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Fire and Ice (Wild at Heart, #3)
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Bailey has hidden her true identity for years. Will she be able to set aside the charade, forgive herself for her past and open herself to love?

In 1866 it is unheard of for a woman to be a successful rancher. But that is exactly what Bailey Wilde has done. Through hard work, sheer determination and hiding that she is indeed a woman, her ranch is thriving. Partly due to the fact that she has homesteaded directly across the opening to a lush canyon owned by Gage Coulter. Gage will stop at nothing to get his canyon back, even if it means blowing up the mountain. Bailey's sisters have both married and moved away just as winter is setting in. As she endures the frigid winter months alone, she longs for companionship. And then Gage shows up with a proposal that could drastically change their lives. Will they both be able to overcome their stubborn independence and work together as a team? Will their fire and ice spark into love along the way?

         "That's not God refusing to forgive you...It's you refusing to forgive yourself."

Fire & Ice was a wonderful completion to the Wilde sisters' stories. Mary Connealy's unique story line was very interesting. I did get frustrated with Gage's attitude a couple of times, and the situation was never fully resolved. But all in all, this is a tremendous story of the journey of forgiving yourself. My only real complaint about this book is the cover. Bailey is described multiple times as having warm hazel eyes that burn like fire. But in the picture, she has very blue eyes. Her hair is also described as short, yet curly. And the picture shows straight hair, there is a picture on the binding with her hat removed showing very straight hair. I know I shouldn't judge a book by it's cover, but there you have it. The cover aside, Fire & Ice was yet another wild journey of the last Wilde sister finding forgiveness and love. This book can stand alone, but I highly recommend reading the whole series!

I received a free copy of Fire & Ice from Bethany House Publishers in exchange for my honest review.
Camino Island
Camino Island
John Grisham | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
7.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Princeton University houses five valuable manuscripts--all the originals of F. Scott Fitzgerald's novels. They are housed in the basement under a veil of security, but not enough to stop a band of clever thieves from breaking in and stealing them. This sets loose a chain of events and angers both the FBI, who is trying to track down the criminals, and the insurance company, as they are on the hook for $25 million unless the manuscripts are returned. Meanwhile, on touristy Camino Island, Bruce Cable runs a popular bookstore/coffee shop. Thanks to a lot of persistence and hard work, he's managed to keep it profitable even in the digital age. He's also a major backer of the many authors who come through his town on book tours. But few of those authors, or Bruce's patrons, know that Bruce keeps a vault in his shop housing a variety of rare books and manuscripts--some stolen. Finally, we turn to Mercer Mann--Mercer's just lost her teaching position, and she's three years overdue on delivering her next book to her publisher. She's also drowning in student loans. Mercer's approached by a beautiful and elegant woman who offers her a lot of money to get close to Bruce Cable and learn all about his web of secrets. Trouble, as you may guess, ensues.

I have a soft spot for Grisham, that's for sure. I fell in love with his first novels as a young teen, and I still love Darby Shaw, Gray Grantham, Mark Sway, Reverend Roy, and Reggie Love as if they were real people. Grisham and his family have a home in my town, and we claim him as one of our own. His books are often an easy escape, and CAMINO ISLAND falls into that category. Is it as memorable as [b:The Pelican Brief|32499|The Pelican Brief|John Grisham||490324] or [b:The Client|5359|The Client|John Grisham||137715]? No. Is it a fun diversion for a few days? Sure.

CAMINO ISLAND is a change from most of Grisham's legal thrillers--there are no lawyers or court room scenes here, just some tricky criminals, a heist, and the aftermath. You'll need to keep track of the various bad guys in the beginning, but once you get past that, it's an easy breezy read--much like the Florida setting where most of the novel is set. Mercer's a pleasant, albeit not very complicated protagonist, and Bruce Cable is a trip. It's also a detailed exploration into the world of rare books--something I knew little to nothing about.

