problem recommending this to those of you who love getting totally immersed in a wonderful book that will have your emotions in tatters and my thanks must go to Bookouture and NetGalley for enabling me to read and share my thoughts of The Stolen Twins.
Everything Under
Everything Under
Daisy Johnson | 2018 | Contemporary, Fiction & Poetry, LGBTQ+, Science Fiction/Fantasy
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This is a book to take your time over. It’s not to be rushed, because there’s so much going on under the surface, and you might just miss something.

It’s a story about transitions of gender, family and home. It looks at language, how it can be manipulated and made into something new and different (Gretel and her mother have their own words for some things).
‘Leaving’ is another theme: Margot leaves her family, Gretel is left by her mother, and in a way, Margot leaves herself behind when she becomes Marcus. Everything Under is also a book that reworks the Oedipus legend, as well as using elements of Hansel and Gretel (beyond just the use of the name!), and a made up legend called the Bonak (which is actually a Tagalog word for a stupid child or a ‘dumb kid’) - a monster that destroys, stays and disrupts.

There’s a dreamlike quality to this novel, which really added to the fairytale element - the really menacing versions.

I loved this book.
Dirty Heads
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
3 of 220
Dirty Heads
By Aaron Dries

The story of a boy who dreamed of becoming a man… But dreamed up a monster instead

You’re on the run. Marked. Don’t think about the kid you used to be when you’re homeless and dumpster-diving in the rain. Just eat whatever you find to keep your engine full. Because the shadow with too many teeth wants you tired.

You’re easier to catch when you’re tired.

It has hunted you since the summer of 1994, back when we confessed who we were through mixtapes. When every movie at the video store had dirty heads. You were thirteen and thought you knew who you were. Only the shadow with too many teeth knew you better. It still does. And it won’t stop. Not until you come home.

Back to where it all began.

I’ve never read anything like it. It was just one of those books where you are shook to the core but can’t stop reading. So so good. This was so brilliantly written.
The Mind is a Razorblade
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
45 of 220
Book sirens arc
The Mind is a Razorblade
By Max Booth lll

Drowning, he wakes beside two corpses. His memory has been wiped clean. He doesn't know his name, what he's doing here, who these people are, or even why one of them is a cop. Nor can he explain his strange telekinetic abilities.

Questions plague his mind like hellfire, questions that begin a journey leading into the rot of downtown America, a journey that will not end until every one of his questions have been answered, despite who has to die in the process. Even if those who have all the answers aren't human.

Even if the true monster he's hunting for is staring at him through the mirror.

This was bloody bizarre and to start with I was completely baffled but I actually really enjoyed it especially the ending. Definitely different to anything I’ve read. Also spiders really? I suppose it could have been worse like centipedes!

I received an advance review copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily.
Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley | 2016 | Fiction & Poetry
7.7 (27 Ratings)
Book Rating
The plot and major themes. (1 more)
Further work it inspired.
The main narrator is a terrible human being. (0 more)
Readable, but disjointed and repetitive in parts.
Contains spoilers, click to show
Fundamentally, the problem with this book is the narrator, Victor. He is thoroughly detestable. A selfish, cowardly, irresponsible, excuse ridden, narcissistic d****e-bag of the highest order. And unfortunately, it is Victor Frankenstein’s POV that we are forced into for the majority of the novel.
My hatred for and frustration with the self-pitying, feckless behaviour of the (pseudo)
protagonist made this an irritating read for me- and to an extent I think this was Shelley’s intention. Victor isn’t designed to be the likable, affable, morally “good” man fallen from grace he believes himself to be, and the horrific events that befall those around him are of his making.
However, this doesn’t make him any less grating! The "monster" (to me reminiscent of Caliban with his lyrical speech and enforced isolation, being neither man nor not man) is eloquent and persuasive when he asks his creator to account for his misdoings. So, you’ve got to ask yourself, if an infanticidal, demonic, bag of sew together corpses is actually more engaging than the main storyteller, is that storyteller really the
right character to be telling the story?
Now, with all that said, it is an important book. A work by a female author with strong female characters (albeit background characters) who was only nineteen when she wrote the initial draft. Very impressive. But, for me her youth is evident. When we teach secondary school pupils to write creatively, we often give them the ambiguous instruction “show don’t tell”, and for me the book is more of a list of horrible and horrific events told in a Chinese puzzle box style story within a story, rather than an engaging and “complete” narrative. It feels like she chooses to place focus on the wrong “bits”- for example the whole of chapter nineteen where Victor travels the British Isles, comments briefly on the local architecture of each town and city and
then repetitively reminds us that he couldn’t enjoy the surroundings because of his angst.
And I would have at least like to have seen some of the courtroom drama when Victor is tried for the death of Clerval...
So, I hate to be “that” gal, who poo-poos these fantastic works of fiction (we know they’re great because some clever-britches told us they were) but in all honesty, the novel ain’t that good, and I’ll maintain that stance no matter how clever the britches of the opposing schools of thought.
 I think the continuing appeal is in it’s universal themes: parenting, nature versus
nurture; morality and scientific advancement- and the whole idea of stitching a creature out of
corpse-parts and electrocuting it to life is pretty darn cool. And there are some really effective
horror scenes, such as the vignette of Victor ripping apart project lady-monster (I kind wish she had a name- a working title- but given he can’t even be bothered to name monster number one I guess this was all too much to hope for).
It’s readable, but it’s value, for me at any rate, lies in the offshoots and creativity it has spawned, rather than the work itself.

