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Jumanji: The Next Level (2019)
Jumanji: The Next Level (2019)
2019 | Action, Adventure, Comedy
You still can't even come close to the original Jumanji movie, but as a sequel to the modern version, it wasn't as bad as some people claimed it was. It's silly and cheesy, but the characters were in a video game. I thought they did alright for a second round of this movie. Lots of jokes about being old and not really understanding the game situation that they were in, but the jokes made sense for the characters. A lot of the same types of peril situations, but it was the same game that they went back into. Overall, it was still a fun movie to watch, if you enjoyed the first, or the premise of the story.
Pokémon: Detective Pikachu  (2019)
Pokémon: Detective Pikachu (2019)
2019 | Animation, Comedy, Fantasy
Video game based movies have been mostly problematic since their inception. Finding the perfect mix of pleasing fans of the source material while also pleasing the core movie audience is not something to be taken lightly. Pokemon Detective Pikachu came about as close as any comers in recent memory.

There are definitely some things present that will be more noticeable if you are familiar with the Pokemon series, but not knowing that information will not hinder your ability to enjoy the movie at all.

My kids are huge fans of this movie and I have watched it a couple of times without them present. Give it a go, you might be surprised.
Funky Forest: The First Contact (2005)
Funky Forest: The First Contact (2005)
2005 | Comedy
(0 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"Funky Forest. It’s a Japanese movie. It’s kind of like a patchwork film, kind of like Kuso is, in a way. I think it was heavily influential in just like, “OK well, it doesn’t all have to be … It can feel more like a short film, but in the same world, in an absurd world.” I think it was really, really inspiring for me. It had a lot of body comedy in that movie, a lot of really cool prosthetic effects that mixed with CGI, I think. It’s one of the movies where people will just be like, “What the f— is this? What is this?” And it’s not perfect movie, but it is, at times, perfect."

Matewan: A Luta Final (1987)
Matewan: A Luta Final (1987)
1987 | Drama
(0 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"First of all, I would say John Sayles’s Matewan. I don’t know if you’ve ever seen it — and by the way, you should, because it’s a really incredible film — but it was one of those things where my Aunt Mary Jean from Knoxville, Tennessee sat me down and said, “You need to see this movie.” It’s by the same guy who did this other movie called Brother from Another Planet, but this movie’s really one of the best strike movies. It had James Earl Jones, Chris Cooper in his first movie, and Mary McDonnell. It’s got an incredible cast, but it’s just got a lot of soul. It’s really one of my favorite movies."

2001: A Space Odyssey (1968)
2001: A Space Odyssey (1968)
1968 | Classics, Sci-Fi

"The last one, I’ll say another classic: 2001. I think it’s a movie that you can watch every year and you’ll keep discovering new things. It’s funny how, as time goes by, the movie becomes more relevant and poignant. I love the fact how the storytelling of Kubrick is always inviting you to interpret the movie yourself, but at the same time it’s so rich — so much layers. The fact that now we’re living in a moment where technology is replacing man from [the] center of life — Kubrick really started to talk about that so many years ago, and I think it’s overwhelming. Every time I see it I think it’s overwhelming because I discover new things."


Jane Wiedlin recommended Galaxy Quest (1999) in Movies (curated)

Galaxy Quest (1999)
Galaxy Quest (1999)
1999 | Comedy, Sci-Fi

"#5, I’ll put Galaxy Quest. I know Galaxy Quest is not a great movie, but I love that movie, and I’ve seen it over and over and over, and I still love it just as much. I think Tim Allen portraying a Kirk-like character is so damn funny. I think that’s one of the best “fan” films ever made. And the fake Spock guy was great, yeah. That movie’s really funny. We saw it when it first came out — my family has a tradition of always going to a movie on Christmas afternoon, and we went and saw that one. It was such a great family moment, too. It brings back good memories."


Josh Radnor recommended Before Sunrise (1995) in Movies (curated)

Before Sunrise (1995)
Before Sunrise (1995)
1995 | Comedy, Drama, Romance
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"I’m a huge fan of those Richard Linklater films, Before Sunrise and Before Sunset, which are kind of like one movie, I think — I’ll call those one movie, ’cause it’s of a piece, right? I don’t know, just something about watching Ethan Hawke and Julie Delpy walk around European towns and fall in love. That movie taught me how active dialogue can be if underneath it is something dramatic. And I love Richard Linklater for that, because he loves dialogue and he lets his characters talk and I certainly want to let my characters talk. It’s not all quivering lips and, you know, weird angles. He really just puts the camera on people and lets it be dramatic."


Josh Radnor recommended Before Sunset (2004) in Movies (curated)

Before Sunset (2004)
Before Sunset (2004)
2004 | Comedy, Drama, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"I’m a huge fan of those Richard Linklater films, Before Sunrise and Before Sunset, which are kind of like one movie, I think — I’ll call those one movie, ’cause it’s of a piece, right? I don’t know, just something about watching Ethan Hawke and Julie Delpy walk around European towns and fall in love. That movie taught me how active dialogue can be if underneath it is something dramatic. And I love Richard Linklater for that, because he loves dialogue and he lets his characters talk and I certainly want to let my characters talk. It’s not all quivering lips and, you know, weird angles. He really just puts the camera on people and lets it be dramatic."


Rachel Lambert recommended Magnolia (1999) in Movies (curated)

Magnolia (1999)
Magnolia (1999)
1999 | Drama

"Paul Thomas Anderson. Magnolia. I just really love it. I mean, yeah, There Will be Blood is also a close contender; I love that too. But Magnolia — the audacity of it. I watched that movie and it’s scary by the end of it [laughing]. You’ve gone through this sort of tapestry of humanity that I feel is very hard to match in a lot of cinema these days. He is always surprising me, but that movie just… He finds a way to get the drama — he has a moment where everyone starts breaking out in unified song. And it feels totally authentic and earned. I’ve never seen a movie that does that but didn’t feel indulgent."


Trey Edward Shults recommended Heat (1995) in Movies (curated)

Heat (1995)
Heat (1995)
1995 | Action, Crime, Thriller

"Another movie I just rewatched recently. I remember seeing this as a kid and I was confused. There wasn’t that much action for a bank robber movie. When the action did come, it was real and scary. Al Pacino’s character, who in my mind was the cop and suppose to be a hero, wasn’t perfect. Robert De Niro’s character, who in my mind was the bank robber and suppose to be the bad guy, was a human with dimension. The movie was long and sprawling and seemed to care about so many characters. It wasn’t so simple as good and bad. Everything that confused me as a kid is what I love about it now."