Overall, this is fun, easy thriller. There are a few twists and turns along the way to keep you interested, and Grisham's characters are always enjoyable. The ending wraps up fairly quickly after all the build-up, so be prepared for that. Is it Grisham's best? No. But it will keep you entertained for a couple of days. 3.5 stars.

You can read my reviews of Grisham's novels GRAY MOUNTAIN <a href="">here</a>; and ROGUE LAWYER <a href="">here</a>;.

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Gray Mountain
Gray Mountain
John Grisham | 2015 | Fiction & Poetry
6.7 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
Samantha Kofer is a real estate attorney working for a huge law firm in New York City. When all of the banks go belly up so does Samantha's job. She was given the option to being furloughed for one year and during that year, she is encouraged to volunteer during this year off at a non-profit that the firm has chosen.

Trying to find the right place to volunteer has been difficult since there are so many out of work lawyers who are all going through the same thing. She found "The Mountain Legal Aid Clinic[who]ran its low-budget operations from an abandoned hardware store on Main Street in Brady, Virginia, population twenty-two hundred and declining with each census Brady, was in southwest, Virginia, Appalachia, coal country."

In Brady, Samantha works with Mattie and Annette and meets many of their clients who are poor people in need of everything from simple divorces and wills to black lung disease claims Mattie's nephew, Donovan, is also in Brady and his firm fights coal companies tooth and nail for the people of coal country who have been destroyed by their illegal practices. There are a lot of things that happen that help to shape Samantha into a more respectable lawyer, but they don't come without great loss.

John Grisham likes to get the heart of the matter, he likes to grip at your heartstrings so that you can feel the characters that he is portraying. For a big New York City attorney, though, Samantha is not really a character I got to enjoy as much as I thought I would. She seemed a bit of a wimp in some instances. Whining about never setting foot in a courtroom or drafting a will. I wanted to jump in the book and smack her one good time. Whether or not you have done these things, you are a lawyer, and is this not in your job description? This is one of the worse John Grisham books I have read. It didn't have the same go getter attitude that the other books have.

Overall, the book kept me interested and wanting to know what was going to happen next. There were parts that had me on the edge of my seat. I'm wondering if there is going to be more from Samantha Kofer, because the story seemed unfinished.

First title in Take Control of Your TBR 2015!
The Woman with Wings
The Woman with Wings
James MacManus | 2019 | Contemporary, Science Fiction/Fantasy
4.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Alison works in the international advertising company as an IT specialist, and she loves bird watching. During one of her trips, she falls off the mountain but survives. I liked Alison as a person, she is a loner, and she is doing what she loves. She is like every other female in London, only she gets wings from somewhere. Alison has a great friend Jed, who likes and supports her, and a rich executive of the company named Doxat that fancies her, so this book could’ve been a great romantic novel, and those wings ruined it for me. The story was told from multiple perspectives, but the transition between those perspectives was quite blurry, I would’ve liked if different thoughts started as a different chapter.

Alison talks a lot about birds and their migration, it is great to know about this, especially because Alison’s true passion is birds, but I was skim-reading them because I don’t like copy-paste material. I am sure, bird enthusiasts will enjoy the information, and I can see the research put into that, but those parts were not for me. Another thing that did not make sense to me were parts about Kurt Godel and his mathematical calculations regarding time traveling. There were pages and pages about the same thing, which was well researched and very philosophical, but at the same time repetitive and felt like pasted there out of Wikipedia. :/ I liked the way Alison was interacting with other characters, and there was an interesting love triangle going on in there, but that’s about it.

I was not a very big fan of the writing style of this novel, it seemed well researched, and poetic, but at the same time, it felt raw and unfinished. The setting of this book was changing between London and remote places of the UK like Skye, and I enjoyed its picturesque views. The chapters were quite long, and the narrative quite jumpy. The culmination of this novel didn’t make any sense to me and left me with million of questions instead of answers. :/

So, to conclude, this book was not for me. It has interesting characters, and I enjoyed their relationships with each other, and this book has great potential, but the plot didn’t really impress me. I think this book might interest a bird-loving community as well as people who enjoy philosophy.