Lee (2222 KP) rated Godzilla: King of the Monsters (2019) in Movies

May 31, 2019 (Updated May 31, 2019)  
Godzilla: King of the Monsters (2019)
Godzilla: King of the Monsters (2019)
2019 | Action, Adventure, Fantasy
Monster fights! (0 more)
Boring humans (0 more)
Well, I liked it!
Before heading into Godzilla: King of the Monsters, I saw a lot of wildly mixed reviews online. People were either hating it or loving it, with nobody really feeling anything in-between. Even those cinema goers who were fully prepared for nothing more than a bunch of big monsters fighting alongside insignificant human bystanders were coming away from it fuming. Well, I’m happy to say that I’m putting myself firmly in the ‘loved it’ category, although I do understand and appreciate a lot of the issues that the haters have with it.

Since his appearance in the 2014 movie, and his involvement in the destruction of San Francisco, Godzilla has been keeping a fairly low profile beneath the ocean. He is now closely monitored by monster organisation Monarch, who were introduced to us previously, most notably in the movie Kong: Skull Island. They have a number of outposts dotted around the globe, where they are also tracking various other ‘titans’, most of which are lying dormant. Monarch is currently involved in a conflict with the military, who would rather see the titans wiped out than try and co-exist with them in the way our ancestors did.

In a Chinese outpost, we meet Dr Emma Russell (Vera Farmiga), who is working on a device called ORCA, something which will hopefully allow us to communicate with and control the titans. She’s there with daughter Madison (Millie Bobby Brown) as they test out ORCA on newly hatched titan larva Mothra. Emma’s estranged husband Mark (Kyle Chandler), who helped develop the ORCA device with her, is currently leading a much simpler life, photographing wolves out in the wild having completely distanced himself from Monarch and the titans.

Things start to go wrong though when eco-terrorist Jonah Alan (Charles Dance) kidnaps Emma and Madison, along with the ORCA device. He wants to use ORCA to wake up the remaining titans and there’s a lot of talk about cleansing the earth, restoring balance etc, something which continues to be the motivational theme throughout the movie.

Jonah and his team, with help from Emma, break free a three-headed monster called Ghidorah from within the Antarctic ice, and that’s when things really kick off. Ghidorah assumes the position of King of the Monsters and he and the other titans begin wreaking havoc on planet Earth. When word reaches Mark that his wife and daughter are in danger, not to mention the rest of the world, he returns to work with Monarch. Meanwhile, Godzilla has resurfaced and is en route to Ghidorah, looking for a fight. At the same time Mothra takes herself off to a waterfall, cocooning herself so that she can gloriously emerge a bit later on in the movie.