Mothergamer (1521 KP) rated the PC version of Dragon Age II in Video Games

Apr 3, 2019  
Dragon Age II
Dragon Age II
2011 | Role-Playing
I finished Dragon Age 2 and let's just say I am feeling conflicted. I absolutely loved Origins and Awakening. The story was well thought out and throw in the factor of every choice you made had a consequence of being good, evil, or in a gray area, it really made you pay attention and think about what you wanted to do throughout the story line. There was also more to explore on the map, and there was some depth to the design, such as the forests of Ferelden, the Dalish elves camp, and Orzammar.
 I was extremely excited about Dragon Age 2 and even got the signature edition. You get a lot of great items and cool downloadable content like The Black Emporium shop and The Exiled Prince quest. However, playing Dragon Age 2 I couldn't help but notice a lot of glaring flaws throughout it with the battle system and with some of the map designs. There are also for me, some issues with parts of the story and this does include some of Hawke's story.
 First, let me start with why I had a problem with Hawke's story. There are parts of it that seem rather pointless, as if Hawke is going through the motions and not really driven the way the hero was in Origins and Awakening. There's a lack of intensity. There is also a glaring lack of tough choices. I love a great story and with Origins and Awakening, there were choices that could be made that would affect the story, take it down a different path, and everything you decided had consequences. With Dragon Age 2, it seems the story was only written one way and no matter what the player does or decides, they become the Champion the same way and go through the same events. It falls flat when you think about the intricacies and plot twists of the previous two games.
 I did like the interactions with the members of your party and there were even characters I genuinely liked. I found that my top three were Varric, Fenris, and Isabela. Hawke has a voice, so some of these interactions had a little more emotion to them, but frankly it seemed like the companions were far more interesting and witty. Even their quests and stories were more interesting to me. There was one part of Hawke's story that really had me going and to the person who wrote that, I say great job. As for the rest, it just felt dull. Sure, the ending has a fantastic pivotal point to the story line, but it felt like a chore to get to it at certain points in the game.
 Overall, I had no problem with the battle system. It was much easier to navigate, the action is fast and fluid, and the AI is pretty spot on when it comes to the other party members, making for a pretty exciting furious battle. Yet, there was a problem. Let me be clear with all my friends who told me I could change the difficulty setting to casual if a battle was too hard, I DID. I then tried various tactics and party set ups and got annihilated eight times or more. I'll give everyone a moment to let that sink in. Now, maybe it's a crazy concept, but the casual setting on a video game means you don't have lots of dead party members and game over screens. Yes, it's still a battle, but not quite so difficult. When a battle is hard on the EASY setting, that's a huge problem for me. Factor in the 30 second cool down timer for healing potions, and healing spells, it borders on ridiculous.
 While I understand that the gist of this idea was it makes you plan out and think carefully about strategies for quests, boss battles, and random fights a 30 second heal timer does not work. I could understand having a timer, but 30 seconds can make or break a quest or story oriented battle in Dragon Age 2. I played as a rogue for the first play through, and I found myself kiting things a hell of a lot waiting for the timer to be up and hoping I wouldn't die before I could heal. Needless to say, it got incredibly frustrating quite a few times!
 Finally, we have the sheer laziness of the map and dungeon designs. It was as if there was just one prototype for everything when it came to the buildings in Kirkwall. The "poor house" design, and the "rich mansion" design came across as bland and was a telling sign of how rushed this game was. There's also one map for the sewers, the Deep Roads, one mine, one mountain, and one cave. You basically go back and forth with five different locations on the world map. Compared to the other maps in the Dragon Age games, this is shameful. The map is ridiculously tiny, but it's as if they were lazy and couldn't be bothered with making the locations stand out and be unique from each other.
 I liked Dragon Age 2, but I didn't love it the way I did Origins and Awakening. I can honestly say, it's a good game, but not a great one. There's too many predictable points in some of the story telling and it's quite obvious to see where certain things were rushed especially with certain cut scenes where the characters were blinking in and out of frame. I can not in good conscience give Dragon Age 2 a stellar review as an amazing game, because it isn't. Believe me, that kills me because I absolutely love the Dragon Age series, but with that many flaws, it's not worth full price.
AVP - Alien Vs. Predator (2004)
AVP - Alien Vs. Predator (2004)
2004 | Action, Horror, Mystery
Story: AVP: Alien vs. Predator starts by taking us around the world fron Antarctica to space to Nebraska to Nepal where we meet the mountain climbing expert Alexa Woods (Lathan) onto Mexico where we meet the archaeologist Sebastian (Bova) who both get a visit from Maxwell Stafford (Salmon) who represents Charles Bishop Weyland (Henriksen).

Weyland has discovered an ancient pyramid buried under the ice of Bouvetoya Island in Antarctica and has built a team including Alexa, Sebastian, Miller (Bremner), Mark (Flanagan), Joe (Rye) and Adele (Boulaye) to mention a few. To travel to the island to enter into the pyramid for what could well be a massive discovery for whoever finds it.

What starts out as a simple exhibition turns into a nightmare when above ground the men get attacked by Predators but inside the pyramid they must battle aliens in a battle for survival stuck in the middle of these iconic villains.


Thoughts on AVP: Alien vs. Predator


Characters/Performance – Alexa Woods is the expert climber hired to lead the team into the pyramid using her experience on climb ice surfaces, she reluctantly agrees knowing she is the only available person to do the job safely. Sebastian is the archaeologist that is an expert on many ancient cultures. Weyland is the man funding and seeking technology inside the pyramid. The rest of the characters get a proper introduction only to be killed off in about a ten-minute sequence.

Performance was Lathan is good and the highlight of the human characters with everyone else just coming off fine not getting the time to make an impact.

Story – When you look at this story you are left thinking this is Alien on Earth, just without any suspense, horror or interesting stuff going on. This sounds harsh because this is an easy watch and people are going to be happy to watch aliens and predators fight, the problem I have was the introducing us to countless humans only to be disposable for these villains. Certain elements of the story telling do work though, looking at the idea of ancient civilizations worshiping the predators in exchange for the pyramids I did like.

Action/Horror/Sci-Fi – The action is all what you would come to expect, large body counts and alien or predator kills we have seen before. The horror is almost gone which disappoints with the sci-fi edge working on the level it needs to only.

Settings – After taking us around the world in the opening sequences we do settle down nicely for the setting inside the pyramid under the ice with little escape.

Special Effects – We have good effects when we keep things small scale but bad effects when things get to the large scale.

Final Thoughts – This is just fine nothing more, it is an easy watch and brings together icons of film, but this just isn’t as fun as Freddy v Jason.


Overall: Easy to watch all actioner horrorless movie.
How the Grinch Stole Christmas (2000)
How the Grinch Stole Christmas (2000)
2000 | Comedy, Family, Fantasy
Verdict: Dated Christmas Movie

Story: The Grinch starts as we head to Whoville a small town in the snow covered mountain range, the whole town loves Christmas working all year around to get the most out of the season, with decoration you could see from space, above the town lives a grumpy outcast known as the Grinch (Carrey) who hates Christmas.
When a young Who Cindy Lou Who (Momsen) meets the Grinch and learns about his story, she decides to nominate him for the Christmas award, against the wishes of the town Mayor Augustus Maywho (Tambor), which he reluctantly accepts, going against all his own hatred for Christmas, here the Grinch gets embarrassed once again and comes up with a plan to steal Christmas from the whole village.