Godzilla takes a bit of a pounding from Ghidorah, sustaining some serious damage and leaving the fate of the world in jeopardy. But, the fact that the title of this movie declares Godzilla to be the King of Monsters, along with the promotional material for next years ‘Godzilla Vs Kong’ movie that has begun emerging online, should give you a pretty good idea as to whether or not he makes a comeback.

Unfortunately, a lot of the action takes place in murky, rainy darkness, which is disappointing considering all of the marketing artwork that depicts the monsters and their battles in bright, vibrant colour. At times, far too many quick cuts make things difficult to follow – zipping between the action, the destruction and the humans that are in danger because of it. Cutting to the human cast does help to give us a sense of scale and panic but, at this point, they’ve all just become a little irrelevant. A lot of time is spent early on in the movie, introducing us to a lot of characters, with even more to come later on, but the majority of them just have very little to do or be concerned about when the monster fighting begins.

On the flip-side to all of that though, there are more than enough occasions where we find a downtrodden and seriously pissed off Godzilla handing out a satisfying series of beatings to the pretenders to his throne. I became fully invested in the huge scale of it all and what was at stake for the world. Overall I just found the whole thing really enjoyable.
2018 | Deduction
If you are a fan of the lore behind the likes of the Cthulhu, Sasquatch, Loch Ness, and El Cucuy, then you will love the theme behind this next game. Cryptid is a board game that basks in these old tales of years long past and puts you on the hunt for the infamous “Cryptid” snake/dragon-like monster. You are in a race against the other players to determine who can catch the infamous Cryptid first. This snake-like dragon is slippery and likes to hide just out of reach of the players though. It will take a bit of strategy, some social deduction with other players, and well, a bit of luck to find it! Good luck adventurers!

Upon setup, each player, up to a max of 4, will take a hints booklet and tokens of any of the 4 colors. The booklets provide each player with one, and only one, hint as to where the “Cryptid” could be hiding on the game board. The game board has 4 different terrain types, and a few landmark spots such as bear dens, towers, and cougar hideouts, where the monster could be hiding. Once each player has read their clue, they will go around the table a total of 2 times placing small cubes in places where the “Cryptid” is not. This serves two purposes, to assist the game from taking more than the time necessary to have fun, and to allow the players a little early game strategy to throw other players off the scent.

From this point forward, it is up to the players to start deducing what clues they think the other players have. A list of all possible clue types can be found in each booklet to give the players an idea of what to be considering. This also assists the game experience from taking too long. Players will now have 2 options on their turn. They can ask for information from any other player, or they can take a guess as to where they think the “Cryptid” might be. There is NO penalty for guessing the correct answer, but in doing so, if you are incorrect, you are identifying a space to the other players of where your clue may indicate where the “Cryptid” could be located. So guess carefully! As you venture forth to ask clues of other players, they will place either a cube on the space you inquired about, indicating the “Cryptid” could not be in that spot based on their clue, or they will place a disk, indicating that the space could be the space as to where the monster could be hiding. As the board begins to fill with cubes and disks, you will begin to triangulate (just a fun word I LOVE using) where you think the monster may be hiding. When you feel like you’ve got it, then take a guess. If all other players place a disk on the spot you have guessed, then you have located the “Cryptid”!

What I love about this game is its simplicity, but immersion. The game does a great job of creating that on-the-edge-of-your-seat feeling that you are about to get another clue. As I mentioned above, the designers have included some very non-intrusive, but key elements, into the game that prevent it from becoming a waiting game while other players who may be stuck trying to over-analyze the clues and accidentally hijack the time. From the simplistic clues, to the initial cube setting, the game board will fill with clues fairly quick, giving you the opportunity to make some key guesses early on.
It’s this fast paced organization of “Cryptid” that allows for multiple plays, and hopefully multiple winners. Or, if you are my 12 year old son….the winner EVERY time. Don’t ask me how he does it! My wife and I think he has special powers. We may be on to something here! Anyhow, “Cryptid” is a wonderfully whimsical game that will take you on about a 30-45 minute adventure with your friends and family. You will furiously be on the edge of your chair trying to figure out the next clue. The gameplay feels satisfying and smooth, and will leave you wanting to trek across the island again someday to find the ever illusive “Cryptid”! For these reasons, and many more, Purple Phoenix Games gives this one an illusive 19 / 24.