Thoughts on The Grinch

Characters – The Grinch is a Who that has lived above the town like an outsider who has always hated Christmas, he always looks for small ways to ruin the season, but this year he will steal everything from them and learn that his constant play for revenge has only ever held him back from enjoying his life. Cindy Lou Who is the little girl that is brave enough to stand up against the town in hopes of inviting the Grinch back into the town, she sees the good in him and wants everybody to be included in the Christmas spirit. Mayor Augustus Maywho has always seen and wanted to keep the Grinch out of the town, he believes he can destroy Christmas.
Performances – Jim Carrey is front and centre here, he is very hard to watch in this role because his turns into one of his routines, with unnatural energy for the role. Taylor Momsen as the young girl is the next strongest out of the whole cast, but if we are honest, most of the cast barely get any time to shine.
Story – The story here focuses on a community of Who’s that love Christmas and the one outsider Who that hates it and decides to get his revenge this year, despite a young girl trying to help him find his Christmas Spirit. This is a Dr Seuss book, so we know that everything is going to be very colourful and over the top with world created, at the heart of this film, we are looking to teach to accept everybody in life no matter how different they are. The problem with this comes with the fact that most of the film is Jim Carrey doing his comedy routine to an audience that isn’t even there, we just don’t get that magical feeling the film is trying to create.
Comedy/Fantasy – The comedy in this film does seem to focus on Jim Carrey’s routines, which just aren’t entertaining enough, while the fantasy side of the film shows us the world where the Who’s live in.
Settings – The film does build a nice setting of the town in the shadow of the city, this does help us learn more about the world we are entering.
Special Effects – The effects are used to turn Carrey into the Grinch, mostly all make up, but it ends up looking creepier rather than different.

Scene of the Movie – The door doing the right thing.
That Moment That Annoyed Me – The comedy just gets boring.
Final Thoughts – This is a Christmas movie that just doesn’t get out of trying to be a comedy routine for Jim Carrey, losing the message it is trying to give us.

Overall: Sloppy Christmas Film.
Call of Duty: Ghosts - Nemesis
Call of Duty: Ghosts - Nemesis
Nemesis has arrived and it closes out the DLC for Call of Duty: Ghosts in
grand style. The collection offers four new maps as well as the final
chapter of the Extinction series and is a satisfying and engaging
conclusion to Ghosts and should keep fans busy until Call of Duty:
Advanced Warfare ships in November.
As I have documented in the past, The multiplayer aspect of Ghosts never
fully clicked for me the way that past versions of the game have. I have
been frustrated by numerous hacks, balance issues, and other frustrations
when playing on PC which has diminished the enthusiasm I once had for it.
Nemesis does many things right such as restoring the fun of run and gun
style play but yet allowing players of other styles to have their day as

By offering classics such as Team Deathmath and Kill Confirmed I have
found that my scores have increased and my levels of frustrations have
decreased. Nemesis has eschewed the rewards of adding Michael Myers, the
Predator, and Pirate and Mariachi rewards that were a nice perk of the
previous packs to give players what they want, action.


Is a run and gun map set in a kill or be killed arena. Teams battle in the
arena and backstage in a close quarters fragfest. I love to walk around
with an armed explosive in game daring people to take me out, and then
racking up the kills by wading into groups of enemies.

The shotgun worked very well for me as being on the move is a good plan as
although there are plenty of cars and containers to hide in as well as a
pyrotechnic stage, you will be found fast in this one.

This has been my favorite map of the collection. Set in a frozen Canadian
base, there is everything from a Hockey rink to stacks of beer crates as
players battle indoors and outdoors. Plenty of choke points that area
ideal for snipers and grenades as well as some great outdoor environments
make this one a great map for those who like to get into the action fast
and pile it on.

Set in an Asian setting, players travel a multi-level map to take the
battle to tight quarters. There are plenty of windows, ledges, and alleys
for players to snipe from or spring attacks, and the detail level of the
map is great. I have enjoyed the detail level of the map and the mix of
environments which have allowed this map to grow on me over time.

The final map is set in a mine and makes me think of two of my favorite
theme park attractions, The Calico Mine Ride at Knotts Berry Farm and Big
Thunder Mountain at Disneyland. The map has working mine cars which you
can ride in and run enemies over with, as well as elevators, stairs, and
interior and exterior mine areas for combat. The map is filled with places
to hide and strike from and those who want to really have some fun may
want to hop a mine car and ride the map as it is like being in a roller
coaster. The interiors of the mine are also amazing to look at as you will
want to explore them, but be warned, danger is everywhere.
As I mentioned prior, the finale of the Alien themed co-op Extinction mode
is included and makes the Nemesis collection a very complete and
satisfying experience. Although Ghosts has had some issues as far as I am
concerned in the multiplayer area, the best has been saved for last as
Nemesis delivers the fun and variety that fans have been looking for, I
just wish the hacks and other issues with the game would be dealt with.
Dogville (2003)
Dogville (2003)
2003 | Drama, International, Mystery
Humanity sucks!
The town of Dogville is a simple one. Set up in the mountains, it only has one main thoroughfare dividing its rows of homes and businesses. Its simple folk mostly keep to themselves or occasionally adjourn together. Some have a craft or livelihood which passes their time, others mostly stay to themselves contemplating their thoughts or maybe waiting for something interesting to happen.

Enter mysterious stranger, Grace.

Grace arrives in Dogville on her own without much fanfare or explanation other than mysterious gun shots heard in the distance and the brief appearance of a vehicle with a mystery occupant. It appears she might be more interesting than initial reaction. A Dogville resident, Tom, meets Grace and talks with her. He says he will discuss her situation with the locals at their next meeting and assures her they will protect Grace and allow her to stay in Dogville if they deem her worthy of friendship. She has to gain their friendship and trust within two weeks in order to do so.

As Grace starts to move within the townspeople, she discovers their interesting, eccentric personalities and tries to figure out any "work" they have either around their houses or within their businesses she can assist them with to further show her devotion to being a good person. Although after making the rounds she does not acquire much work, the members of Dogville eventually open up and welcome Grace to assist them.

Grace starts to fall for Tom who is also smitten with her.

The police eventually arrive to post a sign of the missing Grace and to attempt to gain information on her. The town is unsure what to think and some folk start to question whether Grace is being truthful. A dark and winding road eventually develops and Grace is put through some difficult travails and her will tested. Emotions run high.

Writer/director Lars Von Trier produces another truly unique film. Not as shockingly, visually jarring as some of his other work, this time the screenplay is the ultimate star producing vast emotional turmoil and shocks with words and deeds instead. All the characters presented have quite the emotional arc during the 3 hour run time of this film and it is so interesting to endure the ride. Grace really disrupts this small, mountain community and helps the folk show their eventual true personalities in all their various forms.

The physical setting of the movie is an actual "sound stage" look of the main main street strip of Dogville shown only in building outlines with minimal props or decor within. When looking from above where extensive sections of the film are shown, the audience can view almost the entire township engaged in their daily activities either among one another or by themselves. A lot of the view from the street feels very real as the camera weaves through the conversations almost like another human being.

The slow erosion of the township to Grace, her situation and the way they treat her is the crux of the film. The way human beings can be so kind to each other and then the opposite is what struck and moved me while watching Dogville. Von Trier really took the time to use the right amount of words and craft them in a loving and vicious way made the film tough to watch at times, but also captivating.

I haven't always been the biggest Nicole Kidman fan; however, her performance in this film is amazing. She cautious vulnerability and warming personality have the town be initially enamored with her, then her willingness to please erodes her relationships down the hole of darkness and betrayal. Her quirky smile and subdued emotion suits the character perfectly as you are truly trying to unravel her character's mysteries.

Really enjoyed this one.

Wind River (2017)
Wind River (2017)
2017 | Action, Crime, Mystery
Survive or Surrender.
Of all of the movie released I missed during 2016 (typically due to work commitments) this one was one near the top of my list. I’m a fan of both Jeremy Renner and Elizabeth Olsen, and the setting and story to this one really appealed.
And now I’ve caught up with it, I am not disappointed… certainly one that would have muscled its way well into my top 20 of last year.
Wind River is an Indian reservation in Wyoming (although its filmed in Utah). Natalie (Kelsey Asbille), a young Indian teen, is found in the snow raped and murdered by local tracker Cory Lambert (Jeremy Renner, “Arrival“, “Mission Impossible: Rogue Nation“). The local police, led by Ben (Graham Greene), are surprised when a passionate but naive young FBI officer – Jane Banner (Elizabeth Olsen, “Avengers: Age of Ultron“) – arrives out of a blizzard without remotely sensible clothing. So begins an investigation into who committed the crime, where local knowledge and skills are more applicable than all the CSI-knowhow in the world.

Banner (Elizabeth Olsen) and Ben (Graham Greene) get to work.
This film is everything “The Snowman” should have been and wasn’t. At its heart, there are some memorable relationships established. Gil Birmingham (so good as Jeff Bridges’ right-hand man in “Hell or High Water“) plays Natalie’s dad, grieving and railing against all outsiders other than Cory, who he has a deep and close relationship with. For Cory has a back-story that goes beyond just him marrying into (and now separated from) Wilma (Julia Jones), a woman from the reservation.

Cowboys and Indians. Cory (Jeremy Renner) and Martin (Gil Birmingham) having a deep and moving discussion.
Cory himself has a role that is deep and multi-layered, and Renner is the perfect choice for it (although many scenes could have been cut and spliced into this from his – I thought really strong – Bourne spin-off “The Bourne Legacy”!). Here he has both action scenes and raw emotional scenes to tackle, and although perhaps he doesn’t quite pull off the latter to perfection, he comes pretty close.

“Do you wanna build a snowman?”. Cory is about to make a grim discovery.
Elizabeth Olsen – who seriously deserves more meaty roles like this – plays a ‘flibbertigibbet’ girl (there’s an old word that needs more airtime!) who turns out to have real internal steel. Yet another admirable female role model. #She-do!
The film also paints a vivid and intolerable picture of the dead-end nature of reservation life for many, with poor decisions as a teen (and we’ve all made those) here not being forgiven for the rest of your life.
Written and directed by Taylor Sheridan, who also wrote “Sicario“, “Hell or High Water” and the soon to appear Sicario sequel, “Soldado”, pens some fine and memorable dialogue. “Shouldn’t we wait for some backup?” asks Banner. Ben replies “This isn’t the land of backup. This is the land of you’re on your own”. It’s a film with useful tips as well, like NEVER, EVER go for a run in seriously sub-zero temperatures! (As I’m penning this review in sub-zero Canada at the moment, this is timely advice. #skiptheruntoday.) Sheridan won a Cannes Film Festival award as director for this, but arguably it’s a shame the script has been largely overlooked for the major awards so far.
And that land is one of the stars of the film as well. Filmed around the town of Park City in Utah, it’s gloriously snowy countryside with impressive mountain scenery.

Bleak but impressive, Utah is one of the stars.
My only quibble with the movie is that there are some elements of the plot that don’t quite gel properly. At various times, the heavens open and it buckets down – and I mean buckets down – with snow that must add inches to the landscape in minutes. And yet Cory can still point out tracks in the snow that were made days before? Huh? Also (without spoilers) some elements of communications are also conveniently unreliable when they need to be.
Will this be for everyone? While I commented that the excellent “Three Billboards Outside Ebbing.Missouri” (which shares similar background subject matter) did NOT have flashback scenes to the rape, this film does go there, and so might be upsetting for some viewers.

Girl in Trouble. Kelsey Asbille plays the victim Natalie.
But it’s a high-class, intelligent crime thriller that takes “Mexican standoff” to a whole new level. Recommended.